Zai6a Zambalai6a
Il mohhhhhhem 3ad agoulek, qanoun esga6 el fawa'ed ma mesha.. yat 3ala sout wa7id, wel meshkela e3yalt el shagol-al7een sita (madry khamsa) mn nowaabna dirr3 il sha3b madri wain thaalfeen *haaaak yal sager, haak yal rashid (gazerni safraat 3elaj o gheyab b 7ejat 3elaj o ta'kheer b 7ejat 'wala chatfy' 'wala eedi' 'wala rasi')* Is it just me wela basil il rashed bas hababa yetmaila7 bel jarayed kel yom feh tasweet ye7e6 sortah ely chena mo6reb 3adaneyaat, 3ady telgaha b tasjeelaat Dimeera (bo a7mad).. al3an obok e7thir ent bel awal ..
il the7ik lama el shaab el la6eef, 7abeeb il sha3b wel ommetain il 3arabeya wel islameya an MP (kanderi) came in after the announcement of votes - ena ya3ni ma kemal el3adad lajel el egraar - which sparked none other than Jockey Il Mailes (imsalam il barak) demanding a re-vote..
I'm no expert, bas shfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeni bo khal nesawit mara thanya .. akhaf bas shayet balanty o wa7ed shaa7 chees feh emkhalal sob el goal wana madri
As much as I am disappointed (ely yesma3 yegol metgaa3id al7en) that the bill didn't pass, I'm entertained by "ejtehaadaat imsalam" and his demands
7ad feekom daaris 7egoog wela fahem b lay7at el mailes yegoli if it's even possible? If it is, haaaak ya mailesna ent el thany.. ely fahamta mn wa7ed ena sarat mn gabel cham mara (i doubt eb hal shakel though, madri)
ib'a abelni
*No comment 3ala 7arakaat il khrafy
*Fuck qanoun el ma6bo3at 3adelaw feh wela ma 3adelaw
*Il 7ekoma il resheeda shakelha kan wayed ghabi wehy mestansa
arzaag.. aii wallah arzaag
laialy ma fahamt :) ruby the singer?
mishari hehe its just that majles el oma mn ysawet 3ala shay mohem tiseer aflaam.. i was just wondering if it was doable (as some say it is) that they vote again (assuming el 7ekoma matforha sobha wetgayer 7esbathom)..
wel sara7a il shagla tebe6 el chabd.. ma fehom zelim wa7ed ya7seb e7saba 3adel gabel il tasweet? *sigh*
btw ana kel ma abi as'elek ansa, elfaris ely bel nezha yseronlek? eli 3end el masyad baithom 3al zawya
o ay harry potter, ana mo shayef wala jez' :/
Temetwir, at 27.12.05
a77, ba3haa el walad, 3ad ent allah ehadak chan ne6art lane terjaa3 el uk, ehnaak be3haa 3alaa kaifek :p
o 3an el freakin '3eyabat, ashkaraa ma6bo5aa, bas ma3alaik en6er 5al edeshoon el 7areem, ohmaa ely be'6ab6oon el majlis, allah yaster bas.
o chees el em5alal ely e7thefoo 3al goal, looooooooool, wane 9arat hathy
Anonymous, at 27.12.05
la yakhooy, mn sejek 7a6 amal 3al 7areem? ya 3ami mn eshtaddat el jalsa o gam yehaaye6 imsalam, dr ma3soma e6la3at mn el gaa3a! hahahah
tekfa ya3ni elwa7ed shegool? khayfa 3ala som3atha la7ad yanged 3alaiha ga3da bain reyayeel yesarkhon?
bacher 3ayal etha estajwebaw wazeera shbiseer? betyeeha il bachya? hahaha
bas shoof, elsara7a tara el nowaab ohma ely yabaw el7achi 7ag ro7hom.. they pushed for it too soon + ma emsekaw rabe3hom eli zaregaw wagt el sejeya
Temetwir, at 27.12.05
Ygoolik "Al kho'9rawat taQi men AL sara6an".
ee, 3ala 6ari maw'6oo3ik ... -> Derat baLoooo6!
Btw, see MadM's post.
MBH, at 27.12.05
tem. get a hobby! ;P
honestly il seyassah ba7ar.. ;P~
Baroque, at 27.12.05
hmm ee chena ham yagreboonlehom?
ana ely as'alek 3anhom belthab6 e3yal 7amad el faris taba3 el mojawharaat if that makes it any easier
3al3omom welne3im fekom kelkom wallah :)
about harry potter, madri ill look into it.. khal arrid 7ag el 8mb connection o a6ee7la dloads hehe..
zinzinq8 laish yoba, ma feha za3al hatha kalam el sij.. wela sheno ma3nat'ha enha te6la3 mn el jalsa lama yeseer shadd bain na'eeb wel re'aasa?
and plz, whats up with the whole "women bringing civility into the parliament" .. ana wa7ed 3an nafsi mabi majles el oma bacher yeseer izgert o hadaawa.. naby goul o fe3il.. enty al7en ga3da t7achain 3an "shakel" bedon fe3il, ma sawaina shay y3ni hehe.. nabi 7areem yekhar3oon mo tereziz bel talfezyon wel jarayed :p
MBH elsara7a may3ajebni shegel madm, walaw ena he states the obvious laken he presents it in a manner which i dont see as anything but repulsive .. mad talent thu, a shame its not directed correctly.. if ur a friend of his wasselah el7achi wala 3laik amer
laialy ahaaa ok hehe.. wala yoba zain, hathy al7en sarat asami el aqani?
Temetwir, at 27.12.05
charisma didnt saw u there my bad..
hathy ma tertegy ela mostawa el seyasa, yam3awda ma amoun 3alaich mo ga3den b dowaneya wela chan geltlich hathe shesamoonha heheh
Temetwir, at 27.12.05
Temetwir, Unfortunately, he's not a friend of mine, otherwise I would've told him the same of what you mentioned.
The post I'm talking/writing about is rather different. He had written it, instead of expressing it in pictures.
MBH, at 27.12.05
mbh oh aight
mishari26 meno hathail?
zinzinq8 ee adri ako 7areem ykhar3on, o hathail ely nabeehom (better yet, 'abeehom') .. o yoba dr ma3soma 3al 3ain wel ras ma gelna shay.. laken malah da3i te6la3 mn el gaa3a lena eflan o 3elaan sar bainhom esraakh bedoon microphones
baih, hathe enty mn al7een shabbaitay 3ayal bacher la cha3emaw el 7areem bel majles lena kalamkom kan qala6 shbetsaween ;p
Temetwir, at 27.12.05
heh hach shefty shlon?
Temetwir, at 27.12.05
mishari not at all, i dont think that women will bring "civility" and "class" into parliament..
and ur right, i really dont get why some ppl think that men will "tone it down" becoz of women present
im not againt women in parliament, or in government .. i just dont think it'll make a difference like some ppl PRETEND to believe
couldnt agree more on the disagreement with how some aspects of 'modernity' are measured
Temetwir, at 28.12.05
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