سكول از ان سشن
This is me explaining this to you like we're a bunch of six year olds. Be it stated that even six year olds already know this. So I'm NOT really saying anything new, and you're NOT learning anything extraordinary.
Democracy. The majority of the people rule. Ray il aghlabeya ohwa ely yamshi.
That is all. Gutheyya il ammr.
Somebody now explain this to me like I'm a six year old, what's difficult to understand? Tekfoun ya3ni shel sa3eb feha ely madri laish el nas mo rathya testaw3eb bel thab6 el nethaam el zeft eli thab7een 3omorkom feh.
If you have an opinion that does not coincide with the majority's, then that's just too bad. Boo-fucking-hoo.
If you have an opinion that does coincide with the majority's, then that's just how it is. Nothing about it is special. It's just what the majority wants.
Case in point, as an example and not restricted to, Kuwait University.
Shaa'at il aqdaar that the majority of students would happen to VOTE for a specific party to "rule" the union, annually. For the past, madri, 25 years now?
I may not agree. You may not agree. We can all go to hell. The majority wants otherwise.
If you really think you "should win", then you would have won already. You would AT LEAST have gotten the remaining, what is it, 45% of the student body to vote. Until then, you should shut the fuck up.
I am not a big fan of the commercialized concept of democracy. Fuck what I think, because the majority does not think what I think. I may not like it, but I respect that, mind you, not that I have a choice. "Democracy", remember?
Nothing is being 'imposed', nothing is being 'forced' on myself nor yourself. Unless...
Unless the only thing BEING imposed and forced on us all is the concept of democracy. I did not just say that. Tell me I did NOT just say that.
Sure, you are entitled to your opinion. But your opinion can never be the one ily "lazem namshi 3alaih" because, guess what, the majority already voted otherwise.
It's not complicated.
You guys might hate me for this, but I think with time democracy has evolved into a stealthy dictatorship. It's stealthy because we don't even realize how we're all being influenced into thinking, voting, and speaking the same way.
A new form of mob mentality..
and then it's shoved down our throats like it's a freakin god send from the powers that be..
Lets face it.. if you're not conforming, you have no voice.
Worse, if you're a minority, today's democracy is like candy to a child.. appeasing you so that the adults can have their big talk without your whining in the background.
Trevelyana, at 29.12.05
leeno on the contrary i like u for that, should i sign u in for the "I am not a big fan of the commercialized concept of democracy, FUCK DEMOCRACY club" aka FDC?
Temetwir, at 29.12.05
mishari glad u like
couldnt help but nod in agreement with the 3rd point ..
the ironic thing is, those who call for democracy as it is applied in the "developed world" 3ala golat`hom, when a minority, would never come to terms with the results that oppose their point of view, which obviously the majority voted for..
i wonder then, what kind of a fucked up democracy do they seek? a democracy will always allow minorities to practice whatever they want, its just that when it is projected in a manner which opposes the majority's beliefs and standards that we have a problem..
ya3ni 3ala 6ool bekon 3endqik qaaleb o maqloob .. ma lah da3i ppl take it personally
Daar FDC Lil 6iba3a Wal Nashirr
Temetwir, at 30.12.05
mishari26, the best example for the 3rd point is Lebanon.
Democracy was built upon the basis that everyone has the same "amount" of right. In other words, it's equality between rich & poor (not necessarily money-wise).
"Majority rules" has nothing to do with democracy.
The former is used when producing a judgement, while the latter is used to create equality among voters.
Screw the "majority rules" rule! How about "Brains rule" for a change?
MBH, at 30.12.05
mbh 'majority rules' is HOW democracy works
laialy good words, but that doesnt give someone the right to say "something is being imposed on us.." when that 'something' has been voted on by the majority
Temetwir, at 30.12.05
Temetwir, I`m not sure, that I got everything in right way (Also exactly I could not understand all words).
Anyway, I`m just going to tell, what I`m thinking of this Democracy.
1st... there is not any Democracy. There is just this word & nothing more. This word is used to lull people.
2nd... it`s good, that there is not Democracy, because there is not still real civilization - we are barbarians, people. We need a steel hand. Yeah...
3rd... "Controled Democracy" or something like that (saying big HI to our president... hehehe) - this oxymoron is a perfect product of the people`s illusion & the real form of government.
Russian Harmony... hahaha...
Sever, at 30.12.05
no for democracy
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 30.12.05
hmmm.. democracy is actually not so democratic.. democracy is actually an elitist concept..
why is it that the majority that want democracy are poor, or lower in class than the people who actually are elected and make it?
i think its a conspiracy.. ;P
no, seriously.. democracy is not so democratic, since most of the people who are in power are actually part of the elite classes of the society or have power..
Baroque, at 30.12.05
TNC hahah spoken like a true Russian!
homer the US example is a bit tricky becoz of the 'points' each state scores, but ur right.. the same can be said in accordance to the q8i parliament elections.. b da'era telga wa7ed eyeeb 600 sot o ye6la3, and in another, eyeeb 1200 sot o ma ye6la3..
so yes, u too have a seat in our FDC.. ur a good man
kila ma6goog 3aash waaleena :)
vintage welcome back
Temetwir, at 30.12.05
charisma this is the 3rd time this happens (u comment just as im replying) im keeping count
ur right, i think ur along the same lines as homer ..
but i will say this.. democracy aint cheap.. u ask how come that the "lower" class dont 'make it', which is a legit question but an unrealistic one becoz one has to take into consideration the whole campaign expenses and what have u
im loving this.. but still i wonder, if thats what we ALL (this far) think, then why do we still hear ppl calling for democracy and reasoning their actions by 'democracy'?
get my point?
Temetwir, at 30.12.05
people want democracy, because they like to feel that they are in control of their fate.. that the power is distributed equally between everyone, that their vote actually counts..
this is not actually true.. and democracies aren't democratic.. sejj, people are more in control, but the power lies in the hands of a few elite and powerful people who actually make people believe that they are acting out on the majority's request and that they are striving towards the common goal..
3ad the whole path towards the common goal feeha dowa3ees and round abouts that selfishness controls and which those few elitists use to their benefit..
need i say more?
Baroque, at 30.12.05
charisma nop, u need not say more :)
Temetwir, at 30.12.05
Count me in as a member of the FDC.
Hey are there any positions available? .. I wanna be prez
We can vote on it ;)
Trevelyana, at 30.12.05
i think one of the issues here is the media and the 'view' that it wants people across the world to see.
luckily, with the internet & advanced technology, it's become a lot easier for those who 'seek' more information to get it. however, for the majority general, the media feeds them, they eat whatever information is given to them, and then they go and repeat it to others - regardless of whether they truly understand what's behind it or not. (how many people do u know who've repeated a story to u they've read in the paper when u know they have no idea what they're talking about?)
like several have already commented, democracy is the voice of the majority.. but not the majority of the whole population, the majority of those who speak up.
so, if u don't speak up.. well, u know the rest of that sentence!
MSB, at 30.12.05
leeno heh that was smart
MSB media, yes.. but also what 'democracy' stands for these days..
true, its what the majority-that-speak-up want, thats specifically why i chose KU as an example.. becoz i think its like 45% of the students dont even vote for anyone for the union elections
but that still doesnt give anyone the right to say "well, technically, if those 45% voted, matters would be different"
just like when the parliament passes a law that doesnt coincide with the majority (in number) of the POPULATION, who gives a fruit? they are "elected" already
so yeah, we can tell them: unless you make the difference, then yes, ill continue ur sentence: STFU!!
sad thing is those ppl who always want to argue and stand out do nothing but talk, talk and talk.. only idiots think that u can make a difference by talking .. but then again, only idiots "believe" in a 'democracy' :p
Temetwir, at 30.12.05
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