Two guys come across one another by coincidence. #1 is just leaving, while #2 is by the door waiting to be seated.
#1: ya isbay..
#2: ahlain kabtena
- salam, bosa 3al khad -
#1: yaay it6eer?
#2: khobrek, tha3faan
#1: emzaheb resoom eshtiraak?
#2: mayabeelah afa 3alaik, etshakek bel ta'heel?
#1: ma 3aash.. salim
#2: 7ayaak
Two guys seated, one of them feels a stare from another person seated at another table.
#1: *to #2* shfeek tekhiz?
#2: waini ana bas goly waini?
#1: ka 7adek ejbali, youz 3ani yakhoy
#2: la la ana nou3i chethy, khilga akhiz
#1: radarek yabeela barmajat estee3aab ..
#2: gaseb shoufni, 3araftni?
#1: ee, ma ghairek?
Two guys meet at an entrance to a place; #1 has just arrived while, evidently, #2 has been there for a few minutes in advance.
#1: shlon wath3na?
#2: naa6reen, bs shakelha betganbel el mas'ala
#1: 7a6ait esmik?
#2: ee temarkazna 3alha b tharbat 7ath en7asil mokan ye3ezik
#1: efhamni akthar mn chethy 3ad
#2: saydek
wa hakatha..
woow Tem, this is way too deep, didn't get a bit....:-(
BitterSweet, at 31.12.05
keL mokan za7ma.
Home sweet home.
Shfeeh el messenger? Kelmin dash!
* Wish you a raise as big as the new year's number.
MBH, at 31.12.05
bittersweet hahah nah man its just a couple of guys talking in a certain code ..
trust me, ive heard some saudi guys talk and i feel the same way as ur feeling right now
zinzinq8 meshkelatkom yal 3arab ena 3aib 3endekom te3tarfoon that u dont understand :p
o tara hatha wala shay, ma feeh sab y3ni hehehe
MBH i heard.. wely naasy ena new yr ga3ed beldowaneya o ma tethakar ela 3ogob ma dash msn o shaaf el nicks? hehe
Temetwir, at 31.12.05
Hahaha, ana ru7t b3eed.....:-)
BitterSweet, at 31.12.05
bittersweet hahah yeah i figured when u said "its too deep" .. ma aloomek wallah! just look at zinzin's comment :p
Temetwir, at 31.12.05
last year i used to understand and agree with ur posts.. this year, madree shelsalfa.. ya ana 9ert '3abeya, ya int ur using a new 2006 language!
"the goose has landed"
"legal eagle flying low"
"kharoof el 3eed wesal"
"basna floor ya 7ssain, basna floos!"
MSB, at 31.12.05
zinzin gee, i wonder who told u about all that .. 3arrraaaaaaab :p
MSB ma7shooma
i just thought of this post as we were in the dowaneya last night,, and i dont expect anyone to understand a word of it hehe
some of the guys might though :)
Temetwir, at 31.12.05
and now khallaitni curious, I'll sleep a night on it....:-)
BitterSweet, at 31.12.05
am not dumb bas ma fahamt?
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 1.1.06
bittersweet hahah shda3wa? its useless :)
kila ma6goog el 7achi KELA naqzaat bain shabab, when in public and dont want anyone to understand .. ma7shooooom :)
Temetwir, at 1.1.06
Anonymous, at 1.1.06
zeecu u should to some extent
Temetwir, at 1.1.06
wala wala ma fihamt wala shay!
Is that kuwaiti?
cuz it sounds like japanese to me? ;P
Baroque, at 2.1.06
we have a deictic breakdown in communication everybody
Temetwir, at 2.1.06
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