أجل أجل.. طيب طيب.. صحيح صحيح
This is for all of those who not only say, but actually believe, that Kuwait is "dawlat mo'asasaat". I refuse to translate the phrase, for the simple reason/fact that it cannot be translated. That is because the first thing 'they' taught us in translation was: get the idea; then translate. 'Do not translate the words'. Samewise, il rizana bel kalam ma6loubah.
And since "dawlat mo'asasat" is an 'idea of an ideal' (or 'an idea of an idea') it, therefore, cannot be translated; nor can it be used in a senseful sentence in the standard Arabic language, or the Kuwaiti dialect, when it is employed in the description of the current state in 'Kuwaitna il 7abeeba'. Ya kether ma ne7ib o 'te7eboun' 3ad hatha ely sij fal7een feh, shyokh o wezara isla7eyeen o nowaab 'yemathlon el oma' wa6aniyeen "besmelaahe mashaa` Allah', o "qars el wa6aneya o 7ob il 'arth'" o "fananeen" wel 6arab il aseel o gergee3ain o madry sheno.. "turaath" o betaa3 kulo .. ma agol ila "ya mal il thahaab".
Lil mara il malyon atrajaa men "ashegaa'ey fil jenseya" (?), wel mowa6ineen ely lajouna o athouna b kalam farigh la yatem lelwagi3 b ssillah: I ask you kindly to not iterate, think, lead, or be mislead to the 'unrealized concept' of Kuwait actually, and practically, being 'dawlat mo'asasat'.
Mayseer ya "a7ebbaty filaah" ena tangedoun 3ala Il Khanna + Il Waseelah enhom 'bas 7achi', o entaw ham 'bas 7achi'. Il ta6beeg la yekon bel tasree7 fi neyat el ta6beeg.
Il dawla wa en kaan feeha "mo'asasat", o mashya 3ala 'gawaneen o lawaa'e7', khalona 7abayeb o malah da3y gelat el adab, kel wa7ed yadre 'shesawi' fehom. Wa lana fi jam3at il Kuwait khayro methaal "mosaghar".
Fil nehayaa, ta7eya kibeera lel "islaa7y" wazeer il dawla + il 3ahd il jideed + nowaab il omma il ashaawis o faz3at'hom lel "kafa'a" o "abnaa' el mo'asasa". "Bardhu feena ne'ool" ye3eesh 'il jihaz il raghaby' Deewan Il Mo7asaba il 7abeeb bas ya 7abatha lo 'yathrub tagreerah 3erth el 7aa'e6' o balaash khasaayir warag o 7ebir. Save the planet yal rabi3 dam hamkom "el 7efath 3ala el maal el3aam".
bo fay mn esbo3 tagreeban "sayra salfa" bain wazeer el ashqal + il iskaan badir le7maidi wil modeer il3aam le bank el tasleef wal idekhaar (elnomas) ..
fa gomaw yal nowaab il reshaayda wel 3awaazim o ssa3dooha lel sa7afa, o 6alab mogabalat ra'ees elwuzaraa'..
elmohem "shaloha" mn eed le7maidi o "7a6ooha ta7at" wazeer el dawla (m7amad thaifallah sharaar)
y3ni el3awazim wel reshaayda (7 nowaab yemken) mashaw ely ohma yabona .. o 3alaihom b ALFAIN 3afya o ma ra7 telga 7ad yetshakka o yetthamar ela ely MO RATHY YSADEG ena e7na lal7eena waaain o "dawlat mo'asasat wain" .. laken el tefelsif shlon gayel ya bo fay :)
y3ni kharbo6a marbo6a, shako wazeer eldawla b bank el tasleef .. la tes'alni .. which is why im saying la7ad yelejjna o yetfalsaf ena e7na "dawlat mo`asasat" coz we're not
thats one thing, another thing is "sharrikat el waseelah" ely el7ekoma emna7at`ha arrth bel 3aartheya (etha mani qal6aan) 3ashan ysawoon mojamma3 lel shaglaat el 7errafeya (7ag khireejeen el ta6beegy mathalan)
goomaw ya sharikat el Waseelah o gelbooh "mojama3 tejary" madri cham alf ma7al + makleen mn el mawagif + mwas3een elarth ely yabnon 3alaiha to accodomate more building
o deewan el mo7asaba 6alla3 tagreera ena ako wayed mokhalafaat .. laken 7ad yesawi shay? 6allll
elwaseelah emnazla e3lan bel jareeda ena "radaina 3ala el deewan" lol.. fa arid o agol la7aaaad yaz3ejna o yegol dawlat mo`asasaat
o aftekir ra'ees majles edarat el Waseela is fahad el khanna, el 3otho el mo7taram
"aaaal il maal el3aam aaal" 3ala golat el masrieyeen/lebnaniyeen/madri meno yegol "aal" heh
Temetwir, at 4.3.06
Why dont you just type in arabic? this english arabic stuff shoulf only be done if someone (like me) doesnt have arabic on their computer. I didnt get it mostly because I got lost between the 333 and 5968u04821437987ufjs;oivnap8so;fh s'
teagirl, at 4.3.06
أجل أجل.. طيب طيب.. صحيح صحيح
Temetwir, at 4.3.06
yeah use arabic fonts:P
Anonymous, at 4.3.06
anonymous 6ayyib :)
laialy yes
Temetwir, at 4.3.06
I too didn't understand what you wanted to say in the post dear Tem, but I thank BoFay for saying it first to extract the MUCH better explanation after in the comment.
And I also agree with the 3arabish protests ;)
As for what the post is about, I really couldn't care less what politicians say about Kuwait being this or that. We're barely enough to fill one city.
familiar_stranger, at 4.3.06
couldn't agree more with u
Diver, at 4.3.06
FS la its not abt what "politicians say about kuwait being this or that" .. its what the 'common people' say, being mislead? ignoring facts? thinking this is the way to reform?
whatever it is, it does not make 'elq8 dawlat mo'asasaat' a true phrase (unfortuanetly for some, fortunately for many others)
anyway WHAT this post is abt was summarized in reply to 7abeebna Bo Fay in the 2nd comment here :)
terid feeny el rou7 when i see someone being down to earth and taking reality into consideration .. not just talking abt the ideals
that makes two of us :))
Temetwir, at 5.3.06
I personaly like "ilkuwait deerat ba6ee5" better. moo?
familiar_stranger, at 5.3.06
FS and hattori
ma awaafegkom il raay
el kuwait 7alha 7al kel dowal el3alam b nathrety, yabeelha ely ymashee omorah eb nafsah ma yan6er 7ad yemasheelah eyaha (la mn majlis, wala mn 7ekoma, wala 7ata mn ta3deel dawa'er.. etc)
wela tekfoun, sheno y3ni wa7ed yathrebly methaal 3an "el fasaad el edary" eb sibat eflan wathaf flaan mn ahala o ohwa mo kafo hal 'mansib'
wela eflan sarlah 4 esneen o sar modeer, wely sarlah 14 sina lal7eena ga3id.. wela "la walla re7t el meroor adfa3 mokhalafty el6a3ony 4 sa3at, wain el 7ekoma el elektroneya wain mowakabat el 3assir"
ismalah 3alaik ent o 3awlammtek o "mowakabat 3assrik" .. je3lomek matjeeb gairek
o khaaaaair ya 6air .. wain 7almaan ent ely tarawalek ena hal shay tawah?
o mn hal baab ely yet7asarly 3ala "wath3 el deerah" wely shway o yabchi lena emna3aw ketaab mn arth el ma3arith ..
wallah yoba zain wallah yoba zain.. ana agol kel wa7ed yeshid shway o balaash sowalef el dala3 wel emyaa3a "la waay el maal el 3aam ya 7asrety bagoona"
ya maaaaal el thahaaaaab
sam7ony yal rabi3 eshta6ait .. bas madri alageeha mn el id3al back home, wela ebnelatheena the chinese delivery guy over here
Temetwir, at 5.3.06
el7amdelaaaah ya raby, abos eedi maglooba .. gelt ena eldeera 7alha 7al gairha yabelha mn ymasheeha, wen ma meshat "nafs elawadem", bel daz la bud enha it7arak
o yawid ya FS o yawid ya bo fay, ilwa6an 7th of march 2006:
شنت شركة «الوسيلة» امس هجوماً مضاداً على ديوان المحاسبة واتهمته بالتمادي والاضرار بمصداقيته كديوان، داعية النواب الى كفه عن المضي في ممارساته ومؤكدة انه اصر على الخطأ.. فوقع في الخطيئة.
وقالت الشركة في رد لها على تقرير ديوان المحاسبة الذي نشرته «الوطن» امس عن الشركة وتجاوزات منسوبة اليها، قالت ان مسؤوليها على استعداد لكشف «زيف» ما يدعيه الديوان في جلسة علنية لمجلس الامة يشهدها الشعب الكويتي.
وقالت الشركة في بيانها ان ديوان المحاسبة قد دخل خصماً وطرفاً في تصفيات سياسية لصالح تيار معين.
وقالت ان ما قاله الديوان عن مخالفات طرأت بعد تحرير كتاب الشركة في 2005/4/10 هو امر غير صحيح وانه لم يطرأ اي تغيير على المشروع ولا على المخططات المعتمدة من الهيئة العامة للصناعة والاستعمالات المبينة منذ صدور رخصة البناء في 2004/3/20 و2004/6/.
"farri7 galbe ya bashaar" :)
Temetwir, at 6.3.06
This is completely off-topic, but in case you haven't heard, your blog's nominated for the 'Most Bizzare Blog' award.
This is on the Kuwait Academy Blogger Award:
Congrats :-)
Uh, and in case I'm the first one to tell the news, get me a box of rowntries whenever you're coming back ;-p
ScarlO, at 7.3.06
Bala mo'asasat bala ba6eekh ... el deera derat ma3arif; Etha t3arf a7ad, omoorik tamshi, Oo etha ma t3arf a7ad, 7eta law 3indik mashroo3 y6ali3 Almas, ra7 ten6am Oo tentheber ib baitkom.
7izbiya, qabaliya, 6a'ifiya, ma9la7jiya, el mohem el dera mashya.
7ag elee yet7al6am, e7med rabbik! Shoof Soria! qam3 Oo taqashof! e7med rabbik 3ala el ne3ma...
MBH, at 8.3.06
a7sant and i personally see nothing 'wrong' in that
doesnt mean that i necessarily agree to it, nor does it mean that i disagree with it
eb kel basa6a: ana 3an nafsi ma ashouf shay "qala6" eb hal nethaam ely mashya 3alaih il deera..
Temetwir, at 8.3.06
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