One Woman in Islam
Here's a woman. With her brothers, cousins and nephews slaughtered before her eyes, she was now the one responsible for the wives and children of 72 martyrs. That's seventy two families. All widows, and orphans. One woman.
So-called 'men' have already set fire to their camp, forcing them to wander in the desert running. So-called men chasing little children robbing them. No fathers or big brothers to fight back. Only one woman.
As if that were not enough, she also had to keep an eye on her ailing nephew. The sole male survivor, whom the army has mocked for his sickness and thought it would be a 'waste' to kill him now.
Here's a woman. Forced to see her family's bodies trampled upon by horses crushing their dead chests. Unburied, she was forced to watch her family's bodies all over the desert; as she was forced to go to the city her father once ruled. That same city that her father was also assassinated in. In his prayer.
One woman whom had kept seventy two families intact all across the desert, was lead into the city.
The crowds gathering to watch, you can imagine the kind of noise made by a city's population. Not when this, one, woman is present as it so appears. One woman that somehow kept a whole city silent. Dead silent as she started;
الحمد لله والصلاة على أبي محمد وآله الطيبين الاخيار
اما بعد يا أهل الكوفة، يا أهل الختل والغدر، أتبكون فلا رقأت الدمعة، ولا هدات الرنة، انما مثلكم كمثل التي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة انكاثاً، تتخذون أيمانكم دخلا بينكم، الا وهل فيكم الا الصلف والنطف، والعجب والكذب والشنف، وملق الاماء، وغمز الأعداء، او كمرعى على دمنة، او كقصة على ملحودة، ألا بئس ما قدمت لكم انفسكم ان سخط الله عليكم، وفي العذاب انتم خالدون
اما بعد يا أهل الكوفة، يا أهل الختل والغدر، أتبكون فلا رقأت الدمعة، ولا هدات الرنة، انما مثلكم كمثل التي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة انكاثاً، تتخذون أيمانكم دخلا بينكم، الا وهل فيكم الا الصلف والنطف، والعجب والكذب والشنف، وملق الاماء، وغمز الأعداء، او كمرعى على دمنة، او كقصة على ملحودة، ألا بئس ما قدمت لكم انفسكم ان سخط الله عليكم، وفي العذاب انتم خالدون
أتبكون وتنتحبون، اي والله فابكوا كثيراً، واضحكوا قليلاً، فلقد ذهبتم بعارها وشنارها، ولن ترحضوها بغسل بعدها ابداً، وأنى ترحضون، قتل سليل خاتم النبوة، ومعدن الرسالة ومدرة حجتكم، ومنار محجتكم، وملاذ خيرتكم، ومفزع نازلتكم. وسيد شباب أهل الجنة الا ساء ما تزرون.
فتعساً ونكساً وبعداً لكم وسحقاً، فلقد خاب السعي، وتبت الايدي، وخسرت الصفقة، وبؤتم بغضب من الله ورسوله، وضربت عليكم الذلة والمسكنة
ويلكم يا أهل الكوفة، أتدرون أي كبد لرسول الله فريتم؟
وأي كريمة له أبرزتم؟
وأي دم له سفكتم؟
وأي حرمة له انتهكتم؟
لقد جئتم شيئاً اداً، تكاد السماوات يتفطرن منه، وتنشق الأرض، وتخر الجبال هدّاً!
ولقد أتيتم بها خرقاء، شوهاء كطلاع الأرض، وملء السماء، افعجبتم ان مطرت السماء دماً، ولعذاب الآخرة اخزى وهم لا ينصرون، فلا يستخفنكم المهل، فانه لا يحفزه البدار، ولا يخاف فوت الثار، وان ربكم لبالمرصاد
ما رأيت الا خيراً، هؤلاء قوم كتب الله عليهم القتل فبرزوا الى مضاجعهم, وسيجمع الله بينك وبينهم، فتحاج وتخاصم فانظر لمن الفلج يومئذ ثكلتك امك يا بن مرجانة
Reminded by his mother, a woman of vice, Ubaydala was humilated in front of his men. And no family to defend her, he as if has thought that the 'manly' thing to do now was to proceed in hitting Zainab. Only the man to his side, Amru Ibn Hurayth had stopped him. I can only imagine it was from the fear of her now dead family; but the memory of their heroism, which to THIS day stands, has probably filled Amru's heart with fear although physically absent.
Here's a woman. That had just made a leader speechless in front of his men. In his palace. What else could he do but send her all the way to Syria. To meet his commander, the so-called Prince.
Only it was not any different in Damascus. Zainab Bnt Ali was also covered and sorrounded by the woman she was taking responsibility of. Yazid, the so-called prince, had also asked 'who is that woman?'. He said;
Zainab, from her cover, started;
If it were not for that woman as an example, who happens to be the grand-daughter of the prophet Mohammed PBUH (would you just look at those speeches?); if it were not for women like her, I wonder what other nonesense ضعفاء النفوس would have came up with and said about women in Islam.
That's one woman in Islam I know.
Who is it again that you were idolizing nowadays? Oprah, was it?
Her ailing nephew, heartbroken, asked her to stop.
Leading her into one of the palaces, she maintained her cover. She now saw the head of her brother, in the hands of the so-called Ubaydala Ibn Ziyad. As he was fiddling with the head, in front of the orphans and women, he took notice of one particular woman. Covered yet maintaining presence, silent, as I would imagine in sorrow for her brother and the memory of her family scattered all over the desert. Turning to his side, he asked, 'Who is that woman?'
Zainab, he was told, Zainab the daughter of non other than Ali. Taken aback, he proceeded;
الحمد لله الذي فضحكم وأكذب احدوثتكم
انما يفتضح الفاجر ويكذب الفاسق، هو غيرنا
Ubaydala, mocking:
كيف رأيت صنع الله بأخيك وأهل بيتك؟
Leading her into one of the palaces, she maintained her cover. She now saw the head of her brother, in the hands of the so-called Ubaydala Ibn Ziyad. As he was fiddling with the head, in front of the orphans and women, he took notice of one particular woman. Covered yet maintaining presence, silent, as I would imagine in sorrow for her brother and the memory of her family scattered all over the desert. Turning to his side, he asked, 'Who is that woman?'
Zainab, he was told, Zainab the daughter of non other than Ali. Taken aback, he proceeded;
الحمد لله الذي فضحكم وأكذب احدوثتكم
انما يفتضح الفاجر ويكذب الفاسق، هو غيرنا
Ubaydala, mocking:
كيف رأيت صنع الله بأخيك وأهل بيتك؟
ما رأيت الا خيراً، هؤلاء قوم كتب الله عليهم القتل فبرزوا الى مضاجعهم, وسيجمع الله بينك وبينهم، فتحاج وتخاصم فانظر لمن الفلج يومئذ ثكلتك امك يا بن مرجانة
Reminded by his mother, a woman of vice, Ubaydala was humilated in front of his men. And no family to defend her, he as if has thought that the 'manly' thing to do now was to proceed in hitting Zainab. Only the man to his side, Amru Ibn Hurayth had stopped him. I can only imagine it was from the fear of her now dead family; but the memory of their heroism, which to THIS day stands, has probably filled Amru's heart with fear although physically absent.
Here's a woman. That had just made a leader speechless in front of his men. In his palace. What else could he do but send her all the way to Syria. To meet his commander, the so-called Prince.
Only it was not any different in Damascus. Zainab Bnt Ali was also covered and sorrounded by the woman she was taking responsibility of. Yazid, the so-called prince, had also asked 'who is that woman?'. He said;
لعبت هاشم بالملك فلا خبر جاء فلا وحي نزل
Zainab, from her cover, started;
الحمدلله رب العالمين وصلى الله على رسوله واله أجمعين
صدق الله سبحانه حيث يقول
ثُمَّ كَانَ عَاقِبَةَ الَّذِينَ أَسَاؤُوا السُّوأَى أَن كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَكَانُوا بِهَا يَسْتَهْزِؤُون
اظننت يا يزيد حيث اخذت علينا اقطار الأرض وآفاق السماء فاصبحنا نساق كما تساق الأسراء، ان بنا هواناً على الله وبك عليه كرامة، أمن العدل يابن الطلقاء تخديرك حرائرك وامائك وسوقك بنات رسول الله سبايا قد هتكت ستورهن وابديت وجوههن تحدو بهن الاعداء من بلد إلى بلد، ولئن جرّت علي الدواهي مخاطبتك اني لاستصغر قدرك واستعظم تقريعك واستكثر توبيخك لكن العيون عبرى والصدور حرّى الا فالعجب كل العجب لقتل حزب الله النجباء بحزب الشيطان الطلقاء ، وإلى الله المشتكى وعليه المعول في الشدة والرخاء فكد كيدك واسع سعيك وناصب جهدك فو الله لا تمحو ذكرنا ولا تميت وحينا ولا تدرك امدنا ، وهل رأيك الاقتد وايامك الاعدد وجمعك الابدد ، يوم ينادي المنادي الا لعنة الله على الظالمين فالحمد لله الذي ختم لأولنا بالسعادة والمغفرة ولأخرنا بالشهادة والرحمة انه رحيم ودود حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير
And some people thought that women in Islam were objectified? And some other group of people thought that women had no 'rights', or unfit? I ask: WHAT WOMEN DID YOU HAVE IN MIND?صدق الله سبحانه حيث يقول
ثُمَّ كَانَ عَاقِبَةَ الَّذِينَ أَسَاؤُوا السُّوأَى أَن كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَكَانُوا بِهَا يَسْتَهْزِؤُون
اظننت يا يزيد حيث اخذت علينا اقطار الأرض وآفاق السماء فاصبحنا نساق كما تساق الأسراء، ان بنا هواناً على الله وبك عليه كرامة، أمن العدل يابن الطلقاء تخديرك حرائرك وامائك وسوقك بنات رسول الله سبايا قد هتكت ستورهن وابديت وجوههن تحدو بهن الاعداء من بلد إلى بلد، ولئن جرّت علي الدواهي مخاطبتك اني لاستصغر قدرك واستعظم تقريعك واستكثر توبيخك لكن العيون عبرى والصدور حرّى الا فالعجب كل العجب لقتل حزب الله النجباء بحزب الشيطان الطلقاء ، وإلى الله المشتكى وعليه المعول في الشدة والرخاء فكد كيدك واسع سعيك وناصب جهدك فو الله لا تمحو ذكرنا ولا تميت وحينا ولا تدرك امدنا ، وهل رأيك الاقتد وايامك الاعدد وجمعك الابدد ، يوم ينادي المنادي الا لعنة الله على الظالمين فالحمد لله الذي ختم لأولنا بالسعادة والمغفرة ولأخرنا بالشهادة والرحمة انه رحيم ودود حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير
If it were not for that woman as an example, who happens to be the grand-daughter of the prophet Mohammed PBUH (would you just look at those speeches?); if it were not for women like her, I wonder what other nonesense ضعفاء النفوس would have came up with and said about women in Islam.
That's one woman in Islam I know.
Who is it again that you were idolizing nowadays? Oprah, was it?
بأبي التي ورثت مصائب أمها
فغدت تقابلها بصبر أبيها
فغدت تقابلها بصبر أبيها
Somehow, my idol has always been the great woman you're talking about.
(though I must admit, I'm so ashamed of saying this, considering how I go against rules just for the heck of it, but reading/hearing her story in that war has always touched me)
Don't get me started on Oprah Wifrey .. please.
Excellent post. Very informative, well constructed .. (why do I feel like my English teacher?)
Thnak you
ScarlO, at 10.2.06
That post just has left me speechless. This entry has a power to it, very well constructed and hits all the right points, no matter what I say I won't do it justice.
This woman, is my guide and strength. She has endured so much and she remains the one everyone leans on and counts on..
Excellent post, Allah ya36ek alf 3afya
Faith, at 10.2.06
Your writing has real power to it. I was blown away. i look forward to reading more of your stuff.
Edward Ott, at 10.2.06
she is "عالمة غير معلمة, فهمة غير مفهمة"
o yala its abt time u started reconsidering ur going-against 'rules'
and thank u
allah ye3afeech mashkora
how can she not be a guide?
wela sheno y3ni insaana tehiz ildawla il Umaweya o Yazeed mn el khasbega ya'mur enha terid 3azeeza mukarrama il madeena il munawarah..
thank you
i hope the arabic text was not a hassle to read!
Temetwir, at 10.2.06
قريت الجم بوست اللي طاف .... اسلوبك في الكتابة بسيط و معبر .... في جم شغلة ما كنت اعرفها و الحين توضحت عندي..... و عن اوبرا لا تعليق مادري ليش الناس ميتين عليها اذا على البرنامج عندهم كلام نواعم شحلاته و شزينه (ادري جني طلعت برع الموضوع).... بس المهم يعطيك العافية :)
متفرغ, at 11.2.06
allah ye3aafeek
o el7amdlelah eny gedart awathe7 shaghlat kent tetsa'al 3anha 7athretek 7abebi
laken wedy as'elek, ana abadan ma kanat neyety eny afarig bain el mathaheb w eny ameel ela i7da el 6arafain laken kel eli gasadta eny abayyen mawagif hal ashkhaas ka "bashar" negdar net3alam kelna menhom KETHEER shaghlaat b ghath elnathar 3an khalfeyatna
fa hal kanat 6aregat el6ar7 tedil 3ala hal shay?
Temetwir, at 11.2.06
Allow me to answer your question. In your post, i didn't notice that you're so met7ayez 7ag ay 6araf, but then again, perhaps that's because I believe in what you believe in -mostly at least- and I know what you're talking about. I know people that know nothing about Ashura, except that it's the day when Shia cook and give away rice and yal6emoon and all that. One of them was so shocked when I told her that ras el imam -salam Allah 3alaih- was cut and put on a rode or whatever you ant to call it. So my point is, ta7ayyozek 7ata law kan mawjod bel post, ma7ad yegdar yelomek 3alaih. You justifiy yourself by stating historic facts that are well-known to both parties and are more like common knowledge
(It's in our history book that one of the resons why Abbasyds went against Umaweyyeen is the lattests' *indulgence in corruption*, so everybody knows who is whom)
Why do I get the feeling that I'm talking about a totally different subject? Why do I do it all the time? I have a question for you. Know this isn't the appropriate time to ask, but what does 'Temetwir' mean?
(This question is compeletely, absoloutely, totally ignorable)
ScarlO, at 11.2.06
"اياك و ظلم من لا يجد عليك ناصر الا الله عز و جل"
3ad etsadig, during 3omrah and even before i left, i kept thinking of this topic.. and this amazing Sayedah!! everything that happened is a lesson for those who WANT to learn!
MSB, at 11.2.06
makes sense.. o ee mareen 3lay ely 7asbalhom 3aish o deyaay o kelyom ye6ee7 3asha
temetwir, for the nth time, yaya mn kelmat "motar" bel q8i ta3ny sayara (walaw ena estekhdamha gair mo7abab 3end el ba3th)
fa methel ma tgoleen "tefelsif", hathe yaya 3ala "temetwir"
7amdlelah 3ala salmtech o tagaball allah il6aa3a wel a3maal..
o sa7 elsanich u cant force someone to learn el shay el zain, laken el shay el shain 3alaih igbaal
Temetwir, at 11.2.06
la'anat Allah ala al bani umaya
Jaas, at 4.5.06
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