عجيب أمرهم
So-called islamists get on my nerve just as much as so-called liberals do. For one thing, they both call themselves things that either do not exist, or that which they do not fully understand, respectively.
An islamist? There is no such thing. A member of the Salaf, or a member of the Ikhwaan 'movement', perhaps. But there is no such thing as an 'islamist' person, or group or whatever. Itha il mas'alah i6laabah, there is only the noun Muslim, and nothing else.
In Arabic, there is الفكر الإسلامي, الفقه الإسلامي. الشريعة ا لإسلامية. But to assume that there is a الفريق الإسلامي just goes to show ignorance.
I say to 'assume' because the so-called islamists need to fully appreciate how they make fools out of themselves by 'nicknaming' themselves that. And I think the other group of knit-wits, the so-called liberals, need to understand that there really is no such thing as an 'islamist', let alone refer what the so-called islamists have to say back to islam.
Silly example to illustrate how silly both islamists and liberals are. I am a Kuwaiti. I want to differentiate myself from all Kuwaitis, so I go ahead and call myself an Mitkatwit (or something as pathetic). Other Kuwaitis would then acknowledge to my naming, and then some. They would refer back everything I say or do to Kuwait. When they themselves are Kuwaitis.
Seriously, how fucked up in the head have you got to be to miss that?
For the most part, it's either a Salafi, or a member of Il Ikhwaan. And that is what everyone shall call them by.
And, please, if it were that any kind of 'ikhtela6' is forbidden in Islam, you wouldn't have had rab il 3alimeen sub7aanah "allow it" in Makkah, for example. A little common sense, everyone.
As far as the others who refer everything these so-called islamist knit-wits have to say to il Islam; do yourselves a favour and remain silent. You are only insulting yourselves.
After a considerable amount of time studying these peoples idealogies and approaches..ive decided they long ago threw logic out the window
About the group thing..our society loves divisions. Most Arab countries insist on creating class systems, for example : jinsya mada 1, mada 17, w gayra w gayra..this is why other countries progress and we dont, we focus on these type of issues and waste our time. And just look at the people our country is run by...now I don't want to mention group names and offend people
Faith, at 14.2.06
What u have written today represent the view point of a lot of people.
"How fucked up in the head have you got to be to miss that?" is well written, and it gives an excellent description of what is happening in their heads
Thank u
Diver, at 15.2.06
Great post.. u know another name for those so called islamists is "stone heads".. it goes both way.. ya ima mit7ajren.. aw stoned as in stoned ;p
all this group wants to do is to turn us into another s3odya aw the previous afghanistan! they should b stopped, cuz on the rate theyr moving now.. we r not better than s3o3deya anymore :<
jiji, at 15.2.06
i think by 'logic' u mean that they all dont make sense
and other countries progress because they operate on one thing: money..
in our part of the world, ppl want 'their ideas' to be applied, but at the same time not let anyone else's: therefore divide into 'teams' and help each other out and dismiss members of the other team
ur welcome, go ahead and just say it .. wanting to say it never did anyone any good
im glad u see it that way, 3isht!
the problem is this is just stating the obvious, but some people want to insist on it being otherwise
basee6a.. o el liberals are called air-heads
all they want is freedom of x and y, even when it comes to things that defy who they are.. so they are airheads
goes both ways too
and abt saudi/afghanistan .. it APPALLS me when i see a so-called muslim (i.e. any of the majority of kuwaitis) referring to those systems as 'result of the teachings of islam'
etha mo fahmeen + ma 3endekom shay tegolona, na'a6oona beskaatkom
Temetwir, at 15.2.06
السلام عليكم
الصراحة أنا اول مرة اعلق
في مدونتك و على ما يبدو انك
من زمان موجود بس ما دري ليش
اكتشفت هالمكان من فترة بسيطة
ماني بصدد اني اناقش الموضوع معاك
لأني باختصار احمل تقريبا نفس الفكرة
و الراي بخصص هالموضوع و مابي اضيع وقتك
حاولت اقرا من كتاباتك كثر ما اقدر
و مستمر .. و ماشالله تعجبني طريقة طرحك
و تحليلك للمواضيع .. مدونة جدا رائعة
و مفيدة
متابعينك و انا متأكد ان غيري وايد
متابعينك سواء اختلف معاك او ايدك
حتى لو ما ترك تعليق
اللي يقرا هالمدونة لازم يرجع لها
و على فكرة ما كنت قاعد اجاملك
طائر بلا وطن, at 15.2.06
exactly.. both parties should come in the middle and make a new party thats called "q8luv" thats wut we need.. bs lil asaf they are both on different pole end
and islam malah 3alaqa billy ga3deen esawona :<
jiji, at 15.2.06
3del klamek can't agree with u more, the bad thing is that some of them in wakt il9ejeya abandon all their beliefs and run after their own interests :(
متفرغ, at 15.2.06
طائر بلا وطن
حياك الله ونتشرف فيك ابوي
شاكر لك على الاطراء هذا من طيبك
وانا عن نفسي اتمنى ان اشوفك تاخذ وتعطي معانا بالمواضيع الي تهمك من اليوم ورايح ولو كانت لنا وجهات نظر مختلفة :)
wallahe ya istaathty ana ly qana3a: wehya ena ely ye7eb "el wa6an" ma yeg3ad yessari7 o yetfalsaf eb '7ob elwa6an' o 'tagdeerah' o 'rad jemeelah' .. lena hatha shay badeehy o gasban 3ala elwa7ed, mo mn 6eebik y3ni enek tbayenlena hal shay ma7ad ra7 yesafeglek ela ely methlek
ka methaal, ako shaghlaat sakheefa ya7sheron 7ob elwa6an feha.. mathalan, 7aflat el aqani o el "wanasa" .. shyab '7ob elwa6an'?
awal shay, netefig 3ala ena el aqani 7aram.. o 3alashan nebte3id 3an el controversy, negol "il fan il haabe6" ely b 7aflaat hala febrayer o el a3yaad.. 6ayyib..
DARAINA ENA 3ENDENA 6ARAB SHA3BY o dagdega o daraina ena "abaa'na el aweleen" kanaw yehezoon chatf o 6ay7eenla tedunnbek.. laken betyeebly fergat miami o "sheeloha shaila", wela Elissa laih el 3adat wel taghaleed?
o ghasseb taby tarbe6 el aghani b 7ob el wa6an? arjook y3ni
tara a7yaan yekon el "takhaluf" bel mafhom el khaa6e' lel "ta7athur" ;)
very true, and u mention an extremely important fact that we witness: "they" abandon their beliefs when there's a conflict with their own, individualistic interests
tell me though, what do u know abt the Salaf and Ikhwaan presence in Bahrain? are they prominent?
Temetwir, at 15.2.06
am so sad u got me the wrong way :< when i said ina kilman yser one group for loving q8 makan hatha qasdy ena they label themselves "wow shofona e7na bs elly n7eb q8" la i meant it ina we should all act not just talk!
ba3deen eeh el7aflat wayed ekhtabaw 3aleeha ow sawaw ma2asy ow sara7a no one even cares to go to such stupidness illa elly ysawonha mishkila wehya aslan shay mo muhim! y3ny awal its was fun having 7aflat el3ed elwa6any ok fine.. bs mu6reben ow 3afsa mako 3alaqa bilwa6aneya!
jiji, at 15.2.06
ba3den elly y7eb wa6ana mo ehwa elly yghaney lah! elly y7eb derta ehwa elly yadres ow yshed 7ela ow yeshteghel wo ywa9il nafsa a3la elmarateb 3ashan ywa9il ma3ah esim deerta foog! hatha deerta ow ahalha y7ebona ow allah yjazeh cuz el3amal 3ebada.. 3ax elly yghany fi 7ob elwa6an ow ehwa "mo kuwiaty" ow nge6 3aleh flos eldenya aw elly yla7in ow yakteb aghany wa6aneya.. hathela kilhom (if not all) will surely b forgotten sooner or later.. bs since q8 is still q8.. lil asaf elebda3 includes fan ow eg6a3.. scientific acheivments ow 3yal elq8 el3abaqera no one cares to know about them.. bs mara wa7da sema3t eb ashkhas karemohom for winning an int. science thing.. ow bs that was it.. no one even bothered to make their inventions come to life! bs etha wa7ed kitab lah klmiten 7ag eghneya aw ghanna eghneya telga elmahabel yenkaton 3aleh mn kil 9ob chena ra7 elfatha2 aw ikhtera3 9arookh!
jiji, at 15.2.06
i didnt mean that thats what u said, i was just referring to what some ppl do and they say "see, we love kuwait e7na wa6aneyeen"
and im glad u feel that way towards khabssat el 7aflaat wel kalam el farigh
"bs since q8 is still q8.. lil asaf elebda3 includes fan ow eg6a3"
eeh wala yebteeha yaib .. o yetfakheroon "sheftaw shlon! el mo6reb el kuwaiti faaz eb jaa'eza!"
"scientific acheivments ow 3yal elq8 el3abaqera no one cares to know about them"
also true, el takreem wel mogabalat wel "re3aya mn el shyokh" bas 7ag BashaarNo o madry meno
u said:-
"no one even bothered to make their inventions come to life! bs etha wa7ed kitab lah klmiten 7ag eghneya aw ghanna eghneya telga elmahabel yenkaton 3aleh mn kil 9ob chena ra7 elfatha2 aw ikhtera3 9arookh!"
ana ash'had, sedagtay! o tara el mas'ala mo megtassra 3ala science .. even in sports .. NOT FOOTBALL
but ur absolutely right jiji
Temetwir, at 15.2.06
il7emdella ilIslam ga3d bmokana noone can touch it. it doesn't belong to a country or a race or a jama3ah. I don't see a single muslim country in the current world that outlaws interest as reba. that doesn't make erreba 7alal, and it doesn't make the muslim countries completely muslim. We are how we are. sinners lets be called sinners. and do-gooders let them be called do-gooders.
As far as the word "Islamist". Words are just a way to communicate an idea. Today everybody says he's muslim, if I wana say a group of people are raj3iyeen, I can't say "a group of muslims protested some liberal idea" that would be too non-PC, coz everyone says they're muslim. So I would say "a group of Islamiyeen did this and that stupid thing". And likewise the anti-liberal would have to say "ana Islamist, even MORE muslim than the next guy." from that I understand what he means, that he probably has a beard and hates il'aghani and so and so. so the communication of the idea was successful. I the reader now understand that there's "shades" and "types" of muslims. which is very true.
I by the way am a sinner raj3i. You could say I'm an Islamist who listens to music and knows its bad for him. A good old hypocrite in flying colors. And I don't define myself as a Kuwaiti, I like Muslim better.
familiar_stranger, at 15.2.06
7emdilla i made myself clear :)
and i know takrem mo bs in the feild of science.. its includes writers, poet (real ones not song writers), and i think athletes have had their fair share of fame was it tennis squash vollyball.. etc bs akeed not football cuz the propaganda has blown them way outta proportion while sa7 other sports yanjezon more..
i have a live example for u.. for the past 3 yrs (and this yr is 4th) the GCC medical skools (be it medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and allied healths) all get together each yr in a GCC country in a confrence that is organized by the students of the home country (100% by students the facultys has nuthin to do with this).. last yrs confrence was held in Q8.. it was the bomb (surely for us ;p) Dr. a7mad zuwail was there and many more of them famous doctors and scientists.. and in this confrence bayenat ebda3at el6alaba ow qudrat`hom 3ala inhom inathmon munasaba kibera ib mithel hatha eltarteeb.. amzing workshps were held.. seminars.. discussing break thru researchs by GCC students.. ow it was something big..
now the question is.. did the media cover it? NO!! they only bothered mentioning 7afl elifteta7 ow yom elkhetam! the confrence was held throughout a whole week! they didnt bother to assign someone to ena etabi3 ela7dath awal eb awal!! law kan madre ay jam3eya imsawya 7afla yayben mughanen aw banat yet9aweron chan the even was covered ib kil eljarayed :p
sorry for the long comment.. bs sij somethings must be said!
thanx :)
jiji, at 15.2.06
ga3ed b mokana o no one can touch it.. but that's a shame, more people should LEARN abt it and PRACTICE it not just CLAIM to
and ur one hell of a hypocrite ill give u that much heh ;p
lo ako re3aya nafs elawadem wely maskeen el reyatha reyayeel, chan shefteehom 3alagal yer3oun el shabab
bas habab`hom kora, madry shbetsaweelehom elkora 3ad
and i know all about ur conferences, salmeely 3ala il raayah il3aam ilmathy :p
o sedagtay, wala 7is wala khabar.. laken lama shay ghabi takreem nansy 3ajram telgain kelman, mo bs yero7 yesawir, laken kelman yethawash 3ala be6ayeg da3wa
Temetwir, at 15.2.06
lool.. u know wuts funny.. while writing the last comment i was thinking about that time Newsweek Q8 karemaw nancy 3jram ;p
So u know how gr8 that confrence was.. ow shkither el6alaba shadaw 7elhom :) were u in raya? u didnt come akher yom when it was held in boom hashemy?
jiji, at 15.2.06
yeah i heard a lot abt that conference, and also the one held in 3maan like a month ago
bas la, ma re7t wala yom :)
bo fay
meste7y tegol 3ISABAAT? gol 3ady ana waraak heh
Temetwir, at 15.2.06
ur post reminded me of when i was in 3omra and the behaviors of "Ekhwan El Moslimin":
* one was standing by Maqam Sayedna Ebrahim and kept telling females "etaqo Allah" & to cover their faces!
* while sitting in the FEMALE section of el7arm waiting for prayer time, they pass by, look INSIDE the female section and repeat the same thing, to cover our faces and that we should neteqy Allah!
MSB, at 16.2.06
i think those would be the Salaf ..
u shouldnt mind knit-wits like them, or their complete opposites, those who tell women to "be free"
but yeah i can see how u can relate this to the guys bel 7arram!
Temetwir, at 16.2.06
i was soooo tempted to respond, but then i thought "turn the other cheek" and i just continued with my business & ignored them.
as for the 'free' men, yeah.. i know ppl like that.. a guy who got upset cuz his wife te7ajebat, and another who tells his wife that he doesnt care if she wears a bikini if she wants to, but he'd rather she not wear a 7ejab.. bs itha ehya tabee, he wont stop her! :|
MSB, at 16.2.06
responding = stooping down
and ive only heard abt such guys, but then again how would i even know if i already met one :/
but yeah, el nou3 ely "yabe yestanis weya morta bel sefar yekhaleha tenaagiz b bikini"
havent u heard? its a personal choice ;) heh
Temetwir, at 16.2.06
ahh yes.. and religion is personal too :)
i've gone way off ur post topic.. back to regular programming.
MSB, at 16.2.06
i know guys who actually divorced their wives for wearing 7ejab!
and all the guys in my family are like ( bakheth wa7da mo m7ajeba ow ana a7ajebha ow akheth ajer 7ejabha)!! WEIRDOS!!!
jiji, at 16.2.06
Kinda late here .. but what the hey! :p
Umm .. most of the posts here seem reudundant :: "I agree...", "you're right...", ...etc.
I don't understand why people comment as "I agree" .. it's a waste and provides no positive feedback to anyone. (which is why I don't comment much ;))
As for the post, I think the word "Islamists" is mistranslated to "Eslamiyeen". It should be "Mota'aslemeen".
Would you mind explaining what are Liberals libarated/libarating from? Is it customs or religion?
If customs, which kind? All, random or only those clashing with religion?
MBH, at 16.2.06
So-called islamists get on my nerve just as much as so-called liberals do. For one thing, they both call themselves things that either do not exist, or that which they do not fully understand, respectively.
Your opening is spot on.
I totally agree.
Ya mitkatwit inta :P
Delicately Realistic, at 16.2.06
jiji abt guys divorcing their wives for wearing el 7ejaab, i know this is going to sound awful but GOOD FOR THE WOMEN
and abt what u said in regards guys in ur family, mn sejhom? awal mara asma3 hal "theory"
MBH islamiyeen is translated into islamists .. but ur right, they should (and sometimes are) referred to as met'aslimeen
however, theres nothing wrong with their actual 'labels' .. Salaf, and Ikhwaan .. kaifhom they can think whatever
in regards the liberals .. the only thing i personally see them emphasizing on is "freedom" in all its kinds
and of course the classic "nafssil el dawla 3an el deen"
theyre just as bad as "el meta'slimeen", in my opinion, becoz they dont appreciate the reality of what theyre suggesting
dc thanks
Temetwir, at 18.2.06
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