كدا كفاية بلاش تقريح .. كدا كفاية
Quote: On the recording, Bennish told the students that some of Bush's speech "sounds a lot like the things that Adolf Hitler used to say. We're the only ones who are right, everyone else is backwards and our job is to conquer the world and make sure that they all live just like we want them to." Unquote.
- Al Sy An In -
He was put on leave.
Not that I agree with what he is suggesting, nor is it that I disagree; I just find it interesting that they (whoever 'they' are) know when to put a stop (as temporary as it may seem) to the so-called, and ever so greatly misconceptional-ized (not a real word), 'freedom of speech' phrase.
Another fine, recent example would be the Holocaust denier (courtesy of our friends over at bbc). Again, not that I disagree with what he is saying; nor is it that I agree to what he implemented. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about the sentencing either. What I am interested, again, is that they (whoever they are) know when to put a stop to the so-called, and ever so greatly misconceptional-ized (not a real word), 'freedom of speech' phrase.
Note: 'they' in the text refers to the same 'they' whom 'some people' from our miseducated knit wits in Kuwait mislead themselves to believe that 'they' (ones in text) have -adjective- freedom of speech. Unrestricted. Un-whatever. Mo6lagah, ely ho. It is not the case. Give yourself the courtesy and respect yourself.
So get this through your heads: in the cases of basing your arguments on a notion you think is what is believed in, when in fact it is not what it is believed in, you, sir, madam, are better off to either go fuck yourself. Or fuck yourself. Figuratively.
The reason why is called scalar implicature.
Wa ma3a thalik awadd abaarik lel ekhwa wel akhawaat "mo3tanigy al math'hab al islaa7y" a.k.a ely ma 3endehom salfa wely 7annaw 7anna 3ala igraar ganoun il ma6bo3at il neo-atharri.
Lekom meni 10 esneen, itha fadkom eb shay men ely t7asbouna befeedkom feeh ma a6la3 3ali.
haha I love how juuuust about when you're ready to make the point Tem, you easily go into "everyone-go-fuck-yourselves" mode. Why do you think that happens? you dislike stating the obvious I'm beginning to suspect :)
I agree with you about the "freedom of speech" bit. and to that end I love watching "the people vs. larry flynt" every now and then, mainly for the supreme court trial in the end! honest!
And who knows, perhaps the extra "sensitivity" to certain ideas says something about their validity? atleast from the p.o.v of the sensitive person. sort of like "illi 3ala rasa ba67a y7asses 3alaiha".
familiar_stranger, at 8.3.06
la abad, i dont mean no disrespect i was trying to be ironic in drawing a distinction between conveying one and the same message which can definitely be tainted in meaning and be misunderstood depending on the manner in which u deliver it under the "protection" of ur "right" to the "freedom of speech" :)
a load of 20th century nonesense if u ask me
interesting point u make abt the sensitivity and validity .. interesting indeed
Temetwir, at 9.3.06
can't agree with u more.... from what i've understood is that the freedom of speech concept is tailored according to their 'needs' in 7'aleeji 'mfa9al 3la kaifhum oo 3la mazajhum' i've reached to the conclusion that many things that we learn and we read from the books are just crap and render to be useless when applied in planet earth... an example is the House of Commons in the UK any party member his vote will be based on his party preference so screw freedom of speech when it clashes with our party priorities, and the party whips will keep a close eye on all of its members to ensure that their votes will be in line with their party not with their opinion or else things could reach to the extent that the member will be sacked.... sorry for the long but after 2 weeks constantly reading and daily basis about British politics i ran out of ideas :)
متفرغ, at 9.3.06
yes sir indeed, a lot of what is written and "yutadaawal" is just ink on paper, and my exact point was:
they, "il qarrb" (as the ones who 'want to be like them' call them) know this to be true.. however the ones who want to be like them do not
el mas'ala sheer politics
politics, sir, in which the perception IS the reality
politics, sir, in which you iterate what you know is wished upon to be heard .. and hold back what you know the common voter would not comprehend, let alone approve of
that is to say: my exact point was ina e7na bel kuwait 3endena writers ya metfarigh allah layraweek o la yableek :) naas lel asaf maahy 3arfa ras'ha men keryaas'ha in the sense of they really illustrate to having a very hard time in differentiating between the "said" and the "done"
yathreboon el mathal "bel qarb" (this is what these writers themselves call them, not myself) yathrebon fehom el mathal .. when in fact, jedaamna kelena .. "el qarb" baree' من ما يتقولون به عليهم
and hence, all i am saying: when u r basing ur arguments and "calling upon for something" and this something turns out to be non-existant
what do u really have, in reality, but an IDEA ?
by all means, talk about it as an IDEA, but dont insult your own intelligence by insisting on its validity when you SEE/HEAR and KNOW it to be not the case
aaakh ya metfarigh, ان كنت تدري فتلك مصيبة وان كنت لا تدري فالمصيبة أعظم
*kathirr men hal "long comments" o allah y3enek 3al British politics heh:)
laialy allah y3enich
Temetwir, at 10.3.06
Kuwait aside. I love the freedom of speech that is inscribed into the American institution.
I'd like to correct myself. I loved the freedom of speech law.
I think Americans have abused that law, even when used fascist administrations and parties. The way they express their opinions, violently, obscene and plain rude!
On the other hand, I have noticed that since G.B.J. claimed the white house, opinions have been suppressed and others were implanted, whether politically or using the media (i.e., nationally & internationally).
2 wrongs don't make a right. But how is this gonna end?
As for Kuwait, it's a matter of "looking" important and with power, not necessarily have either nor implement them.
MBH, at 10.3.06
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