قزران إيشماتوف
- "ssa7a" = motar amreeki 3alaih dabaat o baybaat ya36eek nes nagham, nes thakhama .. mn 3agadha eb headers 6ar el6air
- "zawaj ma3a elmowa3ada bel tamaluk" = tegolha lely ma3ak 3an eflana mn 3aammat elsha3b teshofha tawha naazla mn agda3ha motar gomar arba3ta3ash
- "ala wa ena elda3y ebn elda3y gad rakaza bayn ethnatayn" = elsog kela mertefi3 ela sahmek ma bain el3arth wel 6alab mafeh gair hal we7da el3ella 3ala galbek
- "la ya khawaat il galb" = shella eb range rover o ya 7abatha lo kan sport supercharged ye6awfonek ta3bir elshari3 beljabreya mn masafi6 el masyad laih el nady .. KEL YOM
- "sog eldar lel 7efay wel 7arameya" = sog elkwait lel awrag el maleya
- "bank el taflees wal id-haar" = bank el tasleef wal idekhaar
- "il moqaffala" = il mogfala (sharika mosaahema)
- "wain ahl el nakhwa" = shsar 3ala elsafwa <- theba7t wa7ed mn elrabi3 feha
- "bait-ny wedkhal b galbe ya galbe baab, baab .. wekh6er eb rejlaik yasmar doob, doob" = alo?
- "la ta7sabana al sha7ma fe man sha7maho 3athalo" = said to anyone who's bulking for the upcoming winter
- "elnaas magamaat" = tengal lel shella as to why you chose to sit in the front passenger seat
- "sheb l-itreek" = gaseb mal awal
- "saaaaaaaaaa-m3aikom, 3a6na wa7d steak" = mota3adidat il aghraath
- "kefaya kheda3 goleli weda3?" = reflexive response to hearing the word 'bas'
- "ma7amad 7amaagy" = mestakwil
- "eesh dun thank saw" = you have to be there
- "mestebee7 el 7aal" = mesteree7 el baal
- "jareema fil 7ay ilhaady" = mota3adidat il estekhdaam
- "wa hakatha" = said in 5 different tones, each tone gessa werwaaya
w eb haik khelsit el7ekaya
woohoo an update! *yibbab*
yala il7en agra =]
rahab al majed | رَحَـبْ المــاجِـدْ, at 20.9.06
"zawaj ma3a elmowa3ada bel tamaluk" <-- anteeeka! :P e3jebatne wayed ;p
um-miT3ib, at 20.9.06
I wonder who gave u the idea for this post :P
Delicately Realistic, at 22.9.06
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Mother Courage, at 22.9.06
off topic
mbarak 3leik ishahar =)
Mother Courage, at 22.9.06
كل عام وأنت بخير
والحقيقة إني مو فاهمة البوست :)
White Wings, at 22.9.06
I tried to read your post 3 times and finally gave up to get it :(
It's either the stress or the Alzheimer ;)
Embarak 3laik elshahar :))
UmmEl3yal, at 22.9.06
hala feech, hala eb rab3ich
bs chena shaklich hawantay
um mit3ib
robba imre'en 7atfaho fee-ma tamaanaho
a7ibbeeny kama a7babtoki ya ommi Oryaana
mother c
3alaina o 3alaich yab3idy
white wings
وانتي بخير وصحة وسلامة استاذتي
البوست مصبنجي بالدرجة الاولى, عبارة عن تشكيلة بسيطة من كلامي هالايام عقب التمييّع والتميلح بالانجليزي طوال العام الماضي
mother dearest
3alaina o 3alaich :)
o esmallah 3alaich mn el alzheimer latfawleen, wel stress barrdho.
Temetwir, at 22.9.06
Translation being? :>
Delicately Realistic, at 22.9.06
مبارك عليكم الشهر
و كل عام و انتم بخير
و ان شاء الله تعودونه بالصحة و الخير و العافية
Diver, at 23.9.06
مبارك عليك الشهر يا حلو
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 23.9.06
no.1 : embarak 3alik el shahar :)
Anonymous, at 23.9.06
mbarak 3alaik el shahar
ScarlO, at 24.9.06
abad, enty ely shtagsideen
3alaina o 3alaik 7abeeb ilsha3b :)
bo salma
3alaina o 3alaaik mawlaana il3oud
no 1
3alaina o 3alaich shaikhat elbanat
3alaina o 3alaich 7arram el sayid ba6aa6is
Temetwir, at 25.9.06
haw.. hawwant 3an shino? blogik? La 7asha ya khooy.. bs i read it o ma fahamt shay il sara7a :\
3al 3omoom, mbarak 3alaik il shahar o Allah yetqabal mina o minnik inshallah =)
rahab al majed | رَحَـبْ المــاجِـدْ, at 25.9.06
mbarak 3laik ilshahar :).... oo ya36eek il3afya 3al hal post il 7elow :)
متفرغ, at 25.9.06
hmmm, now i see :)
how are you, long time no visit ;)
White Wings, at 28.9.06
Dear tim,
It would be lovely if the arabic words are written in arabic letters, i'll be less confused.
Thank you.
Nooni, at 4.10.06
you can come back nowwww
Faith, at 5.10.06
where you go?
rahab al majed | رَحَـبْ المــاجِـدْ, at 7.10.06
3alaina o 3alaich,, w yetgabal menna o menich saale7 ela3maal :)
el post yaay 7ada 'walaady' so i dont blame u for not understanding
hala belzain, 3alaina o 3alaik baajy elshahar o allah y3afeek.
i hope all is well with you, im assuming semester 1 started, good luck
sign your name and join in on the club
white wings
all is fine ma'am :)
best wishes for the remainder of the holy month
heh i'm sure the lettering put you off
judy abbott
you'll be just as confused
Temetwir, at 8.10.06
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