Temetwir: Her Majesty's Knight
My recently acquired British accent does not shine, it seems, unless I am in a lecture or seminar. If I was addressing my professor, in that accent, and then turn to a friend sitting next to me, I code switch - phonologically speaking. It's not intentional or anything. And it doesn't matter since that's not the point.
The British lexicon is what has stuck with me, it seems, at all times. That includes messaging on MSN with some of my friends. Il melag ely 'yesolfon' bel engalaizi lama 'yel3ebon intarnat' ..
At any rate, I reckon since a number of my lovely readers noted out that my last installments on this space have been rather grim, I figured a lighthearted post for a change wouldn't hurt anyone, now would it.
So, here is a list of silly things I have said/written/done throughout the last year.
1. greeting my mother on the phone: "'alaw mum!"
2. at the dry cleaners: 'say again love?', and yes, I do point to my (left) ear
3. for whenever I say 'teslam' bel Kuwait: I say "chairz", and yes, sometimes I give a thumbs up
4. in lecture/seminar, lean back, support my chin up with the side of my middle finger, and have the finger 'you point with' (madre shesamona) across my lips.. not "over", "across", thumb is on jaw.. you're trying it out aren't you?
5. use "sod off" instead of .. you know
6. write: 'oy!' when i message my brother on msn and a few other lads
7. said to cousin when he started bashing me for ignoring his messages: who took the jam outta your doughnut?
8. "AAW BALOWX".. many, many times
9. 'me mate' ya3ni "wa7ed mn elrabi3", bit specific
10. one of the lads ya3ni "wa7ed mn el shabab", more general
11. ridiculous instead of 'ayshay'
12. 'stop being such a ninny' for "ta7acha 3adil larrrenik 3ala 3ainek al7en"
13. highly unlikely instead of 'don't think so'
14. frequent usage of: 'silly', 'jolly good', 'aces' and 'utterly'
15. ending with tag questions, goes without saying 6ab3an
16. press on my lips to force a small grin .. depending on different circumstances
17. tilt my head when eating a sandwich .. which btw is the british thing to do anyway, eat sandwiches instead of "snacking", i guess? but the head tilting is just the jam on the doughnut
18. say 'behaviour' a lot, to describe many things .. speech, acts or commenting on tales
19. "be a dear and .." bedal ma3alaik/ch amer
20. say marvelous, brilliant and gorgeous
And other atrocities of a smiliar nature.
"press on my lips to force a small grin .. depending on different circumstances"
yes yes, u let a guy pass infront of u in the streets, he does that.. its not worthy of a 'thanks' or 'chairz' .. yet he/she is appreciating it to the extent of pressing lips together lol
Zeecu, at 3.9.06
9adoh with the index finger/thumb thing!! i WAS trying it out! :/ bs la2anee ma kint fahma at first what u meant! =P
MSB, at 3.9.06
i was trying it out sara7a!
e7mid rabbik I add egyptian words in Kuwaiti contex!
talk about identity crisis eih?
Arfana, at 3.9.06
what about movies? have you gone to the pictures at all this past year?
After a year in Exeter, I definitely prefer American accents.
Q8Sultana, at 3.9.06
lol..9ig cute.:P A bit of a flaky sort arent you ;P
LiLaCs, at 3.9.06
loool..reminds me of gr.7 when we had a supply teacher that was british, and we spent the rest of the year talking like her.. "be a dear and pick up that pencil fo' me"
when i was in the airport..everytime i met a british person i'd say "are you bri'ish?" love brits!!
this post made me miss my irish friends..i reckon :|
i think a brit accent on a kuwaiti would be priceless.. :p
Faith, at 3.9.06
LMAO! Thats' the funniest post I ever read on your blog so far.
mahvelous, m'love.
(erm, not too bri'ish, is it?)
ScarlO, at 4.9.06
1) Index finger = Sabbaba
2) Oi! (serves the same purpose as your "oy")
I can't stand brits talking (or acting!) ... cold and slow; It burns my nerves :p
MBH, at 4.9.06
I have to confess the British accent is not my favorite ;O
Once I lead a workshop of 9 Brits and communication was very challenging especially when they decide to joke!!
Anonymous, at 4.9.06
Alo Bruv!
...came round urs the otha night & u we'ent round....down at the vic with the lads we'e u? Errr um
thaaawt saaaaw...well do come round for tea sometime this week, uwkaay duuck? Baa the way i ran into that friend of urs down at the newsagents...right cheeky lass an all she is that Hailey....aaa down't know what u see in 'er, u've always been daft with the girls..u 'ave
Ok then poppet....best of love :*
(The Bu Taila's got to u bad ay? :P
Anyway....bima2ina ma3indik shay hal yomain....read the Adrian Mole books....ykhal9on ibser3a..
they're a laugh..nothing like brit humour!)
Delicately Realistic, at 4.9.06
This is hilarious Temetwir
مرة، أمام الأولاد، قلت لصديق "يسمع من حلجك الله" مثل المقولة المصرية، يعني يكون طالعة فيها، والى يومك يعايروني
also, I say "skedaddle" a lot, you think it's silly? :)
White Wings, at 4.9.06
Oh my God, like so totally awesome! hahaha brilliant post! You even caught me trying out that finger thingie you Brits do when deep in concentration. lol
BeeCrazy, at 4.9.06
hebah posh, inni'?
zeecu aye, i used to save it for the spanish chicks coming out of the language center
hitman ask a couple of my cousins, they had a lot of fun making fun of how i ONCE said "wotah" instead of "water" heh
msb no idea where/whom i got it from, it just happened one day o gethabt 3alaiha.. funny thing is i caught myself 'doing it' on the plane while i was reading my paper hehe
arfana egyptian words? like what?
sa3at agool amthaal masreya or something i heard from one of my friends back in highschool .. yedo el 7ala' lely maloosh widaan hahah
q8sultana heh duly noted! not sure abt preferring any accent though
bluu heh those days should definitely NOT come back, that's for sure.
and im glad u found it amusing :)
lilacs i beg your pardon? ;p
faith the irish are on a whole different level, them and the scots!
and yes, it is priceless in the sense of questioning if it's worth it heh
scarlo oh deary me, i di'nt just kom off like one of em bloody stereoytped wonkaz did i?
mbh why, but that's the idea
ummel3yal their humor is quirky that's for sure .. but i guess it works well in plays and theatre, definitely not in seminar though!
yup ur right there are many different accents (dare i say dialects too), personally i should've picked up the Geordie accent given where i was at .. but i ended up with a semi-Cockney one, stereotyped version of course, because of talking with my british professors and classmates who apparently werent from the north themselves
dc why alaw there sis, ran into hailey didju? iz been a(y)ges since i last had me a coupla her biscuits, a wonda if theyre as class as i remambah
white wings heh it beats "let's get out of here" doesnt it
lailyq8 worrrd
glad you found it amusing :)
digital nomad heh i knew that one would get a lot of people wondering!
Temetwir, at 5.9.06
ok 3AYAAAZTT WANA ATH7AK !!!!! a7la shay winta itarjem shay raqy english 7ag shay 7adaaaaaaa dafsh q8ty ! :P
um-miT3ib, at 5.9.06
I bet you end up with a headache at the end of the day with that accent!
Spontaneousnessity, at 6.9.06
smasssshing Tem.. positively smashing
rahab al majed | رَحَـبْ المــاجِـدْ, at 8.9.06
om mit3ib, you know it
spontan., incorrect
salty c, did you manage? is it britishesque or is it all in my head
junoony, heh forgot about that word.. i dont use it though
Temetwir, at 8.9.06
bloody 'ell..that was simply marvelous..gotta say old chap...you done it again...loved em all but my absolute favourite was "Allaw Mum"...chaaaarming...simply chaaarming...now be a good lad and pull your socks up!
(For some reason I'm now stuck on "the rain in spain stays mainly on the plane")
MissCosmoKuwait, at 8.9.06
jolly good... lol.
Ms. Sarah, at 10.9.06
u know after two years studying in the UK i didn't catch their accent... still speaking to my lecturers with the English /3arabic accent for example pronouncing it Ba7rain instead 'Baraain' or Ge6ar instead of Qataar or 3man instead of 'Omaan', many are still surprised but i intend to keep it this way although i like the British accent .... Chairz :)
متفرغ, at 11.9.06
tem are you gonna do ur usual dala3, etroo7 el kuwait wt6aleg ur blog? updaaate
Faith, at 11.9.06
i haven't seen you for a while but I thought u'd find this interesting:
Arfana, at 11.9.06
"tuck in your shirt and straighten your tie" goes along with the socks thing you mention
o 3ogobha "mmmmm"
i tend to say the arabic names with arabic letters .. eg my colleague's name was 3abdelmo6aleb, and i would call him just that .. not "abidal",, same goes with el 3ain wel 6aa' ..
we represent, keep it up heh
chairz lav
been busy, will be busy for a few more days .. until then:
tota tota khelsit el7atoota
ill save it and check it out later, mashkora
Temetwir, at 12.9.06
teme, i absolutely loved it i think londoners have the classiest accent of all. I also its easier to pick up than american
A3sab, at 13.9.06
mint ;)
the11thmuse, at 14.9.06
everything depends on this one question if the answer is no mako jinsiya (well u know..)
'ave you 'ad a kebab? (lol.. ) if yes then you have officially been UK'd (pimped- a la xibit pimp my ride)
dont even think of denying it lol
the11thmuse, at 14.9.06
posts posts!
Anonymous, at 15.9.06
fffff, I really hate the accent :D sorry I just can't stand it
Common_Sense, at 16.9.06
You're a good man, and done this world of ours proud.
Anonymous, at 18.9.06
om mejrin,
i think it all has to do with which one you're exposed to the most
duly noted
"bruvvvv Ali, greetings" .. ma yabela
no promises bas enshalla, 3isht :)
thank you! where'd that come from
thank you again :)
Temetwir, at 19.9.06
my sis speaks the British accent its so funny ... liked the post :)
Ra-1, at 5.10.06
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