وشهد شاهد من أهلها
*I am held responsible for anything in this post as it is based on my own research. If you have anything that refutes anything here, please come forward and argue. The quotes are not tampered with by myself. Note: It is not I that has translated.
Please do not discuss shallow matters as who is to blame right now; as I am only concerned with the hard fact, truth-based politics - or lack thereof - of this war. Israel is to blame, by the way. Because they said so, not I.*
Amir Rappaport is a Maariv (Ma3areef) correspondant in military affairs.
He writes,
فالاسرة الدولية لا تزال لا تقف مع ساعة ضبط الوقت في يدها، ولكن الاحساس هو ان الضوء الاخضر الذي اعطي لاسرائيل كي يجن جنونها في لبنان لن يبقي مشعلا الي الابد. وتجربة الماضي تفيد بان الحملة ستنتهي الي هذا الحد أو ذاك ما أن تصل الولايات المتحدة الي الاستنتاج بان اسرائيل قد استنفدتها. وهذا ليس بالضرورة قرارنا
He's the one who wrote كي يجن جنونها في لبنان, and something tells me he does not mean that the soldiers are going to dance the night away.
What exactly is it in "yajeno jonoonaha fi lubnaan" that I don't understand, I wonder, because some people want to insist on this being about the operation carried out by 7izballah.
امكانية أن يضطر الجيش الاسرائيلي الي التوقف قبل أن يكون حقق كامل اهداف الحملة هي السبب في ان رئيس الوزراء ايهود اولمرت يفضل التسويف في الاتصالات مع مبعوث الامم المتحدة الي المنطقة.
You say you want a cease fire? There you go. Plea to the asshole who wants to prove he's a dick (sorry for not being sorry for this type of language, I believe it's true).
Now, this is very, very important:
واضح انه قبل ان تنتهي الحملة ينبغي تحقيق اكثر ما يمكن. هدم، تفجير، تلقين درس. ولكن كي يتمكن الجيش الاسرائيلي من تحقيق أهداف الحملة ـ ليس فقط ابعاد حزب الله عن الحدود، بل وايضا تحطيم منظومة الصواريخ الهائلة التي تمسك باسرائيل في مكان حساس منذ ست سنوات ـ مطلوب علي الاقل اسبوع آخر حتي اسبوع ونصف من الهجمات. وفي الجيش الاسرائيلي يفضلون استكمال العمل من الجو. ولكن اذا لم يكن هناك مفر، فستكون أيضا عملية برية لابعاد جزء كبير من الصواريخ.
There, he said it. Not I, not anyone who's a supporter of any sort of resistance against Israel.
قبل ان تنتهي الحملة ينبغي تحقيق اكثر ما يمكن. هدم، تفجير، تلقين درس
Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. 1559. 1559. 1559. Laa jendeyain wala hom ya7zanon. لغرض في نفس يعقوب
وايضا تحطيم منظومة الصواريخ الهائلة التي تمسك باسرائيل في مكان حساس منذ ست سنوات
"sit sanawaat". That is: Sit ... sanawaat
Two .. soldiers
عدد ثنان جندي
He continues,
غير أن تصريحات رئيس الوزراء اللبناني بالذات تعقد الوضع من ناحية اسرائيل. ورغم أنه يمكن تفسيرها بمؤشرات الانكسار، وبالرمز في أن الضغط الاسرائيلي بالفعل سيحرك الشارع اللبناني للضغط علي حزب الله
He calls it "il thagh6 il isra'eely", you and I both know what it is in fact: a ruthless, disgusting war on the innocent. There you go, he sees it as "pressure". And you, for some reason, say something worst: It's not their fault.
But the main point is: use Lebanon as a scapegoat to get what you want.
Amazing, isn't it, how some people want to say that it is in fact 7izballah that is using Lebanon. 3aib, is the only word that comes to mind. Don't mind insulting my intelligence; I'm an idiot, okay. But please. PLEASE. Don't insult yours.
I'm sorry, come again?
ففي اسرائيل يعرفون ان لا سيطرة حقيقية علي حزب الله
Don't make my day by agreeing. Make YOUR day by getting a clue.
He continues,
التصريحات المعتدلة المنطلقة من لبنان يمكنها أيضا أن تخلق الانطباع بأن اسرائيل توشك علي النصر اما الحقيقة فهي بعيدة عن ذلك.
Here (in a previous article not like the one from above), he writes about the shame 7izballah has brought on the IDF,
خسائر كبيرة خسرها الجيش في ساعة واحدة من يوم قتال واحد، واختطف اثنان من جنوده، ولا تزال قوات حزب الله تحاصر الموقع وتمنع جنود الجيش من الاقتراب من هناك. هذا ما سبب الشعور بالخجل، فجيش كبير وقوي، دبابته محترقة، فيها بقايا جنوده، يقف لساعات طويلة لا يقوى على التقدم، هذا ما يُسمى بـ "قواعد لعبة جديدة" فرضتها هذه المنظمة الارهابية الشيعية على الجيش الاسرائيلي،
مع أن هذا الجيش يملك سلاح جو يعتبر الثاني في العالم من حيث عظمته وحجمه بعد الولايات المتحدة. بكلمات مغسولة ومقبولة هناك، فقد أُطلق على سياسة "الإذلال" التي قبل بها الجيش الاسرائيلي طوال ست سنوات على حدوده مع لبنان، ومنذ الانسحاب من جنوبه اسم "السهولة" بدلا من الإقرار بأن ميزان القوى يهدد بوجود 13 ألف صاروخ موجهة الى مواقع في شمالي اسرائيل
1. He said "il monathamaat il irhabeya", so that shows that he isn't an "arab lover" or sympathizer.
2. He said "thaany a3tham jaish" fil 3aalam about the Israelis, and I don't think that's true - they're the fourth. Ya3ni akoon imragi3ha? No just being objective.
ولكن، الى أي حد كانت سياسة "الاذلال" مقبولة هناك؟ ولماذا لم يتم تغيير قواعد اللعبة هناك منذ أن قام حزب الله باختطاف ثلاثة جنود من مزارع شبعا في شهر تشرين الاول 2003؟
واذا لم يكن في ذلك الوقت، لماذا لم تتغير في أعقاب المحاولة الجريئة لاختطاف جنود من قرية الغجر في تشرين الثاني 2005 والتي رافقها هجوم شامل على معظم منطقة المستوطنات اليهودية؟
ولماذا سمح الجيش الاسرائيلي لحزب الله بالعودة الى المواقع على امتداد الخط الازرق وعلى بعد "بصقة" واحدة من الجنود الاسرائيليين، حتى بعد أن استُخدمت تلك المواقع كقواعد لانطلاق مجموعات حزب الله في الهجوم الأخير الواسع الذي حدث قبل شهر ونصف، في 28 أيار 2006؟ وفي نفس ذلك الهجوم أطلق حزب الله صواريخ الكاتيوشا على احدى القواعد القيادية لسلاح الجو في جبل ميرون بالقرب من صفد.
Ayaar is May for those who don't know or want to research this.
كما هي الحال في عملية "أمطار الصيف" في غزة، هكذا هي الحال بالنسبة لعملية "الأجر المناسب" في جنوب لبنان، هي ذات أهداف عسكرية غير اعتيادية، بل انها شاذة تماما. ففي المعنى الاولي فان كلتا العمليتين استهدفتا عمل ضغط كبير وشديد ومؤلم على المواطنين في غزة وفي لبنان
Here is something very important:
أما من ناحية عسكرية، فان سلسلة الهجمات (الجوية بالأساس) لم تكن عفوية أو أنها تأتي صدفة.
فالحقيقة أنه كانت للجيش الاسرائيلي خطط وبرامج أعدها سلفا، وكانت مُعدة في الأدراج، كما يقال، وبانتظار أي تصعيد على الحدود الشمالية، والذي كان حسب خطط الجيش أنه أمر لا بد من وقوعه عاجلا أم آجلا. بل إن الجيش الاسرائيلي أجرى مناورات عديدة وتدرب على تنفيذ هذه الخطط قبل أكثر من شهرين.
Instant replay *slow motion*: الذي كان حسب خطط الجيش أنه أمر لا بد من وقوعه عاجلا أم آجلا
And HE is the one who wrote "fil 7ageega". Sheftooha? Khathra (ehdaa' 7ag el Si3odeya), o 7aa6ha b font size Huge.
Jendeyain enkha6faw, jendy zalag, waa7ed sad il talefoon eb wayh wazeer defa3hom o 6ofar.. it was bound to happen, no matter what. And yes, it is my personal belief, based on my limited and simple mind, that Lebanon would have been torn apart. Why? Becuase the whole point is to pressure 7izballah to disarm.
We all know 7izballah is a resistance group so OF COURSE they would carry out more of their -succesful- operations. Only this time, Israel, based on Rappaport, did NOT CARE what it was. They wanted to rape and destory Lebanon, shatter it to pieces, kill the innocent (allah yer7amhom), force more civilians to immigrate.
Ah well, they probably knew Bush would go all the way, and then some, to make it all possible.
The least I can do is do this. Write words on a screen after reading words off of a screen. The least you can do is give yourself the courtesy to read. NOT WHAT I WROTE. Read. Not watch the news. La ya mama. READ. You say "I love Lebanon". Stop saying it.
edit: I forgot to mention that I have taken one of the Amir Rappaport (أو عمير ربابورت) quotes from 3amaar Tagy's article in Al Rai Al 3aam dated 21st July. Please read full article here, and for much more of everything go here.
military correspondent? some reporter who does the reports from the military areas? why are you quoting him like he's some sort of authority or the voice of Israel?
By Anonymous, at 21.7.06
are you saying he's guessing, lying, or doesn't know what he is talking about?
better yet, are you saying he shouldn't be quoted because he's not a member of the "israeli" authority?
what is it exactly about him, being someone who both strives for "israel" to exist and the fact that this is what he does for a living that you find so unworthy of quoting?
i.e. what is it about his background that undermines his perspective?
i've been going on with these questions just so i can tell you: 'oh okay then, if that's what you want, you just go on ahead now down to the previous post'
By Temetwir, at 21.7.06
Ok Al7een Adree Bitseer baina 3ugub 7achyi but here goes.
7izballah is doing what they believe is their holy task, defending their land against the invading jews, and they're almost the only ones who are still single handedly taking on israel and scaring the shit out of it at many times I give you that.
But, and I know they can't stop out of their strong belief, Bas isara7ah Sh3ugbah? 3ugub Ma Taraba3at Israel - Amreeka ithania - 3ala Falas6een Wala a7ad Yigdar Yza3zi3ha.
So if 7izballah so much as looked at Israel the wrong way, Israel is going to take that wonderful opportunity and murder the innocent, and no one will judge or blame Israel.
So, for the sake of the millions living their, living in peace is the only thing one can hope for in this area of conflict. That and reaching a common ground through agreements.
Otherwise it is only the Arabs who will suffer. Cuz even if 7izballah are mujahideen Fee sabeel illah, their actions will always be labeled as terrorist attacks, which will naturally excuse Israel from bloody murder.
By Hazolat, at 21.7.06
as i disclosed up in the top of this post, i've debated this way too many times welsara7a i cant go on and on repeating myself.. if u want ill just go and see where ive argued and link u there so u can see what i have to say lena en raddat lelsij kela nafs el7achi o kela kalam faregh ma yetessel belwaage3
answer me this, please
a) you said:
"Sh3ugbah? 3ugub Ma Taraba3at Israel - Amreeka ithania - 3ala Falas6een Wala a7ad Yigdar Yza3zi3ha"
so are you saying ena "they" (we) should let go and give up?
yes or no
ma taraba3at israel 3ala falas6een ela mn khaibat "gaadatna" .. ely ohma bro7hom ma lehom sharr3eya, o fog hatha takhaathol wara takhaathol
madri shsalfat "living in peace", hal men sejkom wela tetgashmeroon
o mn galech ena "ohma" zahbeen to deal through peace mathalan aw enhom yaboona wela theyre gona say "eh ya hala o ya mar7aba, ta3alaw yoba netnaagash selmeyyan"? wela enty ma tadreen shsaar eb camp david wel offer el ghaby sara7a?
i.e. sheno el mobadaraat ely 7athretich shefteeha "selmiya" that the arabs should agree to? :)
b) what will YOU do about it? what will I do about it? just say let's do it peacefully? okay, if there's no peace solution (i.e. if you fail to let me know how exactly does this end peacefully if not first by force and then settle with leverage)
what will we do about it? say "we're kuwaitis" and disregard their cause? khalaas shefna allah mann 3laina bel ne3ma o ga3adna tebarraina from who we are and WHAT we are?
la walla, hatha ely naagiss .. ath3af il eeman ena elwa7ed YET7ACHA ya akhy
ya hazolat ya ba3ad 3omri entay .. geltaw gabel shahrain "3anaa9ir el fasaad metrab3aa!!" o galoolkom el naas terkaw 3ankom, this is a lost cause and you cant win
now, this is infinitely more important, and just as much, infinitely harder and more demanding .. so what, that makes it an excuse?
well, for some.. it does.
for myself.. it motivates me to make a difference, 7ata lo akhaly ONE other person believe in this cause, agdar agol sawait shay 3alagal bedal ga3dety
hazzolat walah ya hazolat :|
anyway, tara this has nothing to do with THIS post .. please comment on the stuff written
also, i think its very very important that you read arfana's topic here, dated the 19th
(and if ur reading this arfana i hope u dont mind the linking)
By Temetwir, at 21.7.06
sorry didnt quite get you/the reference there
come again?
By Temetwir, at 21.7.06
it's a reference from Borat's Song. Borat is one of the many characters of Ali G. He sings about the Jews. here's the link:
Ironically, He's a Jew.
By DonZz, at 21.7.06
oh yeah yeah .. i knew ali g since his show on the UK (and the movie)
sacha cohen i think is his name
so anyway, tell me now
what did u think of what the "zionist guy" had to say from the quotes?
By Temetwir, at 21.7.06
Interestingly, I'm not surprised, but what I do know for a fact is that Hezbollah started everything. I'm partially blaming them yes. But, what if I didn't ? what if I supported Hezbollah ? you think the Arab League will support them too ? they don't give a damn .. Kuwait, inparticular does not give a damn about the crisis, because our interest as kuwaitis lies somewhere else.
I think that,yes ,there are Jews who contradict the actions taken by the Israeli officials, and yeah they want peace. But, seriously, do you think peace will be maintained ? I don't think so .. I have always thought that one day a big crisis will happen, that will END for sure the middle-east conflict .. and that ofcourse includes the Jewish state being abolished from the map.
Is the time now ? I don't want it to be .. because the Arab League is NOT ready. In order for us to do what we know we're gonna do we should be ready, and as far as I know the U.S is backing Israel. it's gonna be hard not to get provoked into this mess.
Personally, be it evil as it seems, I think we need another holocaust.
By DonZz, at 21.7.06
a) We should not let go and give up. We already have.
As for our leaders, I am with you on this one. And living in peace, well yes it is a better life for them under the circumstances of dealing with the devil.
Teme, I did not say that it is a lost cause or that we should not participate in any way. Quite the opposite, we as Arabs have an obligation to both Palestine and Lebanon to make individual efforts that would help out people in need there.
What I was trying to say is that 7izballah will not either liberate them from Israel or make life better. They are simply giving Israel excuses to blow up more innocent people.
That does not mean that it's a lost cause, it is definately not. It just means that ita3asob Moo Zain, Wil Wa7id Lazim Ykoon Thaki Oo Yshoof il Masla7ah il 3ammah.
By Hazolat, at 22.7.06
" but what I do know for a fact is that Hezbollah started everything "
- disagreed, and i think the post touches upon this exact point .. o la tensa ya donzz ena israel ehya el me7talla o ehya ely ma tetfaawath o ehya ely etkamel entehaak-ha o ehya o ehya o ehya.. etc
i think this POV is the result of the media giving out a one-sided account
"there are Jews who contradict the actions taken by the Israeli officials, and yeah they want peace"
- just to note, Rappaport is not saying that .. he's a zionist with a cause, he's just saying 7izballah is insulting the israeli army and as a result israel will go in lebanon and blow up LEBANON instead, so they can create what he calls "ilthaq6 il israely", ya 7aif mestarrkhess demmaan elbashar
point being: israel is using lebanon ground and lebanese people as a "tool" to get what they want,
he then states that israel KNOWS that in lebanon no one can force 7izbala into something, namely disarming
which AGAIN, reaffirms the point that israel are the ones who are using lebanon as a ground, slaughtering the lebanese and demolishing the country, all the while KNOWING that this will not solve ANY "problem" (for them: existence of resistance) in their own words, it would just create tension inside lebanon
and boy is it working OUTSIDE lebanon, unfortunately
- and no, i never said and never will even think that peace will be possible - let alone maintained - without fighting, very very hard and costly fighting
"Is the time now ? I don't want it to be .. because the Arab League is NOT ready"
- the arabs as a league will never be the ones that help the process.. that is why u dont have anyone else but the resistance of 7izballah, 7amaas, and whoever the US wants to call terrorists.
let them have their agendas, we'll deal with them later,, for now, mogawama
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
"at least they are doing something."
^ for now (this particular war, as well as "now" to refer to takhaathul il 3arab), this is all that matters
i disagree with you, vintage, in saying:
" consider the heavier probablity that both israel and 7izbulla are scapegoating lebanon "
i am in no position to question 7izbala's love and fear for their country .. in no position at all because i know their history (thru operations)
but yes, anyway, in the end, to say that "at least theyre doing something" is fair enough .. im sure u can agree, vintage, that this is neither the time nor cause for anyone to knock them down by saying theyre this and not that and that and not this
allah yekon eb 3oun lebnaan o allah yer7am shohadaa'hom
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
a) i havent, and i know a lot of ppl who havent; and if u say we 'shouldnt' then im thinking its easy for u too to jump back on the wagon
b) u say theyre "giving an excuse" to israel to blow up more people
first of all, nothing can "excuse"
that in today's world except the US .. and they have excused israel, all the more reason to resist
look at the US officials' statements, and look at their actions to prevent any halt
did u see what Rice has said just yesterday (today)? ceasefire is pointless?
u know why its pointless for them?
u think they need an excuse to go in there and slaughter human beings? just look at what el falas6iniyeen go through
unfortunately, the media has just now turned the spotlight over there and give an impression that you say "7izbala is giving excuses" .. no theyre not, the US is MAKING THE EXCUSE by saying "defending itself", i resent u saying "giving the excuse" (just being a linguist)
to quote Naom Chomsky:
they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing... You can't defend yourself when you're militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense. Call it what you like, it's not defense.
(3ala fikra hazolat, ma gelteely ay peace tetkalemain 3anah o shlon it is made possible bedoon hal mogawama, and i hope u read the post i linked to)
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
i would say (to describe my stance) that i am a supporter of the RESISTANCE in whole; a supporter of LEBANON now and its right to fight back (yes thru 7ezballah and especially given the US and German statements); and always have been a supporter of palestine and its rights
i wouldnt say im a supporter of 7izbalah and leave it at that ;)
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
a) I haven't stopped as well, and I know you haven't. I wasn't talking about us individuals, though we do count. I am talking about the Arabic countries and their weak position they've been in for ever.
b) I can see how linguistically it might come off wrong. There is nothing that excuses anyone from killing the innocent. What I meant is that Israel is taking 7izballah's fights, that are fights to defend its land, as an opportunity for more slaughter.
c) I believe that peace could be achieved in Lebanon more than Palestine, if only 7izballah ceased their fighting and started focussing on reaching their goals in other ways that might not be labeled as terrorist attacks, thus iba7at il Dam il Jama3i lil 3arab by Israel.
Wallah I hope you are trying at least to grasp what I am trying to get across to you and not focus on linguistic and other stuff, cuz Khalas, 3ayaz 7mar Oboy.
By Hazolat, at 22.7.06
- tara i remember what u said in your reply to my last post .. so i know where u stand and know where ur coming from so i dont need to try to grasp it, walaw .. i thought u knew that i knew, and therefore have tossed around some ideas back and forth 3ala hal asaas :)
y3ni ely agseda ena mo ga3ed ajadlech lena fahmech ghala6, bel3aks
1. very true ma'am, very true
2. theyre taking it as an opportunity to force world opinion and 7izbalah let down their arms,, but ok ill take that instead
3. im not sure if ur up to date with the implications of the ceasefire.. and btw, 2 things:
a) israel couldve ceased fire.. but its not about that, its abt the disarmament and more grasp
b) the US blocked any actions of ceasefire and gave another week AFTER SEEING WHAT ISRAEL HAS DONE to lebanon all thru LAST week .. u say peace? with who? tekfain ma3a meno..
c) Rice elg...awmajeya said "cease fire is pointless", i mentioned this previously and i hope u can understand why
also please read the post (again, madri laish a7es u havent really "read it be tama3un") and put all the above in context
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
Ok let's try to clear this point up. you're definitely bored of debating this little point and wer may be so far away that it doesn't really matter, but nonetheless.
Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers sparking the counterattack of the Israeli army, right ? Now, you say that this is untrue, bas Israel kanat etdawer el zala ?
Let's say Hezbolla didn't kidnap those Israeli soldiers, would Israel still attack them ? would they kill those civilians ? I mean, ok edawroon el zala but if Hezbollah did not attakc and didn't cause any kind of threat whatsoever to the Israelis I think alot of lives would've been spared. Nevertheless, we were eaiting for auch a thing as I have said, but the blame in my eyes .. should fall partially on Hezbollah for sparking the whole mess.
Also, an honest question from an honest man, are you shiite ?
By DonZz, at 22.7.06
- yep ana shee3i
- no, if 7izballah didnt capture the 2 soldiers israel would not have attacked lebanon yet
(you should know why already)
- "if Hezbollah did not attakc and didn't cause any kind of threat whatsoever to the Israelis I think alot of lives would've been spared"
what kind of resistance would be no resistance? (read here)
question to an honest man: do you reserve the right for israel to exist as a sovereign state? if yes, why. if not, why
- "the blame in my eyes .. should fall partially on Hezbollah for sparking the whole mess."
a) this depends on your answer to my above question
b) rappaport writes:
كما يجدر بالذكر انه بينما يحاول العالم تعزيز رئيس الوزراء اللبناني، ففي اسرائيل يعرفون ان لا سيطرة حقيقية على حزب الله
so, if Olmert & Co Assholes UnLimited know that the lebanese govt has no control over 7izballah, why attack the whole of lebanon? what is that going to do?
okay, rephrase: if 7izballah is a 'terrorist organization' according to israel, and this terrorist organization is a mad horse and irresponsible group that the lebeanese govt cannot control.. why do you attack lebanon?
mr zionist answers:
وبالرمز في أن الضغط الاسرائيلي بالفعل سيحرك الشارع اللبناني للضغط على حزب الله
donzz, i KNOW ur looking at this in only one light and that is the humanitarian one and i dont think ull find any contention from anyone when discussing it as such .. but the fact of the matter is, this is a global conflict over the most important region in today's world
you see it as lebanon, they (rice for one) see it AND CALL IT RIGHT NOW "the middle east" and hows theres going to be a "new" one
u tell me,, u think the "reincarnation" of a middle east and the reshaping of it (in the power scale 6ab3an) 3ala 7asab ma yabona is something that would not have been started and forced on the region weya hal 3amaleya mn 7izballa aw bedonha?
le hal daraja u dont know how important this region is?
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
"question to an honest man: do you reserve the right for israel to exist as a sovereign state? if yes, why. if not, why"
Absolutely not, I am against Israel existing period. and why ? need me say more ?
Look, I am not against Hezbollah as a whole. I am just against the action that sparked this mess in the first place, they KNOW that there will be consequences, and that Lebanon will suffer. We as Arabs cannot fight Israel at the moment, we are Fighting among ourselves !
To clear things up for you, I am against Israel, I condemn them, I hate them, I wish hezbollah creates havoc in Israel. In my eyes and the eyes of millions, Hezbollah lit the fire up, na7kem 3al thaher ya temetwir.
btw, o ne3em walla :)
By DonZz, at 22.7.06
Temetwir... haddi a3sabak el game lessa fi awweloh
I do agree though that the quotes need some kind of balance
I do call on you (my literate, intellectual friend) to write a blog directed to the western press.
yes, off the topic, has no facts, I broke all the guidelines.
I hope I'm not offending anyone's intelligence :-)
By Arfana, at 22.7.06
allah yen3am eb7alek :)
"Absolutely not, I am against Israel existing period."
- great, then you and i agree that something should be done about it.
this is something being done about it.
(please feel free to showcase anything else that worked in the past)
"they KNOW that there will be consequences,.."
- yes, to them
"..and that Lebanon will suffer"
- disagreed, but that's alright because i understand what you mean
"We as Arabs cannot fight Israel at the moment, we are Fighting among ourselves !"
- i would like that to read:
the Arabs through their so-called leaders (ely ma lehom shar3iya 3ala fikra) cannot fight israel at the moment because they are the states' puppets and are extremely paranoid about their remaining in power, and in fact, gaining more power thru their silence.
salemly 3ala el american army bases all over the middle east.
we as arabs, the population, can fight israel by showing that we want something to be done about it .. namely, THE LEAST we can do is let it be known to the US adminstration that: we see your DIRECT backing up of israel thru arms and aid as well as the DIRECT approval of their actions in lebanon to be 'shameful'
ana gelt "shameful" yam3awad, AGAL SHAY khal negool: la laa yal rabe3, 7arakatmom 'mo 7elwa'
wallah el3atheem raathy.. bas wain el rayaal ely yet7acha? (i say 'rayal' lena gaaddatna kelhom "thekoor") bas ma feehom rayal
and donzz, what i reported was called the "new middle east"? the one Rice is talking about? i have reason to believe it is one that accepts the existance of israel as a sovereign state :)
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
Another wicked post. I missed all the action, though :-\ I was checking here just .. what, two days ago??
I think your post is self-explanatory. Whoever adhers to their beliefs are just doing that; adhering to their beliefs. Irrationaly or rationally, they're sticking to them. It's not two soldiers, it's as horrifying as the quotes state/imply.
Now whether 7ezballah started the whole war or not, I'd say this war has been going on ever since Israel came to existence. They've been seizing opportunities, and this is one fat opportunity that they're not planning to miss.
I hate, hate, hate, hate, H*A*T*E the way we keep telling ourselves that we cannot fight them, we cannot face them, we cannot do anything to Israel, we're not united yet to fight and all that jazz. It's as bad as saying: "oh, okay, so we're pathetic slimy worms going to be crushed under the foot of an Israeli flithy pig. He might miss a bunch and crush a bunch; let's hope that we be among those who'll survive"
I agree with Donzz that we're fighting among each other. But will we ever realise that Israel won't wait for us "suckers" to make-up and reunite and all that lovely stuff, and fight them back? Will we realise that as we fight over trifles, people are being killed and massacred, and we might be on the waiting list? Will we ever realise that we have to start doing something before it is too late? This argument, this ugly division between us as Arabs and Muslims is in itself something that Israel are very happy about. Having us split into two (or more) opinions, Israel knows that we're not going to do anything except argue, as they make their way and shoot us in the head before we even end up our never-ending argument.
to answer your question in the previous post, yes 7ezballah sparked the war, on the face of it.
Yet if you go beyond the surface (if you read them quotes posted here for instance) you'll realise that no, they did not start it actually.
By ScarlO, at 22.7.06
yam3awda e7na khal ne3abil eb rabe3na belawal ely 6aagya 3alaihom el western media, ba3dain la7geen enraaketh wara il western media
not sure what you mean by the quotes needing balance though .. ?
la mozayada,
im liking the Irish Scarlo
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
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By DonZz, at 22.7.06
"what do you think we as a population can do ?"
believe :)
the rest is motivated by the belief .. writing online? okay great, if u can get one more person then that's enough
go on protests? great, at least you spend some of your time thinking about a humanitarian/religious/national cause - and not worry abt "walaih, al7en el ma3azeeb el amraikan ra7 yez3elon 3alay"
le'ana if "it" does not happen in my lifetime, i want to die knowing that i have done 'at least the least' i could have, even if that means i just spread the word and defend the word with evidence (not caring obviously for those who speak of 3abdelnasir's "failed" attempt o madri sheno)
yes, the US media is biased and yes the US foreign policy is hijacked by the jews .. but tell me kind sir does that give you an excuse, or does that not give you a REASON?
personally, i see it as THE reason .. o 3ad ana shga3ed asawi? at7acha?
what am i doing gair giving my time and thought to think and write for a purpose? isnt this "peaceful"? if i know i can, then why shouldnt i, if not now, then when? yep im not thinking with my head, but im not thking with my emotions either, im thinking with my faith elsara7a
besmelah elra7man elra7eem
سابقوا إلى مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضها كعرض السماء والأرض أعدت للذين آمنوا بالله ورسله ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء والله ذو الفضل العظيم
o3idat lelatheena ammano belaah wa rosoleh .. "rosoleh" aamana fahamnaaha, bs el eeman belaah shlon yekon? salat o ssoum, wela kel hatha o TASLEEM o tawakol?
o tara 3ogb hal ayaa 3ala 6ool,
ما أصاب من مصيبة في الأرض ولا في أنفسكم إلا في كتاب من قبل أن نبرأها إن ذلك على الله يسير
if someone wishes to think that that makes me "wa7ed gaseen 3alaih eb isem il islam", then let him/her step forward o mako ay ishkaal netnaagash
btw i just read an article in Alqabas by "anwar il rshaid" who said (bema ma3naah) "ma a3teged fe wa7ed kwaity yertha yejaazif bel raqqad wel na3eem ely feeh 3ashan 7arrb mo 7arbna" ..
ya salaam? o la azeedik mn el she3ir bait, ba3dain he writes something about "e7na net3a6af ma3a il sha3b il lebnany o irany o falas6eeny o ra7 ned3amhom b kel shay 3endena laken mo 3ala e7sab masla7atna" .. wala magool gaair laa barak allah eb fils ye6la3 eb menna wela eb khouf 3ala"masale7na", 3ala aish ghaaratna el denya tara ana khaaber shay esma quraan o khaber shay esma jana eb hal quraan o gaary feeh enna:
وإن يوما عند ربك كألف سنة مما تعدون
so seriously, hal masla7a el 3olya fi a7ad ma yabeeha? 6ab3an la, laken lama ashofha tansif what we CLAIM we believe in, nakheth'ha 3thir? (in the case of the writer)
how insignificant does that make our lives as "passer-by's" who said "hmm oh yeah, i dont see the arabs united, ill wait for them to unite" .. pretty insignificant i guess
but mmm, ur an arab? why dont u try to unite urself and another guy first? how does it ALWAYS start?
raddan ela mr al rshaid: ya3ni ya rait enkesaar mn jabaroot israel, laa, el akh khayef 3ala "il raqad wil na3eem" ely feeh .. madri ana shlon elwa7ed ye7e6 raasa 3al makhada yenaam o yadry ena kel yom bnaya toghtassab wela a 6yr old gets a bullet to rip his chest through his back wela wa7da togaf et6ale3 bait'ha yenheddim.. wela wa7ed yenhaan jedam e3yaalah ?? all im gonna do is pay money, like that's gonna make it all alright and i can tell myself ive done my part? is that how i contribute? o 3ad yarait sej el eflos tero7 lel mogawama.. khalni saket yam3awad
khalik bel na3eem wel raqqad laken 3ala el agal khalha gatheeytek .. in his case: u have access to a newspaper, u know this paper is read, u know u can use this space to "ted3am eb kel ma laddayk" (pen and paper) .. teyee takteb 7ag il 3alam ena this war isnt our war?
ya salam, o bas lama kanat our war with iraq as kuwaitis, sarat gasban 3al kel everybody's war?
y3ni khal afham, is the oil back home worth more than someone's life? hmm surely that came out right becoz apparently the answer is 'oh hell yeah'
so donzz, if you see it as "if we fight then we will be crushed", then at least we can say we tried doing something :)
yup even if it's just blabbering over the internet, if thats the most we can do right now (eg you and i being half way across the world from our homes), then so be it .. ill personally do it
By Temetwir, at 22.7.06
Believe me, if we weren't concenrned about the status of the conflict, we wouldn't be talking about it now and debating. we have better things to do, and yeah, tatharob ma9ale7 lelkwait, shay 6abe3y .. agoolek kelen edawer ma9la7tah.
By DonZz, at 22.7.06
mashallah 3leik !!!! GARGAA !!!!
no really ... your repeating yourself in different words ...using verses from quran that DOES NOT MATCH with the main subject at all !!!
7ezballah and al Qaeda are hypoctires =)
By Mother Courage, at 23.7.06
mother c,
mo awal mara tgoleen eny athkerr (mo astakhdem) ayaat mn elquran matetkalam 3an ely akon atkalam feh.. fa etha 7athretich mategrain ely akteba o tefhemeena, aw 7a6a ebbalich shay mo3ayan ta7sibeny a3neeh mn don la tegrain, agal shay a6leba menich enich ma tetahmainy b ashbah ma yekon el istehaana belquran astagferlla, tara kelesh mo hayna
wetha fe3lan 3endich 7uja, hathy aftekir thany mara a6leb menich tebayneenha.
btw sa'alteeni bel last post o jawabtech and so did another person wenty ham eb hal khesoos ma radaitay
By Temetwir, at 23.7.06
Mother C,
You mentioned in another blog that all we do is blabber, and we should take action. Action towards what, may I ask?
Towards the Israeli invasion? 7ezballah are.
Towards the war in Lebanon? It's been made clear (I think Temetwir made it VERY clear) that this war would have happened anyways, and this was just a chance. You want to blame 7ezballah for giving Israel the chance? You won't be blaming them if you were related to a prisoner in Israel. You see how they get treated, don't you? I suppose you don't. I don't, either, but perhaps I have a wide imagination.
Saying that 7ezballah are hypocrites, Lebanon is the poor victim and all that rubbish won't do any good. All it will do is put down people, split them more and more (and God knows we're a super 'splitty' nation) and thus help Israel tearing up the nation. We're already torn anyways, so how about we try some band-aid for now and -try to- unite?
For the sake of them innocent people dying there, at least.
Israel should pay back and no one seems to be hitting back except 7ezballah. You know this as much as I do. And you know -or should know- that petitions and pathetic attempts to solve things peacefully are just pathetic.
What did Saddam do when almost the whold world *condemned* the invasion? He didn't care one bit. Kept hitting until he got hit and was forced to drag his army out and leave. Why do you expect Olmert to be less a bastard than Saddam?
David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.
By ScarlO, at 23.7.06
okay inshort.. 3ashan la ntawilha wehee giseerah!
the whole concept of jihad and relating it to what hizbilla's are doing.. 7izballah the "heros" the ones who are going to get islam back to its "glory" =)
too many subdivided issues that does not concern me right now. iraq/kuwait ...etc =)
anyway .. we're moving in a circle and everyone apparently is convinced with his/her own ideas/perceptions ...with all respect,its not like we're going to change anything here. no one is listening to "us"... peace out huni =)
By Mother Courage, at 23.7.06
mother c,
will all due respect (and i think uve known me for over a yr now so u would know what i intend), ana emla7eth 3alaich hal yomain ena 3aglech wayed esgeer walanty rathya testaw3ebain shay yenketeb la meny or from those who share my stance, wala mn el ladies and gents here who are debating me, or even replying to you, o el meshkela el akbar enich mo rathya tegrain o testaw3ebain shay mn el quotes ..
y3ni enty ya estathty yaya emgafla o matabeen tesme3een shay yengal gair elshay ely feh sab o tele3in; a3teged athnaina nathker kalamech ely ma wedy ossefa.. 3omoman ana mashof ena 7ATA hathy meshkela; el meshkela in my opinion takmen fi konech ma gelty shay yed3am kalamech la mn tareekh wala mn ta7leel (ur personal + taking in from scholars and officials) wala mn eltagayorat ely belsa3a o yalla elwa7ed yela7eg in short: ma mn estenaad
3ala fikra garait lech a comment tegoleen ena elnaas temda7 7ezballa "chena allah" w b3dain geltay shay 3an el"takhalof" fekhsos mn wagif ma3a lebnan o mogawamat el7ezb..
en kent amon 3alaich, atmana tefhemeny lama agolech 3aib hal tashbeeh, gabel kelllshay, sadgeeni 3aib ikhty
elsara7a ana thag khelgy belawal bas ham farra7t.. thag khelgy lena hagaitech ensana fahma wa3ya o wa3yech yejooz ena yekon lah jez' belseyasa eldawleya laken esme7eeli agolech rayee: a3teged ena hal mawtho3 akbar menich eb mara7el o yabelich tegrain wayed o terje3een bel zeman 3egood yaaalah tebdain testaw3ebain 7ajm el gatheya
mn kalamech ley belthaat wely garaita bel comment yathbetly ena enty lel7eenich teshofen el gatheya ka "7izballah yakh6ef jendyain" aw ena mn lazim yenlaam, ya istathty enty wainech 3an el 3aalam the last 12 days?
bas ham farra7t lena sheft eny abdan ma gasart ma3ach eb kel el redod, 3a6aitech kalami elshakhssy o ta7leel gairy o estadalait b kalam el kel o ana reba6tlech mn wejhat nathary, kelshay y3ni..
yet still, ma 7asalt wala radd menich, let alone rad mogne3
aftekir my taking my time to write this reply and others have shown u the courtesy, laken sadgeeny etha ma balashty terideen 3ala as'elty wela tebayneen gasdich lama as'elech tewath7een, at a certain point i will decide not to waste my time with you
something which forever a yr i guess no1 who ever came here to comment can say that i do :)
By Temetwir, at 23.7.06
Teme ... that comment has nothing to do with you .. i meant other people which i would not like to advertise to what they call a "blog" !
and no its not the case of "jendeyain" ...i appreciate your "time" .. i will send you an e-mail to clarify my points inshallah .. im busy those days with some MAJOR issues .. i might send it due next week ...
"ana emla7eth 3alaich hal yomain ena 3aglech wayed esgeer "
"y3ni enty ya estathty yaya emgafla o matabeen tesme3een shay yengal gair elshay ely feh sab o tele3in; a3teged athnaina nathker kalamech ely ma wedy ossefa"
i'll just pretend i havent read that, "for the one year's" sake...adios =)
By Mother Courage, at 23.7.06
your energy is admirable...
what i meant by balanced it to remain as objective as possible.
knowing I support 7izballah's resistance, capabilities may remain limited despite the quotes.
The quotes prove the resistance is beyond expectations! I agree!
limited range missiles is a handicapp.
They're targetting norther "Israel" which constitutes maily of 3arab 48.... or whom I like to call.. people in Limbo!
Resistance has no airforce, or airforce defend mechanism, which means Israel can bomb away... and away.. and then some
Land attacks by Israel are very costly to them, yes, but they got Maroon el Ras.
The quotes you use build up spirits towards victory, which in reality may be doubtful.
The question is, how much resources is Israel planning to invest in this?
They can win if they want to, it depends on how much they're willing to invest.
Mother C,
I also would like some backup to your opinion. Thanx.
By Arfana, at 24.7.06
Maybe you're right or wrong... This your opinion but i guess i'm with Nasra Allah in starting a war with Isreal... We went an end for this stoty and i think it needs from The Arabs to stay together and i think Nasra Allah thought they will back him in this war... I guess his wrong cause Arabs won't be together.... Ever!!
By Dakhtour, at 24.7.06
mother c
la, please do read that. 6ol 3omri ma alif wala adour, and i trust that you will realize eny mo ga3ed antegess men shakhssich
regarding military capabilities:
i totally agree that one always has to manage expectations <-- i find this strikingly important in these days because ppl ask chenhom yet6annizon "y3ni falas6een betrid 3ala eed 7izballa bacher?"
and lets all not forget, victory is subjective
"They can win if they want to, it depends on how much they're willing to invest"
not sure if u mean invest in money? because i think that is the LEAST of israel's problems..
but i really think theyre concerned with 2 points:
a) if they keep fighting, they will keep losing some IDF soldiers, tanks, and the lower probability of helicopters..
this really doesnt help in their "we are the almighty army" image, and not to mention how morale is being lost by israelis AND the more important pressure on their governments
i mean, israelis? saying to israel to pull back their forces? not sure, but i THINK this is a first!
^ i think this is the internal front, as well as like u said: how much money will they keep spending (not sure its the biggest of worries thu)
b) how long will the int'l community (disregarding arab countries 6ab3an) put up with their BS in lebanon .. u can really sense the shift and tone of some countries that demand a cease fire immediately; in total defiance of Rice's statements
^ i think this is the coping of the int'l pressure, Olmert can only ignore so much .. hmm, ok i just wrote it but i dont believe it
tabeen el KHAIBA ya arfana? check this:
واكد مسؤول اميركي رفيع المستوى, ان نتيجة الاجتماع غير واضحة, واضاف: «لا نعرف مدى صبر السعوديين على العمل العسكري الاسرائيلي»، مضيفا «انهم يريدون ان يروا انه تم القضاء على حزب الله كما انهم يرغبون في الحاق هزيمة بالايرانيين», الا انه قال ان في العالم العربي «لا يمكن ان يسمحوا بان ينظر اليهم على انهم يقومون بذلك بحماس شديد».
no comment, allah yer7am ayam il reyayeel :)
By Temetwir, at 24.7.06
"mother c
la, please do read that. 6ol 3omri ma alif wala adour, and i trust that you will realize eny mo ga3ed antegess men shakhssich"
is that right? ... okay then forget it ..its a waste of time anyway .. ciao =)
By Mother Courage, at 24.7.06
mother c
- yes ma'am, that is right indeed
you are still to respond to the following:
a) last comments directed to your fine self in previous post
b) shlon ana ga3ed athkir ayat kareema that "do not match" <- اتهام خطير على عدة أصعدة
c) my continuous, and Arfana's last and direct request for evidence to back up your opinion
i don't think you reserve the right now to dismiss it as "a waste of time anyway"
i don't think anyone reserves that right at this point
By Temetwir, at 24.7.06
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