4 quotes > *you or me talking
Because I know not many here read the different newspapers or keep up with the many writers out there, here is something I am copying that may, and should, I think, be of great interest. Taken from Dr Sajid Il 3abdily's article in Alrai Al3aam on July 20th, 2006.
- Il 3abdily refers to one Sali7 Il Na3ami (pronunciation?) for these quotes. If you find any contention with these quotes, come forward. Please.
Many thanks to "sadeeg il barnamaj" 7amad Il M6airi.- Il 3abdily refers to one Sali7 Il Na3ami (pronunciation?) for these quotes. If you find any contention with these quotes, come forward. Please.
Now, on to the words of none other than 'our cousins':
يقول كارمي غيلون، الرئيس الأسبق لجهاز المخابرات الاسرائيلية «الشاباك» :
« انني متأكد بأن الحركة الصهيونية لم تكن لتستطيع الاعلان عن قيام دولة اسرائيل لو كان قبل العام 1948 عرب على شاكلة رجال المقاومة الفلسطينية و مقاتلي حزب الله, لولا أن ما يحدث هو حقيقة ماثلة للعيان، لاعتبرنا أن ما تشهده دولتنا هو مجرد كابوس قاس، عندما تستنزف طاقتها في مواجهة تنظيمات قليلة الامكانيات، مع كل ما تملكه من أسباب القوة».
(القناة الأولى في التلفزيون الاسرائيلي، 14/7/2006).
تعليق: هاك يوّد هذيله القومجية يا محمد السالم. خلك انت تقومّج حق السعودية
الجنرال عامي أيالون الرئيس السابق لجهاز الشاباك، القائد السابق لسلاح البحرية , النائب عن حزب العمل الاسرائيلي يقول:
«يجب أن نكون واعين الى أن ما حصل في الشمال وفي الجنوب كان قصورا, ولكن هاتين العمليتين اللتين نفذتهما «حماس» في كرم سالم و«حزب الله» في الشمال كانتا عمليتي كوماندوز مركبتين ومهنيتين, انا رجل عسكري مع ماض جدير، وأقول لكم إنني كنت سأفخر بأن أقودهما»
(معاريف، 16/7/2006 ).
تعليق: لا تعليق. أتوقع أي أحد جاد في حبه وخوفه على لبنان يكون متابع للأخبار ويعلم جيداً عما تسفر عنه أية مواجهة برية ما بين الكيان الصهيوني وجنود حزب الله.
الجنرال شلومو غازيت، الرئيس السابق لجهاز الاستخبارات العسكرية «أمان» يقول:
«ان كان ثمة استنتاج عاجل يتوجب أن نستخلصه من الخزي الذي ألم بدولتنا في المواجهة الحالية مع حزب الله والفلسطينيين هو أنه يتوجب أن نتوصل لتسويات سياسية مع الأنظمة العربية الحالية، ودفع الأثمان لقاء ذلك, فيحظر على اسرائيل أن تنتظر حتى يصل المتطرفون الى سدة الحكم في الدول العربية, ان تجربتنا القاسية تؤكد باستمرار أننا لا يمكن أن نتوقع في العالم العربي، الا المفاجآت الصعبة، لذلك فلنتحرك سريعاً لعقد تسوية تقطع الطريق على المتطرفين العرب امكانية استغلال الصراع القائم من أجل الدفع نحو تعاظم قوتهم، فهذا هو الخطر الاستراتيجي الذي يتوجب علينا ألا نسمح له بالتحقق,, وهذا الى حد ما بأيدينا، فكفانا صلفا وغرورا في غير محله»,
(الاذاعة الاسرائيلية العامة، 15/7/2006).
تعليق: عزيزي شلومو, هالكلام يا حبذا لو توجهه الى ابن الق...ومجية ايهود أولمرت. بس ها, "خل ِ بالك", اياني واياك تكلمه قبل اسبوع. فإبن القومجية الثاني "سعادة الريّس" بوش قد أعطى الضوء الأخضر لأولمرت لأسبوع ثاني يتمتع فيه فيقتل من الضحايا الأبرياء ويهدم البيوت والعمارات وغيره وغيره , ولا يسعنا الا ان نقول لإبنا القومجيتيّن .. ثكلتك أمـُـك انت وياه "يا بتوع عود".
ولا يسعنا الا ان نهنئ كل من لام وحمّل حزب الله كل جرائم الكيان الصهيوني بنسبها له, فيظهر ان البابا بوش استوعب انكم "خوش عيال" فأمهلكم اسبوع اخر تلهون فيه بكلامكم الزايد.
افرايم هاليفي الرئيس السابق لجهاز «الموساد» يقول:
«ان أخطر ما يمكن أن تتوقعه اسرائيل من العرب أن يتوحد الدين مع التوجهات القومية، ان ما نعيشه حالياً يمكن أن يكون نكتة لما قد نعيشه في المستقبل في حال تواصل المد الاسلامي المقاتل في مواجهة الدولة العبرية, ان هذا هو الذي يتوجب أن يقلقنا بشكل كثير، وللأسف اننا لا نحرك ساكناً في سبيل قطع الطريق على تعاظم هذا الخطر عن طريق رفضنا ابداء تنازلات ولو شكلية, لقد سكرنا من شدة الفرح عندما أعلن شارون بتبجح في العام 1982 أنه طرد منظمة التحرير من لبنان، لنبكي بعد ذلك عندما فوجئنا أن من حل مكان منظمة التحرير هو حزب الله، العدو الأكثر خطراً، الذي مرغ أنف دولة بأكملها في التراب»,
القناة الأولى في التلفزيون الاسرائيلي، 15/7/2006
تعليق: ضيّعني بوالشباب في استخدامه كلمة "دولة" , وذلك لأني مؤمن أنها كلمة ليس من الممكن ان تطلق على الكيان الصهيوني. عموماً, حزب الله مرغ أنف الكيان الصهيوني كله في التراب بشهادة الرئيس السابق لجهاز الموساد. يعني مادري هل يريد بعض الأخوة والأخوات في الكويت والخليج أن يوضع شعار حزب الله على العلم المستخدم للاشارة الى الكيان الصهيوني ويكتبون تحته "الجماعة ناموا فينا" مثلاً؟ يعني والي يرحم لي والديكم, تبون تصيرون لبنانيين اكثر من اللبنانيون نفسهم وقلنا معلش, ادعّل ونتحمل شوّي. هالدور بتصيرون لنا اسرائيليين اكثر ممن ينتمي الى ذاك الكيان بالدفاع عن أمجاده وعدم التعرض لسمعته؟
« انني متأكد بأن الحركة الصهيونية لم تكن لتستطيع الاعلان عن قيام دولة اسرائيل لو كان قبل العام 1948 عرب على شاكلة رجال المقاومة الفلسطينية و مقاتلي حزب الله, لولا أن ما يحدث هو حقيقة ماثلة للعيان، لاعتبرنا أن ما تشهده دولتنا هو مجرد كابوس قاس، عندما تستنزف طاقتها في مواجهة تنظيمات قليلة الامكانيات، مع كل ما تملكه من أسباب القوة».
(القناة الأولى في التلفزيون الاسرائيلي، 14/7/2006).
تعليق: هاك يوّد هذيله القومجية يا محمد السالم. خلك انت تقومّج حق السعودية
الجنرال عامي أيالون الرئيس السابق لجهاز الشاباك، القائد السابق لسلاح البحرية , النائب عن حزب العمل الاسرائيلي يقول:
«يجب أن نكون واعين الى أن ما حصل في الشمال وفي الجنوب كان قصورا, ولكن هاتين العمليتين اللتين نفذتهما «حماس» في كرم سالم و«حزب الله» في الشمال كانتا عمليتي كوماندوز مركبتين ومهنيتين, انا رجل عسكري مع ماض جدير، وأقول لكم إنني كنت سأفخر بأن أقودهما»
(معاريف، 16/7/2006 ).
تعليق: لا تعليق. أتوقع أي أحد جاد في حبه وخوفه على لبنان يكون متابع للأخبار ويعلم جيداً عما تسفر عنه أية مواجهة برية ما بين الكيان الصهيوني وجنود حزب الله.
الجنرال شلومو غازيت، الرئيس السابق لجهاز الاستخبارات العسكرية «أمان» يقول:
«ان كان ثمة استنتاج عاجل يتوجب أن نستخلصه من الخزي الذي ألم بدولتنا في المواجهة الحالية مع حزب الله والفلسطينيين هو أنه يتوجب أن نتوصل لتسويات سياسية مع الأنظمة العربية الحالية، ودفع الأثمان لقاء ذلك, فيحظر على اسرائيل أن تنتظر حتى يصل المتطرفون الى سدة الحكم في الدول العربية, ان تجربتنا القاسية تؤكد باستمرار أننا لا يمكن أن نتوقع في العالم العربي، الا المفاجآت الصعبة، لذلك فلنتحرك سريعاً لعقد تسوية تقطع الطريق على المتطرفين العرب امكانية استغلال الصراع القائم من أجل الدفع نحو تعاظم قوتهم، فهذا هو الخطر الاستراتيجي الذي يتوجب علينا ألا نسمح له بالتحقق,, وهذا الى حد ما بأيدينا، فكفانا صلفا وغرورا في غير محله»,
(الاذاعة الاسرائيلية العامة، 15/7/2006).
تعليق: عزيزي شلومو, هالكلام يا حبذا لو توجهه الى ابن الق...ومجية ايهود أولمرت. بس ها, "خل ِ بالك", اياني واياك تكلمه قبل اسبوع. فإبن القومجية الثاني "سعادة الريّس" بوش قد أعطى الضوء الأخضر لأولمرت لأسبوع ثاني يتمتع فيه فيقتل من الضحايا الأبرياء ويهدم البيوت والعمارات وغيره وغيره , ولا يسعنا الا ان نقول لإبنا القومجيتيّن .. ثكلتك أمـُـك انت وياه "يا بتوع عود".
ولا يسعنا الا ان نهنئ كل من لام وحمّل حزب الله كل جرائم الكيان الصهيوني بنسبها له, فيظهر ان البابا بوش استوعب انكم "خوش عيال" فأمهلكم اسبوع اخر تلهون فيه بكلامكم الزايد.
افرايم هاليفي الرئيس السابق لجهاز «الموساد» يقول:
«ان أخطر ما يمكن أن تتوقعه اسرائيل من العرب أن يتوحد الدين مع التوجهات القومية، ان ما نعيشه حالياً يمكن أن يكون نكتة لما قد نعيشه في المستقبل في حال تواصل المد الاسلامي المقاتل في مواجهة الدولة العبرية, ان هذا هو الذي يتوجب أن يقلقنا بشكل كثير، وللأسف اننا لا نحرك ساكناً في سبيل قطع الطريق على تعاظم هذا الخطر عن طريق رفضنا ابداء تنازلات ولو شكلية, لقد سكرنا من شدة الفرح عندما أعلن شارون بتبجح في العام 1982 أنه طرد منظمة التحرير من لبنان، لنبكي بعد ذلك عندما فوجئنا أن من حل مكان منظمة التحرير هو حزب الله، العدو الأكثر خطراً، الذي مرغ أنف دولة بأكملها في التراب»,
القناة الأولى في التلفزيون الاسرائيلي، 15/7/2006
تعليق: ضيّعني بوالشباب في استخدامه كلمة "دولة" , وذلك لأني مؤمن أنها كلمة ليس من الممكن ان تطلق على الكيان الصهيوني. عموماً, حزب الله مرغ أنف الكيان الصهيوني كله في التراب بشهادة الرئيس السابق لجهاز الموساد. يعني مادري هل يريد بعض الأخوة والأخوات في الكويت والخليج أن يوضع شعار حزب الله على العلم المستخدم للاشارة الى الكيان الصهيوني ويكتبون تحته "الجماعة ناموا فينا" مثلاً؟ يعني والي يرحم لي والديكم, تبون تصيرون لبنانيين اكثر من اللبنانيون نفسهم وقلنا معلش, ادعّل ونتحمل شوّي. هالدور بتصيرون لنا اسرائيليين اكثر ممن ينتمي الى ذاك الكيان بالدفاع عن أمجاده وعدم التعرض لسمعته؟
'Wicked' post.
I didn't understand some of your comments, honestly. *coughs* but I could sense the sarcasm.
Some people, though, will still stick to their beliefs and blame Hezbollah...
ScarlO, at 20.7.06
WoooooW!! 7adha e3jebatny fekrat el post man... Mashalah 3alaik 9ej seyasena el mokha'6ram :)
Isreal el kel yogaf weyaha!! 7ata el arabs themselves against Nasra allah and Lebanon... Sheft el denya!! bedal 7ata la nogaf ma3a ba3a'6 bel kalam(enta lazem tensa el fe3l :P), gemna nogaf ma3a el 3do o atwaqa enta 3aref 3n meno atkalam exactly dam enek emtabe3 el akhbar o el maw'6o3
Ma agol ela grebat el qeyamh dam 9ar fe omatna chethy... wa 3ala el denya el salam ya temetwir
Dakhtour, at 20.7.06
copy paste which parts u didnt understand and ill transcribe/rephrase
people who still want to blame 7ezballah or even blame the IDF can now go literally hug themselves..
this matter has now escalated to a whole different level .. a level, im afraid, that is not befitting to those who are not aware of the continous shifting facts and decisions being made, or lack thereof
thanks and im glad you find the post useful 7abeeb ilsha3b
unfortunately, what you say is ultimately true.. many people are siding with what is called israel, many of them are even excusing them from the havoc theyre causing, and many people just cannot get it through their heads that this is a hierarchy
you say 3ala il denya elsalam .. o ana agool la wallah yakhoy khalna ne3eesh mathlomeen laken 9aayneen karamatna, a7san mn la nekoon met'hanneen o bay3een karamatna..
this may be heartbreaking, but it is most definitely not disheartening
besmelah elra7man elra7eem,
تلك الدار الآخرة نجعلها للذين لا يريدون علواً في الأرض ولا فساداً والعاقبة للمتقين
Temetwir, at 20.7.06
missed alot .... blame it on the summer holiday .... Allah ykoon fee 3on il Libnanyeen regardless of their religious background ..... if they would just leave their religious conflicts aside and focus on their country as a whole they would be better off
متفرغ, at 20.7.06
good to have you back 'mate'
allah yekoon fi 3oun el lebnan wel lebnanyeen ajma3, ameen
wallahe i think that the lebanese dont have a problem right now among themselves, they are a nation that leads the way i swear..
only problem is those outside lebanon that are accusing one another and forgetting, dare i say excusing israel from what it's doing and wasting their time with silly allegations and making up stories, confusing facts, and bringing together a demon-ization of the resistance
not to mention, the arab leaders, and especially the gulf o awalhom il kwait who thinks that yegderoon yaksiboon widd omma by giivng them money
la7awla wala gowata ela belaah ..
you're the politics major, you should give us some insight
Temetwir, at 20.7.06
loved your post! sorry I haven't known you much earlier!!! where have you been??? (please check my profile and look at my hobbies)
it's great you keep up with Israeli's press. Any ideas how we can follow up too??
PS) and what a long PS this will be. laish ya3ni PS? kamlay bel 7achi laish el falsafa? ma tifham!
I liked your reply to "fathy"
not to mention, the arab leaders, and especially the gulf o awalhom il kwait who thinks that yegderoon yaksiboon widd omma by giivng them money
Kuwait historically has always held
العصا من النص
our political/geographical status kinda forces us to do so. then to kill any popular wish/thought they throw money at it.
Hmmmmmm now I know why from 8 to 50 mil!
Bless you my friend o ya3teekom el 3afya :-)
Arfana, at 20.7.06
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Mother Courage, at 20.7.06
off topic
i object on putting hezbullah's flag for many reasons....i could write a book
شوف غبائهم شسوا فيهم ...اللي بنوة البنانيين بعشرين سنة هدموه حزب الله بيومين ...من يقايش اسرائيل؟؟ معقولة حزب صغير مدعوم من ايران لا بارك الله فيهم بينتصرون على دولة دكتاتورية تساندها امريكا ؟ لا و بأسلحة متخلفة و بقرارات متسرعة ...حرام اللي قاعد
يصير كم عدد ارواح المسلمين اللي راحت
اشوفهم بالمقابلات كلهم يقولون كلنا فداك يا حسن نصرالله .... محد قال كلنا فدا البنان ؟؟؟؟؟
التبعية و تمجيد اشخاص شي انا ضدة تماما ..الرسول واللي هو الرسول صلى الله علية و سلم لما مات قال ابو بكر رضي الله عنة " من كان يعبد الرسول فالرسول قد مات و من كان يعبد الله فالله حي لا يموت"
طول عمرهم مايرتاحون الا لما يصير في كلاش والا حرب و يتحرشون بأسرائيل و هذولاك يبون الاشارة
خطواتهم غير مدروسة ما يدرون ان باللي قاعدين يسوونة قاعدين بفتحون المجال لأسرائيل بأنها تاخذ لبنان و توصل لمبتغاهم ...قالة سعد الحريري لاتتحرش فيهم و هو وعدة ان ماراح يتحرش بس طلع نذل
راحت ارواح ناس مالهم ذنب ...بيوت انهدمت ...وطن كامل اندثر ...وين الاسلام بهالشي لما يكون بإيدك انك تمنعة بس انت تركض ورا تحقيق مراد العدو
الاسلام دين سماحة ... مو دين قتل ... حزب الله هذا حزب الشيطان حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل على حزب الله و على اسرائيل
if you do the calculations ... you'd see how stupid their actions are !!! its obvious israel is going to win... temetwir your supposed to be enlightened ...please reconsider about it and just dont go with the mislead flow. you can do better than that bro
Mother Courage, at 20.7.06
Tem, i'm at school right now so i cant really read the arabic you wrote..will do though, but i wanted to comment on what you said : Lebs lead the way right now, sij yebt'ha..they definately do, la2n besides anythin ydaf3un 3an karamt'hum, and how easy it is for those outside of lebanon to FORGET the atrocities lebanon committed on them for decades,
today, the israeli ambassador to the UN said something that made me want to strangle him, isnt there laws against OUTRIGHT lying on air?? he said, prior to this incident israel has NOT stepped into lebanese lands for 6 years...aaaaaaaah...farmlands?! airspace that has been violated on a regular basis??
Like i said to a friend earlier..the response of countries such as greece has put the arab govts to shame, when greece asks israel to stop and arab countries blame hezbullah...
Again, the least we can do is educate ourselves on the subject and realize the F A C T S.
Faith, at 20.7.06
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Mother Courage, at 20.7.06
oh so this post is actually related !! well guess that wasnt an "off topic" anyway
Mother Courage, at 20.7.06
- hala wala, and thank you allah ye3afeech
here is one link ma'am - text mostly, and here is another - it's a video stream so im not sure how that works in kuwait if ur in kuwait, it's apparently an israeli site but in english (the couple of times i tuned in at least)
- very true about kuwait, and dont worry, they'll shut us all up with another 50kd to "excuse" the talk about the 50 million
hmm is it just me or does the "buy away your troubles" seem to be a policy followed inside and out?
you MUST come back and check this (hope when u read this u have already)
and yes, i really do mean it when i speak of lebanon as a nation that leads the way to the arabs and the willing
yoba the arab leaders kelman khaayef 3ala kerseya o kelman khayef la ye6ayroonhom .. khaleehom yegolon ely yegolona
Temetwir, at 20.7.06
mother c - V LONG RESPONSE
yes ma'am, the post is related
and i was a bit surprised to read your first comment, laken i said "oh ok, ma tenlaam" when i read ur 2nd one
i do hope you take another look again now o tegrain the quotes betamma3un, and if you want, even do a search as to who the speakers are and please don't let me be the judge.. let THEM.
this would be MORE than sufficient in response to your saying:
* "if you do the calculations ... you'd see how stupid their actions are", and
* "its obvious israel is going to win"
this also proves to me, unfortunately, that you are not following this closely .. and how could you wenty allah yhadach menshaghla eb sab o tele3en, ma bega a7ad ma safalty feh.
rayech wenty 7orra, but please do keep up to speed and look at the results of any confrontation
the israelis are just racking on the numbers of the innocent lives allah yer7amhom .. theyve dropped yesterday over 20 tons worth of bombs and all for nothing
- regarding what you have written in arabic:
ma athenn ena fi a7ad "ya3bid" s. nasrallah, afa 3alaich bas tara hatha sherrk
el rayaal ohwa al7een gaa'edd le mogawamat 7arrb shannat'ha el mad3owwa israel 3ala lebnaan
lama wa7ed eb mogabala (aw gairah, madri im using what ur reporting) yegool kelna fedaak ya nasrallah, i dont think it takes a genius to infer that he's saying we'll fight with you for the cause of lebanon .. or addressing the name that is directly involved
o 3ala fikra el rayaal athbat nafsah mara o maretain o thalath, fa lama naas tetba3a o tatheg feeh .. 3al agal 3ala shay mostannad o shay thaabit, mo bas 7achi ba6aal
o yarait hal kalam ana ely agoola, la wallah la ana wala shay, kalam sharon o barraak o e3yalt el manee gayel aish ely gairhom 3ala marr elwagt
u said
"خطواتهم غير مدروسة ما يدرون ان باللي قاعدين يسوونة قاعدين بفتحون المجال لأسرائيل بأنها تاخذ لبنان و توصل لمبتغاهم "
back this up empirically please, in the light of the quotes, and in the light of the history of lebnaan/7izballa and israel
innocent lives have been lost, civilians and i will not "women and children" because it was not just women and children .. whole FAMILIES have been blown away ..
and since u do know that, i'm just astonished, and extremely disappointed, that you still want to point the finger to 7ezballah as being responsible
and why?
because u say "its obvious israel is going to win"?
ok, look at the quotes, look at the int'l reaction, and look at what the scholars involved are saying..
here's a summary:
israel's attack is NOT excused, israel's attack is NOT a response to 7izbala's operation..
ehy baayna mn el asaas walla, laken al7een etath7at lely ma kaan emsadig .. wela elwa7d shlon yefasir the US blocking the UN intereference and giving the israelis one more week?
mo entay eb shahadtech geltay ena el innocent lives r being lost?
okay .. y3ni mathalan you and i know, and the bush adminstration doesnt? sure it does, then why leave it for another week?
shmalah el tethebbe7 wel 7agaara elzayda wel wel .. ma ghair 3ashan yezeed elthagh6 3ala 7ezballa o 7athretich wely mn sharwach yezeedon bel7achi o yegoloon eeh wala kela mn 7ezbala yala 6abgaw garaar naz3 el sela7 o yala yoba khalaw lebnan taakel teben?
wallah yoba zain .. madry ay salaam o ay zift hatha etnadoon feeh w israel jedaamkom bel sina testelem o teshtery asle7a tosal geemat'ha mn 7 ela 8 .. o wallah yemken akthar ba3ad .. melyaar dollar
laish, 7a6een kel hal asle7a 7ag e3roos mathalan? kel hal 6eyayeer el zift ely etthabe7 eb naas ma laha dakhal o mn doon ay sebab la 7ezbala wala gairah, o hal dababaat ely bel habal 3endaha o mo gadra tetgadam bel jenoob ..
my dear, dear mother courage, im grateful ena you would use a word such as "enlightened" to describe me.. bas wallah il 3atheem ya naas lo elwa7ed yegra and "does the calculations" 3ala goltech beshof kel shay jedaama
wela entay fasreely eyaaha barak allah feech .. egte7am dawla eb akmalha bedon ay wajh 7ag o hathy shahadat el kel, ma 3ada Bush ely samaha "defaa3", o tethebbe7 eb 7 ayaam wosal fog el 300 o ma astab3id ma3a el yom jereeb el 400 shakhs lebnaany o AKARRIR ena "as7aab il sha'n" 3ala golatkom galaw ena hathy mo radat fe3el le 3amaleyat 7ezbala .. o fog kel hatha teyeeny eb salamat'ha o tassref/testagbel (mn amreka) asle7a eb geema ma tanzil 3an el 6 balayeen dollar?
o yegolon 7ag 7ezbala haly teth7ekeen 3alaih allah yhadaach nez3aw el selaa7 ? :)
ay hashaashat mawgef hathy? ay 3addam thega bel godra?
wela bas galaw terrorists o sadagtaw?
ma kanaw yegolon 3an kel mn ma ye3ajebhom "communists" o 6asharraw ely ako wely mako
elwa7ed sheygool bas shegool .. ena lelah wa ena elayhe raje3on ..
besmelah elra7man elra7eem
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود والنصارى أولياء بعضهم أولياء بعض ومن يتولهم منكم فإنه منهم إن الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين * فترى الذين في قلوبهم مرض يسارعون فيهم يقولون نخشى أن تصيبنا دآئرة فعسى الله أن يأتي بالفتح أو أمر من عنده فيصبحوا على ما أسروا في أنفسهم نادمين * ويقول الذين آمنوا أهؤلاء الذين أقسموا بالله جهد أيمانهم إنهم لمعكم حبطت أعمالهم فأصبحوا خاسرين * يا أيها الذين آمنوا من يرتد منكم عن دينه فسوف يأتي الله بقوم يحبهم ويحبونه أذلة على المؤمنين أعزة على الكافرين يجاهدون في سبيل الله ولا يخافون لومة لآئم ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء والله واسع عليم * إنما وليكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون * ومن يتول الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا فإن حزب الله هم الغالبون
Mother courage, do you remember salfat el resomat 3ala elrasol salla allah 3laih o aaleh?
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا الذين اتخذوا دينكم هزوا ولعبا من الذين أوتوا الكتاب من قبلكم والكفار أولياء واتقوا الله إن كنتم مؤمنين
sadag allah el3aley el3atheem ..
Temetwir, at 20.7.06
what's happening in Lebanon is something no muslim can endure. It's heartbraking and you want anything to happen in order to stop the madness that the Lebanese people are incurring.
Hezbolla, wa ma adrak ma hezbollah ?
They kidnapped two Israeli soldiers knowing that Israel would not hesitate to attack. They thought well, hmm maybe Im just gonna trade in those two soldiers with some 300+ Palestinian/Lebanese prisoners. Ok, we don't deny that they did it before, and yes .. with Corpses of soldiers not even alive ones. But, they should've known better.
If you think about it clearly, If hezbolla didn't kidnap those two Isralie soldiers .. would all this happen ? you never know. But, for now the blame lies on them, nevermind their suffering. They brought this to Lebanon.
Again, what,as muslims, should our stance be ? We have no choice but to stand with Lebanon and for that matter Hezbollah, why ? because we know for a fact sooner or later something like this is going to happen, and we as muslims should unite for once .. and stand against the Zionist !
But, to tell you the truth .. kelen edawer ma9la7ta ..
DonZz, at 20.7.06
They kidnapped two Israeli soldiers knowing that Israel would not hesitate to attack.
That's not true. 3azmi Bshara, an Arab member of the Knesset said on BBC, very clearly and bluntly that this war is NOT about two kidnapped soldiers. Israel, he said, has been crossing the boarder for MONTHS if not for YEARS and no one ever said it 'illegal'. He said that Hezbollah have done this prisoner exchange game FOUR times before (I presonally remember *one* in 2004 because I saw it on TV) and there has not been any attacks. He knows better.
I'm mentally exhausted of debating this matter :-\ I'll spare you -and myself- the headache.
ScarlO, at 20.7.06
I'm sorry what did I say wrong ? Kidnapping the two Israeli soldiers started this mess, don't you agree ?
DonZz, at 21.7.06
kidnapping those two israeli soldiers was
القشة التي قسمت ظهر البعير
if huzballah were smart enough they would have avoided this Drama !!!
teme .. i read your "long" reply and thank you for givin me the "time of the day" ... all the explanations you made about israel and the states i am aware of . adree inhum 3yal blees ...but my arguement is not about israel and the states .. its about hizbullah !!! ya3nie bthemetek you believe ina hizbullah are going to win ??? this is a war between hizbullah and israel.. lebanon is the victim in here ... w lamah gelt qararat metsar3ah i meant inah ma 7ata shawaraw il 7ekomah lebnaneyha... ya3nie chenah eddeerah ma feeha ella uhma w i cant see how the Quran verses you've mentioned are related to the "main subject" !!! and why bringing old issues up?...this is an endless discussion, its obvious its more an arguement than a discussion w ana mali mugagah... but before closing this subject up i just want to say that wars are not the solution ... its a vicious cycle. but i do have one Question ...most of shiites are standing by hisbullahs side...if iran gets dirty with the states, kuwait is going to get *^&* up big time , i wonder which side would kuwaiti shiites stand by?
Mother Courage, at 21.7.06
if thinking about this clearly would be to say:
"hmm, i wonder what would have happened if no one resisted this zionist regime"
then i am, to an extent, giving in and accepting the fact of their existance and being
anyway for your specific question. yes, i completely disagree with you saying the blame is on them for the many many reasons ive been repeating over and over, and..
i really, really, REALLY am starting to believe that no one really reads or CARES for what i write .. it seems i'm just being ignored as well as what i cite and back up my writing with,, not sure whats up with that
i will say though, still this is for you donzz, if you say for the time being you will stand with all of lebanon and obviously 7izbala included, then that's good enough
and in your response to scarlo:
no sir, kidnapping the israeli soldiers didnt start this mess, that's what even the israeli member of parliament is saying (o ma yat 3alaih, el kel ga3ed yegol chethe laken b tafawot how blunt it comes out)
mother c
read above please. Note: this is international politics/foreign policy and regional interests for the sole superpower in the world today, it is not "drama" as u eloquently put it .. that's what it is and that's how it should be discussed and regarded if we want to take ourselves seriously and WANT to be taken seriously
- no, this is not a war between 7izballah and israel.
it is a war waged by israel on lebanon both unexcused in striking and unjustified in the force of its unexcused attack, and 7izballah are now both:
defending their country, and doing what they always did: resist the zionist regime
my stance to back up 7izballah is because:
- it is the least i can do, obviously .. at7acha, lena el7achi eb balaash .. fa laish akhaly kalaamy yel3an o ye7abe6 whom i have a common goal with?
- they are fighting someone who we all agree have always been dirty in their ways and the biggest proof to this is bombing the whole of lebanon unexcused
- they are the ONLY force who are NOW defending Lebanon
- they are only one of the two forces who are resisting the zionist regime all along (at least since israel invaded their country)
etha ma fahamty el ayat el kareema ely thekart'ha, fa atmana you choose any mofasirr of ur liking and read there
you wrote:
" i just want to say that wars are not the solution ... its a vicious cycle "
yea okay that's very lovey dovey and all and we all want world peace and what not, but let's just wake up, in 2 ways: 1st to read history, and 2nd to realize the present
a) if wars arent the solution, explain to me why israel feels the need (and why US feels the need to supply israel) with weapons and artillery annually of no less than 6bn dollars .. probably up to 9
b) everything you see today around you on the international level has been settled through wars .. and it will continue to be this way.
very unfortunate, but very true also
c) this is one war that is unexcused o lel mara el malyon mo bas kalami kalam el israeleyeen nafshom - many gayel 7ad thany, yakfeeny agol el israeleyeen o yakfech teshofon raddat el fe3el
i am extremely disappointed AND deeply insulted by your mention of shee3a and 7izballa and then el shee3a and iran/kuwait.
i wont dignify it with a response, lena i know some of my friends "il sinna" are reading this right now, o jad jad if i dignify this with a response then i will be insulting them and in fact insulting everyone.
and if you think this is about shee3a o madry sheno, then im sorry for wasting my time before yours.
and if u want to know, fa atwaga3 el7arb eliraneya ma sarlaha modda o akeed tegderen tes'eleen
what you asked about "eb themetek 7ezbala are going to win?" .. i will refer you again, because i dont think u complied the 1st time or did so but did not understand fully, to this post again and read the quotes
read the names, read who they are.. and do a search as to who they are and what they have done for israel
also, i would like you to keep up with the news of what the outcome of any "military-nature" confrontation between 7ezbala and the IDF is
o etha tabeen a7san mokaan for this, please check the video link i have put up for Arfana .. its an israeli site.
and "they" have already won many battles and their history shows it
besmelah elra7man elra7eem,
فلما فصل طالوت بالجنود قال إن الله مبتليكم بنهر فمن شرب منه فليس مني ومن لم يطعمه فإنه مني إلا من اغترف غرفة بيده فشربوا منه إلا قليلا منهم فلما جاوزه هو والذين آمنوا معه قالوا لا طاقة لنا اليوم بجالوت وجنوده قال الذين يظنون أنهم ملاقو الله كم من فئة قليلة غلبت فئة كثيرة بإذن الله والله مع الصابرين
Temetwir, at 21.7.06
why are you taking this whole matter personally ?
and i cant see why your disappointed ?
that Question was on my mind for quite long time.. why do you think i asked you?! frankness can be annoying sometimes .. but its only because i care to see things clearly... if its getting on your nerves ...then this is the end of "discussion" and feel free to delete my comments =)
Mother Courage, at 21.7.06
mother c,
"why are you taking this whole matter personally ?"
not sure what 'this' refers to exactly, but ill answer it in both interpretations anyway
if you meant the bigger-whole-picture, then:
im taking the lebanon-7ezbala and israel war personally because i believe that israel is an "illegal" state that should not exist, yet it is backed up by the sole superpower and is encouraged and is excused by it .. and because i have always taken this "personally" ever since i came to understand after reading and asking and discussing the palestinian-israeli "conflict" .. ya3ni i am choosing to take this personally, why?
i have chosen to take personally what is closer to my heart, as a muslim who has had the privelage of having an education, having the security of knowing that my immediate-family wont be raped/insulted/violated/murdered and everything else my "people" in palestine are going through, or just as my "people" in Sudan have been going through without anyone batting an eye
however, if u meant "why are you taking this personally" in regards of what u commented on the majority of ilshee3a as supporting 7ezballah, then i am disappointed because u would disregard all the sinna who are supporting them too,, let alone 6ab3an ena u would consider this as a motivation, i.e. because you would be hinting on the lines of "ah ok theyre supporting elshe3a lena ohma she3a" completely disregarding the cause and where israel fits in
i didnt say it got on my nerves, i said i was insulted that someone would think this has anything to do with it at the end of the day
AND finally to touch on yet another interpetation (im just trying to respond to all possible ways 3alashan awaffeech o ma akon 6awaft shay)
where is walaa' el shee3a el kwaiteyeen? to kuwait
will anyone be happy if kuwait sided up along the states and allowed (was forced) to let the US "preemptive" strikes be launched from kuwait? i dont think so, and i dont think ra7 yekon feha mas'alat she3a o sena at all .. just like what ur seeing now :)
at least el sha3b heh
walaw afa 3alaich shal 7achi delete ur comments laish? bel3aks ya ahlan o sahlan, its just that the very basic and surfaced jumping to conclusion that disappoints me
Temetwir, at 21.7.06
thanks for the references.
is it me or do you need a tranquilizer? :-)
just teasing u.
Mother C,
ezzayik yakhti? :-)
may I be brief and blunt?
1) 7izballah "couragesouly" defended its prisoners, so Isreal bombed the whole of lebanon. 7izballay "courageously" defending all of lebanon and is literally causing Isreal to FREAK OUT. I don't know if they'll win, but we should support them for their "courageous" act!
2) 7izballah shi3a yes, but I support them for the sake of lebanon wana moo shi3eyya.
3) if Iran gets prosecuted by the US, I'd side with Iran! just to ease yours spirits as to where Kuwaiti's would stand. I say Kuwaities, not just shi3a, not sinna, not fundemantalists...etc Kuwaities!
thank you :)
Arfana, at 21.7.06
sure thing
and nope, i dont need any sort or amount of tranquilizers after reading a comment like yours wallah
in fact, loved your comment so much i showed it to a couple of friends who i have been discussing the war with
one of them said, quote 'she rocks' unquote
don't you just love it when a lady knows what's up ;]
Temetwir, at 21.7.06
hey i'm beginning to like u now.
keep it up lol
latest fatwa:
A leading Wahhabi cleric in Saudi Arabia has issued a scathing fatwa against Hizbullah — the latest in a series of condemnations from the usually supportive Arab world, Fox News reported.
Sheik Abdullah bin Jabreen declares it against Muslim Sharia law to support, join, or even pray for the terror group, writing, "our advice to the Sunnis is to denounce them and shun those who join them to show their hostility to Islam and to the Muslims," the report said.
thanx for the link! ;-)
Arfana, at 21.7.06
Great post. Great response comments. Great everything actually.
Problem is Israel has been nothing but a murdering machine for Palestinians, Lebanese and therefore all us Arabs. Because as Arabs we are one. And if it could, Israel would blow us Arabs up in a minute.
The difference is that the Israeli public and government, although known to be cowards and infamous all over the world, what made them succeed in invading and conquering Palestine is their religious dedication to their "holly land", plus their solidarity as a people.
We as Arabs, although courageous and do not lack power, have always been weak, unaware, ignorant and lack this solidarity.
If we ever feel guilty or sympathetic about Palestine, all we do to keep our conscious clean is to say - allah Yil3an il Israeliyeen - and we manage afterwards to have a good nights sleep.
It's not enough. As an Arab I feel weak, to have such weak leaders, not standing properly with their fellow Arab brothers and sisters.
Excuse the long comment.
Hazolat, at 21.7.06
and yes, unfortunately, i have come across this last night
i personally do not care for the wahabiyeen (yes, any wahabi who is reading this, if you want to debate, step to the plate please)
his stance is basically:
these are shee3a, they are "rawaafith", leave them alone
laken hayhaat wallah .. khal yefeedah o yifeed gairah nefooth el wahabiyeen bel se3oodeya ely baa3aw deenhom bas 3alashan yakhthoona :)
il math'hab il sinny atwaga3 ohwa math'hab il 4 a'ema, o ma thannety it takes a genius to see the vast sort of differences and practices between el wahaibiyeen and the others (walaw ena elwahabeya laho mathhab walaho shay thani, haik o haik)
chairz lav .. i really really appreciate you letting me know what u think :)
yes, very true abt the jews
besmelah elra7man elra7man elra7eem
لأنتم أشد رهبة في صدورهم من الله ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يفقهون * لا يقاتلونكم جميعا إلا في قرى محصنة أو من وراء جدر بأسهم بينهم شديد تحسبهم جميعا وقلوبهم شتى ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يعقلون
and i think what made them able to have the land and maintain it all this while is the US ;] (i refrain from saying "the americans" because i draw a diff, mind u)
Temetwir, at 21.7.06
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