ون تو ثري
I highly recommend checking out kila ma6goog's controversial topic on the ongoing events concerning Denmark and the Danish products.
This is a spin-off to his post. And an expansion of my comments over there.
I will make this short and to the point. Now, I believe that il rasool ssallah allah 3alaih o aaleh is the greatest (literally, again LITERALLY) the greatest man to have lived and will ever live. For those of you who know me personally, you know that already; so the others, please don't go about telling me ena il rasool sallah allah 3alaih o aaleh kayaan la yumas wala yustahza' feh.
For the sake of our argument, we have to differentiate between two completely seperate worlds. The diplomatic one, and the economic one.
If you want to boycott the Danish products, you're not necessarily doing any 'harm' or delivering a message to the DANISH population.
Yes, I personally think that the Arab and Muslim countries that withdrew their embassies did the right thing.
That is not a contradiction. First of all, we all agree that it is a Danish newspaper (and artist) that has published these images (have you seen them by the way?).
Therefore, we all agree that the newspaper abides to the laws in Denmark. Namely, "the law", if you may.
Second, I hope we all agree that we are not naming the Danish population. Doing so, as I have made clear in my comment on KM's blog, is the same as the pathetic generalisation and stereotype that a lot of people have with confusing the word 'terrorist' with 'Muslim' in our day and time. O 3ala shan ma nero7 ib3eed, il moghaarana il aghba here in Kuwait ely 3end ba3th il libraleyeen between what the political "islamiyeen" call for and what islam teaches.
Let me put it this way. The Muslim/Arab fued with Israel is namely with the Zionist regime. If you think it was with the Jews, then I am sorry to be the one to tell you that you were gravely mistaken dear sir, or madamme.
Having established that, we ask: what is our purpose in boycotting the Danish products?
Is it to send a message to the Danish people? The Danish government? The Danish newspaper? I most certainly hope NOT. Personally, I would like to believe that the majority is motivated to do so simply to show the world that we, muslims, consider il rasool sallah allah 3alaih o aaleh as someone who is not to be used as a punchline of a silly joke.
An entity that is never ever to be tampered with.
I believe that that is a fundamental basic for anyone who considers him or herself a muslim.
So, my thought is this: if we are serious about being upset and disturbed, we should seek diplomatic action. Since it is the Danish law and the Danish government that did not 'move' or 'do anything' towards the newspaper, then we have every single right to be fed up and withdraw our political and diplomatic representation of 'friendship': embassies.
Doing that would deliver the message not only to the Danish population, but rather, the world.
So, why is it any different when it comes to the Danish product companies?
Unless it is proven that either:
- the Danish government, or
- that particular Danish newspaper (and its mother companies)
have any affiliation with those companies, then we are basically doing nothing.
Sure, there are many other products of the same nature. "Ma yat 3al montaj el denmarky" ya3ni. But then again, we're not saying that. We want to deliver the message that we, muslims, do not approve of what that newspaper has done. Nor are we pleased with the Danish law not taking any severe action.
For those who argue that even diplomatic action is wrong, contending with the 'freedom of speech' aspect; we say sure, so is the case with the freedom of faith and religion.
If a faith considers an entity to be sacred, then what does freedom of speech has to say?
If anything, this just proves that humans are not to be governed by human laws. Yes, I am saying being a liberal is a fuck-up. Prove me wrong.
Please consider this source to learn about the newspaper (Jyllands Posten).
Edit: Just for kicks, a little something in regards KDD.
I can't disagree with that.
The most logical post on that issue is what you have written Temetwir.
True Faith, at 29.1.06
i streneously agree.
lil asaf, people get emotional and start reacting haphazardly. we should really step back and study our actions to get the right results and the right message across!
i noticed the below in one of the links u provided:
(every single newspaper in the BBC link u posted has an article referencing the boycott and Muslim's anger towards this issue! too bad ma afham elly maktoob..)
MSB, at 29.1.06
ok i just noticed that u put a link on kila ma6goog's blog to the same pdf document that i just put on urs! oops! :/
MSB, at 29.1.06
hmm,,,i dont know what to say more than what i already said
thank u for the linking
keep it up
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 29.1.06
7ajeya True Faith ma3alaich zoud mashkoora :)
MSB ur right, the stress being on getting the RIGHT MESSAGE across..
i believe that the muslim/arab countries should now emphasize on one thing and one thing only:
YOU DO NOT MESS WITH THE ENTITY OF OUR PROPHET sallah allah 3laih o aaleh .. something which is most definitely right and urged for
they can really make an example out of Denmark if they do it right..
how to do that (my personal opinion) is by simply calling back their ambassadors and withdrawing their embassies
if the Danish government does not prosecute the newspaper by then, then surely we'll know that all the nonesense about "respecting and accepting everyone's belief and faith" they talk about is just a load of BS that is merely said but never acted upon
kila ma6goog
for the record, what is ur opinion again on taking diplomatic action?
especially since now, a number of MPs in q8 r calling for it .. ur opinion?
Temetwir, at 29.1.06
I think diplomatic action is the right thing to do. I totally agree with what you said, but then again, these people make fun of Jesus Christ, as well, who happens to be their saviour, and whose flesh they eat and blood they drink each easter (are they Catholics or Protestants over there? whatever)
I got an email message with an unclear photo of the newspaper. And some babbling about taking an action and stuff. Madri but does anything prove that the lurpack and puck and anchor (and ,, nedo?) have anything to do with this newspaper?
Okay, pretend that what I just said makes sense, as I my self am confused now that I re-read it.
Thank you!
ScarlO, at 29.1.06
even if they did.. it still wouldnt get the right message across as MSB suggested
anyway im just keeping an eye out, hoping that q8 would have no political/diplomatic affiliation with denmark whatsoever
if that, in any complicated way, does suggest economic boycotting then so be it.. but in this day and time, i really doubt it
Temetwir, at 29.1.06
3del klamek, I said it in my reply in KM blog and I will say it here again that the best way to deal with this situation is through the diplomatic channels by summoning the ambassodors, and when it comes to the moka6a3a we should apply it on all products not only on Danish (hint: boycotting a famous store in Oxford Street fee 9afat Selfridges)....oo y36eek il3afeya... oo ilsmo7a 3la il grammatical errors :)
متفرغ, at 29.1.06
شباب اسمحولي الساعة 5 و نص الفير و طيارتي بعد ساعات قليلة و ليلحين مو صاك الجنطة و مو نايم
بالنسبة لسؤالك يا تمتور عن الأكشن الدبلوماسي فنعم هو أفضل بكثير من العشوائية
شخصيا كنت أود ان أرى قضية مرفوعة على الجريدة في الدانيمارك او من خلال الأمم المتحدة و من ثم يجتمع السفراء المسلمون في الدانيمارك و يقومون بزيارات و نشر اعلانات أو مقالات في الصحف الدانيماركية لتوضيح حجم الغباء و الدمار الذي ممكن ان يحصل نتيجة خفة دم رسام الكاركتير و جريدته
فبهذه الطريقة سنجعل الضرر على الجريدة مباشر و في بلدها و بين شعبها خاصة أن الشعب الدانيماركي ماله حس و شكلهم خوش ناس فأكيد بيتعاطفون معانه
أنا الي ما حبيته أهو الاسلوب المتشنج الي الجمعيات و نوابنا الكرام مشوا فيه يعني ياي أدش النزهة ألقى بدشة شارع دمشق اعلان عود مكتوب لا نبيع المنتجات الدانيماركية و كأنها حرام أصلا!
و نجد تصريح لنائب متريق بيض بالفلفل يقول الدانيمارك تعلن الحرب على الاسلام! بذمتك هذا حجي و تصريح من شخص مسؤول؟ على طول و بدون تفكير و بيوم و ليلة صارت الدانيمارك أخطر من اسرائيل و كوريا الشمالية ؟؟
و ردا على متفرغ اللندني. ذابحك مارك سبنسر؟ شخصيا أنا عمري ما دشيته و ما أشتري منه . لماذا؟
لأنه مثل ما قتلك احنا ناس عشوائيين و قادتنا ناس غوغائيين كل واحد يمشي و يعطيك من هالشعارات
مارك اند سبنسر يقال انه يخصص جزء من أرباحه لدعم المشروع الصهيوني في فلسطين و لذلك انا ما اشتري منه
لكن الدانيمارك و زبدتهم فالسالفة مختلفة تماما, الموضوع طارئ و الي قام فيه جريدة و أكرر اني شخصيا أضع نفسي موضع العامل البسيط الي يشتغل بالشركة شنو ذنبه أقطع رزقه بسالفة اهو ماله شغل فيها
هذه وجهة نظري و اسمحولي عالاطالة و اسمحلي هم ينقل هالكومنت حق مدونتي اللعينة
و ادعولي بالسلامة
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 29.1.06
kalamek kella 3ala rasi bas el salfa mo salfat el jareeda wel qa'emeen 3alaiha o bas, eli 9ar kan eb ta'ayeed o esnaad kel el hay'aat el 7okomeya wel ray el 3am el denemarki 3ala el roghm mn mo7awalat el jaleyat el islameya bel tandeed eb nasher methel hal 9owar… radhom enna hathi 7oreyat ra’ey! ok then I guess enna e7na ham 7orren bekhteyar el 6areeqa eli en7areb feeha eli 9ar which is “el moqa6a3a el eqte9adeya”.
"If you want to boycott the Danish products, you're not necessarily doing any 'harm' or delivering a message to the DANISH population." says who? lamma etqa6e3 eqte9adeyan yet'athar ra'ees el dawla awal wa7ed, o hal awadem ma tefham ella loghat lefloos.. hal shy oho eli be7arek'hom o fe3lan it did eb daleel el e3tetharat eli ma yat ella ka raddat fe3el 3al moqa6a3a fa latgol enha useless.. e7na enmathel khoms sekkan el 3alam y3ni abadan mo bel 3adad el hayyen... o khankon waqe3eyeen, ay 9a7eefa ajnabeya ethkarat el khabar sheno kan el main headline? labod eb tegra jomla tne9 3al moqa6a3a! why? 'cause THAT'S what really shock them... 3ayal lamma to9al she7na eb montajat'hom 7ag el so3odeya eb melyar dollar or so o tarfeth'ha, shy hayen? I think e3tetharhom clearly says that it's not.. wentebeh enhom ma3tathrow ella "ba3d" el moqa6a3a.
still not convinced eb faydat el moqa6a3a? read this:
1. كان الموضوع الأساسي في صحف وقناة الدنمارك الرئيسية يوم الخميس مقاطعة السعودية للمنتجات الدنمركية وتم مناقشة القضية بالأرقام والخسائر المتوقعة.
2. احد أصحاب المصانع الكبرى وهو "لارا هود" قال لو استمرت المقاطعة عدة أشهر سنخسر المليارات وسنسرح من العمال والموظفين 30 ألف موظف وعامل.
3. بدأت الصحيفة تناقش أثار نشر الرسومات عليها فقد قامت شركة لارا اكبر شركة مصدرة للمنتجات الغذائية برفع دعوى ضرر على الصحيفة في المحاكم الدنمركية.
4. وزير الزراعة الدنمركي اجتمع من نقابة المزارعين لمناقشة القضية وتقرر إرسال رسالة اعتذار إلى جميع وزراء الزراعة في الدول الإسلامية.
ana abadan mashakek eb 7obbek lel rasool el kareem 9alla allah 3alaih wasallam.. wana ymkn makoon meltazma 7ail laken 3endi 7ammeya o gheera 3ala deeni eb shakel mate9awara.. y3ni mat7ammal a7ad yestahze'a bel deen web qimmat el jahal wel ghafla wala astow3eb shloon fee nas gloobha mayta mafeeha khoof men allah, amoot 7arra wafoor wallah fama balek estehza' bel rasool el kareem ashraf el khalq? u think eli sawainah mara7 ewa9el el msg aw yatrek athar kbeer bel 3alam ajma3 mo bas el denmark? ennas betfakker shal 7ameyya eli 3nd el moslemeen 3ala deenhom o rasoolhom.. y3ni ohom nafs'hom ma 3ndehom hal shy o wayed mase7eeyeen yestahze'oon bel masee7 3alaih el salam o some don't even believe in god existence men lasas.. halli sawainah be'ather beli globhom 7ayya o mastab3ed enna nas taslem leanna mako shy b3eed 3an rabbek. welli sawainah will make them think twice gabel la yaqdem ay a77ad ayyan kan o men ay deera o balad enna yetjarra' 3al islam wel moslemeen.
o bel nehaya agollek enna el rasool gal “لا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا”.. we7na ga3d ensawi eli negdar 3alaih 7atta lo eb3ain el ba3th shy tafeh o may’adi el gharath… el hadaf el asasi oho ne9rat el rasool el kareem allahoma 9alli wasallem 3alaih so yes, a diplomatic action should be taken indeed but also an economic one and ANY other action that can be taken.. e7na mosa’aleen yoom el qeyama eb sheno sawaina le no9rat el rasool 3ashan neste7eq shafa3ta, bengolla kenna nan6er a diplomatic action to be taken? let’s do WHATEVER we can do 3ashan enqabel rabna o rasolna el kareeb eb galb gewi
P.S. 6awef etha kan fee badleyat aw ghaira ‘cos I’m writing this at work o kelsa3 eyeeni sheghel yeg6a3 7abel afkari :[
PIß, at 29.1.06
another thing I forgot to mention enna salfat el charecaterat makanat the only take 3al denmarkeyeen.. 7asab ma garait enna malekat el denmark allefat ketab thamat feeh el islam wel moslemeen wel rasool + ra'ees wozara' el denmark 9arra7 akthar men marra eb enna "el moslemeen ohom 7othalat el sho3oob" + 3eddat maqalat enkatbat wennashrat eb 9o7ofhom khelaf el charekatairat eli ekhtemow feeha el salfa.. kel hatha fee ta3zeez o tarseekh 7ag methel hal afkar o tashjee3 3ala hal af3al y3ni etha el 9a7afa aw shakh9eyat mohemma eb baladhom 9edar menha hal shy fa 6abee3i ekoon laha influence 3ala afkar o araa'a bajee el sha3b... magdar a3ammem wagool enna wallah KEL el denemarkeyeen hatha tafkerhom laken qa9ban 3alay bastantej enna hatha oho el tafkeer el "sa'ed" 3end ghalebeyat'hom.. eb daleel eli gelta web daleel ta’ayeedhom lelli bedar men 9a7eefat'hom.
o sorry 3al e6alah...
PIß, at 30.1.06
i believe that going thru the diplomatic channels as u call them will pressure the danish government and its population or whoever it is to take action against the newspaper.. and about the moga6a3a, i think that a lot of ppl (in kuwait at least) have been boycotting a lot of products that have been proven (or merely said) that the israeli government owns a share in.. or anything thats 'purely american' too
Kila ma6goog
ba3th nowaabna el afaathel met3awdeen 3alaihom ye7eboon yetheeroon masha3ir elnaas.. fa etha wa7ed yani 3ala ghafla o galy el denemark b koberha galat ena el rasol kait o kait, akeed betheerny hal shay o agol aboo el montaj waboo el 3elagat el seyaseya .. atwaga3 hatha yeshra7 wath3 elnowaab
amma fi salfat ena raf3 gatheya 3al sa7eefa el denemarkeya wel lejoo' ela el omam el mota7ida o raf3 shakwa 3ala el denemark fi esa'at'ha o 3adam tawakheeha el7athar mn naatej ma esma7at feeh, fa ana, b rayee el metwaathi3, asaandek o agol ena hathy sej b mathaabat e6raag o 3ebraa leman la ya3tabir
tero7 wetrid belsalama
daredevil hala feek :)
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
awalan aby a7ayeech 3ala rezaanat el6ar7, o thaany shay aby as'elech so'al basee6 jeddan..
etha enty kenty mn as7aab el qaraar elseyasy fil kwait, o khoyyerrty i7daa el 7allain.. sh telje'een lah?
moga6a3a seyaseya o deblomaseya, b mathaabat e3laan azma kebeera bain el baladain jedaam el malaa'..
aw enech "timni3een" montajaat hal balad.. ma3a il 3elm ena il sharekat el monteja aglabha telgain laha wekalat gaymeen 3alaiha q8iyeen, o el sharekat el om ma telgain laha sila bel 7ekoma el denmarkeya aw el jareeda ely sabebat hal azma
wedich tegoleen why not both, sa7?
i agree, why not both? but whats the right thing to do?
enty thekarty argaam o e7saabat o khesaayer el sharekaat e denmarkeya, o akeeed hal shay ra7 ye'ather 3ala egtesaad el balad fi ma ba3d 3ala il mada el 6oweel.. laken khaleena nestaw3eb meno el motatharrir right now?
il wekalat elq8eya 3ala sabeel el methaal, el 3omaal bel masani3 el q8iya wel denemarkeya aww ayyen kanat (and how many muslims would u find in there?)
besides, enty gelty "if ur still not convinced b faydat el moga6a3a" .. if u r talking in NUMBERS, fa ana geltlich just now ena akeed bet'thir egtesaad il balad KHAASSA etha kel el dowal el 3arabeya wel eslameya wagefat tejarat'ha
akeeedain o ma a3teged ako ay wa7ed 3aagel b yanker faydat el moga6a3a el egtesadeya .. laken e7na ga3deen negol: what good does it do in SERVING OUR PURPOSE?
enty mn ur 2 comments allah yerthaly 3alaich ga3da tekhisseen bel theker el 7ekoma el denemarkeya, el malika margrethe, o ra'ees el wozaraa'
y3ni enty modrika 7ajm el mosaab lama tshoofeena mn manthor SEYAASY ..
shofay, etha b ay 7aal mn el a7waal, o wefgan le ayy band le ay ganoon fi e7da el distoorain el q8i wel denmarky .. monni3at el modawala el egtesadeya bain baladain fi 7aalat ta'azum seyasi o 3adam tamtheel deblomasi fi hay'at wujood sifaara..
then so be it, if there is a sacrifice then it has to be made.. laken doing it randomly? what good does that do?
i hope u can see the difference im trying to illustrate
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
bo fay heheh shfeeek, the short and to the point is the gist of the whole topic, that particular paragraph only
and about that R1, i'll ask whoever i got on msn list mn il rabe3 and i'll let u know
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
mishari heh chip in mate
and am not sure abt those rumors, i was under the impression that it was more than just one artist
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
Madry if it was mentioned above (I'm sick and lazy today so ma gerait:P)
But, the Newspaper has apologised as said on Al-Arabiya News. The Newspaper is privatley owned and thus had no affiliation with the government and is maintaining itself behind a certain law that they have. As in "The freedom of speech law"
Now I'm not saying their right but for one i'd personally want just 3mins time with the artist in a room and la it5afoon a6ayib 5a6erkoum. :P Bas isn't this kinda not related to the Danish government as they can't really change the Freedom of Speech clause?
Blogger, at 30.1.06
shof 7abeb ilsha3b, el i3tethaar bel bayaan ely 7a6eta eljareeda on its website ma a3teged yewafy o yekafy 7ag 7ajm el meshkela ely sayra (check what MSB has linked here)
akeed il mas'ala mo i6laabah, laken lazem ye3tarfoon ena eghla6aw b 7ag el muslimeen fil masaas o b3dain yet3ahidoon ena hal shay ma yerid ya7sel (3ashan oroba kelaha wel3alam kela ye3teber mn halsalfa o ma7ad yeg3ad yestathref damma b shaghlaat ohma shafaw enha akbar menhom o akbar b alf mara mn ely 7a6oolah e7saab)
u r right in that the newspaper is independent from the government, and that is why some of us are insisting on the fact that boycotting the danish companies does not serve our purpose (due to the simple fact that the newspaper isnt owned nor owns those companies)
however, the newspaper, being in denmark, adheres to the laws of press there obviously, which also happens, methel ma 7athretek tefathalt, that they grant "freedom of speech"
laken khalna net'amal degeega eb hal resoomat.. r they freedom of speech? do they REALLY convey a message that is based on an opinion?
i personally do not think so .. this is simply racism, discrimination or whatever they want to call it
if it were freedom of speech.. i would THINK that they would have attacked the concept of Jihaad in islam lena ohma fahmeena as a synonym for Il Irhaab lelasaf
y3ni ib kela el 7altain, ma kan lah da3y enhom yet3arithoon le thaat il rasool ssallah allah 3laih o aaleh o enhom yessawroona eb hal shakel la barak allah feehom
y3ni here el mas'ala TEBAYEN enhom yagsedoon istefzaaz, and therefore, b saree7 el 3ibaara, 3onsoreya
here is where we draw the line between freedom of speech and RESPECTING the FREEDOM OF FAITH
3endehom freedom of speech, o 3endehom i7teraam il adyaan .. khalas 3ayal, sh maalah el sigaala wel temellig bel jaraayed?
now, as far as the government is concerned, eb eedhom yet7arekoon and demand that the newspaper addresses the whole muslim population in the world with an official apology .. something that will deliver a very simple msg to the world: "dont get cute when discussing the muslims' prophet"
so yes, the danish government IS INVOLVED in this o ehya ely b eedha el garaar
if they refuse to take action, rabe3na ma 3alaihom ela enhom yeseeroon ezlooma o yogfoon 3end kelmathom yes7eboon sifaraat'hom
maybe i dont see how the companies r related to this, laken the fact of the matter is a LOOOOOT of the muslims will not but their products (and u can just imagine how large the KSA market is for these products) o ba3dain khal yefachechoon bainhom bain ba3ath
telga hal shareka terfa3 da3wa 3ala el jareeda ena ehya the direct cause for immense losses o mn hal 7achi (im just guessing)..
anyway el 7al el deblomaasi ohwa ely yewafy gharathna ka muslimeen.. o 6areegtah teyee 3an 6ereej el 7ekoma el denemarkeya
etha ra'ees el wozaraa' b yet7ailag .. ohwa el khasraan :)
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
awalan ashkorek 3al e6ra'
thaneyan o raddan 3ala so'alek akeed bagollek why not both? o ay 7elool thanya mota7a ba3ad... yes we should do it randomly and it did enough good already eb daleel eli thekarta lek eb my previous comment fa I will not repeat myself. I know enna el newspaper is not owned by the government.. bas e7na bnathghe6 3al government 3ashan bel kuwaiti "togaf 3athma eb bal3omhom" o matkhaleehom la ohom wala ghairhom yetmada eb hal mas'alah + ekonoon 3ebra 7ag ghairhom… simple as that, tegdar etgool it's a chain reaction.
men gal lazem nadress el mowtho3 eb 7aith netekheth ejra' yejma3 bain el 9arama + aqal el khasayer? hatha oho eli magdar asameeh ella tafkeer denyawi BA7T o takhathol! fee omoor ya khoy tem. te66alab 7ASM o qarar 9arem o fowri, hatha el moutho3 men el omoor eli lazem ta7sem feeha doon el nathar lel 3awaqeb leanna mertebe6 eb deen o 3aqeeda o ashraf khalq ellah, welli ma yan9era eb kel ma yegdar 3alaih web kel esloob o 6areeqa mota7a web neyyah 9adqa wekhala9 ra7 yakhthelah allah wehni lazem enkhaf mn 3aqebat hal khotholan...
wal7een ana as'elek so'al absa6... ako 7arb bedoon khasayer? 6ab3an la', o lo hal shy 9ayer eb zeman el 9aba7aba wel feto7aat el islameya chan gamat 7arb damya ra7at feeha arwa7 mo tgoli troo7 floos o tenge6e3 arzag wella 3elaqat seyaseya.. bas hatha el price to pay? so what!? it's nothing! killish mo shwaya 3ala rasolna don't u think? hal 3ommal wel tejjar etha ohom y3tabron anfos'hom true Muslims o 3endehom gheera 3ala deenhom o rasolhom eli oho ramz lel islam wel muslemeen chan wala hamhom o sawow hal shy eb kel 6eeb kha6er.. khal ye7tasboon el ajer 3nd allah woho eb yefta7lehom bab rezg thani enshallah o ymkn a7san men elli gablah "إن من ترك لله شيئًا عوضه الله خيرًا منه " el arzaag awalan o akheeran beed allah mo beed el denmarkeyeen... wetha tabi 7elool 7ag mas'alat hal khasayer wel taqleel menha fa momken ta6beeq mabda' el takafol el ejtema3i wet3aweth el jam3eyat el ta3awoneya hal tojjar walow eb joz'a mn khasayerhom, wana ham aqtere7 enna e7na nafsna ensahem eb joze'a mn hal khasara walow eb dinar yedfa3a kel mowa6en sheno y3ni?
PIß, at 30.1.06
a3teb 3alaich lena mn kalamech ka'enech tegoleen ana 7aa6 e7saab 7ag hal tejaara o hal egtesaad o hal bethaa3a gabel la a7e6 alf i7saab 7ag ilrasool ssallah allah 3laih o aaleh
amma gair chethe, fa bajy kalamech kela 3ain elsawaab o bayantlech hal shay mn gabel, ma nekhtelif.. but there's a catch to it, ana wentay athnaina nadri ena el moga6a3a el igtesaadeya ma nenaal menha ma6aalebna - wehy shay basee6: i3tethaar rasmi - mo 7ag sowaad i3yona e7na, laken 3ashan el3alam ye3tebir mn hal gatheya
sa7ee7 enech tetherreen el6araf mn na7yat il floos 3al mada il6oweel, laken enty b nafsech gelteeha.. el mas'ala mahy mas'alat efloos o khasara maadeya sa7 wela la.. e7na ma naby netherrhom 3ala kether ma nabeehom yefhemoon e7na belthab6 laish wassalna el salfa le hal mar7ala
ma nabi nikoon id3al o "nez3al" wengaa6i3 .. nabeehom yetla7le7oon so we can make an example out of them,, ela chan enty ebalech shay thany
sebag eni geltlich in aalat elthurof ena la bud teg63een el3elaga el egtesadeya, then so be it .. o kel ely gelteeh goes in effect, ma tu3ad fi 7isbaan el tath7eyaat aslan, laaken akaad ajzim enha wajeb shar3y ba3ad
shofay pib ana lo belq8, chan ma kent sharait hal montej el denmarky lena ma yat 3alaih .. does that mean i have double standards? not really, all that means ena 7arrety ehya ely ga3da temna3ni mn eny af3al katha, leny adry lo ga6a3t ma ra7 anaal halshay
e7na laish em6awleenha wehy giseera, lets jump to the heart of things:
ared as'elech nafs elso'al laken bekhtelaaf ilgasd.. enty etha teyasarr lich 6AREEGA WA7DA bas telje'een laha 3alashan twaldeen elthagh6 el ma6loob ely yedfa3 el7ekoma eldenmarkeya tafreth 3egobatha 3al jareeda o e7na yal muslimeen "enwafy wajebna" fi isterdaad godseyat thaat elnaby sallah allah 3laih o aaleh.. which one would it be? just one o ya 7abatha lo etjawbeeny directly
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
i've been thinking about this for a while now, and it just hit me..
el seyaasa wel egtesaad ma hum gair wajhain le 3omla wa7da
y3ni en radat lel sij.. ana many shaayef shlon negdar negaa6i3 el montaj el denemaarky o nthabet 3elagat deblomaseya (lely ye'aydoon el moga6a3a el tejareya)
wala el3aks, many shaayef shlon negdar enwagef 3elagatna el seyaseya mn sob, laken nekamel ta3amulna el egtesady mn sob (me and everyone else)
laken fi kela el 7altain, esemha "moga6a3a seyaseya", mosamaaha khelaaf thaalek i think is wrong aw kelesh kelesh misleading
astedil fi ejtehaady ely 3ala gad 7aaly in the concept of economic sanctions
which is a political measure
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
I've been discussing this issue today with the guys, they ALL were pretty convinced that the boycutt was the answer, eventhough they all agreed that Danish companies aren't responsible for what happened.
One guy commented :: "If a newspaper published a drawing of the pope humping a donkey, would they still get away with it?"
Then commented :: "What if they insulted the jews? It would the holocaust all over again!"
He had a point. But the way to express resentment wasn't proper, yet they all insisted that it was.
MBH, at 30.1.06
ur friend obviously hasnt watched any tv in the past 10 yrs
they make passes about the jews and the christians (catholic or otherwise) pretty much allll the time
mos of the time it's about their idea of "jesus the son of god" .. latshof el mahzala ely yesawoonha
not to mention the whole thing about naby allah Mousa
والا احد يحرك ساكنا
il zebda: fuck them, why does ur friend even CARE what they would have done? (which is always nothing)
i think i've set my mind - unless someone here wishes to contend - that DIPLOMATIC AND POLITICAL action entails economic boycotting regardless of intent (or lack thereof) on the part of the companies
*i hate Temetwir The Linguist hehe
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
"They pulled their embassador, so what?"
Is there a better way than dissing Danish companies?
Perhaps it's sensable since by wrecking these companies, they will force the gov. to publish a formal appology.
Frankly, I'm surprised that Muslims in Denmark didn't pull a protest or even a riot.
MBH, at 30.1.06
they did
they did since september or october
e7na ely tawa waaselna el7achi
Temetwir, at 30.1.06
el 3afo mo el qa9d, bas enta 6alabt meni consider elli met'tharereen o 3ala hal asas esteshafait ennek 7a6 e3tebar 7ag "both" (el rasol + el khasayer) bghath el nathar ayho gabel el thani o hatha oho el ghala6 eli 6e7t feeh.. la tanther lel khasayer (welli ag9aha maddeya o denyaweya), etha kel wa7ed bedesh 7arb o khayef 3ala 7ayata shloon bedafe3 3an his cause we7areb eb galb gewi? eb kel basa6a agollek: disregard them (period)
o bennesba 7ag salfat "khasayerhom 3al mada el b3eed not now", fa lel 3elm enna el loya eli 9arat 3ndehom eb sebab el moqa6a3a kanat "ba3d" derasat sawoha o 7esba lel khasayar 3ala mada ash'hor mo ba3ad sneen, hal khoof men khasayer el mostaqbal OHO eb 7ad thata kafeel enna ekhaleehom act upon el moqa6a3a now.. o astedel bel da3awi wel qathaya eli enraf3at bel ma7akem el denemarkeya wel e3tetharat eli enkatbat methel ma thekartlek eb a previous comment.
el moqa6a3a eli samait'ha "da3ala" ehi eli betkhaleehom yetla7le7oon and they're starting to... laish mo me3tad eb atharha el qawi thed nas hamha el denya wel floos? a9lan hathi akbar tharba momken yetlaqonha o bel 9ameem ba3ad.
amma bel nesba 7ag so'alek lee fa it’s good ennek jawabta eb nafsek "el seyaasa wel egtesaad ma hum gair wajhain le 3omla wa7da" now u're back on the right track :)
PIß, at 30.1.06
ee 9ej 3ala safat thingy, men sena taqreeban I added my blog to Kuwait Blogs o tali hawant 3anha le asbab ma7abeth athkerha 3ashan ma7ad yez3al lol
anyways, I asked them to remove me o they did yezahom allah khair, and now after checking ur link estaghrabt enni back on safat! I sent another email requesting the removal fa I'm really hoping that they will... the email I sent was addressed to nibaq@kuwaitblogs.com madri etha fee shakh9 thani I should be emailing, all I know enna oho el owner of that site.
PIß, at 30.1.06
I really don't understand the whole "sensitivity" of the issue.
Ya3ne if the only way to express yourself as an outraged muslim is to stop eating Danish cheese, then so be it. ya akhi kaifek mo ghaseb takel. Wala it should be considered "backward thinking" if you boycott. This is my form of expressing myself. you want me to eat your cheese? come make me happy, and if I'm not that significant of a market, then big deal laish za3laneen ildanish people?
They feel its perfectly fine for them to insult our prophet, and we see it fit to express our displeasure by stopping to eat their cheese.
And the only reason non-muslims refrain from continuously and consistently insulting our prophet is out of mere courtesy, not because they're morally obliged to respect us. If they stop respecting us they didn't do anything that's not characteristic of them. They are min zeman saying inna our prophet 3alaih e9alat wessalam is a liar. ya3ne mo shai yedeed wala shai. The funny thing also is that the drawings were published last Sept. 2005, we7na tawna me5tabeen.
familiar_stranger, at 31.1.06
nibaq@kuwaitblogs .. ok khosh tislemeen
they feel its fine becoz they consider it freedom of speech but i dont think this goes under that (under my reply to Sty)
Temetwir, at 31.1.06
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