"La mashkour, ana gi6a3t" said Bashar, the flight attendant, reaching for the packet of smokes in the extended hands of his friend from the gym who happened to be on his flight. Faris smiled leaning to his side, digging his hand in his pocket reaching for a lighter, "eh 3alamik, ana ga6i3 ma3aak, allahuma lel tasleya" he mocked.
Bashar leaned in with the cigarette in his mouth, shielding it with his hands and puffing as Faris extended the lighter, "3adil, 3adil" Bashar replied, "thabe6ni khol-walaa3a Faroos".
The two have lost contact two years ago, in 1993, when the gym they worked out at caught fire. At the time, Bashar always talked about being a pilot; Faris always talked about becoming the first Arab Mr Universe. Two years later, in the present day, Bashar has been a flight attendant for the past 3 months, and Faris just won his first championship in the 80kg category in Kuwait.
"Shoof yoba, once you get past the looks and the 'oh, ent kwaity?', it's smooth sailing from there. I just figured I'd try out the whole schedule thing before asking my dad to pay the full fees for KA, see if this is for me or not" said Bashar, looking right and left for somewhere, something to rid his smoke from the ashes. He leaned in to look past Faris, checking if someone was nearing the back of the plane. He flicked the cigarette letting the ashes fall on the floor, "kaify kwaity, you get to get away with shit like this over here" he joked. "Eeh baayin, ashofik et6ag6eg went tesaweeha", Bashar snapped.
Faris held the empty coke bottle in his hand and used it as his ash-tray, "Ya3ni lal7eenek naawy etkamel 6ayraan?" he asked.
Bashar shrugged, "It's either that, or a job at a bank where all my family are already. Taby il sij, il thiyaafa yayzatly bas 3ad ta3al yawwid 7annat o rannat il waaldah, ely yesma3ha yegool baayeg mo ga3ed ashteghel 7aly 7aal khalg allah. Mesta7ya mn rifeejat'ha sayidaat il mojtama3".
Faris nodded in agreement, he could relate. Professional bodybuilding in Kuwait wasn't exactly your best shot at social recognition. Heck, it wasn't even considered a sport. Just something for born-in-Kuwait Arab nationals to do, "wetha kelesh b tethba7 3omrek, ib yengaal 3anik bidoun", Faris continued. "Il waalid allah yhadaah ma bega 7ad ma dazah 3alay, mako watheefa ma thabba6ha ly. 3enda lo eny ashteghel b ma7a6at banzeen ashraff o 'tet6awaf' men laa eny 'atfassakh wat7ailag b mashyety jedam elnaas' 3ala goltah".
Bashar rid himself of his cigarette throwing it in the extended coke bottle, he started piling trays and nodding to what Faris was saying. "Ana agool jam3aat il ordun o massir matrid 7ad, kelesh kelesh 6againalnaa shahadtain handasa o 3ilom seyaseya", said Bashar. Faris laughed, recognizing that Bashar was talking about two of their friends back from the gym.
"In radat lel sij Basharoo, il ahal o kalamhom shay basee6 o motwaga3, mo fahmeen ena kel wa7ed o meyolah aw 6emo7ah. Il balwa lama tiyee eb takh6eb betkamel ness deenik, ma chenik aademy tenrefith 3ala asaas ena 'la wala fashla'".
"Shfeeh bo niss deenek, Faroos ent e3rif el niss el awal belawal", he teased, "bas wallah ma3ak 7ag. Ma atwaga3 fi wa7da b hal wagt eb tertha ib sheefty wana 3ala hal 7aal."
Faris made way for another flight attendant calling for Bashar. As any self respecting young male, he checked her out from bottom to.. yeah, any self respecting young male would just settle for that. "Wetgooly zawaaj?", Bashar asked rhetorically, "coming coming", he told his colleague.
Reflects many guys' opinions, I suppose. Both the part about career, and the one about marriage.
I like how you bring up issues that might be controversial in your stories.
Keep them coming :-)
ScarlO, at 31.3.06
ثاني واحد :) اول شي قريت القصيدة و ماجور انشالله.... عدل كلامك مب بس اللي يشيلون اوزان حتى الطيار او المضيف يرفضونه يمكن معاهم حق لان الطيار او المضيف بيكون لاهي بشغله و مرته مقطوطة في البيت تربي عيالها بروحها من غير ريلها ... و الطيار مستقبله مب مضمون مثل ما البعض يتصور اقل شي يصيده ممكن ان الشركة تحطه بوظيفة ادارية او تفنشه اذا مثلا مريض او فيه سكري-حسب اللي سمعته- ... و بالنسبة حق المضيف بالفعل في ناس نظرتهم دونية للوظيفة معني ماشوف فيها اي شي وظيفة عادية و زينة و احسن من القعدة من غير لا شغلة و لا مشلغة :)
متفرغ, at 31.3.06
shabab el kuwait (wel khaleej 3ashan metfarigh ma yiz3al meni :p) bas yabeelhom ri3aya .. motor sports, el shabab galb mayyit o ana zaheb adally el sponsors 3ala thalatha .. wa7ed for motoGp, wa7ed for indy 500, o wa7ed for drag racing b3d shtaboon..
o kamal ajsaam, shabab metwathfeen o warahom bait o mas'oleya o ham ga3den yefozon b bo6olat o ye6egonha ma3a ab6al massir mathalan .. y3ni mo ma3gola im the only one in the country who knows those guys, laken el meshkela mako naas jaadda
that is one thing: potential..
neyee 7ag "el nathra el ejtema3eya".. we ask, meno aslan ely judging those guys? most probably someone who has no idea how much money is involved in this stuff, or how much effort n dedication it takes
verdict: naas i3laimeya raayhom doesnt make a diff
bs el meshkela ena hal nas ohma ely 3endehom banat 7ag zawaaj :P
hala bel 7abeeb.. :)
ana ma3ak fi ena el ahal lehom el 7ag yera3oun therrouf el 3ammal, aw 6abee3at el 3amal lely metgadem lel bent.. o y3ni take in the whole profession into consideration.. bas still, methel ma ent tefathalt, fi nas tanthirr lel flight attendant job b nathra dounneya o ka'ennah khaaddim (more on that later) .. baine w bainek ana 3endi flight attendant a7san o ashraf o awnas mn watheefa bel jaish mathalan
also, fi naas ta7sib ena bodybuilding as a whole is just for "sigee6at thanaweya" or "guys who r clueless o jeleeleen 7aya" and all that .. still, nafs ma gelt 7ag scarlo: who says and thinks this?
probably the same ppl who dont understand what these things r all abt, so in reality, their "opinion" doesnt make a difference :))
Temetwir, at 31.3.06
I agree ..
We're like, the most ignorant nation ever. We're blind to see what we have.
Please, dont get me started on marriage and society's dysfunctional view of it. I have a relative whose parents rejected seven or eight guys who proposed to her, claiming that they want 'the best' for her. She's thirty-two now. A disgrace, her parents say. They don't realise that they could have prevented it all.
Marriage has become a sort of a challenge nowadays, instead of being a religious and social duty.
People say 'allah ye3eenhom' instead of saying 'mabrookeen' nowadays..
"Wetgooly zawaj?" :-p
ScarlO, at 31.3.06
"We're like, the most ignorant nation ever."
no, we're not .. i disagree
"Marriage has become a sort of a challenge nowadays, instead of being a religious and social duty."
i disagree
its not a duty in any sense of the word.. espicially not 'social'
and i beg to differ on it being a social thing asslan .. its just a matter of personal perspective
a lot of ppl have that intuition, yes.. but still, i wouldnt agree on it being "farth ejtema3y" aww ena el mojtama3 ye7attem 3al zawaj aw ma shaabah
wejhat nathar
Temetwir, at 31.3.06
"and i beg to differ on it being a social thing asslan .. its just a matter of personal perspective"
I agree.
Bravo ya Temetwir :) Whenever I finish reading your posts, a familiar, slightly coy smile comes up :)
Erzulie, at 31.3.06
heh hala kabtenna .. la malah da3i itbalegh the story takes place in 1995 :P
and yup, got ur email now.. added
chairz :)
Temetwir, at 31.3.06
loool @ lailay
I agree with Scarlo, we could just be the most ignorant nation on earth.
Reading your posts about shabab el kuwait at times makes me feel like you've never met one :| I know its odd to say, bas bsara7a all the ones i know are lazy, pathetic, bum off their dads or expect someone to hook them up with a job, telga he doesnt know a from b in his field, bas somehow he got a job there...
it's quite sad actually, seems like most of them just dont know what to do with their time
hows that for a negative outlook =P
Faith, at 1.4.06
Don't you think society makes us do lots of things, marriage being one of them? Religeon, too. I mean, why would you have texts declaring that nom el metzawij is much better than the prayer of an unmarried? It sort of makes not much sense to me, but then again, it doesn't really have to, since religeon is mostly based on belief, which is very different than knowledge. I guess ..
So yeah, you might see it differently ..
Well thanks for allowing me to speak, anyways :-)
I don't think 'negative' is the word. 'realistic' is more like it. But then again, I don't know all the guys in Kuwait, I just know who I know, who happen to be dumb. Well, not all of them, but yeah ..
ScarlO, at 1.4.06
ma tabeen athnainhom e3yon zerrg o sheggir o omahat'hom faranseyat o hangaareyaat yata7adathoun al aspaneya be 6alaagah?
kelshay mawjood tara :p
again, i disagree abt the 'most ignorant nation' thing
and what u mention isnt a "negative look", its a negative look alright, but its most definitely unrealistic
u mention that u feel ena i havent met one of those, and i know what u mean, bas sadgeeni i have met them and, therefore obviously, not saying they dont exist
but then again i wont say ena "khalas, dam thaila mawjodeen (7ata lo b kathra), 3ayal khalas, el deera kelha ma feeha wala rayaal" o a3imm 3al kel..
ok, betgoleenli "la im just talking in general" .. o ham arid wagolech, o sheno y3ni in general?
all "in general" means is projecting what u know to be true on X-specific on X-general when u really dont have evidence to think otherwise
y3ni ma7ad yelomich, laken, ma3a kel e7trami, el mafroth ma7ad ysadgech (btw im not talking to u in person, 'in general' :p)
i will say this: mo kel ely yengaal o ely tetdaawellah elnaas wet'ayyed ba3athha 3alaih means that it is true .. or even plausible
hal methaal yemken te7iseenah baayekh shway, laken a3teged ena ra7 yewasselich ely agssida belthab6 lena yekhessich enty "in general" ..
ana eb salamty ayee w agool "yakhi sheft balawi mn el banat ely yadrisoon bara el kuwait wohma isghaar.. ehy maskhara ma 3ogobha maskhara, le3eb ma ba3dah le3eb.. jad y3ni yefashloon o tegool allah yaster mn kel el banat"
shlon ya3ni al7een? etha ana kent fe3lan saakin fi man6aga hatha kel ely ashoofah .. would it make it true (or at least 'fair') that i talk in a manner that includes "all the members of X-group" .. namely, kuwaiti single, young, studying abroad ladies?
no? laish la? shayef o sami3 .. fa hathy neg6a thanya, ena y3ni el shain oho ely yalfet el nethar wekhaly elwa7ed ye3ammem, lena el zain doesnt "strike u" simply becoz it is what u already expect and suppose to be the norm
o adry 6awwalt laken hal shay elsara7a yehemni wayed o aby abarid chabdi .. shayfa lama 7ad yegol "eeh el se3odeyat kelhom jeleelat 7aya, masra3 mn te6ob el 6ayara swaisra ga6aw e7jabathom"
okay, hatha ely ohma shafoh wesma3oh .. does it make it true for everyone?
khalona nekon rizeeneen bel 7achi wenthammen kalaamna .. mo lena feeh ghala6, laken mn ajel ena ya7mel messdaageya .. and saying "most of the guys i know r so and so.." wont cut it either :)
now, i have to ask u faith, shyaab el 6aary? :|
Temetwir, at 1.4.06
yes, society does make us do a lot of things: culture-specific and tradtional stuff
"is marriage one of them?" .. no
so am i saying that not-getting-married-when-ur-eligible-doesnt-raise-questions?
again, no.. thats not what im saying.. i.e. it does raise questions "haw sh7aga Om Lo'ay ma zawijat Basool waladha el je3da.. 3ad 3endy lehom ibnayyat Om Qotayba yeerran bent ekhty, way way, gomar arba3tash, itkatkit sana3"
but im not saying "if thats the case, then khalaas.. marriage is a social duty" either
most certainly, its widespread among women "in society" (3ashanich scarlo) ena "laazim el bent tetzawaj" .. o la ya mama, la ya 7abeebi .. yaaha nisseeb, kaana beha .. ma yaaha, ehya ma taby, ehya mo 6aayga .. kaifha o ra7 eyee yom togaf jedam rab-ha o rab il 3alimeen ma ra7 y7asebha 3ala laish ma tezawejat
astaghferrla ya rabi, im not saying a3lam el ghaib .. but all im trying to communicate is: el zawaj mo farrth.. sa7ee7 ena deenna ye7eth 3al zawaj, o bel 3agel y3ni, feeh setir lel bint o feeh ssoun lel rayaal o estegraar lel bent o ta7geeg ragbaat kitheera ma tiyee ela 3ebbr el zawaj
laken, b tagni3eeny ena el zawaj farrth?
y3ni shlon ballah, nafs el 7aj? lazim marra at least bel 3omor?
raja'an .. la7ad yekhaleeni amid eedi
o afa 3laich ya scarlo, etha u dont speak 3ayal mno ely does speak
Temetwir, at 1.4.06
LOL, betmid eedik oo tgool li speak ba3ad? :-p ee khair
I think it is farth. I'm not sure. I don't really think I should check since it won't change anything, but ka kho Faroos says it's niss el deen.
oo ba3dain wain sami3 3an bint om Qutayba? :-p
ScarlO, at 1.4.06
maddat el eed ta3beer majaazi
salfat itha el zawaj farrth 3al rayal itha 'twaferat elasbaab' shaghla ana elsara7a mo gaary feha wala saami3, laken i would happily stand corrected if someone proves otherwise
still, no matter how we cut it (7ata itha for argument's sake sallamna b'ennah farth 3ala il rayal) fa ma ra7 yekon farth 3al bent .. which is, i think, mainly the issue here because u dragged society into it,, and i took the liberty to presuppose ena u meant society 'demands' that a girl get married:
something which i highly disagree on
la mn na7yat deen (obviously,, i hope we can agree on that), wala mn na7yat mojtama3 - mind u, lama agool ena mo farth mn el mojtama3, la7ad yegoli "la embala, kalam el nas ma yer7am" .. lena "el mojtama3" shay o "kalam elnas" shay thani
i think this is worth a post of its own.. until then: i argue that it is only a matter of personal perspective on the part of both:
(a) elbent ely ta7sib ena farrth mn el mojtama3 that she marries (ya3ni la7ad yegoli girls tend to WANT to get married, 3alaihom bel3afya let them 'want all they want' .. still doesnt make it a social obligation)
(b) ayyen kaan 'fard fi il mojtama3' who supposes ena 'farrth' ejtema3y, aw deeny that a grl be married
i.e. afttaw 3ala kaifhom el jema3a fi kiltaa al 7alatayyn
PS: bent om qotayba 3ashagt-ha mn seghry ana lama kent awassil ijdor el harees bermothaan l bait`hom, 7ata mn kether ma kent menthewil kent aro7 atakki 3end 7oosh`hom mn salat el thehir 3ala ammal eny ashofha te7oos bel gaary
Temetwir, at 1.4.06
el jema3a 'yaftoon 3ala kaifhom' min zeman, don't you think? I mean, I don't know if I want to get married, myself. I surely have other things to look up to, but the way it is here, how a girl who's older that 24 is looked it as 'baayra', you don't really know.
Which can bring another argument, that is arranged marriages (whcih by the way i'm not totally against, yet not totally support). But then when you look at the way a guy and girl get to know each other here, you just feel sorry for them. I mean, a guy meets a girl, and then they 'fall in love' (existent or otherwise) and then the guy says she has to go on her way because his parents want him to get married to bint om flan, and he can't tell them no, and he might be cheap enough to tell her that wallah you were 'fallen' enough to talk to a stranger on phone and go out with him, and i don't want such a person to be the mother of my kids. Happened, and still happens.
Or a girl might tell the guy that she 'doesnt feel well' and that it's not about him it's about her, and that he's so good and everything and kind to her but he has to go on his way. Sometimes she does this when she realises that she doesn't have feelings for him, sometimes she does it for the heck of it, sometimes she's just not satisfied, and sometimes she wants to be a 'good girl' for the next year, because perhaps someone will ask around about her and find out that wild ekht om flana shayefha ma3a weld 3am refeeja bil ebteda2i o she's no-good
heck, why am i bringing completely different subjects together? am i making sense, are these things connected or is it just me? in any case, you can totally ignore this if you think that i've change the subject, and just tell us sh9ar 3alaik enta o bint om qotayba ;-p
ScarlO, at 1.4.06
Another thought-provoking post... :) Keep 'em coming
Sedna, at 1.4.06
Nice story...you should start writing a noval or something, of course without using the IRC words LOL (although it might makes it unique in a way).
Angelo, at 2.4.06
it probably has to do with the fact that its a new day.. but boy is that off topic!
i will say this however, 3ala salfat "baayra", this is exactly what i mean when i say: its the personal, individualistic perspective.. and not a social, cultural, religious "phenomena" (just wanted to use that word)
tislemeen :) o inshalla i will, any personal thoughts on the matter(s)?
fallen angel
awal shay welcome aboard, new guy right? o itha taby novel-material, trust me check here
(3ashan ba3th elnas la yshofon ena ashkara)
note abt the arabized-english: i remember writing once a short story in full-english o elsara7a the dialogue itself seemed funny (to me, no one seemed to notice) .. and since its directed to a specific audience, i hope u guys wont mind :)
thank u,,
not sure what u mean by fan club, bas i would take the liberty in thinking u meant "sponsors" (if not, 3ady, thats what i was talkin abt) .. sponsors r there, just not THERE ENOUGH ..
i know for a fact how much money goes into pro bodybuilding (int'l competition-level bodybuilding) and its not a plausible sum for self-financing (number of competitions in q8 ydeshon el shabab b esim el nady ely yetmarenon feh)
i think im trying to say: professional sports mo makheth 7agah in kuwait, when i know for a fact that the talent and heart are there..
take away football, and ull almost certainly see a kuwaiti guy somewhere, sometime, winning a top-3-medal in some sport (not too sure abt the ladies record, but i remember theyre winning too)
Temetwir, at 2.4.06
Yeah, probably because I haven't slept yet. In any case, sorry :-)
'and not a social, cultural, religious "phenomena" (just wanted to use that word)'
I can tell ;-p
ScarlO, at 2.4.06
ah yes okay got it
still though, abt prof sports, mako ri3aya = no money
money = life goes on
phenomenon, my bad
and .. yeah, its not any of those the way i see it :)
Temetwir, at 2.4.06
Watar 7assas ... akthar shbab el yoom ygoolik "La yuba! Ay shay? ana ashteghel hal shaghla? khalha 7ag el hnood!!"
wa7ed yeshteghel ib garage.
wa7da teshteghel ib Starbucks (3dailiya).
wa7ed Oo wa7da Oo wa7ed Oo wa7da ... bas ham, yen3addoon 3ala el a9abi3.
Shayfoon roo7hom 3ala sheno? Ya3ni Kuwaiti? 6oz feek!
Mo el jinseyya elee ta36eek el haiba; El haiba tyee men akhlaqik Oo tawa'6o3ik.
Hatha bel nesba lel shbab ... ama 7a'6rat el banat, hawanem garden city, yaboon wa7ed matroos.
Mosta7eeeeeeeel .. mosta7eeel .. 7ame'6 3ala bozik yakhthoon wa7ed ib yabdi men el 9efer.
Shfeeha shaqa ajar?
Shfeeha sayara mosta3mala?
Marriage is bond that should only grow by time, and starting from zero allows both parties to know the real "face" of themselves. From my point of view, starting from zero is a good way to achieve a solid, warm, understanding relationship.
La fa'9a fook.
MBH, at 2.4.06
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