He looked at the two young men and shook his head. He guided his sight back to the blue file on his desk and continued to write. The two boys in his office were both dragged into the police station by 5 men. And still, his colleagues could not seperate the two far enough from each other for them not to have contacted through some kicks, punches or pulls.
As he continued to write, he tried to think of who kicked the shit out of the other. So he glanced back at them to conclude that they both did quite a good job at beating the other up. He raised his wrist to check the spelling of the last word he wrote, and then rushed his hand to the bottom of the paper. "Ta3al ya Khalid", he addrressed one of the young men, "waggi3, o iyany iyaak ashoufek itwa6we6 ehni mara thanya".
Khalid obliged. He walked to the desk with a slight limp, his right thigh soaked his jeans with blood. He scribbled and turned to make his way out of the office, Bashar stared at him.
"Dourik ya istath Bashar, sharrif."
Bashar obliged.
"Inta ily shtaby raz wayhek? Mn dag 3ala omik yaay etdakhel 3essik b shay maykhessik," yelled Bashar.
Bashar was leaning inside a parked Land Cruiser from the driver's side. In the driver's seat was a young girl, explicitly irritated.
She looked in the side mirror and saw her cousin, Khalid, grabbing Bashar from the shoulder, "agolek ahaly, i7mar ent ma teftehim?", Khalid replied just as loud, pushing Bashar to one of the walls of the underground Fanar parking lot.
"Kafwik hal ashkaal ahalik," a furious Bashar snapped back, swinging his hand to meet Khalid's face. A not so pleasant meeting, that's for sure. Balancing himself on the door of his cousin's car, Khalid swung back directly punching Bashar in the mouth. The girl in the car witnessed a spurt of blood flying on her windshield, targetting her to jump in her seat.
Taken to the floor, but still kicking, Khalid ripped the bloody faced guy's T-shirt and continued to strike what would definitely be KO's in one of his Kuwait Boxing Team matches in a championship abroad.
The girl inside opened the door, pushing her cousin's already-bent back by mistake. Bashar pulled Khalid's neck and brought him to the floor. Rising and kicking at the same time, he immediately saw himself against the wall again by 2 guys. Another 3 guys urged the girl to close the door and leave. They then lifted Khalid off the floor. Pulling them apart, and dragging them to the two seperate elevators.
The echo of swearing and who would fuck whose mother first had everyone's attention in the underground parking lot.
The indian guy with the flashlight walked down the aisle of the cinema. He was trying to remember if this was the 30th time he watched this movie, or if it was the 31st. He thought for a second and concluded that this was probably the 31st time he saw the movie, and the 30th time he saw a couple not paying attention to the screen.
Bashar had his hand on Dana's hair, Dana's hands were somewhere not so near Bashar's hair. Bashar was 'looking' at the big screen, but he wasn't really 'looking'. Some indian guy was talking to some other indian guy about his daughter, or some other three hour nonesense. He just thought about having Dana's hair up in a fist.
Dana walked into the dark theatre, looking at the lights on the steps, guided by the indian-with-the-flashlight who had her ticket and was leading her to her seat. She had just shut her phone after talking to her mother in the car about her being outside her friend's house to study for tomorrow's quiz. Her mother wished her luck.
The indian flashed his light to the seat and made way for Dana to pass him. Greeted, she was, by one good looking Bashar.
He tried to swift through the translation on the big screen. Up until this point, fifteen minutes into the movie, he only understood that the good looking woman in the movie called the not so good looking man "papa ji".
He was distracted when he saw a flashlight blinking in his eyes. He smiled, and with his hand he reached for a place not so near his hair.
Bashar guided his wide black Gallardo along the entrance of il Fanar's underground parking, giving a slight beep of the horn to the bored Egyptian male in the cubicle who considered Bashar as his 'favorite regular'. He made his way through the tight corners and proceeded to go one level further down the basement, as agreed with one called Dana. He parked his car and waited.
He checked if he had any service in the basement, and called to see where the bitch was. She told him she'd be twenty more minutes. He told her to come ask for her ticket, left in her name at the entrance of the cinema. With that, he made his way out of the car and walked towards the elevators.
Inta 3aqadtna chithy going backwards..Either that or its me just waking up and still being fuzzy..Good post, very common though in Kuwait :P
Blogger, at 15.3.06
Good post, indeed.
Loved the 'scattered' narration, you never cease to let us have our own input in the stroy.
This one's a bit bloody, though. Bloody as in gory, not 'bloody mah-vellous' :-p
Which reminds me that I have an unfinished story to finsih ..
Keep posting :-)
ScarlO, at 15.3.06
sty yup, we're going backwards this time
scarlo thanks, and good luck with ur unfinished business
goalchi not at all, i appreciate the honesty .. but im not sure i really understand
the "first written parts" (the ending) were more elaborate (a6wal) in that they can be generalized.. unspecific.. there r endless reasons for why athnain shabab yewag3on 3ala ta3ahud, o endless reasons for them to fight in the 1st place, and endless reasons for a guy yet7arash b wa7da
the "last written parts" (the beginning) are to the point, specific, and obviously occuring at much shorter time intervals
so im not sure if that explains it.. bas again shaaker lik 3ala el nagd 7abeeb il sha3b :)
Temetwir, at 15.3.06
As long as this doesn't turn into a cheesy Kuwaiti movie filled with freak-hair guys & "colorful"-gals, not into a soap-oprah Kuwaiti series for next Ramadhan and as long as it stays on your blog, I'll be happy.
Though your post is distrubing, but that's life. Nice write-up.
MBH, at 15.3.06
nah i dont think we'll ever see a ramadhan tv show that shows real events that happen day in day out regardless of time and place ;)
all we're presented with are cliches and stereotypes ..
3ayal "ely ma y7eb el 6arab 7aywaan" ha?
eeeeeh.. shlonek ent zain
Temetwir, at 15.3.06
Poor mother who wished her good luck.
True Faith, at 15.3.06
true faith
eh wallah .. jelat el7aya tiyee mn el chethb 3al omm akthar mn el balawi ely ga3da itsaweeha
sheyaa6een el arth etsafeg le shakhs, o malaykat el semma etla3en feeh .. wain yetwafag? :)
Temetwir, at 15.3.06
Memento.. one of my favorite movies. a smart movie.. a very few movies these days can be called smart..
ur writings are quite interesting.. keep it up.. for us; ur faithful readers :p
jiji, at 15.3.06
Very interesting, all over the place but interesting..
The girl pissed me off the most, and allah y3een her mom (i know its fictional, but many of her like exist)
Faith, at 15.3.06
true that, very smart movie .. Nolan is a great director
o mashkora tislemeen
i know what u mean
laken ashkaal el esbay r just as pathetic .. o ham allah y3een omahat'hom
لعله يقول قائل
"bas 3alamkom ya jema3at el rabi3, "7oreya shakhseya" hathy o ma7ad lah dakhal dam ena ma yetherroon el amn el gawmy lel balad aw el mo'asasaat el maaliya .. weld el khaal/khala/3am/3ama oho el qal6aan metdakhel fi omoor ma ta3neeh wala tetherrah .. o el mafroth ma kan yemid eeda mafroth kan yelja' ela el gathaa' lena e7na dawlat mo'asasaat o nethom o gawaneen.. laih meta 3agleyat el sharaf wel 3erth, wela kabbt masha3ir o a7asees el bent wel walad?"
mistab3ideen? :)
Temetwir, at 15.3.06
Reading MSB's reply..That so seems like a Kuwaiti Soap minus the drugs :P Fajer ilS3eed Lookout a new writer is in town lol :P
Blogger, at 15.3.06
sorry MBH :">
Blogger, at 15.3.06
yam3awad 3alagal shay yiseer belshahar 3ala agal tagdeer 4 marat bel esbo3 mara heh
o 3alaih dabat exhaust o straight pipes? yabeela
Temetwir, at 16.3.06
very well written :) oo 9ij Allah y3een um il bent, ooo hal Bashar yestahel ma yah oo akthar.... keep it up nice post :)
متفرغ, at 16.3.06
Temetwir, waleeen .. so we're stuck with random-color smearing, dudes with spiky and/or "farg-makwa" (excuse the word) & typical bashing :/
Thank God TVs have an off button.
Sty, Heh .. t9adig 3ad .. ma astab3id enha ted'7al blogs Oo tboog "the boring dailies of boring kiddies" :p
MBH, at 16.3.06
Lol MBH sawayteeny Kiddies..Fajer ilS3eed is just dull..everyone else on KUwait TV with those shows that talk about Public seem to be BSing or blowing things out of proportion..
Kuwaiti Dramas
Fowzeya Drei3 (Ashkara she knows nuthin oo m5arba il young generation..Mainly shes advising kids to go have sex)
Raykoum Shabab (Dunno why I hate them but they make stupid things over dramatic..for example..Ilyoum naby inshoof il rasim..ya3ny shoof il a7mar ya3ny 7ob oo sha'3af oo il akhthar '3eera..Umm ok yeah)
Blah blah ma athker ba3ad its 4:30am lol
Blogger, at 16.3.06
I enjoyed the first section (the last part of the story) the most. It shows that writing about violence can be engaging without being repulsive.
Anonymous, at 16.3.06
Sty, dude! lol! I didn't mean you as "kiddies"! I was refering to those who blog their boring daily life -> "I woke up today and I didn't feel like it. So, I didn't go to school!!! OMG OMG OMG! Mom was sooooo upset she didn't give me money for starbuksss! I'm sooo anggry now :(~~~~"
That kinda "kiddy" ;)
I know quite a few people who are capable of writing an amazing script, acting, directing & managing a successful movie. All are under the age of 26 & most are still students.
The problem is that the support (money & advertisement) mostly goes to the wrong people, those who have vitamin W+. Talent is discarded, unless those who are willing to provide support want to rip talented dudes off their profits.
MBH, at 16.3.06
didn't think it was confusing.. actually attention-grabbing.. in a very good way..
hmm.. it's a bit clichéd subject or theme to write about but the selection of words and the Tarrintino backwards and shuffling of events is very nice..
Ms. Sarah, at 17.3.06
teslam yal 7abeeb :)
yazatly 'thank god tvs have an off button' heh nice wau of putting it
if raykom shabab ohwa ely fi baly, then yeah i know what ur saying and i agree
thank you for pointing out the "main theme" of the piece .. u english students are really smart :P heheh
the dating part? definitely a cliche.. but i said to sapphire thats not the main theme, i definitely know what ur saying and will definitely take it to consideration..
loving the criticism (u too Goalchi)
Temetwir, at 17.3.06
attention grabbing. at one point i almost started reading bottom up, but decided to stick to the way it was written.
it's sad that the mother doesnt realize what her daughter is really up to, and even sadder that Khalid got himself in this for his 'cousin' who's part of the problem to begin with!
Amazing what ppl do without regard to the implications and consequences that affect their family, before it affects them!
Allah kareem..
MSB, at 17.3.06
I point out what I like *nods*
Anonymous, at 17.3.06
sa7ee7 .. i think what ur trying to say is "how hard we try to NEVER put the ones WE know at fault.. its always someone else's fault" .. in the larger sense of course
sapphire :)
how r the results from semester 1?
Temetwir, at 18.3.06
*smiles in satisfaction*
love the way you write, and love the way you exposed all those social problems in one go...
The question is, how do we put a stop to it? Why does it have to be "this way" in Kuwait?
Sedna, at 18.3.06
They're swimmingly good :) Let's just hope I get to the end of this semester in one piece, inshallah :P
This might not be related to the main theme of the story, but in the end, birds of feather, flock together.
Anonymous, at 18.3.06
thanks for the kind words :)
"jolly good" o 6awafnaaha .. hal dor swimmingly? fucking brits
all the best this semester inshala emwafiga
Temetwir, at 18.3.06
Thanks for the kind wishes, and the same to you! I really appreciate it.
"Swimmingly" is supposed to be used as jolly. I've been feeling loopy all day, and it seemed perfect for the work and papers that come in waves, leaving me (sea)sick :P So, yeah, swimmingly, with side effects!
(I'll take bloody brit-ness over southern drawl any day ;) )
Anonymous, at 18.3.06
thats a jolly good explanation :p
mashkora matgassreen :)
the whole thing together is made up, but the makhfar part is true, the fight is true, and the dating is true
but put together, it didnt happen :)
Temetwir, at 19.3.06
kelma adesh bain fatra o fatra kha9a hal ayam sa3at ma yamdy a7e6 comment bs ashofek dayman momayaz
thanks teme o mazeed mn el ebdaa3 ya bobdee3 hehe ;)
Hashemy, at 19.3.06
laialy :)
hashemy shaakir lek 3ala hal i6raa' yal 7abeeb
Temetwir, at 20.3.06
Excellent Writing Tem! Good to see and read you're still rocking Blogland. L.o.L
BitterSweet, at 25.3.06
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