من ذكريات أس أل
- tadry youm 7enna enteba3ad, kel hal denya o ahalha yefgedoun ensaan wa7id, o afgid ana el denya kelha
- faman eljar7 ya theek elsewalef ba3ad ma khanat thnouny thenouny, 3araft alqadr o kethb alwalayef, jerou7ak 3alemouk o 3alemouny
- manty methel layla el3aameriya, la wala balqees ma7boobat nezaar
enty mo e7sas 3aady o shaa3ereya, enty el gheera mn e7sasech taghaar
enty akher ma begaaly mn begeya, etsadgeen lo geltlich 3eshgy ente7aar?
la la 7aram nekoun athnaina el tha7eya, dam ana weyach fi nafs el masaar
- ta3aaly eshtag lech far7y ta3aly jadedy far7y .. ta3aly wesma3y jar7y yeghaneelich 3ala lailah
etha kenty te7ebeeni wetha lech galb yaghleeny tejeen elyom tarweeni o ghesny te3dely mailah
- waffir ely tegola mahma nawy tegoul, la tethenn b sehola telga 3endy geboul..
esh 3alay lo tabeeni? 7ebenny eb raa7etek
elmohem la tejeeny, ma abi jayettek
- la7that ma la7agta, la7that ma ragamta, wainech ya kelmat laa? la7that ma kalamtah, la7that ma 6awa3tah, wainech ya kelmat la?
- sa3ba la ghaab la7tha, la7thety tiseer sa3ba .. telgaany ashky "6aal bo3dah o malait", amshy b kaifah o kaify maho ye3ajba, bamrah o bamr el shoug lo gaal labait
- is7y mn a7laamek, kefaya el amaany, 3eeshy walaw mara eb naar el 7ageega
galby legalaah 7ob thany, galb ye3awethny ghalaak eb degeega
- mosta7eel el ro7 3an 7obek tetoub
wel 3awathel la yehemek ghadraha .. la tesadeg 3aathel el7ob el la3oob daamaha ro7y shekat lek amraha,, laih ya fattaan..
- eedy beedik ya 7abeebi mn el fajir 7ata el magheeby, namlik el denya bedainah w allah layghayer 3alaina, ya shams ya shams la la tegheeby
- isdeg b wa3dak youm wedy a7es enek wefy, eshra7ly el maktoum 3alemny serak laih khafee .. a36e el hawa jazrah o maddah sabry wosal ya zain 7adah,, lelsabir galow e7dod, yamsabir el maw3oud
- ayaamy marrat laitaha bet3oud
bathakir el naasy baha.. laih ho nesa wa3dy
b ayamy kanat tebtesim le'wroud wel zahar yetfata7 o yarsel 3ebgah elwardy..
wel ful wel narjis tara mn 6ayyib el anfaas - ma7den ye3abir aw yewakheth "3aaakalam eNaas" -
- jatny sedeegat'ha tegoul:
"flaana tahdeek e3tethaar.. wetgoulek gheth el nethar, khalha te3eesh bagy el nahaar..
7ata so'alek 3annaha asba7 yethaayeg'ha ketheer
en kaan fi galbek laha 7ob tegool enah kebeer?
etrek'ha khalha o shaanaha" ...
hathy el resaala bekhtessar :
- feena te3eesh el thekrayaat, tarrfeth temout o tentehy
tess7a el jerou7 el maatheyaat, 3aks ma nereed o neshtehy
- ma kent aby akthar mn ely feek lagaitah, 7anaan o regah o 6eebah o galb ya kobor baitah
etsakeni wese6 sadrik bedainek jar7y dawaitah, kefaya basmetek hathy etnaseeny ely 3anaitah
- temoreny ayaam wel 7aal nafs el 7aal, ya7bayebi ma anaam.. laily be3ainy 6aal
mashghool bel mee3ad, atraghab el akhbaar.. yaa laitena jeeran weldaar janb eldaar
- enta emza3el nafsek laih wem3ayesh galbek fe hamah?
el mawthou3 akthar mn 3ady, la ta36eh akbar mn 7ajmah
- balga gairek mn yabeeny, wenta awal mn darrah
wel 3omor fakkir 7abebi 3omra ma yerja3 warah
- ba6wy sowaad elail, bar7al 3an idyaary .. taarek waray keleshay, keleshay
masaary maho bekhteyaary .. laha saary
- laih lama ajeek.. lama ajeek yetba3thar kalaamy? o laih lama ajeek magdar agool, laih?
hatha 7aly o mn zemaan, lama ashoufek ansa nafsee.. weshloun ma ansa elkalam
- lo ne6agt esmek tedour el arth feeny, lo lemast edainek ashreg bel kalam
- 3esh'ak ya 3omri naseeb yab3id o meny areeb wel shoo' ya aghla 7abeeb maktob 3alaya
es'al negoom elail 3an albe daa' el waail we3mel fe albe gemeel we7dhun 3enaya
kalam el3ain beye7ky 3an el 3osha' daleely 3an el ashwa' wenta 7abebi daleelak fain (lol)
- me7tag le3naik ya lail wel7ob elsafy ya lail ;]
- 3an tebaree7 el 3atab tes'al setaayer ghorfety
faghedin soutek ye7arik fe sekoun el yasmeen
sakirr abwaabek o ra7 amsa7 begaya 7eerety
daam matheena saraab, 7obena tashkeel 6een
- khalny agraa lek tewareekh el nehaya b dam3ity
yaly 6afait el jenoun b ree7 thalj .. o kelmetain
yaly ssadik naar, taakel fe gheyaabek jannety
lelza3al fenjaan barrid, mal yan6er shefetain
- enty wana eb meshkela, 7allaha nebga bi3eed.. jar7y 3endek, es'alah ya7chee wey3eed
elnedama 3aly faat, mosta7eel te7yee ely maat .. ba3dik ana barja3 ana, wel 7ayat terja3 7ayaat
- kefaya el khedaa3, kefaya el wedaa3, kefaya hatha 7obak gad saara thayyaa3 ;[
- sa3at a7es eny 3an el naas fi 7aal .. o sa3at ath7ak mn gesa el wagt wabkee .. ka'eny gareeb bain el aw6aan jawaal .. mahma ebte3ad galby bey7enn le wa6ankee
- adaary el jar7 gedaamak, wa3awwid galby el ketmaan .. ath7ak, wa6reb a7laamak o kelly lel the7k walhaan
tara ya sayedi el basma waraha lou3ah o 7ermaan, o galb shaa7ebin rasmah o hammin soretah ensaan..
mathaaher najmaha saa6e3, o 3ainek? shoufaha ghal6aan
tegol b tha7kety waage3? ghasheem o tej'hal el alwaan
- a3eesh ayam fi 7eerah, o tel3ab feeny el afkaar.. ana shsawait o wain akh6ait? a7awel bas atthakar.. wala athker sewa 7obi, o tha7kat 3ashegain esghaar
- 7abebi, ma ta3awadna nekhaly bainena asraar, wetha fe3lan ana mekh6y? lajel 3ainek bat3athar..
3eyouny, rou7y o galby 7alaalek kelehom.. mn bainehom ekhtaar
- rethaina el ham.. o 3eshna el tholm, meshaina el darb lel aakher
refathna el ams.. o nour el shams, o serna nentethir baachir
7ageegatna sarat zaif .. ma7abatna sa7abat saaif :(
- 6airy 3aneed el baas, rabek ho el haady .. el shahd yag6er mn khaddah 3ala chtoofah
6airy 3e6er fawaa7, 6eebin o kaady .. 6airy ana bel zain kaamel wosoofah
(a-a3gad mn thaalek?)
- redeny le daar khely ya zemany redeny, sheel meny ta7eya bel ma7aba wadeny, hadeny elshog walla fi bo3dek hadeny
- khethny le denya, ajmal denya .. wa7dik feeha o mafi sewaak, wardaha 7obek 3e6raha gorbek shamsaha enta o thelha hawaak
- ya shaww' ya7ram elghafaa .. yamrakhes edmo3 el bashar, ya 7ob lam7a wekhtafa
ma 3ad sheftello athar, ya barrd 3am yelqee el dafa
yadmou3 3am tem7ee el sowar, 7ekme o ma kelna ne3refa.. eno el adar howe el adar
sho sar ya darb el hawa ya zari3 fi alby el ta3ab
mesh ham ma 3edna sawa, wala ham nebrom 3alsabab, lemhhen mn ba3d el ghara' nensa el 3azab ely marra', ba3dak ya alby ely e7tarra' maghrom 7err'a bellahab
- mn wa'at ma hal kawwn ebteda, kano etnayyn b hal denny o ma kan fi ghayrron 7adaa wala yen6efy el 7ob el hanni
albunn 3ala el shaww' ehtada, sarat sineen tesro' seneen, fa saar yosa3 hal madda .. wel bo3d yekbar bel denne
wel yawm serna 3al hadda, ne7ro' 7ayaat emzayyene, ma dhall bel ward nadaa w laa fi ghussin 3am yen7eny
web'eet wa7dy ma3ada a7laam 3omri el warddany.. la sawt 7ata o la ssada yendah o yes'al sho beny
(ba3ad 3omri entay walla)
- lat7alefny o la tes'aleny, ana ma feyye ensaaYn .. jan el hawa o ramany 6ayarny ana wayaak
- betmor sa3at ba3de lo'aana wel ro7 lewgoudak 3a6shana .. tou7ashny 3enaik
o balaa'ey el donya ba'et fadhya ma3a enne elnas ray7a o gayya .. wana ba7lam beek
- ely sheftah fi 7ayaty mo geleel .. la tegherrik tha7kety 7ezny asseel
- tethakar youm yetsaawa gheyaby 3anek we7thoury?
tesaawat ghaibetek ma3 jayetek, ma 3ad lek haiba
famaanelah ya jasy wala kan el jefa 6oury .. ta3alamt el jefa mennek o mn galbek wala3eebah
- maa ly gair adaary hal sekoot.. ana ma ly gair kefny lain amout .. mouty lech ya3ni ilhanna, menho 3althaany jana
- ana la sema3t el3oud wanghaam elwatar, haal dam3y fog khady kal ma6ar .. wardif el wannaat fi jen7 el thalaam.. baligh el 3aasheg o golah la tanaam
hakatha bel 3eshg 3omry gad 3abar, fi be7our el 3eshg ma 7asalt barr.. mn dakhal ba7r el hawa, tayyah o haam .. baligh el3aasheg o golah la tanaam
:-D You're homesick, are you not?
Don't know most of these but some remind me of some ... erm, memories.
ScarlO, at 17.5.06
Tem, I think you must be either homesick or missing someone (in Kuwait?). If it is so: Faat il ketheer wu ma bega illa al qaleel insha'allah.
Nabil's "..khethny le denya, ajmal denya .. wa7dik feeha o mafi sewaak, wardaha 7obek 3e6raha gorbek shamsaha enta o thelha hawaak..." is by far my favourite. Fascinating is the way the music is adapted to this hope and joyful chapter/course of the song, where as the former parts are deep melancholic.
Try Ana Mnsaak (law tensa) (not mansaak) .I think it might cheer you up.
BitterSweet, at 17.5.06
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BitterSweet, at 17.5.06
You might try Akheran Jeet by Rashed al Majed too. What's the title referring to? S.L as in mercedes S.L?
BitterSweet, at 17.5.06
sick-of-uk .. if thats homesick, then yup
baine w bainek i dont remember 3/4 of the songs or how they sound :\
im just remembering "abyaat" and "parts" that stick hehe
and yup, the title is referring to a Merc SL .. the ride at the time hehe
likewise, who cares abt ella7an .. aham shay el kalemat
o kel ma kanat el kalemat 3GAIDEYA akthar, kel ma kanat agrrab wa a7ann ela galbe ;]
Temetwir, at 17.5.06
Just a few days ago I was having a discussion with an ignoramus about how some songs have beautiful, POETIC words, and that fruit tries to tell me theres nothing poetic about any song...
this is the best example, nice post! prolly as sentimental as we'll ever see you :P
Faith, at 17.5.06
hal "aghany" atwaga3 aglabha gadeema sarlaha at least 4 yrs o ako that go further back ..
im just dealing with the words like i said to laialy n bittersweet mathker al7aanhom
o shda3wa as sentimental as ull ever see me hehe
am not sad :) just liking the words, especially if they have the 3gaidi-vibe lol
Temetwir, at 17.5.06
nag9etik 3aysha el mar6a Oo 3bdallah el fa'6alah (el somor wel bee'6)
MBH, at 17.5.06
3aib 3alaaaik:
- yom sheft el somor janny mejbelat kamlat el zian henn seed el banat aryaag`hom ya galb sekar ma3 nebaat makhtheen el 7ag beshhood o thebaat
lo tshof el beeth bel 7enn ma tedoos fog chabd ahl el hawa tamshy sidood bas nathra o zahyaaten bel leboos o bel mraagad chenehom 6een el sawa
- sheft ana el majlis 3alaina yab ye6ool, gelt ya ghezlaan sem3o ma agool, keleken 7asnaat o kellen lah gebool, keleken bel zain wallah kamlaat
Temetwir, at 17.5.06
no1. 3asa ma jeet fe wagten leghairi o 3asa ma jetelak sedfah tara majabeney ela ent o shogey yagrab el khelan ana wallah abad ma khent wala fakart benesyan
Anonymous, at 17.5.06
magsouda? lenha jaaya fi ma7al raf3 khabarr mothaarri3 ely ohwa gha6ettich :\
--> "men tekon el senderela gairek enty"
bawadi3 ehmom el forag, el foraag.. laha meshtaag
allah 3ala ilqorba, ya sheenaha, ya sheenaha ma ten6aag
tarek waray keleshay keleshay :(
Temetwir, at 17.5.06
some of the songs are original like the 11th song Reem 'jsr il-twa9el' if im not mistaken..... what happened to her enqarthat maara wa7da :)
متفرغ, at 18.5.06
3jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb wallah
Aktharhom awal mara emeron 3alay o eshwaya ely garehom men gabel
Khosh ghazal o kalam sha3ery o 3a6eefy 3ala a3la mostawa ... 6ol 3omrek tel3abha 9a7 Ya Temetwir ;)
Dakhtour, at 18.5.06
heh bad3ay akthar ana agol..
3ad kelesh mo sob el ghanawi ana halayam, ela chan aswat o ba7ry ;]
fa ma3endi fekra 3an el la7an, so for now, no judgement ;p
EEEH !! yakhi ga3ed agol 7ag nafsi "mnain 7afethha" .. now that u said Reem chena el la7an is coming back to me
madri etha enqarthat wela la.. bas el mal3ona kanat mazyona heh
lezoom il sheghel yal 7abeeb ;]
bas la jad, teslam
and yeah im pretty sure MOST of these date back to pre-2002 so cant blame u
Temetwir, at 18.5.06
"bawadi3 ehmom el forag, el foraag.. laha meshtaag
allah 3ala ilqorba, ya sheenaha, ya sheenaha ma ten6aag
tarek waray keleshay keleshay :("
mino yghaneeha, thakerni?
Anonymous, at 18.5.06
ely a3arfha le 3abdel3azez lethwai7y 3al 3ood
madri mnho/y awal mn ghana(t)ha
Temetwir, at 18.5.06
no.1 e maqsoda :P
the last song malat 6alal salama "laha sari"
Anonymous, at 18.5.06
eeeeeeeeeeeeee laha sari! thx fellow anonymous :D
Anonymous, at 18.5.06
yaaa salaaam 3al sha3ereya fe3laan enta 3ayesh mood laken shaklech metkader yuba ma3ash ely ekadreek
thakarta bshaghlaat wayed..
Hashemy, at 19.5.06
hmm.. don't remember them all..
and don't worry, you'll be home in no time :D
Ms. Sarah, at 19.5.06
kelen lah allah lo takhalait 3ani
hala belga6i3, la wala yakhoy mako gair salamtek
cheerio ;]
Temetwir, at 19.5.06
mabuga shay! one more exam to go YAY! then its dissertation time!.. ooo 3ogob-ha sij ma abi ashoof rig3at hal place!.. with the situation im in at the time being im not thinking of the phd at all! even though i know i should if I wanna do what I wanted to do (career-wise). so yeah, i totally understand what ur going through teme.. hang in there bro! you can do it! itha ana ili ana ana im sort of mista7mila sort of.. then so can you!.. its not the course not even the weather its just this place, the people I have to deal with, ARGH!.. one more exam to go.. mabuga shay (hahaha funny now im trying to calm my self down LOL) .. talk about being self-centred! .. "inti shaikhat hal ziman o kil zimaan, inti taj il roos waghla mnil nifoos KUWAIT inti noor idroobina, winti nabth igloobina" ee wallah!.. 3adi tawfaw this is what many call "yinoon imti7anat".. so long..
the11thmuse, at 20.5.06
Temmie ya Temmie (opps I got that from Scarlie)...I loved that post!!
I don't recognize all of them though :( qahar!
PS. a5 the first few lines....MADE me read that post
Sedna, at 20.5.06
truth be told, i have it easy compared to u engineering guys .. but i admit, i sometimes envy peeps who have exams for assessment instead of writing essays and projects for their postgrad degrees, thus, i have no empathy for them ;] hahah jk
i handed in 2 assignments yesterday .. have one more essay to hand in and then its dissertation time..
inshalla inshalla 2/3 of the plan will be achieved by the 28th: get an MA w/o stepping foot in a library
imwafega inshala, all the best
glad u liked .. which didnt u know maybe the ladies n gents can help u (like they did with anonymous)
Temetwir, at 20.5.06
You're working on your graduate studies?? I thought you were an undergrad..
Sedna, at 20.5.06
the11thmuse, at 20.5.06
Mwaffag Insha'allah.
About the 2/3 part without stepping a foot in the lib: Masha'Allah, that's amazing. Good luck bro
BitterSweet, at 20.5.06
sedna, am gonna go ahead and take that as a complement ;]
11th, let us know how it goes/went down
bittersweet, ajme3een enshala bro;]
Temetwir, at 21.5.06
To all:
This post may seem odd, but I'm studying ancient Egyptian mythology (a life-long interest). At present I'm studying the Legend of Heru-Behutet, which mentions a lake called She-En-Aha. While searching the internet for information on this lake, this blog came up on the search list, because someone used the term "sheenaha" in a post. In a general way, I'm trying to find out what "She-En-Aha" may mean. In a specific sense, I'm trying to understand where geographically this lake was/is located.
I realize, of course, that the ancient Egyptian language and the modern Arabic language spoken in Egypt aren't at all the same languages. Still, I'm following every lead that comes my way, no matter how slim the chances of hitting paydirt.
If anyone could send me information about the term "She-En-Aha" or about a lake of that name, I would be most grateful. I can be reached by email at lunekelktar@hotmail.com.
Best regards,
Lune Keltkar
Anonymous, at 1.8.07
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