بنات الناس مو لعبة
This, as usual, is going to stir unwanted drama.First things first, I really don't care about your story. I really don't. I'm really not sorry if that offends you either. I don't want to know about your family or friends. And I don't expect you to go further than this sentence. If you're reading this sentence right now, then you just want to get offended, don't you?
People in general don't take marriage seriously. That's something I've noticed over the past 3 years, and it isn't something nice to notice. The whole thing about mixing love with marriage, with the latter being the literal tying the knot of the former, is just one of the many things that reassure my observation. The ever increasing divorce rates, I think, does not necessarily serve my purpose any good. Rather, the reasonings behind some of the divorces does. In other words, personally I don't regard the increasing divorces as something that proves people not taking marriage seriously; not at all. It's the reasons behind some of the divorces that infact do. Moreover, and this is different from the 'love' factor, there seems to be wrong reasonings for getting married, on both parts of genders.
Starting from the last point; how many of you can deny being told/having heard/having said something like "ha meta il zawaaj inshaala" to someone who had just, either, finished college/got a job/reached 25 or-whatever-age?
Get this through your heads, marriage is not an obligation. You're probably scrolling down to the comments right now to tell me "il zawaaj ness el deen", aren't you? Weren't you?
The point being, people treat marriage as if it's something necessary that 'completes' a person. I argue that one must be complete first in order to marry. And this is specifically for the guys more so than for the ladies. How I define 'complete' is none of your business, nor is it my business to know how you define it yourself.
Moving on to the whole thing about boy loves girl, I think, it doesn't get any more pathetic than that. Yeah, I'm talking to you. You're telling me that you don't have enough respect towards yourself that you feel the obligation to commit to someone just because she makes you feel some way or another? That's like me taking you to a strip club and asking you "tabeeha?" in reference to the girl giving you a lapdance. True story. Let me put it this way, the girl you've been 'in love' with for the past .. 4 years? Ten k says that I can make you feel the same towards another girl in a matter of 4 months. Another ten k says that this is a repetitive process. Double or nothing for saying that you're shaking your head right now.
When it comes to marriage, you're either ready or you're not. That is, you either can be worthy of being a husband or not. It has nothing to do with how you feel towards 'the girl of your dreams'. It has nothing to do with how rich you are. And it sure as hell doesn't have anything to do with how old you are, men welda, o sheno shahadtek.
most boys would tell u "legait'ha" referring to some1 he saw some place..
and its really sad for me to say this but some guys would 'try' with the grl, etha ethbe6at .. "khalas mo malat zawaj" .. yeg3ad ma3aha cham shahar o y36eech the classic "la hathi gair, ana emjarib gairha o agdar agolek hathy gair"
and if she didnt then "thegeleea, tesla7 om e3yaal .. khalas bakalem omi/ekhti tdeg 3alaihom"
y3ni la man6eg la mn shabab wala banat .. hence my opinion that no one takes it seriously
i really, realllly cant remember the last time someone talked to me abt children when the issue of marriage comes up .. its all abt 'having fun, travelling, buying, going out' o madri sheno
ok now im all worked up..
Temetwir, at 2.12.05
zinzin i beg to differ, i dont think it has to do with age.. rather being mature, or just UNDERSTANDING what marriage really IS
im 21 and am not saying im all that but i know for a fact that the majority of 21 yr olds out there do NOT regard marriage as i do
abt grls going out on dates, i strongly suggest u (as in u grls) dont even get involved with guys .. wala 7ata phonecalls, respecting urself is respecting urself.. it isnt a matter of stages or something
.. am sorry if it sounds mean, but somebody has got to say it and im willing to just get it off my chest
i know where ur coming w/ the grl also being complete .. but i would argue that the man has to go far greater lengths than the grl for being eligible for marriage .. a grl has to set her mind straight .. a guy has to do a lot of other things to prove to himself that he can infact take care of a wife o inshala support a family
also, in regard to what i said abt "its not abt the grl or how she makes u feel", i totally meant to restrict it to BEFORE marriage .. sure there must be a connection, and a whole lot of other things including and not restricted to appreciation, mutual respect, kindness and what have u.. i agree with u totally BUT (to me) that should all come after marriage/getting to know ur wife/getting her to know u .. i really really am against all that nonesense w/ relationships and am speaking from 1st hand experience
finally, u touched upon the idea of 'socially acceptable' for men to do smthing and get away with it, i addressed that in here
and also the whole concept of 'love' o romance and all that BS nowadays over here
Temetwir, at 2.12.05
am glad u brought that up actually.. in the kho6ba itself, both can 'request' meeting one another numerous times, sometimes they dont feel "it" so they would just say no .. thats not rejection, thats what ur talking abt - not having the mutual connection
some would argue "oh but they both would act all perfect and appear to be flawless" .. i really dont think any ONE nowadays is naive enough to be fooled fully, if they sense it then they have the right to say 'no', if they dont and want to meet again then they could just come back time and time over again
NOT to mention that, in q8 espicially, and this has happened to me a couple of times my sister would come tell me abt one of her friends
ya3ni tara 6ebaaye3 el naas baayna, but ofcourse they have to meet to figure out if theres a connection ..
i could go on to mention the type of questions one would ask, they would definitely say a lot
and btw occasionaly u meet two ppl who just 'saw one another', and the guy had the initiatitive mn awal shay kan yabi yetzawaj o he "saw" what he "liked" .. sometimes all it takes is someone terta7aain lah .. and then u meet
if anything, this type of marriage is WAAAAAY more diverse and WAAY more helpful to meet the right 'kind' both parts r interested in, rather than going out there and "looking" for their 'partners'
Temetwir, at 2.12.05
zinzin ma 3omri kha6abt so i wouldnt be able to give u exact questions lena sure enough when ur there sitting ud come across some specific questions according to where the interaction is going.. but lets see (and im not sure what ur asking abt, el bent sh tes'al wela el esbay sh yes'al - lets take the grl) ..
id expect her to ask me directly abt what it is exactly that i do and not be satisfied with what her parents told her.. also what i do in my spare time (wain aro7, wain agiz heh), and what my routine is with dowaween for example .. personally i think these r "classic" questions that tell u alot abt the guy infront of u .. so much infact that i would ask a guy myself these questions.. and based on them u can have a basic idea
im sure asking why ru divorced is a legit question, but am not sure abt the "laish fesakht khe6betek" .. shdaraha aslan 3an el khe6ba?
concerning the issue, no offense taken, but am not sure what it is exactly ur referring to that u didnt understand ill be happy to explain/expand
Temetwir, at 2.12.05
f_, at 2.12.05
zinzin oh ok i wouldnt know i never did tell my sis to ask such and such, but yeah to ask abt spare time and time in general tells u a lot abt the person .. likewise, if a guy asks a grl and then proceeds to ask "men ma3ah?" stuff like that, am sure it says a lot .. and then depending on expectation, one can determine whether or not theres hope between the 2..
and abt the calling off of engagements and such, i dunno honestly.. ive been told abt divorces thu, some reasons were just stranger than fiction
heh and ill try to bear that in mind and slow down in my 'speechtalk'
fedo 7abeeb :))
Temetwir, at 2.12.05
Man what is your fuckin' problem? People wanna marry, fuck, then divorce. Just let them be will you. Who gives a damn. Some boys don't know how to hook-up etc. so the first girl that smiles at them is transformed into a princess in shining armor! Let them! Excuse my French I just woke up. Cheers
Anonymous, at 2.12.05
:) lool
too late :)
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 3.12.05
balbol ur my fucking problem, shbetsawi y3ni? :) zain kel teben yalla
mishari u speak the truth, but im not TOO sure on generalising the men's concept of being easily distracted.. UNLESS ur talking here abt a "relationship" that isnt bound with something like marriage, then yes i agree and i can totally relate in a past life..
however that is NOT to say that a married guy will never err.. on the contrary, THIS is what im discussing "banat elnas mo le3ba" :)
- and mishari wala yhemek, abt the not-understanding-me sometimes, ill keep that in mind taamer
kila ma6goog
ha shfeek tetboosam :p yebna seertek? hehehe, share ur story ya Romeo il kibeeer heh :)
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
bo fay
durrar.. plz go on if u have some more and want to expand on them
and btw i think ALL that uve said can be applied on even BEFORE marriage .. so it works both ways :)
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
bo fay wallah, 7ALAFT wallah fahemni
me: "if anything, this type of marriage is WAAAAAY more diverse and WAAY more helpful to meet the right 'kind' both parts r interested in, rather than going out there and "looking" for their 'partners'"
u: "that does not mean ilwa7ed yet3araf 3ala banat enaas lama elagee ele et3ajba"
3ala raasi :))
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
The flick you mentioned is called crush, not love.
Love is never about you; It's always about the other person, i.e., that person comes in first before yourself. Nothing is physical here. It's pure.
MBH, at 3.12.05
* Is it harder for a woman to get over a failed engagement/marriage? Well, it all depends on the female herself (her personality, background, etc) & the actual situation that lead to the termination of their union. Some women take it lighter than others, but I believe overall women do get affected more as they're beings lead more by emotion than men.
* Asking about the reasons why the previous marriage/engagement failed? There's no gaurantee you'll get the truth. If you ask the ex, perhaps he/she's bitter & want to ruin things. If you ask the person themself, they won't say the truth if THEY were the reason things didn't work out.
* I personally think some of the important things that women should look for are: how religious the guy is & itha ekhaf Allah, what kind of relationship he has with his family (is he close to them/feels responsability, wila ma eyhema shay wala meftekir fee a7ad), what type of people he hangs around with (sometimes the crowd the person hangs around says a lot about them), etc.....
* There are no guarantees in life. If you want to get married, and you feel you're ready, and you feel you've made the right choice, it's a 50-50 chance. You either luck out or you don't. But what everyone needs to take into consideration is that it's NOT an easy road & both parties need to be prepared to go through a lot of problems before they learn how to live together.. and they need to learn to be patient to get through these problems.
At the end of the day, Islam is pretty clear on the duties of men/women in marriage.. and those who go in with a proper 'neya' towards marriage get judged accordingly, and those who play around, Allah mawjood.
We need to stop taking things so personally and deal with life's problems as we face them. The rest 3ala Allah.
MSB, at 3.12.05
valid observation, now if only the bitch-ass-guys who make this into a big deal would take our word for it
i like what u said in regard to the questions.. espicially the emphasis on family, a very very big issue for me.. id definitely ask a grl abt that
however i disagree on saying that marriage is a 50-50 chance, IF we're talking about "after meeting the other person and talking for a number of times"
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
mcarabian oops u probably commented just as i was writing my response, anyway..
yeah am glad u agree.. but make sure u dont make a habit of it so u can disagree from time to time.. BRING IT ON BRING IT AWWN heh
i read ur reply to mishari and id just like to comment on the story u mention: ur not suggesting its true ru :P
but it does prove a point
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
What I meant by 50-50 chance is, for e.g.: u go about things the right way, u propose & meet the girl via her family, u both feel that ur compatible & move forward.. this doesnt necessarily mean that things will work out.
sometimes the beginnings are wonderful, but with time people's tolerance level goes down, people's true colors come out, they might encounter a problem as a couple that they never expected, children are born and suddenly the whole equation changes, etc.. all these things weigh on a relationship and no one can know for sure how the other person will react to it 1-5-10 years down the line!
What I'm saying is, unless both people put in the effort and try to make it work out, it'll be a difficult and long road. And there's no way you'll know if both r willing to continously work on the relationship until you actually start LIVING through it.
Ma7ad ye3lam el ghaib, we can only try to minimize the risk of failure, & work on what we can work on. But even that, doesn't guarantee a happy ending!
MSB, at 3.12.05
point taken, i stand corrected
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
mad respect for MSB, bas shda3wa u wish she were a guy so u could read a guy talk abt that .. el shibeeba ehni sarlehom sena shegolon 3ayal alla yhadach
but i agree that msb is all abt wisdom
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
tarak 7ayartnii ;P
u don't believe in love right? and are not involved?
yet you think marriage should be a serious thing?
how do you expect people to get married without love?
sorry for the interrogation.. ;p
Baroque, at 3.12.05
zinzin ur right in saying that most dont, and i thought i made it clear in the post .. so yes it does get on my nerve too that guys can be just as naive and 'dreamy' as some grls r when it comes to marriage ..
and yea the 21 age thing i said earlier wasnt an example or anything.. i 'really' am 21, sorry if that wasnt clear,, o ma 3alaich zood tislemeen
- yes Ma'am, i do not believe in love in its widely dealt with sense in this age and time
- yes Ma'am, i do think marriage is a serious thing, if not THE most serious commitment in one's entire lifetime
- i expect a man to meet his wife in a manner that is not tainted in any way, and that does include not disrespecting who she is by going behind her family's trust and 'being involved'
- yes Ma'am, i am currently uninvolved, and i do think involvement before marriage is just a lie no matter how true it may seem .. i speak from 1st hand experience when i say that any self respecting man would never wish to meet a partner that way, espicially when given the other opportunities society and culture offer
it is only when people are sentimental and involved with someone that their judgements are clouded .. HOO-RAH
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
thanx temy..
for all its worth, i think u're a great, straight forward and a bit aggressive (just joking ;P) guy..
hehe allah iywafgik inshallah ;)
Baroque, at 3.12.05
charisma teslimeen kelech nethar, and no u werent joking abt the aggressive bit :)
but i promised everybody to tone it down a bit, fa yseer khair
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
Hi bro, 6ab3an ur posts are great as usual, bs cuz ur my little bro maby atfakhik wayid (yeah, jealous older sister) :P
The problem is I don't know why I never have anything to comment, its not that i agree 100%, cuz sometimes I don't. I don't know what it is. Anyway, I read them ALL! But, sorry I dont comment.
(Talk about adding wood to the fire, eh? The snowball keeps getting bigger and bigger...we'll be having an avalanche soon) :P
Delicately Realistic, at 3.12.05
dCC, hala bent mort obooy
looking forward to what u gotta say in any given topic that u dont agree with 100%, ill keep an eye for that :)
zinzin, makes perfect sense
hats off to her then..
but, "I mean people here already think we’re aliens"
what ppl? here where?
ill keep an eye on there too to see where the discussion leads
Temetwir, at 3.12.05
Okay, I stopped 3/4 the way down (the comments, that is). Mishari26, I agree with ALL your points and applaud your clarity and knowledgable, experienced take on the topic; I think you're the only one out of the two (three?) commentators who's married. I personally believe mutual respect is a step higher than love. Sure two individuals can be madly in love with each other (insert: could fall out of love too) but is there respect? Hmm...point to ponder. I think morals, values, and most importantly, their stance on religion should be similiar if not the same. And yes, people do change, bes 6ab3 il wa7id mayet`3ayar...
Erzulie, at 3.12.05
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Spontaneousnessity, at 3.12.05
inta laish etmoot 3al nejra!? by the first paragraph I was thinking "ok girl, prepare to fight" *sleeves up* .. then I read on to realize who's fighting! I totally agree! *no fight.. bummer =/..*
marriage is misunderstood in our time, it's looked at from a very wrong perspective, people get married from "7annat il ahal" and you expect it to last? it's not based on the thought of being ready to commit now, one’s family couldn't care less, they think the sooner we tie our children down in holly matrimony the safer they will be.. WRONG! VERY VERY WRONG!!
Mishari, have you not realized this till now? a girl who plays around is the one who doesn't get hurt, cause she can always count on her rebound to get over the previous guy, but faithful girls? sorry dude, it takes ages to get over someone they truely cared about.
Spontaneousnessity, at 3.12.05
zinzin heh gotcha
samboose while it is true that everyone is 'free' to live his or her life the way he or she deems fit, that still doesnt make EVERYTHING they do right .. so infact some comments r much needed if u know what i mean :p
and trust me, its not just the older women nagging the younger grls :)
spontan, come out and admit it, u just hate me coz am black..
i have to disagree though, about the 'being safe' comment .. as i have said out loud in the post, the discussion mostly concerns itself with men.. grls r a whole diff matter so lets not mix randomly
Temetwir, at 4.12.05
loooooooooooool laish bint mort obok? laish mo ikhtik min omik o obok? lol la tfawil!
Delicately Realistic, at 4.12.05
dCC, my baaad
Temetwir, at 4.12.05
o mino gal girls? o why do you think safer = girls only?! mothers do worry about their little boys too no matter how old, same issue.
Spontaneousnessity, at 5.12.05
teme too many comments man everything's been said already next time i have to check your blog more regulary so i could be one of the first ones to comment!
A3sab, at 5.12.05
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