Shaghlaat akala 3alayha al dahru wa sharib.
- saying 'sarookh' or 'p-tshooou' when you think someone is lying
- van dome madri vin doom madri van damme ely b layla gallery
- teseki3 bel salmeya ray7een radeen - ayam ma kanaw yeshtaghlon 3al ishara ely 3end mojama3 shaaha o tdakhlek 3end marks spencers/marina
- threatening with "thalath jemsaat emfawla" .. not two, not four, lazim 3 GMC'at wela ur just bs'ing
- samraat bo 7anan
- wetha ent kelish imwaly, mix taw7eedat
- baskot kabten majed - ely feh sowar (or smthng) wel le3ba ely habaw feha b sibat hal baskot .. goes something like this: u 'bet' some of your pictures, supposedly for a 'rare picture' (4 cards for 1?), then you and your 'opponent' go at it by trying to 'flip' the cards/pictures (laid on the floor, u 'strike them' with ur hand) .. those which flipped are yours now .. so on and so forth .. madri, shay chethy
- teseki3 b saikal bo gaary 3end masafi6 'koleyat el tejara' .. 3izz o rabi 3izz
- 3abdelwahab b hazzard
- ta'jeer gowaary bo 4 towayer bel khairan
- dam elsalfa sarat 3al khairan .. eldowaarif yam Kubbar
- o ham dam elsalfa lel7een 3al khairan: putting your 'manhood' on the stake bel Rothtain if you didnt jump mn a3la nagaaziya
- khaarba khaarba.. bel khairan, waiting for a group of girls to take an aisle for bowling and then going to play near them (heads up for el khamma: 4pm)
- mo7agig konan (or conan)
- tasjeelat dimeerah
- lel7een baly bel khairan .. le3bat el "boksaat", betting you can score over 138 (ma ansaha) in 3 tries
- sleep overs (cousins?)
- egzooz bo 7anafeya
- 7adeegat il she3ib
- sheghel ely ent etkalem flana, o weld khaltek yekalem bent khalat-ha
- aw ent etkalem flana, o sa7bek yekalem rifeejat'ha .. sagilny 3ad bel 7anna
- dreaming about an LX ("fol-lagma" 6ab3an) as the ultimate ride
- trying to convince il imghatreen 3end dakhlat markaz sel6an ena u have family inside on weekends
- or trying to convince them that ur friend is actually ur cousin who is emarati/ba7raini/se3odi/e3mani/eg6ery o wida yet3asha bel ma63am fog .. 7abakat?
- talefon bashaar ("bedon aryel" .. kanat moseeba hathy)
- 'composing' new tones b 'kitkat'
- el tha7ka ely bel ghaseb te6la3: hahaaay (cinema, masra7eya)
- tazweer shahaadat
- not just nicknaming cars, lah yarait .. but also going the whole 9 yards and making a sticker/painting the car to make it more obvious (i3yal mishref fahmeen gasdi)
- teweyil bel gowaary
- agdam? wendy's
- neo geo .. side soccor, side kick soccer.. shay chethy
- "sonic vs mario"
- which is to say: 'naaytendo vs seega'
- street fighter .. 'shenshen aboogid', o nesait shkena nesami "sonic boom" .. shay aghba mn 'aboogid' ohwa akeed
- watching ila aby wa omy ma3a elta7eya (i think thats what its called)
- clapping in the cinema lama ykhalis el filem
- yelling "ayshaaaaaaay" lama yeg6e3oon lag6a bel filem, or 'shda3waaa'
- commenting on a scene bel cinema
- keeping an eye out for il aflaam il hendeya .. btw rani look-alikes/rani sound-alikes, "fi majaal?"
- actually, considering 'fi majaal' as a line worth saying
- thinking that racecar paintjobs 'balwa'
- going even further back in time, considering 'ay wa7ed emghater' as "mo7taram" o "seeda"
- listening to 2pac and not understanding a word
- NANA (the 'more mature' of you will know what i'm talking about)
- ayam ma kan il 'gaz' sij 'gaz' 3ala "shari3 el khaleej"
- thinking that el derasa bara = 24/7 partying
- caring about embarayaat elqadseya wil 3arabi
- caring about embarayat el kuwait wil se3odeya
- te3ebith belgaid
- ya 6ayib elgalb / elsad wel hejraan / ya naar sheby / men tekoon .. you get the idea
- gaz bel range rafi3 el keshin 7ada (ba3th elnas, salemly 3al maserati el zaity)
- nafs salfat gaz el range, bas b discovery
- i remember a time when only hotties drove discoverys
- jandool el madeena el tarfeeheya
- "il 7essin" bel madeena el tarfeeheya
- "sayaratda3mon" bel madeena el tarfeeheya + il khairan
- come winter, lazem puffed sport coats (even if it's 20 degrees outside)
- i remember a day when "mothee3aat il lbc" kanaw 'shay'
- motaba3at kas il 3alam b shagaf .. o laah etseer za3al etha fareegik engalab
- mais elghanem ely kan 3end villa moda
- ta7weela