يالي العالم والزمن .. أزهر بأيامك
Inspired and reminded by faith
ينـاديهم يـوم الغدير نبيّهم
بخمّ، وأسمع بالرسول مناديا
فقال فمن مولاكمُ ونبيّكم
فقالوا، ولم يبدوا هناك التعاميا
إلهك مولانا وأنت نبيّنا
ولم تلق منّا في الولاية عاصيا
فقال له قم يا عليّ فإنني
رضيتك من بعدي إماماً وهاديا
فمن كنت مولاه فهذا وليّه
فكونوا له أتباع صدقٍ مواليا
هناك دعـا اللهم والِ وليّه
وكن للذي عادى علياً معاديا
بخمّ، وأسمع بالرسول مناديا
فقال فمن مولاكمُ ونبيّكم
فقالوا، ولم يبدوا هناك التعاميا
إلهك مولانا وأنت نبيّنا
ولم تلق منّا في الولاية عاصيا
فقال له قم يا عليّ فإنني
رضيتك من بعدي إماماً وهاديا
فمن كنت مولاه فهذا وليّه
فكونوا له أتباع صدقٍ مواليا
هناك دعـا اللهم والِ وليّه
وكن للذي عادى علياً معاديا
- She3ir 7asaan Bn Thaabit
Whats eid al ghadeer?
Anonymous, at 22.1.06
Salam Allah 3alaih...
beautifully said..
I loved the sayings that Faith had and the one that stood out the most for some reason was:
Silence is the best reply to a fool...:)...don't know why but reminded me of something you wrote..:)
MissCosmoKuwait, at 22.1.06
its the event when il rasool - salla allah 3laih o aaleh - explicitly declared il imam 3ali as the "waliy" after him - he did so in 7ejat il widaa3, where a LOT of muslims were present at the time
ghadeer refers to the water, and "Khumm" is the name of that ghadeer :) all in all "ghadeer khumm"
i dont know, maybe it reminded u of "zaid bn thaabit" .. if u know him that is
laialy :)
misscosmo thats one hell of a way to imply im a fool, and its not like i can argue with that heh :)
Temetwir, at 23.1.06
Inspired by me, i feel so special :|
Thats such a beautiful poem, i love how it flows, short & sweet but delivers the message in all its beauty and power..
btw this is my eid :D I'm named after this event
Faith, at 23.1.06
faith yup, el 7elo bel gaseeda enha engalat AT THE TIME jedam il rasool sallah allah 3laih o aaleh
o 3ashat ilasami
3ayal ana esmi 3ala il imaam, named after him .. sh3ndech? :p
Temetwir, at 23.1.06
Eid Alghadeer falls on my birthday this year! Or is it the other way around? *thinks*
Anonymous, at 23.1.06
sapphire 3eed elghadeer is 18 thy el7eja..
y3ni it was the 18th of january too (just for clarification)
3al3omom kel 3am wenty bkhaair 3asallah y7afthech oboy :)
Temetwir, at 23.1.06
Thanks for the well wishes, Temetwir :) My birthday is actually on Jan 18th, so it makes for a lovely coincidence this year. I haven't even attempted, though, to explain to my American classmates what Eid al-Ghadeer is. Grasping the concept of the regular Eids was for them was tiring enough!
Anonymous, at 23.1.06
sapphire 3ayal na3teb 3alaich for not reminding us earlier
and come oooon, 3eed il ghadeer is the easiest 3eed to explain ever.. u just have to say "well basically its a time where we try to remind ourselves of how the world would be today if ilsa7aba stuck to their word" ;)
Temetwir, at 24.1.06
A time for contemplation, as well :)
Anonymous, at 24.1.06
i definitely stand corrected :)
Temetwir, at 25.1.06
alaaaaaaaaaah ee happy 3eed el ghadeer
o salam allah 3alaik ya aba el 7asan
a7sant :)
Hashemy, at 25.1.06
hashemy wa ant :)
Temetwir, at 25.1.06
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