Dreams vs Potential
A: You're trying to tell me that you became an engineer because that's what you always wanted when you were a kid?
B: Yes.
A: What, like, you enjoyed drawing circles and shit?
B: No, you idiot, that's not it.
A: I know, so how exactly is it that a kid knows what an engineer does? Let alone knowing what a specific field of engineering is concerned with. That's what you're saying, right? You became an engineer because that's what you always wanted when you were a kid?
B: Yes.
A: So yeah, it's a legitimate question. How does a kid know what an engineer does, that when you were a kid, you knew you wanted to be an engineer? Like you saw a movie or something?
B: Something like that.
A: So if you wanted to be a stripper when you were a kid, you would grow up to be one?
B: Why would any kid want to be a stripper?
A: I don't know. Why would a kid want to be an engineer?
B: Are you saying that being an engineer is the same as being a stripper?
A: No, but wait a minute, are you saying that no stripper ever wanted to become a stripper when he or she was a kid?
B: No, I don't think so.
A: So what, you look down on strippers?
B: Sure I do.
A: Because you're an engineer?
B: No, because being a stripper isn't a good thing.
A: And what, being an engineer is?
B: Sure it is, are you saying otherwise?
A: I'm not saying anything. I'm just not sure on why you think, or better yet how you're convinced that you wanted to be an engineer ever since you were a kid, but no stripper could have wanted the same thing when they were kids too.
B: How can you even assume that, did you ever think about becoming a stripper?
A: No, but I never thought about being an engineer either.
B: But you're not an engineer. So it works out.
A: Not really, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a driver.
B: What, like a race driver?
A: No, like a driver who picks up your kids from school and shit.
B: Why did you want to be that?
A: Why did you want to become an engineer?
B: Are you saying that being an engineer is the same as being a driver?
A: I would say the same skills are involved, yes.
B: Beg your pardon?
A: I mean, kids are kids. They want silly shit. Some kids want to grow up to be birds.
B: Now you're just being silly.
A: And what, listening to the 5 yr old kid inside you who wants to be an engineer isn't silly?
B: What's your problem?
A: Nothing. I just don't expect people to take shit like "I always wanted to be .." this or that seriously.
B: Then why did you choose to become a linguist?
A: I never said I wanted to be a linguist. Just because you were a boring kid wanting to be an engineer doesn't make me a boring kid who wanted to be a linguist.
B: What, you wanted to be a doctor?
A: No, I wanted to be a pilot.
B: Why didn't you become a pilot then?
A: Because I grew up. I'm not a 6 year old kid anymore. That's my point, when you're a kid, you want things that seem cool at the time.
B: What's so cool about being a pilot?
A: For me it was about fucking flight attendants.
B: But you said you were six year olds at the time.
A: Yeah and I told you I wasn't a boring kid. That's what occupied my mind.
B: So .. what are we exactly talking about here?
A: Nothing, I just don't see how you can have the nerve to say that you carried out a thought you had when you were a kid. Like you didn't grow up or something. I mean, you're practically admitting that you never matured and are now fulfilling some thought you had when you were a baby.
B: It's called having a dream. Asshole.
A: Well excuuuse me, but just because I had a dream about being a footballer doesn't make it plausible that I grow up to be one.
B: Why not?
A: Because dreams are just thoughts. Potential isn't.
B: What's potential?
A: It's the difference between you, an engineer here, and John, an engineer in Britain. He builds bridges. You draw circles in school.
B: But it's about fulfilling a dream.
A: So your dream was what exactly, that you can be called x the engineer?
B: No, of course not.
A: Then what was your 'dream'?
B: To become an engineer.
A: And I suppose you're okay with a doctor saying he or she became a doctor so he can help people?
B: Sure I am.
A: So what, you're saying only a doctor helps people?
B: No, but only doctors help people in a certain way.
A: But when you're a kid and want to be a doctor, you don't know how doctors do their jobs. So how can you say "I became a doctor because I like to help people".
B: That's what doctors do. It's common sense.
A: No it isn't.
B: Okay, whatever. So what now, if not pursuing a dream, what do you expect people to do?
A: Make the best of their potential.
B: How do they do that?
A: They don't think about what they wanted back when they were toddlers.
B: What if someone saw that his potential lays in his becoming an engineer, like me for example?
A: When was the last time you built a bridge, designed a stadium, or whatever?
B: That's not the only thing engineers do you asshole.
A: Humor me. It's an example. Are you saying that potential is only dependent on a dream?
B: What? No. What?
A: Nothing, just forget it.
I got to "wanting to fly planes.." It was funny, but it never ended for me. :)
teagirl, at 25.4.06
Things I Wanted To Be When I Was a Kid:
1. i wanted to be my mama`s black rhinastoned high heels ;p
2. i wanted to be the revoloving tea cups ely fe elmalahy
3. wanted to be raqqasa sharqeya
4. i wanted to a steering wheel
5. i wanted to b the pink color in 3elbat al-alwan elsheneya elly re7at`ha fruits? remember the ones elly 3elbat`hom blue pw ehma yen7a6on eb fillena?
6. i wanted to a muse ;)
all those were my dreams when i was at ages 3-8 ;p
now.. wut am i?
why did i get into this skool?
contribute to society? provide health care for nas ma testaha: ;p
am in it for the money :)
jiji, at 25.4.06
nas ma testahal*
jiji, at 25.4.06
Yaa Kurha hatha ili Ga3id Yis'al Kil Hal As'ilah, Ynaashib il Wa7id Ma Yinjiri3. If it were me I would have boxed his ears.
Where do you come up with stuff like that teme?
Hazolat, at 26.4.06
good, its supposed to have u choose 1 person being lame
question is: ru with realizing dreams, or ru with realizing potential
then, is there a diff/r r they dependent on each other?
the money is always on the potential side of things so i agree, only thing left to check then is that the minimal amount of effort is put in (working hrs, stress)..
not saying ppl should be lazy, just saying they should be efficient
again, dont take it literally.. obviously ur thinking A is the lame one so thats a start .. then the same questions to photoflow apply
(and, kindly, answer the question i asked u in the previous post)
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
lol.. (teme has issues with engineers) just kidding.. its been a while since i've been here
i've got to say i loved the cars entry.. pieces of art..
anyway, hope ur enjoying ur easter break and good luck on exams and stuff..
when i entered uni i started out as a design student ended up being an engineer..lol..
the11thmuse, at 26.4.06
been a while nice to have u back, break is over now.. started again 2 days ago, but its ok i guess, i.e. im already skipping seminars and presentations
as far as engineers are concerned, its not that i have issues with them per se .. its just that i have issues with anyone who takes their major/field to be all they 'want to do' in a place like kuwait .. its not bad or anything, just the way it is (according to no one other than 'meself')
that is, im with realizing potential than talking abt fulfilling/pursuing dreams and all that .. bollocks
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
I gotta say, "A" has quite good questions there and "B" just sucks! Heh.
When I was 3-12, I wanted to be an inventor. It seemed just way cool, to build my own funky stuff.
Then I discovered computers and electricity.
I'm still an inventor... ;)
As for "B", a good reply would've been :: "My dad is and I like what he does."
Bas el '6aher el mokh emjayem.
Reagrding engineers in Kuwait, unfortunately, most of 'em do it for the title (and ofcourse the money), bas doing it for the money mo 3aib.
el 3aib enna wa7ed yadris 4, 5, 6 years bel Handasa Oo tlageeh goooo6y, Oo wain ma ra7 yetrazzaz Oo y3arrif nafsa "Ana el mohandes flan"!! 3AIB YA FLAN!
Feeni 7achy b3d, bas broo7 atsaba7...
MBH, at 26.4.06
the engineer-thing was just an example btw
doing it for the money kelesh mo 3aib, if there actually WAS money involved .. i mean i know a guy from the gym (not sure why im assuming u know him, sala7 elgalaf) and he's done pretty good for himself, but then again he's an architect and not ur day-to-day engineer in a given wezara or company .. let alone, he's not 21 or 22 .. more like 40
a3teged ely ragga3kom ohwa el kaadar.. o etha mani qal6an it was 200kd total, at 4 intsallments of 50, o yabelek esneen 3ala matlem el 200 kelha, or even 7ata 100 (lena mathalan mo kel el mohandisen ye6le3on mawagi3)
madri ma ya7therny right now i can check with my sis bs y3ni kelesh kelesh, 800kd? 3ashanek, 850 .. yoba 3ashanek 900.. im sorry but i wouldnt call that serious dough for any self respecting engineer
ela allahoma chan betdish chemical or petroleum engineering o ettaky eb KOC wetshid 7ailek ma3a il kanadra ba3ad sabe3ta3ash sena ayee ashofek mertaz b lincoln wem'ajer bait el a7medy , shay thaani heh
point being, el shabab el mohandisen/yadrison handasa lama yeg3edon beldowaneya ye'aysoon when they ask the guys in banks and investment companies
that م. doesnt seem that appealing now does it hehe
what field ru in btw?
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
I believe there is a big difference between dreams and potential. For example, I have the potential to become a medical student with my current degree, however my dream is to become a photographer. At first I was very guilty for not aiming for achieving my greatest potential, but then I realized what was important was my happiness. When I die I want to be able to say "I realized my dreamz" not "I fufilled my potential". As long as I do good in my life and am a great person it shouldnt mater.
teagirl, at 26.4.06
so ur saying ur happiness is by becoming a photographer and thats what ur gonna do when u graduate? regardless of ur med-related degree?
way i see it, photography, if not a hobby, can always be 'smthing on the side' .. not the fixed job
A is inquisitive.
but i'll take di3la for the time being
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
Temetwir, I never did say that working in a field for the money is wrong! It is if and only if the field itself is illegal or the ways to harvest money is illegal (unethical, as well).
La ma3arf Sala7 Al-Gallaf...
As for "ga3dat el diwaniya", yeah! I go, once in a while, to Diwaniyat AL-Othman, bel '9a7ya (wara el jam3iya) to see highschools buddies, whom most are in Business Administration.
I do have to say that they're living in heaven when compared to engineering students!!
But, speaking of myself, I can't sit still, and to be frank, their life is just plain boring !! I'm used to work, work and more work.. projects and lot's of 'em!
I enjoy studying @ engineering! And sadly, not so many people feel the same.
Not so many people can keep up with the stress... 7eta aktharhom y7awloon 3loom idariya (hint, hint).
Oo 3ala 6ari el kader, sheno 50? enqasse6ha e7na?! heh, elee a3arfa ena you get the 200 directly with the salary.
A girl told me that her friend was just assigned in the ministry of power (she just graduated as well) and she gets 900 K.D. for sitting her butt and reading a newspaper...
K.O.C.'s salaries range from 750-820 for newly grads. It can bump up to 1200-1400 in a few years (5?).
Those who can take the stress and are ready for a 24/7 duty call, can go for Schlumberger, an oil company. Their salaries reach 2000-3000 range.
I'm studying Computer Engineering and I'm happy there!
* P.S. :: Since when you had your name in the profile? I just saw it there by accident...
MBH, at 26.4.06
- i never said that u said working in a field for the money is wrong .. i was just agreeing with u ena its not 3aib at all :)
- i wasnt talking abt isneen el diraasa beljam3a, thats a given .. el handasa is very demanding, way way more than any other college (i would dare say medicine for some majors) .. so mad respect for ppl who put up with it ..
what i was talking abt is the work-field .. stuff like colleagues, environment, benefits, all that stuff.. guys in banks/investment (althu lots of work mo tasayob) are 'having fun' whereas el mohandiseen lay3a chbodhom
- now, kaadar el mohandiseen ya 6eweel el 3omor is 200, yes, laken divided into 4 installments of 50 .. itha te6la3 mawagi3 mathalan, 50 .. etha something idary (for example) another 50 .. and lets say just being an engineer earns u 50 ..
thakkerni as'allek belthab6 shlon 7esbat'ha .. bs el zebda ena its not a 200kd raise dof3a wa7da .. ALLAHUMA chan tathallemaw 3adad laysa bel hayyen o sawoha 200 mara wa7da, which i highly doubt, bas elsara7a ma wosalni hal shay so lemme make sure n get back to u soon
- wa7ed mn elrabi3 twathaf in KUFPEC .. and he's a finance major, cant remember what he told me but i would imagine just under 800kd, so.. for u guys, i would hope 900-1000 mn awalha .. so yes, oil sector is, not only where the money at for u peeps, but also the career ..
wezara = kill ur career (way i c it) .. telecomm. sector seems to be the 2nd best, but mathanety ye6egonha weya ge6a3 el naf6
- o esmi mn zeman bel profile, cant remember when exactly bs sarla moda mo hayna y3ni
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
mbh ok i just asked her and she doesnt remember exactly but it goes like this: el kadar divided into 55, 55, 45, 45 .. she's getting 145 .. the remaining 55 is for badal mawgi3 or something, which is an addition to an already existing amount .. ya3ni el zebda, badal el mawgi3 etha takhtha (ena u go to a location) .. feeha 100kd these days..
all in all, around 830kd bel 7ekooma
and now, if in el difaa3 aw el dakheleya, there's talks now bel majlis 3ala zeyada thanya feha 75kd .. so it does amount to 900 awal ma testelem watheeftik assuming that u get all badalat and zeyadat
not a bad deal if ur into setting up something on the side .. or perhaps as a comp. engineer trying to see some place where u can work 3assir to teach stuff .. always worth a few quid
anyway if u got any more specifics email me and ill see what i can get ya
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
this post made laugh and reminded me of those days when i used to dream of becoming a pilot or an aeronautical engineer till i have been faced with the fact that im not good in maths and i hated physics and studying chemistry was out of question.... then my dreams reached to the extent that i wanted to be a flight attendant (briefly) or being the guy who sits and issues tickets and upgrades people (more briefly) and here i was hit with many of relatives 7'azzat and mn 9ejja oo yan rasmy comments ..... i chose my study because its one of the few options that were in front of me and one of the easiest not because when i was child i used to immitate Margaret Thatcher in her debates in the Commons or i was touched by the resignation of Lord Howe from his post as being the Chancellor in the Thatcher government or reading on weekly basis the economist or the newsweek..... adry that was a long comment bas ba3ad shaswey exams are soon so i just wanted to show off that i have been doing some studying :)
متفرغ, at 26.4.06
hahah issuing tickets and upgrading people .. THAT IS ORIGINAL i dont care what anybody thinks
personally, i think political science is a great major IF u can use ur degree wisely .. not sure abt the chances in ba7rain, but i wish u all the best man :)
o imwafag with ur studies
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
ooo.. teme.. complimenting engineering students.. :D.. my oh my..hehe..
the11thmuse, at 26.4.06
I hate to tell you this but photography can also be the "thing you do" I'm sick of people telling me its an "on the side" deal. There are thousands of profesional photographers in this world, if you want proof ANY IMAGE YOU SEE OF A PERSON WAS PHOTOGRAPHED.. ok.. When I get back home I plan to be very active in improving the arts as a major focus for people.. And I will only work with my "degree" untill I have enough money to quit and buy a good camera, inshalla.
teagirl, at 27.4.06
I wanted to be a lot of things when I was a kid. I still want to be a lot of things, I guess, but as I get older (ahem) they become more realistic. What I want to be, I mean.
When I was a kid I didn't give a toss whether that was 'allowed' or 'possible' or not. I just wanted to be this or that, without even knowning what this or that means, or what this or that must have in order to be what they are. I used to think that working in a bank means you're rich, and later I have 'discovered' that janitors DO work in banks, but aren't rich. I'm talking nonesense, am I not?
In any case, I enjoyed reading the dialogue, and .. and sorry if I jumped around; that's just me ..
ScarlO, at 27.4.06
hmm.. i've always wanted to be either a writer or a teacher.. i love talking and explaining new things to people and i love writing...
but because i don't think writing is very big in kuwait, and sometimes i underestimate myself and think i write useless stories cos they're all metaphorical... i'm now enjoying writing as a hobby..
anyways, i know i'm good at explaining the things i know and i enjoy watching people's face expressions when they go "aaaahhaaaaaaa" LOL
oh yea, and as a kid i always thought it'd be fun to hold a ruler and play around with the coloured chalk... coloured markers, these days..
Ms. Sarah, at 27.4.06
heh it is what it is
having the conversation is almost inescapable.. having an answer is the hard part i think
there are thousands of professional artists in the world, there are also thousands of professional watch designers, also .. there are thousands of everything in everywhere .. they can all be very succesful bs thats not the point..
im sick of ppl telling me im sick of ppl who say this or that .. u can be something in kuwait that u cant be in .. canada,, and u cant be everything u can be in.. new zealand when ur in kuwait
dreams vs potential .. sadly we all live in reality
working in a bank = rich
so true heh
i dont think getting published is 'as hard as' many other things ..
but then again im sure u have to be connected, so that would be a trick to overcome..
anyway being a teacher does seem like a 'fun thing' to do, im really looking fwd to it .. but it never was "what i wanted to be"
Temetwir, at 27.4.06
are you trying to say you cant be a photographer in kuwait? bizzare.
teagirl, at 27.4.06
my uncle is one
so no
Temetwir, at 27.4.06
lol..My father and I had a somewhat similar convo..I wanted to be so many things as a kid..With no respect to socail norms lol.. Even now in uni I am intersted in almost every single subject..I may be good in something but that doesnt nessecary mean I enjoy it..I think thats the thing..If you dream of something you are the lucky one to have the potentional to do the thing yet if you dont you either let go or if your like me charge after it till you grab it by the throat..;)Violent I know..Genetic I think:P
BTW temetwir I love it when you post in english..So that illetrates like me can read it without a dictionary and two translators present:D
LiLaCs, at 27.4.06
- i'll try my best to keep the most part in plain english .. sometimes there just isnt any 'way of putting it' in english
and i think u strike an excellent point when u say:
"I may be good in something but that doesnt nessecary mean I enjoy it"
thats very true, and i can relate
Temetwir, at 27.4.06
I read this after the one about the guy secretively going out with a girl.
"A", is the one being childish. It just pisses me off the way he chooses to interact. I mean be mature, not sadistic. You expect to get a point across being a jerk? God.
And how would a 6year old think of shagging? ;P That was stupid. A kid that age hasn't gone through puberty or adolescence. Pff.
Safi, at 3.5.06
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Anonymous, at 8.5.06
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