نقا بليز
Yet again, feminists prove that they need to just grow up.
The worst thing about a feminist is that she thinks she speaks in the name of all women.
The second worst thing about a feminist is that she thinks she knows it all.
The third worst thing about a feminist is that she presupposes that she is a victim of everyone else. Not only does she believe in that, no sir, she acts on it.
My limiting the wording to 'sir' and not including 'ma'am'? Well, a feminist can somehow determine my social and psychological upbringing, reaching, based on some 'recent study', that I have been treated like this and that, and then I did this and that, and because she's a feminist, she can therefore conclude why I limited the wording to 'sir'. No shit? Yes shit.
Coming across a red light when she's running late for a feminist-power-meeting? Yeah, it's allllllll about her 'being a woman and the bias of the traffic light' and how the world judges her no matter what she does.
The thing you have to keep in mind is that a feminist believes that the world revolves around her, you see.
Case in point, if you're a feminist, and you're right about ... here, by now, then chances are you have already made up your mind on my being .. something-fancy-you-learned-off-of-some-book you read when you were in college.
See I never went to school, "ma'am", I never knew that there is an adjective for every single trait, even when there is nothing to account for that trait. Like, I dunno, a word like, feminist, perhaps?
A feminist, so it seems, supposes that anything to do with 'covering a woman' has to do with 'regarding a woman as nothing but a piece of meat'.
Poor thing seems to never can understand that, sometimes, it's about a notion called respect, or perhaps sanctity. Or whatever, that's not the point. She just takes it upon herself and believes she, not only has the right, but the obligation to 'call for the liberation of women', or something as pathetic in the name of 'the free world' and .. I don't know, I haven't read as many books (or watched as many movies, if you ask me), remember?
Her limited mind does not appreciate anything but the biological fact that a woman tends to have the luxury, or sometimes the discomfort, of transforming, upon a woman's demand, her body into a luscious thing.
It can, but that's not everything a woman can do.
I know that, you know that, but a feminist seems to not know that.
And because she (acts like she) doesn't know. We all have to believe and take her word for it. Because she is a feminist, she turns into this larger-than-life 'thing' that knows everything.
Just like a seventeen year old highschooler can turn everything to be about sex; a feminist has that same superpower. A feminist can, and will, and just about does nothing but, turn everything, no matter how irrelevant, to be about sex.
i would like to think that that's true..
but i was just mainly focused on a number of Kuwaiti feminists in the press who had nothing to talk about and base their arguments on except that
Temetwir, at 24.4.06
Yeah erm, that was a tad bit too generalized...
Erzulie, at 24.4.06
When you're a feminist, sex and gender are always in mind. They're supposed to be, that's the whole purpose of feminism, to fight for women's rights.
I really can't see why you oppose feminists with all what you've said. I think both you and I agree, that women are victimized and oppressed throughout the world, and not only here in the Aarab/Muslim world.
Therefore when a group of women take it upon themselves to educate and help raise the awareness of other women everwhere, about their rights, I think that 'that' is admirable.
It's admirable when any group of people form to help other groups that are oppressed, underpriviledged and unaware of their own rights and worth.
Hazolat, at 25.4.06
erzulie and exaggerated
zinzinq8 expats in kuwait dont get the same salaries as kuwaitis in the same job
then again, thats not what im talking abt
hazolat i didnt mean sex to be 'gender', i meant sex to be sex.. based on none other than articles of feminists who seem to have nothing to talk abt when it comes to women but for their bodies..
pretty much like the silly group calling themselves islamists if u ask me..
before i assume or disregard anything, ill ask u: do u think il islam maakel 7ag il mar'a?
now, for everyone, show of hands .. who actually knows what im talking abt? :)
Temetwir, at 25.4.06
You mean, you don't think that a coca cola bottle is shaped like a woman's body on purpose, to be 'sucked' and 'tossed' in a garbage can?
Oh, God, where do you come from?
ScarlO, at 25.4.06
scarlo heh i can think of no other reason why
Temetwir, at 25.4.06
I Liked it alot man hehe
I agree with the whole post... i think u should wright part 2 now ;p
By the way... Did u c Munich ? It was a Boooooooooomb movie :)
Dakhtour, at 25.4.06
I'm sorry to be saying this, but some of the comments here are quite simplistic. his is something I can sink my teeth into, but will not for the lack of time. Then again, everyone is entitiled to their opinions.
Anonymous, at 25.4.06
yes i did see Munich .. Bana was good i wasnt sure he could pull it off
movie was a bit biased, and overall way oversimplifies the story, but its hollywood.. so that is expected
by all means, come back and elaborate when u make the time (im serious)
Temetwir, at 25.4.06
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Temetwir, at 25.4.06
are we talking refuse-to-shave feminists?
there are different kinds of 'feminists'
Faith, at 25.4.06
like i said, feminists who can, do, and will relate everything to sex .. not gender ..
and i dont care how many kinds of feminists there are .. im up for a debate whenever
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
"... upon a woman's demand, ..."
MBH, at 26.4.06
duly noted
Temetwir, at 26.4.06
I'm a "Feme-Male-inist" (see: "Humanist").
a message to the Feminists Temetwir wrote about:
a group of one man & 1000 women, in the Arabic, Hebrew, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan Languages, are Masculine in plural. ;p
iDip, at 26.4.06
I know this is a bit late, but I was asked to come back, and now I'm freeee.
Women's rights is not feminism. That's suffrage.
Whatever the original concept of feminism when it was first conceived, it can no longer be applied in this day of age, a year from now, or ten years down the road. Feminism in the '30s is not the same as the '60s, or '80s. It's a movement that expanded rapidly, and in the process, deviated and was distorted from its original concept, whether this original concept is good or bad.
I'm sorry, ladies (since most of the comments are from ladies), but feminism IS largly concerned with gender and sexuality. You may say that not feminists are like that, but I challange anyone to find a feminist endeavor that is not based on victim mentality. The victim mentality is not only applied aggressively against men, but against a lot of women as well.
Asking for equal pay for women is not feminism, it's labor equality. The reason that not many women are board members, business associates, or department heads is not because of the inequality, but has to do more with the ratio of men to female workers. Let's be realistic here. If we suppose that the ratio is just slightly tilted in favor of men, we have to put into considerations that the protest that women are less productive sometimes than men is true. You may not like it, but it doesn't make it any less valid. Bring feminism in, and the first argument to be used is that women are not given equal opportunity because they are not taken seriously, and that is in turn because they are supposedly seen as 'sex objects'.
If you believe that feminism is not about sexualization, just look at the root of the word.
Anonymous, at 2.5.06
thanks for coming back, i appreciate it
"Women's rights is not feminism."
excellent summarization
as for the victim mentality, it is almost always preceded by the 'being objectified' mentality
Temetwir, at 3.5.06
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