What's it gonna be?
*Special thanks to my dear friend 7amad Il M6airi for helping me out put this post together*
It so appears that I have gotten myself in way over my head. In the last two posts I was predicting that Iran would have no choice but to retaliate against wherever a US-led attack has launched from. Namely, the GCC.
And what do you know, they allegedly already have hundreds of targets.
Point being, one target is enough to stir up a Gulf Iranian war.
So, the question is not going to wait for you to ask yourself. It's going to smack you right in the head and present itself. What exactly are you?
A citizen of the gulf, who happens to be a muslim?
Or a muslim, who happens to be a citizen of the gulf?
The assholes in office of the US adminstration can not convince congress to fund another war, and they sure as hell can not convince the majority of the public to send more 'sons and daughters' to that war, if congress does fund it, 'invading' Iran. Yeah, I don't see it happening.
So, what do the assholes in office do? Why, they do the next best thing. Stir up drama where they want it and come off as having a reason to stay where they are, as well as coming off as the heros who maintain stability in the Middle East.
Exhibit A: 7isny Imbarak going on Il 3arabiya, which, as I understand, is a US-funded (owned? run?) broadcasting news channel and questions the 'loyalty' of the shee3a sect.
Coincidence? La jad ya3ni, sidfa?
Now, to entertain the thought of the shee3a actually having their loyalty to Iran. What does that make the senna sect?
Loyal to the US?
It sure as hell seems like what the assholes in office want you to believe. When in fact there has been nothing to suggest anything of the sort.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't all this related to Iraq?
The US can not have (cannot afford) a shee3i prime minister like Il Ja3fery in Iraq, because that would just be an invitation for Iran's influence on Iraq and the region.
If the US cannot handle Iraq alone, nor Iran alone, to what lengths do you think they would go to prevent dealing with the two together?
Allow me to answer that.
They would want to get the shee3a on one side, get the sinna on another. Seems pretty logical to me.
I'm backing this up with the numerous bombings in Iraq, followed by a retaliation in Pakistan, only to hear of another explosion of a mosque back in Iraq or slaughtering a sinny-imaam of a mosque, or blowing up shee3a kids near a shrine.
Really? You're trying to tell me that the sina and shee3a pick up this time to blow up each other? Chethy ebro7hom 6ag eb ras'hom?
But who are those so-called shee3a and sinna?
Why, it's me and you. So the question me and you have to ask: what are we before we were sinna and shee3a? Pretty simple, muslims.
Intermission: there is a grave danger, more so than US propoganda, and that is the silly knit wits passing for writers in columns. Those who speak of "our country, the sacred land that has given us so much". Or, "our country, the tree that gave us ripe apples for free".
Okay, we all love our country. But how does that translate into us siding with 'someone' against muslims? Why? Because those muslims pose a threat to us? Do they? Or is it just what that 'someone' wants you to believe?
Well, take that 'someone' out of the picture and we'll all live happily ever after.
Knowing that that will never happen, you have to really ask yourself: if I allow my country to be a base for any US led military action against Iran, for which Iran will attack our 'land' back in retaliation, who is your enemy?
Noting that your country has chosen to have no official statement on where it stands. So you're pretty much alone now. One time your country's representative states "it is the right for any muslim country to pursue 'new technological advancements' for peaceful purposes'". And another states "Iran should comply to what is asked of her to do".
Shakhatht ent al7een mn 7ag wela ba6il?
Now imagine this. If there was no US led attack, then why would Iran "retaliate"? To what?
Iran has had a number of military 'drills' sending a message to the gulf and the US bases in the gulf that they're not kidding. Trust me, they're not.
People would go like "yam3awad, ana ish ly b ish3a3at nawawiya? Khal Iran yewagfoun o kelna nekon 7abaayib".
Translation: "I would rather live in humilation and see Israel, a stateless state, dominate the Middle East, rather than siding with the rising muslim power that has taken it upon itself to be a force to reckon with delivering a message to the zionists."
THAT is what you would really be saying if you thought you were doing your country a favour in calling for Iran to stop what it's doing. You're just being a scared little passerby who is being pissed at.
Sounds a bit surreal? Here:
تقرير أمريكي: الوضع العراقي خطير على أمن الخليج وينذر بحرب شيعية - سنية في العالم الإسلامي
You gonna help that happen?
Y: Excellent post
Anonymous, at 15.4.06
B-9ara7a oo la tez3al, I haven't read the entire post wela 7etta the one before it. I just stopped by and skimmed through them (I kinda have a lot on my plate right now oo el-syaasa yabeel-ha bareth oo mzaaj).
I just thought I'd compliment and commend your spirit. Ya3ni mashalla 3laik you write with passion, flair and you're very much in command of language.
Agreeing or disagreeing with what you have to say has nothing to do with it - I'm just admiring your style as a writer (again, has nothing to do with my personal likes and dislikes).
Keep it up, all the best :)
Sedna, at 15.4.06
Nice subject man .. keep going like that :)
Dakhtour, at 15.4.06
mashkora ma3alaich zoud mn 6eebich :)
bas ham whenever u make the time do let us know where u stand as this does concern each and every one of us personally
awal shay 7ayak allah bo s3ood .. o teslam
if ur interested plz do check the last 2 entries too as they discuss the same issue
Temetwir, at 15.4.06
Our region is drifted into a bad future, only "Hawks" from each side are wishing for things to get worse - or "better".
The GCC are grouping to back an initiative launched by an Emarati think tank, to make the gulf a WMD-free zone, as step to "increase" the pressure against Israel.
Such initiative may not (or will not) be realized with an Iran of Khamenaie, Najad and the "old guard".
Israel on the other hand, is not being as noisy as the Americans when it comes to the Iranian -nuclear- issue nowadays.
I think such behaviour goes side by side with the Iranian way.
The Iranians tend to keep the Palestinian issue as far as possible from any event that talks about their nuclear activity.
I don't know if my analysis is right, but you can notice that most or all of the Iranian statements about the nuclear issue are not addressed during palestine/isreal related events.
Finally, I avail myself of this opportunity to express my gratitude for your dear friend 7amad Al-M6airi.
P.S. Al-Arabiya is owned by the same group that own MBC (1,2,3 & 4) Al-Imbraheem family, uncles of AbdulAziz bin Fahad Al Saud.
Al-Hurra is the one owned (& funded of course) by the US, just like "Hello" magazine (not the famous one, but the "free" one you can find in starbucks).
iDip, at 15.4.06
Excellent post...
For the anti-conspiracy theories, you'll have this one:
I think the US can't get itself in another war so they're playing this one a bit different, villifying Iran and pretty much the shee3a sect.
Bringing up the same dangers that the WMDS Saddam had threatened, after all they are doing this strictly for world safety (ie: Israel) because weapons in the hands of a poverty stricken- violent nation such as Iran is a threat to int. security, but hey they can have them because they're the adminstrator
You hit all the right points...Allah ye3een ummahtna :/
Faith, at 15.4.06
such a step of de-WMDing the region can only mean so much if israel resolves the situation with the palestinians .. and i dont see that happening anytime soon becoz the world seems to see it as "a crazy fued" .. not understanding that its all abt "barakat il quds" on both sides
while i do like the thought, i just find it a bit too optimistic to the extent that i would even say it's unrealistic
that said, yes, i am saying that a nuclear iran is a better way for us (as the muslims in the gulf) to "pressure israel" (plz find my new post from an article above)
i just cant see how this is a "conspiracy theory" when its just pure politics
nice summary of how its going down btw
Temetwir, at 15.4.06
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