Iranian Hostage Crisis
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Jimmy Carter is a very important man in "today's history".
For one thing, his adminstration did not intervene to stop the overthrow of the Shah; or let us say his adminstration did not take it upon itself to restore stability to the Shah's reign.
For another, it was his adminstration that initiated the program of training Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan. Intermission: Just to get one thing clear, he did that because the then-USSR invaded Afghanistan (why? That's another post).
Anyway, critics blame Ol' Jimmy's ways for some of today's 'problems' with Islamic Fundamentalism because of that.
Jimmy Carter changed today's world.
So did Rou7alla Khomaini.
N o v e m b e r 4th, 1979: less than a year after the Islamic revolution, Iran and the US came literally face to face. For the first time.
Hundreds of Iranians sorrounded and stormed the US embassy in Tehran taking it captive and, initially, 90 hostages.
A sum of the hostages were let go, and 54 remained.
"Inzain laish 3ad?"
Against the advise of Secretary of State Cyrus Vance (and his Deputy Warren Christopher), President Carter admitted the fleeing Shah of Iran into the US for 'medical reasons'. The Shah had cancer.
Thing is, the Shah was in Morroco before going to the US.
In other words, 6ag eb rasa il shab il la6eef ena he prefers exile in the US.
And as mentioned, Mr Vance and Mr Christopher advised against such a haste admittance because they foresaw (from prior incidents concerning the US embassy) that Iran would not approve and react.
"Khayfeen ya3ni?"
Not at all. Il thahir ga3deen ma3a Rashid il Majid youm enah yegoul "ib3id 3an il shar ya 3omri o ghaneelo".
But apparently Ol' Jimmy probably wasn't "schooled" right. He should've listened.
The world would have been a very VERY different place if the Shah was not admitted to the US after 'chilling' in Morocco. Consider the following.
Fact: The Shah was admitted into the US on October 20th, 1979.
Fact: The Shah initially fled Iran on January 16th, 1979.
Personal note: For a cancer patient, that's a lot of time to make a "life or death" decision. Innit?
Nevertheless, we return. November 4th 1979. Iranians capture the US embassy in Tehran and take 54 hostages.
- Get the Shah back to Iran so he can be put on trial. Let's be honest with ourselves, Iran was going to execute the Shah the first second he stepped foot coming back. This is backed up with the fact that Iran was now trying ex-SAVAK officers and ex-corrupt politicians. Some were executed. Some were exiled. Some fled.
Personal note: Because I am the President of this blog, I say "good riddance". Hint hint.
Another personal note:
Of course, back in 1979, the world, although seemingly chaotic, was a place were people respected themselves in the sense that they did not make a mockery out of .. THEMSELVES.
Unlike some people 'I know' who have been on trial in our time for the past year by some other people 'I know'. Ye7chy il rayis, ye7chy o ye7chy.
Oh okay, the Shah did not commit crimes 'against humanity'? I'm Rick James, bitch.
In essence:
Fault #1 : Admittance of the Shah without the 'jas nabth' beforehand of the Iranian newly found government.
Fault #2 : Refusing the demand of returning the Shah to Iran for a 'trial'. Oh I'm sorry, human rights, right? Eh khair inshala, sa7 il noum 7abayby.
Fault #3 : Freezing of Iranian assets in US banks. Amounting to 8 billion dollars. In 1979 money, that's the kinda money you do NOT fuck around with.
I repeat, 8 billion "dolahz" in 1979-money is a NO-FUCKING-AROUND-ZONE. Gashmara il baykha kelesh malha da3y ya3ni.
Consequences of the Iranian-US pride:
1. December 1979 : the US expelled most of the Iranian diplomats
2. March 1980 : the US expels the rest of the Iranian diplomats, and,
3. in April : diplomatic ties were broken between the two countries
4. Also in April : Enter OPERATION EAGLE CLAW : Rescue mission. Eight US Marines die in a helicopter crash in the desert. The operation was called off. Yeah, this isn't the movies; welcome to the real world. These were the only casualities of the incident. Allah yer7amhom
5. July : the Shah dies. You would think the Iranians would now let the hostages go. But they don't. Because the US won't return the frozen assets. Personal note: pride & politics = the lose.
6.. November, 1980. Ronald Reagan elected President (Carter was raped in the elections). Ten minutes into Reagan's inaugration, Iran releases the hostages. No casualities.
444 days total.
"Show me the money"
Iranian assets were (are) still frozen as a consequence.
A compensation of $65 million FROM these assets were returned to Iran following the shooting down of an Iranian Air commercial flight in 1988 by the US. Killing 290 passengers. 38 non-Iranians included.
The US says it was a mistake.
Mistake being?
Identifying the Iranian airplane as an attacking military jet.
Khariboha il rabi3, haa? I thought this was NOT the movies .. ? 6ayara 7arbiya chethy mara wa7da? Lo gayleen "wala kena enjarib om sachmat Davey" chan gelna okay. But a jet fighter? "Cruising" at a commercial flight speed? Sh khalaw 7ag Mingaash?
Ana la 6ayar wala darast 6ayraan, bas fi ikhteraa3 isma "flight records".
Ikhteraa3 thaany isma "control tower".
This is 1988 people.
Personal note: If it was a mistake, then why award the whole crew?
Okay, your awards, your army, your concern. Last thing I want to do is "intrude on internal affairs", hint hint.
But, why hasn't there been any official admittance of wrongdoing, or taking responsibility by the US government?
I don't make this shit up. I just have the discomfort of knowing it. Backed up if you want to argue.
That would be the second time Iran and the US came face to face.
Next time would be ... yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Now you know your A B C, next time you can rap "I to the R to the mathafakin' A N"; with the chorus being: "gatz beef with the U-zay S-zay-of-A since 19 fiTTy three"
By the way, it is believed that President Najad was one of the students who took the embassy hostage.
You probably thought I was kidding or exaggerating when I said it's one single turn that we're all still taking.
According to my economics book and this website, $8 billion in 1979 is worth $21528000000.00 in 2005* (That's 21.5 billion -- Too many zeros!)
That's 6,263,571,600 K.D. in today's dollar's worth! (from an original amount of 2,327,600,000 K.D. in 1979).
* 2005: Because the annual report of the financial state isn't out yet for 2006. I think.
As for Jimmy Carter, during the occupation of Egypt, Carter Apples showed up and was called so because they imported from the US.
Heh, your comments on the US's excuses on shooting down the plane reminded me of the documentary "9/11: Loose Change"
MBH, at 20.4.06
Oh, btw, I found that website through Google. I used the term "purchase power of money dollars", without the quotes. In case someone is interested.
MBH, at 20.4.06
Damn that's a piece of art!...I say you stop studying and start campaigning...I'd vote for you!..:)
MissCosmoKuwait, at 21.4.06
Hmmmmmmmm after ur last comment to me and this part... I guess I should read the history again ;p
Dakhtour, at 21.4.06
That's great effort you've put, Temmie ..
I really can't thank you enough. I knew not a single thing about this. Now many things are starting to make sense.
Thank you.
ScarlO, at 21.4.06
thanks a bunch for checking how much thats worth in today's money .. DAMN
as for loose change, loved the effort put into that thing.. but i think i disagreed with a few points which i -personally- thought were far fetched .. gotta check again sometime
again, thanks man :)
thanks a lot, im just really glad it 'helps better understand' ..
and as for studying, u give me way too much credit :p allah yesma3 menich o agoom adris sometime this century
tell u what, one month enshala and then we can go 'campaigning' for a wife for me heh
yup, i really think u should and THEN make up ur mind.. it really puts things in perspective
chairz :)
and ur most welcome, and like i said to misscosmo im just really glad the history review helped better understand ..
Temetwir, at 21.4.06
ali.. when u turn 31.. inshalla.. ow masheftik imrashe7 nafsek ill make sure i hire a bunch of assasins and hitmen to hunt u down...
a person like u should never b in the dark.. show them wut u got.. ow wlla ull make a difference..
y3ny personally.. am not goin to vote for "afthal elsaye2".. no!! i want the best.. who knows that could b u :)
jiji, at 21.4.06
First off I love the way you've formatted it, without all the colours and stuff,it stands out more and makes reading that much easier :D
Much respect @ all you've said..
People don't know this history, the general assumption is that Khomeini came in after overthrowing the issue, installed a hardcore islamic government and went all dictator, calling for the death of all Americans & non Muslims alike..
clearly, thats not how it played out. One fact that you didnt mention that I found verrry interesting is that upon Khomeini's return to Iran, he held a referendum asking if people WANTED an Islamic government, and it came back almost unanimous with somethin like 97% for an Islamic government...not making it up :D yay for democracy?
Faith, at 21.4.06
tislemeen, o ajmi3een enshala
- yes, the 90+ percent vote came in (both genders, 16 yrs of age and up participated)
- iran is "blown" to this date not becoz of the shah, and not becoz of khomaini .. its becoz of sadam's war for the most part, then comes everything else
a fact, unfortunately, overlooked
Temetwir, at 21.4.06
people like you make me wonder what is the country doing in the wrong hands
Spontaneousnessity, at 22.4.06
which country r we talking abt?
Temetwir, at 22.4.06
our country
Spontaneousnessity, at 22.4.06
Spontaneousnessity, allow my intrusion, but when was it in the right hands?! (Except, perhaps, in the reign of Abdullah Al-Salem, allah yer7mah enshallah).
To answer your question :: It's in the wrong hands because the people (E7NA!) are too freakin' lazy and too darn careless to care where this country is heading for.
All what "we" care about is money, money and more money, regardless of where it comes from and regardless of the consequences.
"7ameeha, 7arameeha."
* If my comments hurt you, you shouldn't! It's the truth.
MBH, at 22.4.06
Temetwir, walaw? I'm here to serve :)
Btw, I use to listen to the elderly talking about such politic subjects, but then each time I do I just get more and more frustrated. So, I decided to stop listening and live as is.
I there exist crap that goes around, but if you just think of it too much it just hurts the soul. Unless ofcourse you're willing to do something about it, that's another case :)
MBH, at 22.4.06
chairz lav :)
allah yer7ema .. bas 3abdala il salem is overrated
in 50yrs time, ra7 yathribon el mathal eb a7mad el fahad .. look me up in 50yrs time and pay up if uwanna bet now
- "il wa3y" is the first, and most important, step towards change
kelwa7ed ga3idly "eeh eeh amreeka okay wala sheghel 3adil khal yebo6on iran"
or "eeh kafo iran, khal yogfon b wayh amreeka.. 3al agal muslimeen"
2 quotes that just scream: no change anytime soon becoz these r the 2 quotes that only talk abt 'today' not knowing what happened yesterday that got what happened today to what it is and how tomorrow is SURE to become
Temetwir, at 22.4.06
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