Early 1950s
Do read this if you would like to understand the current international events.Early 1950s
If you think you are NOT brainwashed, then you probably are already; therefore, do not read.
To make sure I get your attention: Fuck off. Hello there. Now please read the above two sentences.
If by now you are offended, then good, you're not fit to proceed. Sod off. Pretty please.
Conspiracy theory? No sir, no ma'am. Plain history.
Anti-American? As opposed to what, exactly? Pro-Iranian? There is no such thing.
Anti-Iranian? As opposed to what, exactly? Pro-American? There is no such thing.
Meet Dr Mohamed Mosadagh. The democratically elected prime minister of Iran in 1951.
Enter Mohammed Ritha Bahlawi, a.k.a Shah of Iran, who overthrew the democratically-elected-PM and regained the rule of Iran (his father was Shah) aided by none other than your friends over at the See Ay Aih.
(Note: Shah Bahlawi didn't really 'lose the rule' to 'regain' it. But it was different, further comes in later posts)
Audience: "See? Now you're just making shit up. You're a conspiracy theorist."
You can't handle the truth.
Oil, no surprise, is a universal language. Not mathematics. Mathematics is:
Oil = All
So, what's up?
Dr Mosadagh wanted to nationalize the Iranian oil industry (from the privatized Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, AIOC). In the early 1950s? Homeboy didn't see it coming. He then declared the UK (the Anglo part of the company) as a diplomatic enemy.
Britain looked over to the US of A to bring out the big guns, and the US at the time had no other excuse but to declare Iran had "communist intentions". That's pretty much the equivelant to today's US saying "terrorist". Sounds familiar? 3ala afa mn yisheel, tawzee3 ib balaash.
Enter Operation Ajax: The US translation of 'overthrowing a democratically elected prime minister because he was going to mess up oil trade and make Iran filthy rich'. No shit? Yeah, no shit.
Long story short, the US wanted Mohammad Ritha Bahlawi (son of Shah Ritha, who was put in power by the British to make sure oil was going where it was supposed to - back to the British) to become ruler so he would do what they asked of him to do.
This was 1953. Dr Mosadagh was not an Islamist-conservatist or anything. Not at all. He got his PhD from Switzerland and was pretty much the 'most pro-American' the US could wish for. This was secular Iran we're talking about. La7geen 3ala salfat il thawra la7ad yesta3yel 3ala rizgah.
So why was he overthrown? As I mentioned prior, he nationalized the oil industry. No more Iranian money going to the British. The AIOC even refused to produce an actual account of production to make sure Iran was getting its share of its oil.
So, Dr Mosadagh was ousted. What does the US (alongside with the UK) do now?
Qasimaw il 7alaal il rabi3. They set up a Consortium (joint venture) dividing the Iranian oil where major American companies would own 40%, British Petroleum to own 40%, and the remaining 20% to be divided by Royal Dutch, Shell, and a French company (CFH). This has caused some tension, known as the Abadan Crisis, where the independent American oil companies were left out but later on a settlement was reached for them to 'get in on it'.
What does this have to do with current events? It helps you understand and know:
A) The US overthrew a democratically elected prime minister. So really, what democracy are they exactly talking about? (Please look up Guatemala 1954 if you're not convinced yet)
B) They installed a puppet: Shah Mohammad Ritha Bahlawi (English: Pahlavi) who has fled to Baghdad, then to Rome, and then back to Iran all in a week - this was a security precaution by the American and British intelligence.. He would, of course, be pro-American (resist communism from Russia?) and of course make sure:
C) Iranian oil was shared by the big companies. Welcome to the real world, bitches.
Conspiracy theory? Yeah right. As if the CIA producing a former 'top secret' account for Operation Ajax was not enough, none other than Madeleine Albright's quote should set the record straight:
"In 1953, the United States played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran’s popular prime minister, Mohammed Mossadegh. The Eisenhower administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons, but the coup was clearly a setback for Iran’s political development and it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs. Moreover, during the next quarter century, the United States and the West gave sustained backing to the Shah’s regime. Although it did much to develop the country economically, the Shah’s government also brutally repressed political dissent. As President Clinton has said, the United States must bear its fair share of responsibility for the problems that have arisen in U.S.-Iranian relations."
- March, 2000
Yes, the coloring of the quote in the Iranian flag colors is my way of being funny. Mako amlag weld 3ami?
Note: information in this post is based on my basic knowledge from discussing this with my father and uncles and all that. So I knew what to look for in the first place, and got the sourcing I needed for this to be fact-based. If you wish to debate authenticity, I sincerely look forward to it because it would give me more reason to ignore doing my assignments. So be my guest.
Who's who:
Dr. Mosadagh: Overthrown Prime Minister of Iran by the CIA and MI6
Mohammad Ritha Bahlawi: Shah of Iran at the time of Mosadagh being PM, and after being overthrown was returned to make sure Iranian oil was divided by the Western companies.
Ritha Bahlawi: Father of Mohammed, and Shah of Iran before him (since 1921). Installed by the British. Evidentally, to make sure the AIOC did what it was supposed to do. Err, that would be steal Iran's wealth I guess.. ? Chairz.
Madeleine Albright: US Secretary of State (January 1997 - January 2001) w/ the Clinton Adminstration.
keep it coming ;)
iDip, at 17.4.06
It's like reading "history: revised" (I don't think revised is the right word).
iDip, at 17.4.06
That's a very informative and interesting post, Tem.
Although to me politics equals rubbish and headache, I found this to be very interesting. Won't debate, since I don't know enough to debate, so .. as iDip said, keep them coming :-)
ScarlO, at 17.4.06
inshalla taamir yal 7abeeb :)
and i think a good way of saying it would be 'history: revisited'
as in away from all the fed BS in the news, movies, as well personal sentiments .. just dealing with hard facts is what its all about
this isnt really abt politics, as much as it has to do with understanding what actually happened and how it all escalated to what it is these days
not to mention, whats going to happen in the very near future
i dont see kuwaiti officials dealing with it (which they cant actually)
and i dont see the ppl (friends, online, daily columns) appreciating the importance of what the situation is about, eg: your fine self narrowing it down to a headache
Temetwir, at 17.4.06
It is a headache, don't you think? Perhaps some headaches we have to deal with ... but hey I'm starting to get hooked with that ..
When's part B coming?
ScarlO, at 17.4.06
I love a good history lesson.
Thanks Tem
familiar_stranger, at 18.4.06
up and running
ur most welcome 7abeeb il sha3b wil omma il 3arabiya
Temetwir, at 18.4.06
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