هذا مو طبع البشر
"There's only so much BS one can say, and you just said it all. You'll never understand, you're just saying that as if you're grabbing your dick with one hand and giving the finger with the other thinking you earn some street-cred points or whatever gangsta rap shit you're spittin'. You fail to recognize that there's more to this life than what you can physically touch or what you can tangibly feel, that it's okay to be dependent on someone else for your happiness and self-content and that it doesn't make you less of a responsible person if you share your responsibilities with others. And no, I'm not just talking about family, and yes I do mean and stand by loving someone with all your heart. A girl, if I might add. It doesn't make you less of a man to love a woman, and no, not your wife. You can love a girl with all your heart and wish her to be your wife. You're probably gonna blow this off and give me one of your gay remarks, and I'm okay with that, in fact, I expect that. All you see is black and white. You don't see the shades of red, yellow, blue, and green in between. If anything, you see the shades of grey. Your life is so dull in so many ways I can't even begin to know where I can feel sorry for you. You say there isn't any pure love between any male and female if they're not married. But you also say it's okay for them to love each other in that pure sense if they don't act on it. Once they do, you say, act on it, then it can't any longer be considered pure. You're just trying your best to classify love when there isn't really any sense in you doing that. It defies the sense of what love is. Salt and sugar both are white, but they have different flavours. So is coke, and it's the only one that's addictive. That's love, it's when you're addicted. When you can't help but feel the need for a voice, a touch, a word, you consider anything and everything from she whom you love to be your fix. But see, you can never understand that because, to you, all these three substances are white. End of story. You never tried all three, so you'll never know what you're talking about. Yes I know they're all white, but that doesn't make summing what they are into that as being true. Their difference sure as hell isn't physical, and sure as hell can't be explained. You never tried it, or you think you did, but you couldn't have. You know what I think? I think you're just afraid. Afraid to admit that you know what I feel is true, because you never had that. Or you did, but never acted on it and now you're taking it out all on me. You see it all around you, so you take advantage and think you're different. You thrive on that difference, it makes you eccentric, as well it should, but it doesn't necessarily make you right. Because there is no right and wrong when it comes to love, because you don't get the luxury of choosing what you wanna do next. You're driven by the needs and desires of whom you love, and you think that's being weak. I say it's being selfless. You say this can only be right when it's for your wife, and not just any girl, and I disagree because nothing really is added to a girl in marriage for you to favour a wife over any girl to love. So it's all in your head. Whatever it is, no matter how senseless it seems, you hang on that thread because you don't want to admit you're human with human needs. Maybe you're afraid of the other 'yous' out there and what they have to say. When really, you never were obliged to report back to them. Even if you did, you shouldn't expect them to understand. Because, like me to you right now, what I say is all gonna be taken for granted," replied 3abdalla.
searching for your love online $19.99
dinner with a loved one $86
meeting your loved one's parents $20 (gas)
sucking on a sour twizler with ur loved one next to you watching "Sleepless in Seatle"----priceless
:P 3ash temetwir wallah
7asoon, at 10.4.06
hahah 7elwa gas 20 bucks .. o 3ash ghaaleek obooy
je ne comprende pas a la relevance bien tot avec le post merc vous commentER
KaMaN TaLiFouN? BaYaN?
Temetwir, at 10.4.06
really? how so?
whats written in this post has got to be one of the most pathetic 'point of views' ever .. regardless of how widespread it is
i disagree with almost every single thing said
im a fan of this POV
Temetwir, at 10.4.06
I'll keep my theories for myself...
And great post. I still like 3ali, the guy in the previous post, rude as he might be
ScarlO, at 11.4.06
scarlo u honestly thought it was good?
tabeen el sij i didnt know how to "put the argument in words" lena its something i just cant relate to
laga6t men ehni wehnak from what ive read, discussed and listened to ..
and yeah, i like 3ali too :p
Temetwir, at 11.4.06
There were a few cliches, sort of inescapable, but yeah .. it was convincing.
I mean I can relate to the argument. I might disagree, but we don't want to get there.
ScarlO, at 11.4.06
!! i was goin to comment on ur post with somethng i used to believe in.. bs half way through.. i found out how terribly wrong i was...!!
.. bs i got one thing to say.. i love love.
jiji, at 11.4.06
Temetwir, I was enraptured until the end.
And 7asoon?!?! Where the hell can you fill it up for $20?!??! Texas???? Damn gas prices...
Erzulie, at 11.4.06
we do want to go there, u just dont..
o madri shfekom mo bs enty, shesalfa
bo fay
good to have u back officially, o zain sawait
again, like laialy and scarlo, ur way too vague o ma nakheth la 7ag wala baa6il
elmohem judging from akher shay u said ur with 3abdala on this subject and not 3ali?
and again gotta ask as to be clear, ur with which POV .. 3abdala or 3ali?
Temetwir, at 11.4.06
am with either one who supports 3afweyat elmasha3er.. so even if i was thought to b wrong.. am with 3bdalla
jiji, at 11.4.06
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