رب ضارة نافعة
Or probably not.
If Iran's claims to have entered the nuclear countries (club) checks out, then we're in for a bumpy ride. That's me being diplomatic for we're fucked.
We here as Kuwaitis, that is.
As "Gulfians", then, if we weren't anyone's bitches (me being diplomatic having it as a condition) then the Gulf should also arm itself with nuclear energy. Again, my being diplomatic for 'nuclear weapons'.
Why, I ask myself, would that be the 'reasonable' thing for the GCC countries to pursue?
When was the last time you checked a map?
Ideally, the Gulf arming itself with nuclear energy would, I personally believe, restore stability. If you call a potential nuclear war 'in the works' stability, as I do, that is.
Egypt, too, I would imagine, would feel being cornered to do so. Syria? Yeah, I wouldn't be too ambitious just yet.
Point being, if Iran's claim checks out, and in a mathematically perfect world, neutralising the 'unfairness' (?) of military power distribution (?) would be for the GCC and a select few of the capable-Arab countries to pursue nuclear energy.
Yes, when I say energy, I am saying nuclear warheads.
"But why? Iran are muslims, we should be happy. 'Mafeesh 7ad a7san mn 7ad'. I3yal 3amna Is7aaq have nuclear plants, and now, so do we (muslims)."
Personally, I do agree. Personally, I think it's time the world (you) woke up and dealt with the US (interchangeable w/ Jewish) fed BS.
*If you know your history, look up "disarmament" here. Don't look up 'appeasement' just yet.*
But then again, I personally do not consider Iranians as your everyday Muslims. I think they're more of an army obedient to a certain idealogy.
My being diplomatic for 'they're not your best friends just yet'.
Just an uneducated thought I had.
I've got a couple more 'broad ideas' concerning the matter, but since it's late I really think I have to refine them, do my research, and write up some more on what I have in mind. So yeah, don't come back anytime soon if you're not interested.
I wish I knew my ABCs of international politics.
PS: Yes, I know Iran never claimed (nor would it claim in the remaining of this year, I personally think) to have nuclear weapons just yet. Bas tekfoun ya3ni, use your imagination. Did the US really get in Iraq for 'the sake of the Eye-Raakee people'?
قس على ذلك
Does Iran really want nuclear energy for civilian purporses only?
PSS: I do not think Iran poses a threat whatsoever when compared to the threat of Israel right now. If Iran's claims checks out. As well it should.
Now go to sleep, and don't expect to wake up in 10 years' time.
wanasa felt good to say it ;p
hmm.. politics is not my thing.. too trivial bs politician e7ibon esawoon ba7ar mn gher ga3.. why? 3ashan the simple joe`s mn amthalna tensa mashakilha elyoumeya ow trakiz 3ala elihtemam bil seyasa! why?? wen eqtesad? amn? tarbeya??!! wala bs seyasa ehya elly ib tanQethna?
funny thought.. why do american say EYE-RAK y3ny IRAQ.. ow IRAN is IRAN no chanfe?
jiji, at 11.4.06
I trust Iran. Thats it.
teagirl, at 11.4.06
Dad believes that Iran won't be defeated by the US in any sense. He believes that it scares the US and the Jews in their boots.
I only believe what he believes in because I believe he knows better in what he believes in. Thus I believe what he believes..
ScarlO, at 12.4.06
تمتور احنا وين و هالاشياء وين اول شي لازم نخلص من مشاكل الاسكان و الصحة و التعليم و عندنا في البحرين التامينات الاجتماعية و التقاعد و رصف الشوارع التعبانة و شبكات الصرف الصحية اللي تطفح كل ما طق علينا مطر و ترميم البيوت الايلة للسقوط و هوشة وزارة الشؤون مع الاتحاد النسائي اللي مب راضيين يشهرونه و سفرات اعضاء المجالس البلدية حق السياحة و الاستجمام و هوشاتهم و بعدين نفكر في هالاشياء :)
متفرغ, at 12.4.06
i think its just a huge conspiracy to keep our minds off the "real stuff"
(lol yeah i'm one of them wierdos who thinks that this is all planned for)
jk dude :P never been into politics o0 never will.. it's good to know stuff 3ala aqal, so thanks fo' the post bro
PS: ana bs 5alni aro7 Mashad o0 akil 5obiz irani.. akon eb 5air
7asoon, at 12.4.06
ay amn, ay eqtesad, ay tarbeya wel man6aga dashat in a nuclear-isation-ing phase
i dont think "trust" is the word.
i personally "understand" them, and "root for their right"
laken ka kwaity, la trust them wala hom ya7zanon
iran in 5 yrs time will fight for a muslim cause .. la iranian, la shee3i, la ba6eekh..
begolon lekom ely 3ad ro7a muslim, ahlan wa sahlan
wely bas hababa yaby 7aflat takharoj o dagdega, khalah 3ala ketir
zionists are worrying becoz zionists know wassup
فاهم انك تقصد اكو اولويات تخص الشان الداخلي وانا اوافقك لكن لا تنسى ان احنا كدول مجلس تعاون خليجي يهمنا ان نكون نحن القوة المهيمنة في المنطقة
من ناحية تجارة واقتصاد طبعا ومنها صرف على الدفاع
بسلاح نووي ايراني تنقلب الموازين وانشالله هالحجي جاي في بوست قادم
at any rate على قولة معلمينا البرتش
ما اظن ان التصعيد الاعلامي راح يسيطر على الراي العام في الخليج لان مثل ما حضرتك تفضلت في شؤون داخلية مسيطرة وحتى بالكويت مثلا مسالة الدوائر
la conspiracy walahom ya7zanon, bel3aks .. ma7ad ga3ed yetkalam b hal shay lena tawa ma saar shay + ma7ad b yet7acha lena ma fi wa7ed mehtam, hababhom zeedoly ma3ashy o safroni 3ala i7sabkom o "allah allah entekhabat b mosharakat el mar'a"
3ad ilwalda elyom elyom safirat ray7a mash'had .. allah yarzegna elzeyara enshala awal ma entekharaj
Temetwir, at 12.4.06
foreign matters ma yamdeech u have an opinion on a certain bombing, ela o the other sect emfajir bely fajeraw fehom in another place.. ma yamdech teyeen betgolen shay .. ela o me3tideen 3ala tharree7 .. teyeen b taktibeen al7en, yegomon yethbe7oun lehom imam masyed
khaleha 3ala alla,, hababy 6aye7la weya cham wa7ed on msn .. la shifna shay on tv, papers, columns .. abad, allahoma etha wa7ed theba7la yahodi .. ooooh gamat el geyama wal 3eyath belaah,, yalla ma3lesh 3ala golat el mohajir "khalas ya baba, dam el muslim sar rkhees, ma yeswa se3ir nashr el khabar"
aaalaw human rights aalaw
1. i stand corrected
2. true, but we're not really back in the 80s .. so its very diff now
3. chairz
very, very interesting POV
in terms of a threat .. to kuwait's security? yes.. i full heartedly agree that iran IS the larger threat
but what r we really talking abt here? any faults in the iranian plants affecting the shared waters? the same air?
or, military action?
i would like to THINK that it is only a matter of "safety" rather than "security"
i.e. i honestly do not think Iran poses any threat (military) whatsoever on any of the gulf countries
but then again, the US isnt really worried abt "us", gulfies (courtesy of zin) .. theyre more interested in (my personal pov):
a) iraq .. o lets face facts, iran, if il ja3fery does get the PM seat, will have the most influence on the region
b) their "israeli ally" security
now, regarding (b), do i think iran will strike israel?
not until 2009 i dont see it happening, but i wont ever take it off the table
saracen, sir, u say:
" A democratic western style country .. with nuclear power is 10 fold better then militant, ideologically ridden Iran. "
i'm sorry but i think ur giving israel WAY TOO MUCH credit .. in the sense that: israel, too, is idealogically ridden
ma yikhfa 3alaik, this discussion MUST be divided into:
a) the national level .. y3ni ana ka kwaity, iflan ka irany, iflan ka israeli
and, if we want to acknowledge it or not, the religious level:
b) ilquds, ilquds, ILQUDS o af3al el ssahayna bel muslimeen wel muslimeen bel ssahayna
now, the conflict lies where ppl (arabs, muslims, whatever) ONLY care abt A .. and that IS understandable
but as a part of belief, B is no less important .. and the way i see it, Israel is just as idealogical as Iran
i DID know of certain shee3a groups acting up in the 80s, but i wouldnt think its the same thing now (iraq/iran war and all that back in the day) .. and as i said prior, i see Iran posing no direct threat to the GCC countries
now, on a map .. we're fucked either way .. we got i3yal 3amna Is7aq on the left, and a7faad nabeeyna 3laih elsalam on the right
BUT, u do strike a very "idealistic" point, u say:
"At the end, the whole area needs to be disarmed"
yes, i agree.. but dont u think that this can ONLY be achieved if Iran DID in fact have access to its own annual constant production of nuclear weapons?
i.e. what r they going to bargain with if not THAT?
but i do think (would like to think) that u mean this as the 'utopian solution' and not a realistic one
realistically? signing treaties and focusing on international 'response' if such treaties are broken is the best thing i can see happening (for the time being)
which is, inshala y3ni, in the next post abt GCC and iran's relations mn hal na7ya
Temetwir, at 12.4.06
y3ny we`re khalas?? gonna die??
jiji, at 12.4.06
I can't believe that some people would think that Iran is a higher threat to the Gulfies than Israel...My God..this is what the west feeds on..the mere fact that we distrust those that are supposedly closer to us...
Please don't forget the fact that the 80's tension between Kuwait and Iran was caused due to our support to Iraq at the time and they were at war with that country...it wasn't bass mini we 6ereej...
I have a lot more to say about this..but the mere fact of learning here that Iran would be considered to be a higher threat has totally blown my mind...If in fact we do not trust our own neighbors due to Iraq's experience...please let me remind you that it was one man called Saddam Hussein who took that in action...not a country...I'm not saying that we should go back to believing in the blind "brotherhood" of Arabs or moslims...but for heaven's sake to say that Iran is worse than Israel is like us packing the entire moslim nation in a big gift basket and passing it to the West...baraka Allah feena...kafoo!
MissCosmoKuwait, at 12.4.06
if ur talking abt q80-saracen's opinion, then a debate by you two should be something to look fwd to
however, i found a new way of 'saying' what iran poses as for the GCC .. and that is just a "danger"
in reality, we, the gulf, could pose a higher threat to Iran than Israel .. in that if the US wanted to take military action, we can all pretty much imagine where they would launch from
when i (personally) say threat .. im talking abt "being someone that can harm u" .. intentionally or being forced
more to come in a seperate post
i reiterate "i honestly do not think Iran poses any threat (military) whatsoever on any of the gulf countries"
Temetwir, at 13.4.06
Dammit, I spent forever typing a reply :/ Madree sh9aar! It disappeared... :(
"Does Iran really want nuclear energy for civilian purporses only?" Obviously not and to buy that sort of talk would be naive and stupid. Yet why is that nation so much like "an army"? It's because they're way more united than we are. Before we think of arming ourselves, khal njtem3 3la a common cause or belief. Whose interest do we (as Muslims, Kuwaitis, Gulfians) have in mind? And why?
Sedna, at 13.4.06
did u try pressing "Back" in ur browser?
u usually find it there, it doesnt get deleted .. id really like to see what u have to say bat this in a 'longer manner'
i agree that a lot of iranians are "soldiers to an idea"
and like i was saying, u can look at this in terms of 'nations', which is NOT the main issue here, or 'religion', which i believe IS the main issue of this whole thing and failing to recognize this will cloud judgement
as for ur question " Whose interest do we (as Muslims, Kuwaitis, Gulfians) have in mind?"
inshala in another post, bs na6ir wa7ed mn rab3y.. if the post doesnt answer ur question then i owe u an answer :)
Temetwir, at 13.4.06
Okay, so Iran is scaring the US and the Jews. Isn't that what we want? I mean, you see all those people saying how the US is aiding Israel to destroy Muslims, and how the US is trying to break the Arab world into bits and pieces by 'invading' Iraq. Doesn't the fact that Iran, a Muslim country, possessing neuclear weaposn, ought to be good news for us? Shouldn't it mean that we're starting to have more power and might be able, sometime in the next eternity, to kick the jews out of Jerusalem and live happily ever after?
It's sickening how we keep fighting among each other. Look at what Mubarak was saying about Iraq the other day, and all the people dying in Iraq everyday. Not to forget Palestine. And we don't do anything about that. At all. We're still arguing about she3a o senna :-\
*sigh* I want to go to Neptune ..
(off-topic again, is it not? sorry)
ScarlO, at 13.4.06
scarlo if "us" is muslims, then yes it does indicate a good leap towards having a word
kicking the jews out of il quds and living happily ever after taw ilnas 3alaiha .. yabeelha sa7wat she3oob .. o ma daam el nas lal7eenha etfakir b teregum o aghany fayrouz, la belaah betredoun el quds
o laah azeedich mn el she3ir bait, 6al3een lena b habba yedeeda hal ayaam,, yegolon "shako e7na b falas6een, gatheyat falas6een gatheya falas6eenya ba7ta, e7na ka q8iyen malna shegel feha la nrez wyohna" .. naas garrat laha ketabain webtalashna feha
sure thing, wouldnt have thought of what u meant any other way
the leaderships coming in power is a good point .. and i was talking with a friend of mine and he pointed out the same thing in this region,, in that as long as our "peeps" are loyal to what the US wants, then theres really no threat of removing them from power .. which makes sense
now, what u mention abt the US actually needing us as allies is true.. however, the question stands: they need us as allies for what exactly?
war against terrorism? i have been led to believe that no such thing exists
now, in theory, i like what ur saying: be the good boys, and in turn, ask for returning the favor with sorting out matter with israel
yeaaaaaaah .. i dont see that happening ..
in fact, i REALLLLY think the same guys running the US adminstration(s) are the same SOBs running the israeli state
rich jews with a cause, namely zionists
which is to also say i believe that those guys r also running the media .. and althu i think the idea is good, i dont see it happening becoz we're dealing with people who have it in their heads just as much as we (i) do that il quds belongs to us (and they to them)
i say:
F U C K . P E A C E
now, ur point abt the US army and protecting kuwait is a point worth taking into consideration and what i planned to address in my new post: what r we REALLY talking abt here?
our faith wela our nationality?
now, personally, i really think the best thing for kuwait to do is isolate itself (the whole gulf) in not allowing the US forces "that r here to protect kuwait" in being the force that initiates action against Iran
btw, i dont think the US forces r here to plan kuwait .. no sir, i believe, and WOULD EXPECT THE US, to be in kuwait and the gulf as to have a command situated "fi galb il 7adath" for its own good
does that mean 'protect kuwait' .. well, it could be if u mean 'protect kuwait in ensuring that they deliver what we ask them for before we slap their shaikhs around' ;)
Temetwir, at 13.4.06
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