I am not sure whether it's the movies, the series, the shows or the books that get on my nerve the most when discussing parenting. It's almost as if they want to pass "say something 'bad'/hit your child once, and chances are s/he will grow up to become rapists and hookers."
Children (ages 3 till they get married and have kids on their own) will always say or do something the parents do not approve of. With disregard ofcourse to 'bad parents' - yeah, they were beaten up as children ha? - they have every right to put their children back in their place the way they deem fit.
Countless times I have heard something around the lines of: "so I'm walking in a mall, and I see a mother slapping the hand of her 4 year old child. I immediately think 'that mother is a bitch for doing that' and that she has no love for her children." Aha.
Who the fuck are you to pass judgement, who gave you the right to sum up 4yrs in 10 seconds? That's not bad parenting, infact, that is parenting. Just as much as loving a child and making him or her (it? heh) feel safe, taking action and stepping up is just as important. (This is an example of how action is percieved wrongfully).
Appeasement is not a method one (or two) can rely on in parenting.
Sure, there's a hell of a difference between child-abuse and putting a child back in his/her place, the sole differentiation - I think - being that child-abuse is (could be) random. While the latter is stimulated by an action of the child himself.
Also, and I am saying this based on experience(s) of myself and others I know, 2-3 times in 18yrs is enough for any child to 'get it'. Don't get cute, the 4yr old example above does not count.
i know what you mean..
bs the rapist/terrorist thing is true for people who are excessively abused or harrassed, not people who are hit lightly or whenever they are wrong..
and by the way if people don't blame their parents, who do they blame? hehe ;P we use them to actually fool ourselves into thinking that we're not to blame of what happens to us even though we do bad things, we were driven to do them by our parents.. ;P
its sad, but true..
Baroque, at 30.10.05
feras yeah, its a gesture of disapproval ya3ni .. a means of communication to the child in a non-verbal way... and not to be regarded as 'bad parenting'
espicially when we're talking about very young children
yetrabon b3ezik enshala allah ykhaleehom lek gol ameen :)
charisma excessively abused im guessing is under child-abuse which i differentiated from what im talking about :)
i know what u mean though
interesting what u say about blaming the parents, cant relate thu
Temetwir, at 30.10.05
I agree that the innocent slap here and there can sometimes be called for. But its not that that worries. What worries me that the children may learn 'the act of hitting' and use it in wrongly on their siblings and school mates.
I don't think there is one correct way to raise children. They are lot of different practices that must go together in order to build a healthy minded child into a mature adult.
I can't wait to have my own kids, but this topic scares me to death! I worry about it a lot!
Delicately Realistic, at 30.10.05
dCC, very true.. there is no one way
and hence my proposal: u cant raise a child and claim u really really love and care for him without smacking him or her twice or thrice as he is growing up..
the slap of the hand was just an example as to show how ridiculous some observations are when it comes to deeming parents unfit
as for fighting in school (and out) its just part of growing up, i cant imagine my ongoing-childhood without them
i do believe all the guys would agree
Temetwir, at 30.10.05
ok this is my lucky day, 2 parents got my point of view .. loving it
om siraaj ur absolutely right when u say children sometimes just dont make sense of "instructions" (i can prove it scientifically btw - for all of u who read the PhD post and thought im a lousy researcher for some reason or another - ya u know who u r)
which is what u and feras are saying, u just want to get the message across to the child (when he or she is very young)
Temetwir, at 30.10.05
I know a kid who gets hit too much by his mom, now whenever he doesnt get what he wants, he starts to hit himself or bang his head on the wall. I agree with disciplining children by hitting them lightly but not the hitting and verbal abuse that I've seen in Kuwait. Ive heard things like "an3al abook!" It's like if you don't want to be responsible fully for raising a child, then why have it.
Hope, at 31.10.05
mcarabian interesting point, how parents would feel if they werent the ones to take action (aunts or uncles)
but yeah hitting a child to make him/her stop crying is something totally diff and i agree - i fail to see the 'logic' behind it
hope thats sad, do u know why the mom hits him? (note i said 2-3 times a 'real hitting' is more than enuf in over 18yrs - this is what am talking abt) in the case u mention ofcourse thats inacceptable - as i say, love/security/safeness is just as important (just a lil bit more)
again, ur right on to make a difference between disciplinary hitting and abuse :)
hibba heheh the classic ear twisting, and ur right it does NOT do any harm - it's just a way to make the child understand
and yea over here ive seen my share of kids being slapped on the face in public - to which they would cry and the hitting continues lol (ok not lol) - which is what mcarabian is saying "shako?"
also, here in the UK ive seen negligence.. which, personally, i think is far worse than abuse
2 interesting points till now:
a- what about someone else hitting ur children? (when u do agree that they SHOULD be disciplined)
b- is hitting in public different than when ur at home?
Temetwir, at 31.10.05
^inacceptable = unacceptable, my bad
irfs hello
dont u think he stopped doing that now because ur much older and he's pretty sure 'u got the msg'?
with the stick, im assuming u mean el khaizarana .. we have something in common heh but i do admit, i deserved it everytime i got it
as u just said, depends on the circumstances under which u get beaten and NOT abused
Temetwir, at 31.10.05
Great post, so true!! Ya36eek el 3afia.
Nunu-San, at 31.10.05
nunu ye3afeech, where do u stand on the topic? share ur thoughts
feras excellent, but what do u think if someone else 6ag il e3yaal aww nezarhom (like the child's aunt or uncle) - as a parent, what would be ur reaction?
Temetwir, at 31.10.05
i don't know what happens to me when i read ur blog, its either i miss the point u're trying to make or i put things in that weren't included aslan.. ;P~
anyhow ta7amal ;P
Baroque, at 31.10.05
charisma en dal 3ala shay, fa ena yedil 3ala how much u hate me heh
i value ur contributions, be them irrelevant or otherwise afa 3alaich :)
feras that sounds very sensible as i have expected
lets see what other parents have to say about the matter (if any)
Temetwir, at 31.10.05
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Gigi, at 31.10.05
Oh my god inta wayid itbarrid chabdi ya Tem!
This is one of the subjects that annoy me and I even thought of posting about it one day but now you've relieved me from having to express myself.
Just wanna add that tara kids are not as delicate as some parenting guides would have us believe! Oo walla 7atta ma3a il 6ag kinna abaalsa oo manti3allam illa itha yatna 6agga thanya! lol Mashoof sar feeni shay wala inny ta3aqadt oo karaht ahali! Li'anna of course that's not all I saw from them I saw a lot of TLC and reasoning as well.
I also agree with charisma when she said it was stupid how people on tv always trace back all their problems to put the blame on their parents. Idiotic.
And besides, often "reasoning" with kids or lecturing them is useless.. if they had the brains to understand things they wouldn't do them in the first place! Check out this scenario: (you'll like it cuz it was in a car show):
The little brat had climbed on top of the roof of one of the cars and was bouncing up and down on top of it, and instead of being pulled down and spanked after being told three times that he should come down, the hapless father just stood there wringing his hands and uselessly trying to explain that it was dangerous for him to stay up there and that it wasn't their car and the owners would get mad if they found out. Of course throughout this pitiful display of "good parenting" the kid 7ad il 6anaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash and was busy slobbering and banging away at the car.
I also agree with feras' two points.
Also, it annoys me that I also have to say at the end of this comment that of course ya3ni spanking has to be done within reason (e.g not to the extent that the pinch or the smack or whatever leaves a mark, or on the face, or too often, or in front of lot of people, or accompanied with really degrading verbal put-downs etc. etc.) I hate having to state the obvious.
Gigi, gruffly
Gigi, at 31.10.05
hala gigi, 1st of all plz do write abt it sometime - im sure its a really broad subject so it wont be repetitive if u take a shot at it .. would be interested to see what u come up with
u said 2 things which are definitely things i wanted to get across, so i thank u for putting it out there in ur own words: (a) kids arent that delicate, and (b) reasoning with young kids wont get u anywhere becoz they just dont pay attention (empirical evidence proves this)
and trust me, u didnt state the obvious .. a thorough distinction must be made because this IS a touchy subject and varies from 1 person to another, so its a must to separate what u really want to say from what ppl might THINK ur saying (itbareen themetich ya3ni)
i have NO idea where/why the states is brought into this lol, i must say u took me by surprise there!
but the story u tell of could very well be EXACTLY what we're all talking about
'child services' and all that 'human rights' and 'psychological experiments' bullshit to deem whether or not a parent is fit (this is all based on what gigi just said - with REASON)
im pretty sure all of us (espicially the guys) have taken some beatings from a prominent male figure during childhood
all i can say is im grateful, 3ogb 6ag el khaizarana wel e6ragat wel terefis.. u get into a fight and ur just one tough motherfucker that doesnt go down lol
Temetwir, at 31.10.05
I can't say much am not a mother and I don't think I want to be one, but it does piss me off when I see a mother humiliating her son/daughter in public, I have cousins some of them hit their kids some of them don't, the ones who don't happen to have a beautiful relationship with their kids, they're like friends, they talk and stuff, when the others are just mother and child, nothing between them ghair il zaf wel tekeffekh, bala hatha good parenting? am glad being the cool aunt that kids know they can always turn to when they can't talk to their mothers, and I know the mothers are happy to know am their for their kids.
o bs.
Spontaneousnessity, at 1.11.05
a- we, and namely a parent (Feras) has made it clear as to what not to do when in public
b- u ask 'bala hatha parenting?' and the answer is no
c- 3asach 3algowa
Temetwir, at 1.11.05
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