Is it just me?
I feel as if I am the only one who regards Sadam's trial as a disgrace. It's as if the majority actually believe in his 'right' to 'stand trial'. To my limited understanding, trials mean the laying out of 'facts' and supporting claims with evidence. The maths just does not work in this case (pun intended).
Disgrace because you are implicitly giving him the benefit of the doubt, and he actually pleaded not-guilty. I don't blame him, he probably sees it as a joke himself. He's probably thinking 'those fuckers gave me a chance to go down in history as a hero, a man of my standards, instead of the pussy I truly am". Disgrace because I understand he is being 'prosecuted' (for loss of a better word) for the 'murder of 148 men (shee3a) after an assassination attempt'.
Seriously now, 148 men? Am I the only one that thinks they dropped out like SIX zeros after the Eight? And what the fuck is up with only 'men'? What about the murdered and raped (in THAT order, yes) women infront of their husbands and brothers? What about the same women's children who then have to dance in Sadam's birthday?
I mean how do you explain something that is so obvious, there just are no words that fit. How do you describe a white wall? It's a surface, and it's white. You don't get the luxury to get all poetic about it, do you?
Sadam's trial is exactly the same. It's a disgrace, and there's no need to reason why and there's no need to question why.
Let me demonstrate in another way. It's like you ask Hitler "Hey Dolfie, so, you're being accused for the murder of one soldier, who happened to trip on a wood branch in the wood and crushed his skull. Since the war was your fault, we thought we'd blame you for his death. Oh no no, don't worry, everything else is fine. We'll just let the German people pay us 600 million in reparations and you'll be free as a bunny. How do you plea?'.
Hitler spared himself all the drama.
It appears that some writers/columnists (or people for that matter?) mistake foul language and rudeness for directness and honesty. Stating the obvious, yet with that individualistic twist that triggers your attention, only then to actually hurt your eyes.
It also appears that some writers/columnists like to be 'the first to comment' on a certain issue as if it were a competition; knowing very well that infact no one really has got the grasp of either the sensitivity and (slash or) the importance of the matter discussed. It is as if they force themselves into being in the heat of the moment (or is it that the heat of the moment forces them?).
But then again you think, maybe the writers/columnists themselves are not really voicing their genuine opinions. Perhaps they are merely a medium, connecting the majority of the population to the opinionated few who are unfortunate enough to be from a certain family, but ofcourse fortunate enough to 'buy the opinion of the columnist'.
At some point, it just gets ridiculous. Attacking a certain someone personally, rather than professionaly; yet even worse, making fun of either the way s/he talks, walks or moves. Under this criteria, the classic mentioning of the family name: as if stereotyping the whole family members, is also evident. I have reached a point where I could tell who wrote what, if I had the time to skim through, and then read thoroughly.
Back when I was in school, I got used to translating and I am telling you straight up, most columns (articles) would be damn lucky (not good) if they managed to still keep third their length when translated. This has nothing to do with number of words, rather content.
- Tedebil / Tebedil -
I have been tagged not once, not twice, not thrice, not, er, four times, but five. If it was planned to get on my nerve, it didn't. Anyway I finally decided that anything over five times would be just rude, so here goes
I plan to :
- Finish my MA as planned, next September
- Either do the MBA next,
- Or go on to do the PhD من شاف ويهي مايقول لا هذي ولا ذيج
- Make 1,750kd per month from salary(ies) alone by the time I'm 22
- Own 2 Ferraris, 2 Porsches, 2 Mercedes', 2 Lamborghinis, 1 Aston Martin and 1 Corvette - mind you, at the same time
- Name, en Allah a7yaana w rezagna, my boys: Il-7or / Ameer / Zaid
- Name, en Allah a7yaana w rezagna, my girls: 7our / Janna(t) / Rayan
I can :
- Lie
- Decieve
- Keep a secret
- Convince myself number 5 above is true
- Spend 24hrs doing nothing useful, when I could finish an essay I have to hand in
- Housekeep like I'm a mexican immigrant
- Watch up to 5 movies, back-to-back in one-sitting on the condition that it's using a PC (la7ad yemalig wegoli "wetha 3 ajza' godfather, goodfellas o casino, tegdar?")
I can't :
- Imagine a world without Religion and faith
- Imagine my world without family and some friends
- Learn, nor accept French as a language worth its existance
- Stop my mind from living 2-4 years ahead of the present day (reaches 20 when I think about my to-be-children)
- Not-talk-about slash look-at-cars for 24hrs
- Shut the fuck up and be happy with what I materialistically have
- Understand why people want to be MDs in Kuwait
Things I say most often:
- eshlayti
- walla, walla, walla, 3laiwi
- awal wa7ed (.. continue as in context)
- e3teberny sadagtek
- maylaish/maysheno/maymeno/che
- "anty weshishmish?"
- Te (prefix) + tasreef el fe3il el monaasib aw el isim (tasreef isim il 3allam lah gawa3id in later modules) e.g Te-metwir, Te-berwish, Tezegrit, وهكذا
I kinda like the "Seven things you can't do"
And the "Seven things you say most often" are really good and funny ;D
Nunu-San, at 18.10.05
Ya Aba Zeid...fa en lam takon 22 or more....fa ma takoon al aan...nine? wa ya lakaa min ensanun 3ameekun jidan for a nine year old! ...bass...ta3abt min al 3arabi al fus7a!...
That was fun to read...but if tagging was to let us have a better feel of who temetwir is...la billa ma 3arafna shay...we always knew you loved cars..mo shay yideed!..:)..still it was good of you to tag...mashkoor ma gasart..:)
MissCosmoKuwait, at 18.10.05
om siraj enshala
nunu 3ishtay :)
misscosmo bo IL7OR inshala, il7or is my first boyname en alla rezagna.. im 21
o afa 3alaich na6ra arid 3ala tag to know more? ask away
Temetwir, at 18.10.05
Temetwir, dude! You're gonna call your boy Al-7oor! it's like naming a boy Nour or Diya'! Then again, it's your personal choice, but do think of the boy's point of view!
Guess what I found? THIS!
You can thank me later ^_^
MBH, at 19.10.05
حر .. الحر <-- as in el7or ibn ziyaad
not حور .. الحور <-- his sister inshala
and thanks, first time i heard of modding laptops .. izgert!
Temetwir, at 19.10.05
Temetwir, I forgot to mention this in my previous post, but isn't limiting yourself to 10 cars only, against your way of life?
After all, it's you who always say: Never settle for what you have.
Or, those would be your favorite ones, among the fleet?
MBH, at 19.10.05
lol you're funny :)
Papillona ®, at 19.10.05
lool interesting answers, and i LOVE love the name Rayan, i'd like to inshallah name my daugher that too :D even tho everyone tells me it's a dudes name, but that's one sad dude :|
Faith, at 19.10.05
mbh man lo tadri which ones ely eb baly, chan getly "daraina never be satisfied bas 3ad 3an el mesaakha" heh .. laken raddan 3ala so'alek ee na3am, يشمل ولا يقتصر على
papillona "funny how, huh? like what, do i amuse u?" i hope u know where that comes from :)
pizzazz i was going to ask "what about business, is that something that ud be willing to talk about?" but then i saw u mention economics too heh.. o la wala 3ithreeny ma 3araftich
faith esem esbay? la la no way, shesalfa .. Rayan wain o esbay wain, but yeah its definitely a beautiful name in both meaning and pronunciation
Temetwir, at 19.10.05
Ya Aba el Hor...kaif laka kulaa hatha al tafkeer 3an el seyasah wa anta faka6 21...abook wazeer?...:)...
MissCosmoKuwait, at 20.10.05
abad its something i have interest in, and used to get in heated discussions over with friends back in q8.. o thanks to 2 specific drs back in college who trained me how to analyze and criticize constructively
i left the constructive part out, but u know.. works both ways i guess heh
thakarteeny b safrety ma3a wa7ed mn el rabi3, it was only the 2 of us travelling, bel 6ayara sa3tain o robe3 net'hawash, o bel taxi, net'hawash.. o bel fendig, o bel soog.. 7ata 3al akel enlawe3 echbood ba3ath.. all weekend 3ala hal 7aal, o on the flight back HAM negashaat 7aada
ma sekatna ela lama rabe3na ely khathona mn el ma6ar e7lefaw ye7athfona belshari3 etha ma en6amaina
^ true story
Temetwir, at 20.10.05
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