علي وما أدراك ما علي
I've been trying to write something for well over an hour now. Then I remembered who I was really trying to write about.
However I will say this, if everybody knew something about the real life of imaam 3ali Ibn Abi 6aalib سلام الله عليه as opposed to the nonesense being taught in schools and university courses, then the world would be a very different place.
Let's not get into the historical events, because mentioning some and leaving others would defy the exact same reason people should learn about him.
I refer you as an example to sayid 3ali Il Sistaany in Iraq and his directions. How he is the only one who can take credit for the 'peace' in Iraq. If you thought it was because of the military presence and/or if you think the bombings/killings and kidnapping was something significant: then trust me, you would NOT imagine the situation without sayid 3ali Il Sistaany.
I say the world would be a different place if more people knew about imaam 3ali's life, because of the fact that there has been no one who has kept a sound mind in unimaginable situations as he did.
Yes, I am talking about what has happened after the death of Il Rasool صلى الله عليه واله, as one very small example (as there have been many more significant turning points in Islamic history, all because of il imaam 3ali). But to no reason other than not hurting someone's feelings, I will not say more.
In one of my comments, I told mbh to look forward to this post. But because now I know اني مو قد اتكلم عن الامام علي I refer everyone to look up what imaam 3ali did during the three days after he was struck while praying, in respect to his prisoner 3abdilra7maan Ibn Muljam. Human rights you say? There you have it.
ما نقول في رجلٍ أخفت أعداؤه فضائله صداً
وأخفت أولياؤه فضائله خوفاً
- الشافعي
وأخفت أولياؤه فضائله خوفاً
- الشافعي
Sadam's trial Post
Jingoism, at 22.10.05
jingoism i owe u :)
Temetwir, at 22.10.05
Beautiful post, and honestly I couldnt agree more..imam ali's life, from his birth to his death was filled with lessons in life. He truley was an amazing person,and i think, the best example of democracy/human rights/tolerance in the history of time.
Bas 7asafa...people just dont pay attention to the things that matter anymore.
I remember reading from a website quotes from Imam Ali, and honestly kel'hum 7akem, the extent of his knowledge is amazing.
Faith, at 23.10.05
faith most ppl stopped paying attention immediately after wafaat el rasool salla allah 3alaih o aaleh .. ma wedy agol even BEFORE his death (for anyone interested - look up what happened with Usamaa Bn Zaid and abo bakir + 3omar elkha6aab)
concerning what u said in respect to quotes, i recommend nahj el balaagha .. seriously, something out of this world - dont ask me why its not mentioned all thru the levels of education - hint hint ;) -
also his she3ir is to die for, like u said.. kela 7ekam, chaykay hal cham bait:
وما المرء الا حيث يجعل نفسه * فكن طالباً في الناس أعلى المراتب
وكن طالباً للرزق من باب حله * يضاعف عليك الرزق من كل جانب
وصّن ماء الوجه لا تبذلنه * ولا تسأل الأراذل فضل الرغائب
Temetwir, at 23.10.05
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar myself with all the great things that Imam Ali had done.. my knowledge is quite limited even. But if I'm not mistaken, it was he who said :: ان أفضل الشعر أكذبه
I still don't fully understand how this post is even remotely related to the previous one! (/me confused)
Nonetheless, there's nothing more refreshing than reading about great, respectful idols.
MBH, at 23.10.05
its the 19th of ramathan, lailat tharrbat el imaam by 3abder7aman bn muljam while the imam was praying bel me7raab
its not "related", but what u said about torture and all that, reminded me of what el imaam did o shlon "wassah 3ala" 3abder7aman bn muljam even thu he's a . and el imam knew he wasnt going to recover from what bn muljam did - related to "7egog el insaan" which is in islam mn awal yom, o ma7ad refers to it lai yomek :)
Temetwir, at 23.10.05
Temetwir, insightful.
MBH, at 23.10.05
temetwir are u shiite ?
Mother Courage, at 23.10.05
I can't find your e-mail address to e-mail you, so I'm leaving you a message here: I really really enjoy reading your blog, but the grey writing on a black background makes it almost impossible to read and hurts the eyes a lot - do you think you could change the color scheme? THanks!!!! -m
Anonymous, at 23.10.05
After reading the post I was going to ask whether you have heard nahj albalagha, but I read the comment you made earlier. My dad gave me the tape a while ago and I think its one of the greatest gift anyone has ever given me. What makes me love him and respect him is that he didnt say: Ya ayoha almoslimeen, instead he said: Ya ayoha ALNAS. Anyone, even someone who isnt muslim can learn from his teachings. Salam Allah 3alaih.
Delicately Realistic, at 23.10.05
mbh whats that 7abeeb el sha3b?
mother courage yes, i am
anonymous hmm u probably read it while i was trying stuff out becoz i do remember having a dark grey background (did the sidebar have red boxes? estagbel el halaga) now its a white background for text, and the sidebar is black with silver writing. yes? for future ref. 7abeeb il sha3b - email is matyara911@hotmail.com
DC the tape probably had a few khe6ab only, so i recommend u get the whole book .. and its funny that u mention that, el imam is more "known about" by other religions than the other mathaahib el islameya gair elshee3a lelasaf
- promise guys, only 2 more things to do with the new template and then ill stop fooling around :)
Temetwir, at 23.10.05
also, check out do3aa' komail
Temetwir, at 23.10.05
Temetwir, "7abeeb el sha3b"
Are you referring to yourself, or to my goodself?
-> Bad logo-body blend, but nice color brew!
MBH, at 23.10.05
well done babe.
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 23.10.05
The tape only had khi6bat AlWaseela, I asked my dad for the rest, should be getting them soon. Unfortunately I dont have time to read, especially arabic :/ Bs inshAllah in 36lat ilrabe3 I will try. Oh and I know do3a'a Kumail, don't get me started on those I'll take up too much space. :)
Delicately Realistic, at 23.10.05
Oh and why do you call me DC?
Everyone calls me DR. :P Your making me feel like an electricity plug. AC/DC
Delicately Realistic, at 23.10.05
mbh shayef shlon el habba b kelmat "weld 3ami"? i use "7abeeb elsha3b" or "7abeeb el omettain el3arabeya wel islameya"
kila ma6gog hala bel7abeeb, tislam
dRRRR good luck and .. i thought i mentioned this in my 1st reply, but obviously i didnt: u can get a translated version of nahj el balaagha + my bad, DR wala tez3eleen
Temetwir, at 23.10.05
Why would I need a translated version? I can read arabic :) It just takes me longer.
Delicately Realistic, at 24.10.05
dCCC, i know u can
im just saying if u wanted to read the same thing in english u could :)
Temetwir, at 24.10.05
Now ur just playing with me.
Delicately Realistic, at 24.10.05
u bring up an EXTREMELY controversial subject - which unfortunately little light (if any) is shed on
and no, i am NOT talking abt the 'division' between the 2 main sects of islam in q8
rather, the definition itself of who a sa7aaby is, and what he is
there are numerous definitions, and hence the usage of the word is very much likely to cause misinterpretation even before we get to the facts
eg there is an 'idea' of a sa7aby being ANYONE who lived and must have 'seen' il rasool (sallah allah 3laih w aaleh)
then there is the idea that a sa7aby is anyone who has lived during the 23yrs .. wa haluma jarra
after agreeing on who is a sa7aby, we can come to who really is a qidwa.. and this ofcourse requires a 'full history check'
it saddens me greatly thatt a 'man' is judged upon based solely on his 'name' (eg m7amad ebn abi bakir)
be that as it may, zorath, i know exactly what u meant :)
Temetwir, at 31.10.05
Great Post Temi :D
Keep up the good work dear :)
Rimyoleta, at 3.11.05
interesting article.. there are many things to be learned from Ahl El Bait.. El Imam Ali (pbuh) isn't only a qedwa in the way he handled obstacles in his life, but also in the way he treated his wife and family. That's another thing to look into and read about if you have time.
Here's an excerpt:
El Imam Ali about his wife:
فَوَالله ما أغضبتُهَا ولا أكرهتُهَا على أمر حتى قَبضَهَا اللهُ عَزَّ
وجلَّ ، ولا أغضبَتْنِي ، ولا عَصَتْ أمراً لِي ، وَلقد كنتُ أنظرُ
إِليها فتنكشفُ عَنِّي الهُموم والأحزان
MSB, at 3.11.05
rimyoleta thanks
msb exactly, that is what i was trying to tell zorath, a 'full history check' in all aspects of life and not just "oh, how many times did he pray with the prophet - salla alla 3laih o aleh"
a full history check allows one to KNOW the figure free from the politics involved .. ie the TRUE SELF of that figure
and about elsayida fa6ma salam alla 3laiha, i wrote these somewhere before but theyre too good to not-mention them again :
لكل اجتماع من حبيبين فرقة
وكل الذي دون الممات قليل
وان افتقادي واحدا دون واحدا
دليل على ان لا يدوم خليل
^ was said after wafaat elsayida fa6ma
and these are a few of what sh. a7mad el wa'ely allah yer7omah wrote about her also :
كيف يدنو إلى حشاي الدّاءُ
وبقلبي الصدّيقة الزهراءُ
مَن أبوها وبعلُها وبنوها
صفوةٌ ما لمثلهم قرناءُ
اُفُق ينتمي إلى اُفق اللـ ـه
وناهيك ذلك الانتماءُ
وكيانٌ بناه أحمد خُلقاً
ورعته خديجةُ الغرّاءُ
وعليّ ضجيعه يالَروحٍ
صنعته وباركته السماءُ
Temetwir, at 3.11.05
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