

نقط نقط نقط

7abeeb il sha3b wel ommetain el 3arabeya wel islameya kabtenna Bo Fay tagged me, so here goes nothing. Not sure what really is required, so I'll just go ahead and list bith3an mn khesaaly il ghabeya. Like that for example, using il 3arabiya il fos7a to continue phrases.

In the summer, etha mo imqater, lazem achfis chim el dishdasha chafsa wa7da at least. It also has to be in perfect symmetry with the ekhyaa6 (the line that marks the 'start' of the chim). In other words, lama bafassil, I measure the sleeve's length in respect to AFTER il chafsa. In the case of eating outside, achfis chafsetain. In the case of a street race, achfis thalath chafsaat. All in perfect and equal symmetry.
If you think that's normal, next time check chafsat il shabab 7ag il chim lama yissayfoon.

I can't be in a parking lot and not 'safely' put on a show. For myself. I need to grow up some more. Fast.

3- In the summer, etha imqater, ma anashy il qitra tamaasheyan ma3a mabda' "sakbity? ghair nasfity". Ichraimbat ayam awal, along with opposite tele7ef of the sides across the neck is the way to go. I3roos/3aza are a different story. You don't wanna know.

4- Although I don't listen to songs for quite a while now (fog el sena, ta7t el sena o nes beshway yemken?), I still remember a lot of the words. Most of il al7aan have gone, but the 'poetry' of the thing is still in my head. However, I also catch myself asking about words of a song which happens to be a new release, mnain 7afethha, madri. Example, Hind's new album. Fuck I didn't even know she even had a new album. Shakhbary 3laiwi. Anyway, still, bas kalimat bedon la7an.

5- I come up with words/phrases like a motherfucker with one of my cousins. Tasreef il af3aal wel asmaa' 3al mazaaj mn mogawemaat il 7ayaat 3endi. Coding, if you will, but not for actual coded use.

6- Although I write here in English and my career revolves around the language, I simply cannot stand using it in speech with any non-native speaker. That includes a fellow country(wo)man, and any other arabic-enabled human being. For example, I expect a waiter at a restaurant in Kuwait to know what "fanta bas lat7e6 wayed thalj" means. And I know I have the fucking english menu, I still call it "deyaay".

7- I believe that not too many people know the difference between being a realist and a pessimist. I am led to believe that that is weird because not too many people happen to share my belief. Some of them say they do, but when I give them an example, they can't come to terms with accepting the differences.

8- I can't remember the last time I had any interest in a girl flaunting her hair, body, dress and just 'doing her thing'. Actually, I can't even remember what they showed or what they wore or how they looked; i.e. I have no vivid image of what I'm talking about right now because I can't register shit. They all look the same to me when they're there, and I don't remember what just happened 5 minutes later. Il sitir on the other hand yel3ab feni door be6oola.

9- As gay as this sounds, I just have to say it: I don't like the Murcielago. Mad respect though.

10- I think education is a waste of time if taken seriously. I lose respect for those who measure knowledge by education or degree; and admire those who have degrees but still think they're worth absolutely nothing. I truly believe in the existence of the University of Life, and I truly believe it's the only place you actually learn something that would make you a better person. Fuck eloquence.

11- I cannot believe that I have yet never directly conversed with anyone who shares my thought that the United States of America is a superpower that is nearing its end of reign. Anyone want to spell fucking CHAYNAH? Whatever happened to the Greeks, Romans, Imperialist Japan, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, I wonder?

12- I think one of the stupidest things any rational human being can say is "religion is only about the relation between one individual and his god, nothing more nothing less". Another saying I happen to personally think is among the stupidest utterances is something like "open-mindedness and modernity is the way to prosperity".
Just as equally, though, I think that anyone who says something like "the only way to prosper is to hold back and stick to the examples from the past and just live with that" is just as silly as the above.

13- Actions and reactions of a hefty number of people (both genders, and surprisingly enough, females more often) lead me to believe that my stance on not thinking of 'anything personally' about single or divorced women is weird. To me, it really is just like saying x is a woman, y is a woman, and z is a woman. Sup?

14- Am I the only one who urges friends and family guys to NOT study abroad? I still don't see what all the fuss is about. This is how I see it: the fact of the matter is you can learn about life and 'independence' and whatever financial et cetera, from the Kuwaiti circles (for men as far as I'm concerned) more so than if you lived anywhere else. If you're liking it for the universities, then okay I understand (if the major is NOT available at KU). But if you're doing it for the whole 'il deera mo shay' and all that, then good thing you're abroad because you ain't cut out for this.

15- I wasn't a big fan of babies under the ages of 4. But that all changed when my cousin had his daughter. Moving on from the drama, the thing is, I seriously have no idea what I can, or cannot do in the presence of a parent while playing with the child. It's not like I hit them or use bad words around them or anything, I just have no idea what might let a parent flip. Take away a toy? Give them chocolate? heh shdarani

16- I believe that eating with your hands (certain dishes, aglabha bel ekwait) "magnifies" the richness of taste. I also believe that eating with your hands is more than what it sounds. Fa itha mat3aref, mo ghaseb.. yawid ya 7abeeb mamtak haak gafshetek.

17- While we're on the subject, for the life of me, I just can NOT use chopsticks. My little sister eats popcorn with chopsticks, while I can't even hold a meter wide, meter high object with chopsticks for a milisecond before they "slip".

- Akhaleskom? I don't eat sushi, I don't drink coffee, I don't have an i-pod, I've never "been" to Starbucks, I've never "sat" in a cafe, I never really watched star academy,
I don't like to travel, I haven't been to Lebanon, I don't think new year's eve is special, I don't approve of silly hairdos guys have, I don't think of a Ferrari as 'fast', I don't find nancy 3ajram to be appealing sexually, I've never been to Hilton el Mangaf, never been to Il-Kout, and never been to Marina Crescent, and I have zero respect for anyone who says that any of those makes anyone more of a Kuwaiti.

Fothooha seera heh.

What's the usual number to tag, khamsa?? mbh, kila ma6goog, mother c, dC, and zinzin. You guys are up if you got the time.


  • i totally agree with point #10 although i find myself being the only person on that side of the argument, couldnt have said it better

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 23.1.06  

  • hatoon it does seem like ur kinda alone sometimes, doesnt it

    laialy u said it best, it IS an overused word which has no substance.. basically a cliche (ive written something abt that ages ago im pretty sure)

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 23.1.06  

  • zinzin it just means that im askin u to come up with a post similar to this one where u list the things that some ppl may find 'weird' about u, or u urself think rnt that normal/common i guess

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 23.1.06  

  • WOW!! I can see you have A LOT of "khesal '3abeya" ;P
    But really intresting!!

    By Blogger Nunu-San, at 23.1.06  

  • zinzin, la yoba el chafsat malaha sheghel with looking as if i just finished/abt to get into a fist fight

    its just how u WANT to percieve me .. bayeg 7alal oboch ana sa7? SA7?

    and abt the "codes" in the post i wrote, they werent what im talking abt here.. im talking abt making up new words, not using words in diff contexts

    see? thats linguistics right there for u heh

    nunu, with what do u agree? and what do u find interesting

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 23.1.06  

  • Temetwir,
    We share some common stuff! Would love to discuss some of your points and clarify the others, but that won't be till Sunday... I know you have email notification enabled ;)

    LaiaLy_q8, maybe this will help.

    By Blogger MBH, at 23.1.06  

  • mbh i JUST commented on ur space..
    yeah man i always knew there was a reason i liked u.. so go ahead whenever ur done with ur finals enshala

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 23.1.06  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 23.1.06  

  • Dear Temetwir,

    I am really busy with school these days, that’s why you don’t see me around. About your question “kma todeen todan” basically and you’ll remember that within couple of years. and alestethba7 from him on the position cause he knows that he was not fair to the other camp, and he think that they’ll treat him the same way. Finally if he was doing that to his cousin what he is going to do to the commoners?

    By Blogger 3teej, at 23.1.06  

  • though i might disagree with you on the vast majority of what you said, i love your last paragraph.. i respect that

    By Blogger Extinct Dodo, at 23.1.06  

  • 3ateej i figured :)
    and yeah kama tadeenu tudaan .. laken elsara7a i stand firm on my opinion that sh sa3ad shouldve been told by his group to step down all along..
    all in all, i dont see any raabi7..

    dodo im not sure ill have to check but i think ur one of those included in my zero-respect-towards group
    and thnx

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • lama agoolek etmoot 3al nejra ana mo ghaltana =P min aakher paragraph embayen nejry!

    By Blogger Spontaneousnessity, at 24.1.06  

  • LOL ouch teme, how blunt of you :P
    anyways, cant please them all now can ya..
    at least i might not like what people think or have to say, but i do respect them :)
    peace bro..

    By Blogger Extinct Dodo, at 24.1.06  

  • daredevil teslam

    spontan i have no idea what u, or zinzin, r talking abt ..
    bas "nejri" does sound better than a lot of other things ive been called so ill take it

    dodo its not abt what u think or have to say.. but yeah anyway 7ayach

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • Bla bla bla.. I've never been to Starbucks bla bla bla i've never been to hilton il mangaf bla bla bla ana ma agiz
    shil ghala6 etha ri7t starbucks oo tiyama3t ma3ar rab3ik ehnak !!
    oo shil ghala6 etha re7t hilton ilmangaf with ur family !!
    7awil enik itshof hal ashya2 ibman'6oor ay wa7id 3adi !!
    etha ri7t starbucks mo lazim enik itghazel.. witha ri7t marina mo lazim eni tiftar bil mojama3 with a stupid hair style
    anyway try to be a human

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 24.1.06  

  • What what did yout tell about the Soviet Union? :P

    It`s always interesting for me to read your posts & comments... just to know you, just to "learn" you.
    I think this post is something like "Totals".

    But can I ask.... What is Respect for you?

    Thank you - if you are going to answer :)

    By Blogger Sever, at 24.1.06  

  • anonymous
    do u even know what this post was abt? b3dain even if u did, sh7aarech lol.. khalas enty aftaitay "a human" bas ohwa ely lazem yero7 starbucks weya rab3ah o hilton weya ahala..
    la barak allah bel 3agleya el taatha

    shlon y3ni, ana chethy nou3i eflosi zayda 7aa6 starbucks eb 7oosh baitna, o ham mn eflosi elzayda kel weekend a6eg 6ayarty washla3 gasry ely 3al ba7ar b ee6alya.. betman3een y3ni wela betchathbeeny..
    o ham chethy dam 7alaaw elsalfa o 3agleety ena bas el aademi ely yero7 starbucks w hilton, em6awel sha3ri laih chatfy o sa3at a6la3 b da3ayat head and shoulders

    elzebda, enty shtabeen al7en ma 3araft..
    and if ur a guy, also read that as if im addressing a girl


    in regards the soviet union, i was just using it as an example as a superpower which, at the time, looked invincible .. just as did the roman empire and the whole lot of examples i used to try to get my point across

    im not sure i understand what u mean by "this post is something like totals", but anyway.. respect?

    its a tough one to answer, ill tell u that.. maybe worth a post of its own, but let me see.. the easiest thing i can tell u is that respect for me is when there's mutual understanding although there is conflict of ideals

    pretty much sums it up .. and therefore, when i talk abt respect, i talk abt certain ppl and not certain idealogies

    makes sensE?

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • mishari
    hala bel7abeeb long time
    he commented (twice) and i replied .. i hope he got what i said .. im assuming he did becoz he commented again AFTER i replied
    if his comment was about me personally in regards to what i have stated in the post.. then 3ala 3aini o raasi
    laken bolshabab mestathrif o mestekhif dammah ye7asebny ga3ed "angid" 3ala ely ysawon katha wela katha.. elsara7a bel6agag ana shako fehom al7en hehe
    bas y3ni tekfa if he doesnt even know what the tag was about in the 1st place, shetarayya?

    im just keeping the whole anonymous business going lena ako naas 3ala 3aini o raasi who comment and im not abt to cut them off b sebat mesbancheya

    as always, alhamtny.. u gave me an idea for a post abt ppl and "fear of disagreeing" .. worth a shot in the future

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • mishari
    didnt see ur other comment there man.. here goes:

    about 2- teslam, coming from u shahada a3taz feeha

    about 7- i LOVE to think that im from the latter kind .. personally i dont see why any1 would see me AS a pessimist in the 1st place

    about 8- hahahah

    about 9- maaaan i didnt even know a "cizeta" existed.. looks a lot like the diablo so im definitely IN

    about 10- sure, u can learn a LOT of stuff in college.. its just not the things that make u a better person nor the smarter person .. u just happen to "learn stuff" .. doesnt necessarily worth anythin in the real world
    the gates example was head-on!

    about 13- u know how some women act as if its a shame if a young lady isnt married "yet" when she surpasses a certain age, or that a woman is "strangely peculiar" and is "always blamed" if she's divorced?
    for some reason, it seems to ME that its mostly WOMEN thinking that about other women and then naming it under MEN and society .. i mean wtf?
    do YOU think of anything regarding a single lady or a divorced one? im just saying i dont, therefore dont understand the "fuss"

    14- wellll if u have to put it that way ;p

    15- makes sense.. ill get back to u at that lama etzawjooni heh

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • mishari
    its matyara911@hotmail.com .. kent 7a6a bas shelta mn fatra

    ba3ad tadre, khofek lo emkhaleeh chan el shaab el la6eef faltat zemaanah anonymous maasek 3alay "haa ashofek betgiz bel net" wela ye6la3ly b wa7da mn rawaa'e3 el gisas ely embade3 feha 7athretah

    but anyway mishari, dont hold back.. id love to get the email BUT im sure it'd have a diff impact here..

    but then again we dont want this post hijacked, so tell u what.. it IS worth another post

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • bo fay heh i cant believe u read it all .. im proud
    anyway, man i dunno everytime i look at the murcielago i remember the diablo 6.0 and i just lose interest

    maybe if u think of it THAT way things will be different?

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • "Totals"... I mean people don`t need to read any other stuff to understand your position/personality. It`s enough to read this post.

    About respect... hm, strange...
    Ok, I got your point. I think yes, it needs a post... it`s too big topic :P

    Thank you for your answer.

    By Blogger Sever, at 24.1.06  

  • sever you are most welcome my Russian COMRADE :p

    bo fay testahel, and i cant argue with that .. the Countach is a classic!

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • Tem, just when I think you can't get any more "unique", you prove me wrong... ;p (this is supposed to be a good thing not a bad thing)

    By Blogger Faith, at 24.1.06  

  • mishari
    heh la wala i didnt.. but DAAAAMN 16!

    kelich nethar, tislemeen .. wahagteeny bs mashkora heh

    ma3alaich zod kelich nethar.. ham enty wahagteeny walla

    bas sadgeeny, ako 3an kel 10 min ely tathkereenhom wa7ed yeswahom (o nafs il shay ma3a il banat 6ab3an) im sure u already know this

    il meshkela, wehy mo meshkela elsara7a, mojarad labs bel mawthoo3.. ena elwa7ed yenjebirr bely yeshofa 7awalaih o yesadeg feh

    theres a saying bel englaizi mo 7aftha laken ma3naah: "ppl are willing to believe the LIES they SEE far more easier than to believe in the TRUTH which is not apparent, no matter how hard u are persuasive in ur convincing"

    bas daam enech thekarty man6eg o esloob haabe6, atwaga3 tegdireen tashmileen kel hal kharabee6 o tajmi3een ena kelman yeragi3 7ag 3omra b ena yegolech wa7da mn el thentain:
    - wela ena "yakhi khalna nestanes, hatha wagtna..el3omor mara"
    - aw shay aghba methel "el denya kelha et6awarat we7na lazem net'aglam lena fashla el nas shetgol 3alaina"

    eeeeeeh .. ana agool gethboly bank burgan o el mesharee3 bacher o all next week bas (shyaaaaab el6ary)

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 24.1.06  

  • design82- I agree with everything you said 100%, couldnt have said it better myself

    Tem- one thing you mentioned stuck out to me, when people do stupid things and say "hathie el 7athara"

    el 7athara mo lbs wila kalaam wila mathaher...el7athara tafkeer, this goes to you and design82 it's such a relief personally to know that there are still sane people in the world la2n ana 8esalt edee :P

    By Blogger Faith, at 24.1.06  

  • 7tenths hahah sorry man but spoken like a true med student..
    i thought u guys guzzled on that redbull like it was orange juice thu :p
    and i totally get u on where ur coming from with the "im me".. respect

    faith a7santay, u speak the truth as i know it

    o la, latqisleen eedich wala shay.. just looking at THIS page, i can see at least 5 people who have the same idea about el 7athara as u do :)

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 25.1.06  

  • You've been tagged my friend :)

    By Blogger cozy, at 25.1.06  

  • wala i get lost kalamek... ;\

    By Blogger Hashemy, at 25.1.06  

  • design82
    kafaity o wafaity b kelmetain.. geltay "menkhad3een feha", sa7 elsanich 3ala rasi

    hmm i looked at the tag topic o elsara7a im not sure if ill do it .. we'll see how it goes man :)

    heh 3asa mashar? garga waaayed, wela u cant understand the writing?
    fi kila el7altaain same7na heh

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 25.1.06  

  • never thought you guys make a big issue of chim edishdashah !
    i know there are some with " bazmat" and others without !

    but 3 chafsat , w madrii shenoo !! boy you got issues ;-p

    thanx for the tag , but im afraid people would think im a freak or something leana i've got lots of khesal '3abiyah heheh

    By Blogger Mother Courage, at 25.1.06  

  • mother c
    la at7ifeena, malech sheghel bely yengaal

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 25.1.06  

  • I agree with #12
    And I found #15 really interesting ;)

    By Blogger Nunu-San, at 26.1.06  

  • nunu im glad u agree with 12 .. extremely glad

    By Blogger Temetwir, at 26.1.06  

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