خمسة عشر فنجال لحنيف صبيت
Not everything we see and like, or desire, is applicable, or "yamshi" with our lives. One of which, and this does not amount to anything but my opinion, is democracy. Another would be, oh yes, a constitution?
The negation of x deems x to be worth nothing. Kuwait's constitution is a primary example in this particular day. First of all, I've never really knew what the fuss is all about. So let it be known that I'm not feeling sorry for it or anything. We all kinda knew it all along. Oh yes we did, yes we did.
You see, think of it this way: you buy yourself a brand new Corvette ZO6 right, and then you just go ahead and modify it with a bunch of stuff. Oh I don't know, some aftermarket mufflers, pipes, and headers to make it known and brag about it. Perhaps add a little something from our friends at Lingenfelter Performance Engineering, say, a couple of turbos stashed under that hood?
All the while, you claim you're thinking of not going over 100km/h. It's just that ridiculous.
In Kuwait's constitution terms, it goes down something like this. You claim that under the constitution, so and so is made clear. When meanwhile, you yourself are planning for so and so that the constitution made clear is not possible also.
Actually, what you plan for is something which the constitution hasn't even mentioned because it's just that ridiculous. Basically, the constitution's hope was to defy something. When it really didn't. And you're just proving it didn't.
Sh. Soba7's "move" is okay, perhaps understandable and everything. If we were living in 1906. Don't get me wrong, I'd RATHER be living in 1906, so I'm kinda glad of what Sh Soba7 did. That is, since now I have more reason to tell whoever it is who brags about Kuwait's constitution and 'what should be done' according to it, to go have sexual intercourse with an article of his choosing of the qanoun he or she happens to flip the page to.
Returning to my opening statement, now, although you might think doing things in a certain manner is the way to go simply because you have seen the fruits of doing something in that manner in another geographical, and cultural context, does not, by any sense, mean that it is the way to go about doing things in your particular geographical and cultural context. No matter what is said and bragged about, you should always know better.
The whole 'tajdeed il thiqa' basically translates into this: we, the Kuwaiti society, are not to be changed in order for us to 'fit' what the (modern, civil, lawful, contemporary - choose your pick) thing urges us to do.
On the contrary, the (modern, civil, lawful, contemporary - choose your pick) thing has to change in order for it to 'fit' our standards.
I have no problem with that, because there was never really anything to 'feel sorry for' in the first place.
As far as you're concerned, can you dig it?
laialy true that
sometimes i think they didnt forget, they simply just dont know that fact
the way i see it? their loss
but anyway all that aside, tell ur mom that my mom is gonna speak to her any minute heh
Temetwir, at 21.1.06
loool...LOOOOL nothing else but loool
Mohammad Al-Yousifi, at 21.1.06
laialy basically it means im down with the way u think thats all
kila ma6goog wayed 3ajabek el title? heheh
Temetwir, at 21.1.06
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