


"La mashkour, ana gi6a3t" said Bashar, the flight attendant, reaching for the packet of smokes in the extended hands of his friend from the gym who happened to be on his flight. Faris smiled leaning to his side, digging his hand in his pocket reaching for a lighter, "eh 3alamik, ana ga6i3 ma3aak, allahuma lel tasleya" he mocked.
Bashar leaned in with the cigarette in his mouth, shielding it with his hands and puffing as Faris extended the lighter, "3adil, 3adil" Bashar replied, "thabe6ni khol-walaa3a Faroos".

The two have lost contact two years ago, in 1993, when the gym they worked out at caught fire. At the time, Bashar always talked about being a pilot; Faris always talked about becoming the first Arab Mr Universe. Two years later, in the present day, Bashar has been a flight attendant for the past 3 months, and Faris just won his first championship in the 80kg category in Kuwait.

"Shoof yoba, once you get past the looks and the 'oh, ent kwaity?', it's smooth sailing from there. I just figured I'd try out the whole schedule thing before asking my dad to pay the full fees for KA, see if this is for me or not" said Bashar, looking right and left for somewhere, something to rid his smoke from the ashes. He leaned in to look past Faris, checking if someone was nearing the back of the plane. He flicked the cigarette letting the ashes fall on the floor, "kaify kwaity, you get to get away with shit like this over here" he joked. "Eeh baayin, ashofik et6ag6eg went tesaweeha", Bashar snapped.

Faris held the empty coke bottle in his hand and used it as his ash-tray, "Ya3ni lal7eenek naawy etkamel 6ayraan?" he asked.
Bashar shrugged, "It's either that, or a job at a bank where all my family are already. Taby il sij, il thiyaafa yayzatly bas 3ad ta3al yawwid 7annat o rannat il waaldah, ely yesma3ha yegool baayeg mo ga3ed ashteghel 7aly 7aal khalg allah. Mesta7ya mn rifeejat'ha sayidaat il mojtama3".
Faris nodded in agreement, he could relate. Professional bodybuilding in Kuwait wasn't exactly your best shot at social recognition. Heck, it wasn't even considered a sport. Just something for born-in-Kuwait Arab nationals to do, "wetha kelesh b tethba7 3omrek, ib yengaal 3anik bidoun", Faris continued. "Il waalid allah yhadaah ma bega 7ad ma dazah 3alay, mako watheefa ma thabba6ha ly. 3enda lo eny ashteghel b ma7a6at banzeen ashraff o 'tet6awaf' men laa eny 'atfassakh wat7ailag b mashyety jedam elnaas' 3ala goltah".

Bashar rid himself of his cigarette throwing it in the extended coke bottle, he started piling trays and nodding to what Faris was saying. "Ana agool jam3aat il ordun o massir matrid 7ad, kelesh kelesh 6againalnaa shahadtain handasa o 3ilom seyaseya", said Bashar. Faris laughed, recognizing that Bashar was talking about two of their friends back from the gym.
"In radat lel sij Basharoo, il ahal o kalamhom shay basee6 o motwaga3, mo fahmeen ena kel wa7ed o meyolah aw 6emo7ah. Il balwa lama tiyee eb takh6eb betkamel ness deenik, ma chenik aademy tenrefith 3ala asaas ena 'la wala fashla'".
"Shfeeh bo niss deenek, Faroos ent e3rif el niss el awal belawal", he teased, "bas wallah ma3ak 7ag. Ma atwaga3 fi wa7da b hal wagt eb tertha ib sheefty wana 3ala hal 7aal."

Faris made way for another flight attendant calling for Bashar. As any self respecting young male, he checked her out from bottom to.. yeah, any self respecting young male would just settle for that. "Wetgooly zawaaj?", Bashar asked rhetorically, "coming coming", he told his colleague.


تعجب الخلق من دمعي ومن ألمي * وما دروا أن حبي صغته بدمي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلاَّ رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ أَفَإِن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ انقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَى أَعْقَابِكُمْ وَمَن يَنقَلِبْ عَلَىَ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَن يَضُرَّ اللّهَ شَيْئًا وَسَيَجْزِي اللّهُ الشَّاكِرِينَ

صدق الله العلي العظيم

بطيبةَ رَسْمٌ للرّسُول وَمَعْهَدُ مُنِيرٌ، وَقَد تَعْفُو الرُّسُومُ وتَهْمــَدُ

ولا تَنْمَحي الآياتُ مِن دَارِ حُرْمَةٍ بها مِنْبَرُ الهادي الذي كانَ يَصْعـَدُ

ووَاضِح ُ آياتٍ، وَبَاقي مَعَالِمٍ، وَرَبْعٌ لَهُ فيهِ مُصَلَّى وَمَســـْجِدُ

بِها حُجُرَاتٌ كانَ يَنْزِلُ وَسْطَها مِنَ الله نورٌ يُسْتَضَاءُ، وَيُوقـــَدُ

مَعالِمُ لمْ تُطْمَسْ على العَهْدِ آيُها أتَاهَا البِلَى، فالآيُ منها تَجــَدَّدُ

عرَفْتُ بِهَا رَسْمَ الرّسُولِ وعَهْدَهُ، وَقَبْرَاً بِهِ وَارَاهُ في التُّرْبِ مُلــْحِدُ

ظَلِلْتُ بها أبكي الرّسولَ، فأسْعَدَتْ عُيون، وَمِثْلاها مِنَ الجَفْن ِ تُسـعدُ

تَذَكَّرُ آلاءَ الرّسولِ، وَمَـا أرَى لهَا مُحصِياً نَفْسي، فنَفسي تبـلَّدُ

مُفجَّعَةٌ قَدْ شَفّهَا فَقْدُ أحْـمَدٍ، فَظَلّتْ لآلاءِ الرّسُولِ تُعـــَدِّدُ

وَمَا بَلَغَتْ منْ كلّ أمْرٍ عَشـِيرَهُ، وَلكِنّ نَفسي بَعْضَ ما فيهِ تـحمَد

أطالتْ وُقوفاً تَذْرِفُ العَينُ جُهْدَها عَلى طَلَلِ القَبْرِ الّذي فِيهِ أحْـمَدُ

فَبُورِكتَ، يا قبرَ الرّسولِ، وبورِكتْ بِلاَدٌ ثَوَى فيهَا الرّشِيدُ المُســَدَّدُ

وَبُورِكَ لَحْد ٌ منكَ ضُمّنَ طَيّباً، عَليهِ بناءُ من صفيحٍ، مُنَـــضَّدُ

تَهِيلُ عَلَيْهِ التَرْبَ أيْدٍ وأعْيُنٌ عليهِ، وقدْ غارَتْ بذلِكَ أسْــعُدُ

لقد غَيّبوا حِلْماً وعِلْماً وَرَحمةً، عَشِيّةَ عَلّوْهُ الثّرَى، لا يُوَسَّـــدُ

وَرَاحُوا بحُزْنٍ ليس فيهِمْ نَبيُّهُمْ، وَقَدْ وَهَنَتْ منهُمْ ظهورٌ، وأعضـُدُ

يُبكّون مَنْ تَبكي السَّماوات يَوْمَهُ، وَمَنْ قدْ بَكَتْهُ الأرْضُ فالناس أكمَدُ

وَهَلْ عَدَلَتْ يَوْماً رَزِيّةُ هَالِكٍ رَزِيّةَ يَوْمٍ مَاتَ فِيهِ مُحَــــمّدُ

تَقَطَّعَ فيهِ منزِلُ الوَحْيِ عَنهُمُ، وَقَد كان ذا نورٍ، يَغورُ ويُنــْجِدُ

يَدُلُّ على الرّحمنِ مَنْ يقتَدي بِهِ، وَيُنْقِذُ مِنْ هَوْلِ الخَزَايَا ويُرْشِــدُ

إمامٌ لَهُمْ يَهْدِيهِمُ الحقَّ جَاهِداً، مُعلِّمُ صدْقٍ، إنْ يُطِيعوهُ يَسـعَدوا

عَفُوٌّ عن الزّلاّتِ، يَقبلُ عُذْرَهمْ، وإنْ يُحسِنُوا، فالله بالخَيرِ أجــْوَد

وإنْ نَابَ أمْرٌ لم يَقوموا بحَمْدِهِ، فَمِنْ عِنْدِهِ تَيْسِيرُ مَا يَتَشــَدّدُ

فَبَيْنَا هُمُ في نِعْمَةِ الله بيْنَهُمْ دليلٌ به نَهْجُ الطّريقَة ِ يُقْصَـــدُ

عزيزٌ عليْهِ أنْ يَحِيدُوا عن الهُدَى، حَريصٌ على أن يَستقِيموا ويَهْتَدوا

عَطُوفٌ عَليهِمْ، لا يُثَنّي جَناحَهُ إلى كَنَفٍ يَحْنو عليهم وَيَمْهــِدُ

فَبَيْنَا هُمُ في ذلكَ النّورِ، إذْ غَدَا إلى نُورِهِمْ سَهْمٌ من المَوْتِ مُقصـِدُ

فأصْبَحَ محمُوداً إلى الله رَاجِعاً، يُبَكّيهِ جَفْنُ المُرسَلاتِ وَيَحمــَدُ

وأمستْ بِلادُ الحَرْم وَحشاً بقاعُها، لِغَيْبَةِ ما كانَتْ منَ الوَحْيِ تعهـدُ

قِفاراً سِوَى مَعْمورَةِ اللَّحْدِ ضَافَها فَقِيدٌ، يُبَكّيهِ بَلاطٌ وغَرْقـدُ

وَمَسْجِدُهُ، فالموحِشاتُ لِفَقْدِهِ، خلاءٌ لَه ُ فِيهِ مَقامٌ وَمَقْــعَدُ

وبِالجَمْرَةِ الكُبْرَى لهُ ثَمّ أوْحشتْ دِيارٌ، وعَرْصَاتٌ، وَرَبْعٌ، وَمــوْلِدُ

فَبَكّي رَسولَ الله يا عَينُ عَبْرَةً ولا أعرِفَنْكِ الدّهْرَ دمعَكِ يَجْمَدُ

وَمَا لكِ لا تَبْكِينَ ذا النّعْمَةِ الّتي على النّاسِ مِنْها سابغٌ يَتَغَـــمَّدُ

فَجُودي عَلَيْهِ بالدّموعِ وأعْوِلي لِفَقْدِ الذي لا مِثْلُهُ الدّهرَ يُوجَــدُ

وَمَا فَقَدَ الماضُونَ مِثْلَ مُحَمّدٍ، ولا مِثْلُهُ، حتّى القِيَامَةِ، يُفْقـــَدُ

أعَفَّ وأوْفَى ذِمّةً بَعْدَ ذِمّةٍ، وأقْرَبَ مِنْهُ نائِلاً، لا يُنــــَكَّدُ

وأبْذَلَ مِنهُ للطّريفِ وَتَالـِدٍ، إذا ضَنّ معطاءٌ بما كانَ يُتـــْلِدُ

وأكرَمَ حَيَّاً في البُيُوتِ، إذا انتمى، وأكْرَمَ جَدَّاً أبْطَحِيَّاً يُســــَوَّد

وأمْنَعَ ذِرْوَات، وأثْبَتَ في العـُلى دَعَائِمَ عِزٍّ شاهِقات ٍ تُشــــيَّدُ

وأثْبَتَ فَرْعاً في الفُرُوعِ وَمَنْبِـتاً، وَعُوداً غَداةَ المُزْنِ، فالعُودُ أغـيَدُ

رَبَاهُ وَلِيـداً، فَاسْتَتَمَّ تَمامــَهُ على أكْرَمِ الخيرَاتِ، رَبٌّ مُمـجَّدُ

تَنَاهَتْ وَصـَاةُ المُسْـلِمِينَ بِكَفّهِ، فَلا العِلْمُ محْبوسٌ، ولا الرّأيُ يُفْـنَدُ

أقُولُ، ولا يُلْفَى لِقَـوْلي عَائِبٌ منَ النّاسِ، إلاّ عازِبُ العقلِ مُبعَدُ

وَلَيْسَ هَوَائي نازِعاً عَنْ ثَنائِهِ، لَعَلّي بِهِ في جَنّةِ الخُلْدِ أخْـــلُدُ

مَعَ المُصْطَفَى أرْجو بذاكَ جِوَارَهُ، وفي نَيْلِ ذاك اليَوْمِ أسْعَى وأجْـهَد

شعر حسان بن ثابت

Eeeh ya 7asaan..

وَمَا فَقَدَ الماضُونَ مِثْلَ مُحَمّدٍ، ولا مِثْلُهُ، حتّى القِيَامَةِ، يُفْقـــَدُ


الزمن غدار والحكمة تقول .. كل شي معقول

Silly things that help me understand why people nowadays call for or believe in silly things. You know, like world peace, democracy, love, isslaa7, saying "meta niseer nafs idbay", and all other kinds of gibberish.

All it takes is for you to consider ONE SINGLE thing from the 'present' better. Trust me, it's related on some level.

Present 'great movie' .. walla sij?

Past 'great movie' .. basee6a yal rabi3, basee6a

Present 'beautiful woman' .. abooch labo abooch labo mn gal enich fad3ah

Past 'beautiful woman' .. raylich "be7u6 nafsuh fi mawagef baykhaaaaaahhhh"

Present Mercedes interior .. madry ana ba6eer wela raye7 agiz ?

Past Mercedes interior .. o ibrat el banzeen dayman 3al empty? ayabaah

Present Mr Olympia .. 'saak allah bel khair 6eweel el3omor, bkhair 3asak ebkhair?

Past Mr Olympia, imsa7ha b wayhe ya Frank

I am so living in the wrong decade.



عجبت وأيام الزمان عجائـب * ويظهر بين المعجبات عظيمها
تبيت النشاوى من أمية نومـاً * وبالطف قتلى ماينـام حميمهـا
وتضحى كرام من ذوابة هاشم * يحكّم فيها كيف شـاء لئيمهـا
وربات صــون ماتبدت لعينهــا * قبيل الصبــا إلا لوقت نجومهــا
تزاولهــا أيــدي الهوان كأنمـا * تقحــم ما لا عفــو فيـه أثيمهـا
وما أفسـد الاسـلام إلا عصابــة * تآمــر نوكاهــا ودام نعيمهــا
وصارت قناة الدين في كـف ظالـم * أذا مــال منها جانب لا يـقيمهـا
وخاض بها طخياء لا يهتـدى لهـا * سبيل ولا يرجو الهدى من يعومهـا
الى حيث القاها ببيـداء مجهــل * تضل لأهل الحلم فيهــا حلومهـا
رمتها لأهل الطـف منهــا عصابة * حداها الى هـدم المكــارم لومهـا
فشفّت بها شعــواء في خير قتيـة * تخلت لكسب المكرمات همومهــا
أولـئــك آل الله آل مـحـمــد * كــرام تحدت مــاحداها كريمها
يخوضون تيــار المنايا ظوا ميـا * كما خاض في عذب الموارد هيمهـا
يقوم بهم للمجـد أبيــض ماجــد * أخو عزمــات أقعدت من يرومهـا
فأقسمــت لا تنفك نفسي جزوعـة * وعيني سفوحاً لا يمـل سجومهــا
حياتي أو تلقى أميـــة وقعــة * يذل لهــا حتى الممات قرومهــا

وهب بن زمعة

Eeh ya Wahab, وما أفسـد الاسـلام إلا عصابــة تآمــر نوكاهــا ودام نعيمهــا




He looked at the two young men and shook his head. He guided his sight back to the blue file on his desk and continued to write. The two boys in his office were both dragged into the police station by 5 men. And still, his colleagues could not seperate the two far enough from each other for them not to have contacted through some kicks, punches or pulls.
As he continued to write, he tried to think of who kicked the shit out of the other. So he glanced back at them to conclude that they both did quite a good job at beating the other up. He raised his wrist to check the spelling of the last word he wrote, and then rushed his hand to the bottom of the paper. "Ta3al ya Khalid", he addrressed one of the young men, "waggi3, o iyany iyaak ashoufek itwa6we6 ehni mara thanya".
Khalid obliged. He walked to the desk with a slight limp, his right thigh soaked his jeans with blood. He scribbled and turned to make his way out of the office, Bashar stared at him.
"Dourik ya istath Bashar, sharrif."
Bashar obliged.


"Inta ily shtaby raz wayhek? Mn dag 3ala omik yaay etdakhel 3essik b shay maykhessik," yelled Bashar.
Bashar was leaning inside a parked Land Cruiser from the driver's side. In the driver's seat was a young girl, explicitly irritated.
She looked in the side mirror and saw her cousin, Khalid, grabbing Bashar from the shoulder, "agolek ahaly, i7mar ent ma teftehim?", Khalid replied just as loud, pushing Bashar to one of the walls of the underground Fanar parking lot.
"Kafwik hal ashkaal ahalik," a furious Bashar snapped back, swinging his hand to meet Khalid's face. A not so pleasant meeting, that's for sure. Balancing himself on the door of his cousin's car, Khalid swung back directly punching Bashar in the mouth. The girl in the car witnessed a spurt of blood flying on her windshield, targetting her to jump in her seat.
Taken to the floor, but still kicking, Khalid ripped the bloody faced guy's T-shirt and continued to strike what would definitely be KO's in one of his Kuwait Boxing Team matches in a championship abroad.
The girl inside opened the door, pushing her cousin's already-bent back by mistake. Bashar pulled Khalid's neck and brought him to the floor. Rising and kicking at the same time, he immediately saw himself against the wall again by 2 guys. Another 3 guys urged the girl to close the door and leave. They then lifted Khalid off the floor. Pulling them apart, and dragging them to the two seperate elevators.
The echo of swearing and who would fuck whose mother first had everyone's attention in the underground parking lot.


The indian guy with the flashlight walked down the aisle of the cinema. He was trying to remember if this was the 30th time he watched this movie, or if it was the 31st. He thought for a second and concluded that this was probably the 31st time he saw the movie, and the 30th time he saw a couple not paying attention to the screen.


Bashar had his hand on Dana's hair, Dana's hands were somewhere not so near Bashar's hair. Bashar was 'looking' at the big screen, but he wasn't really 'looking'. Some indian guy was talking to some other indian guy about his daughter, or some other three hour nonesense. He just thought about having Dana's hair up in a fist.


Dana walked into the dark theatre, looking at the lights on the steps, guided by the indian-with-the-flashlight who had her ticket and was leading her to her seat. She had just shut her phone after talking to her mother in the car about her being outside her friend's house to study for tomorrow's quiz. Her mother wished her luck.
The indian flashed his light to the seat and made way for Dana to pass him. Greeted, she was, by one good looking Bashar.


He tried to swift through the translation on the big screen. Up until this point, fifteen minutes into the movie, he only understood that the good looking woman in the movie called the not so good looking man "papa ji".
He was distracted when he saw a flashlight blinking in his eyes. He smiled, and with his hand he reached for a place not so near his hair.


Bashar guided his wide black Gallardo along the entrance of il Fanar's underground parking, giving a slight beep of the horn to the bored Egyptian male in the cubicle who considered Bashar as his 'favorite regular'. He made his way through the tight corners and proceeded to go one level further down the basement, as agreed with one called Dana. He parked his car and waited.
He checked if he had any service in the basement, and called to see where the bitch was. She told him she'd be twenty more minutes. He told her to come ask for her ticket, left in her name at the entrance of the cinema. With that, he made his way out of the car and walked towards the elevators.


شيم اون يو

Dr Wafa' Sultan is 'one of them people'.

From one of her (translated) speeches, she says:

"When religion becomes the measurement for your humanity - specifies your rights and draws the features of your freedom - you will undoubtedly conflict with that religion whenever you try to fly in the skies of your humanity, whenever you demand your rights, or try to enjoy your freedom."

Dr Sultan, 7abeebty entay, if by "flying in the skies of my humanity" and my "right to enjoy my freedom" you mean that I would be excused to drink an enough amount of alcohol and act like a moron afterwards; or if I were to be excused for if I were to go to a rock concert and jump up and down like a monkey because, hey, by the definition of evolution, and on the basis that there is no god and organized religion is just a figment of humanity's imagination, "it runs in the family that I would jump up and down", besides I'm young and full of life and I can say or do whatever I want because I'm free; or maybe you're 'about more than that', Dr Sultan, maybe you're about me enjoying my freedom and having access to all the many (banned) books of the 'West' that will encourage me to think and 'discover myself' through the idea of that there is no god and there is no "master plan", rather, there are only dreams and there are only "O what wonderful horizons lay ahead in the midst of secularism where I can offer you a drink of my piss because it's how we roll back at where I come from - the land of the free", yeah, Dr Sultan, you really tend to know what's up; maybe you, Dr Sultan, being a psychologist and all, want to encourage my potential thoughts of having sex with seventeen 19 year old girls because it is healthy for my personality that I reward myself with what I believe is my right, and god forbid that I would implode if I were not to have it and thus explode in a suicidal bombing in a mosque because 'the mosque' is where I was banned from having that sexual relation with my pretty and gorgeous group of babes; oh no, come on, Dr Sultan, why do you have to be like that? I'm not "objectifying women", I'm just entertaining the thought that a young, free soul like myself could convince seventeen 19 year old girls to jump in bed all at the same time because, with respect to YOUR definition, THAT would be me 'flying in the skies of my male humanity'; and you, Dr Sultan, have no right in taking that away from me because that's who I am goddamn it; yes, Dr, yes, I was abused as a child by females and I was attacked by my uncle and that is why I feel the urge to get back at society in fucking seventeen 19 year olds all at the same time; then again, maybe you're about more than that, Dr Sultan, maybe you're about 'being okay' with me experimenting with drugs, putting my life on the line, which, mind you, Dr Sultan, is "statistically proven" and "empirically shown" to be the case by the 'Western researchers'; Dr Sultan, maybe you're all about encouraging young men - 6ab3an ba3ad ethnich Dr, madri chan tesme7eenly aseer rayaal, 3ady tara aseerlcih mo rayal afa 3alaich because it would be your right to take that away from me because you are free and un-bound with religion which limits your flying in the skies of your humanity - so as I was saying, Dr, maybe you are all about the fine young men from the Middle East to show that they have become civilised and up-to-date by forgetting to study, and major in, Sharee3a and the like, rather, you would have them study fine arts and music and, while they're at it, re-check with themselves 'if they were born gay' so they can be free and not restricted to what religion wants them to be..

Oh yeah, Dr Sultan, if you are about any of the above, then okay, I just needed to know, "no judgement". Thing is, my faith urges me to know, and that if I did not know, would then ask, before opening my mouth and start accusing your fine philisophical doctorate self.

Dr Wafa Sultan, who, at one stage in an interview wanted to incorporate a verse from the Holy Quran into her speech and did a miserable job at showing that she actually knew the verse, was told to "not iterate the verse if you do not know it by heart".
Here, she asked how the man who was debating her would explain this verse to his kids. The man in return has asked her to "get out a copy of the Quran and read it for herself first", and then she insisted he read it to her.

He told her that she was responsible for what she said, or else, she would be nothing but an 'ignorant' person; who just talks and talks about the things he or she DOES NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT.

She then snapped back at him saying "I read more than you read, and I understand more than you could understand."

I'm sorry, Dr, but it really REALLY doesn't look that way. Lel amana ya3ni, wa7id sefir.

She then goes on debating why "we" (Muslims, I would assume) call "them" 'ahlu ketaab'. Arguing, she was, the fact that they were 'ahlu kotob', and that we, Muslims were the ones who are "ahl ketaab", one book she insists, which limits us because it was "from" the Middle Ages.

Akh ya dektora lo enich sakta o raa7mah 7aalich.

Dr Wafa, etha tesme7eenly 6ab3an eny akoon daaris o faahim o te3tarfain eb shahadty, I see why you are having a hard time. Taking "ahl ketaab" literally as 'one book', and arguing the "plurality" of ketab into "kutob", is by far the weakest and most pathetic attempt at illustrating Muslims as 'prejudiced'. Ingalbay ana agool.

Moving on.

Later on, Dr Wafa states:

أنا لست مسيحية لست مسلمة ولا يهودية أنا إنسانة علمانية لا أؤمن بالغيبيات

Upon which, the man has asked her "mol7ida?".

Key word being asked. It's called intonation.

After asking her again, Dr Wafa, to me at least, seemed to "snap" again saying that he had no business because that is personal. 3ayal tekfain, sh maalah raaza wayhech o tegoleen ana lany kait kait kait, 7aaba ite3arafain ?

Then, the Dr goes into saying "leave everyone alone into thinking whatever they want to think". Comment: golay 7ag nafsich.
Actual reply: Christians for example believe in the holy trinity, and I as a Muslim believe in the "one and only God". Not a holy son, not a holy ghost, "ain't nobody there but one" according to my "Middle Aged" belief. Tabeen ta7kimeen bainny o bainah yal "3almaaneya" .. 6ayyib, 6al3y jedamich wely ye3afeech.

Two last notes.

First, Dr Wafa is calling for 'respecting others' faiths' when she herself does not have the courtesy to even know what she is debating. I ask this: if this 'one, single book Muslims have, that belongs back to the Middle Ages' accusation was true - how do we explain the revolution of the sciences on the hands of 'Muslim scientists' all throughout the "Middle Ages".
I am sick and tired of talking about what Muslims used to be, but that does not give me the "right" (3adil dektora?) to say that such events did not happen. A little history course would do wonders for Dr Wafa Sultan. It really, REALLY, would.

Second, on their site, MEMRI state:

Attacks on Arab-American Psychologist Wafa Sultan: Islamist Sheikh on Al-Jazeera Calls Her Heretic; Syrian Sermon Calls Her Infidel"

I, being I, have nothing to say about the 'Syrian sermon' because I do not KNOW if it was true or not. Nor do I care, because it does not serve my purpose. Nor would I find it strange if it DID happen.
It's called "knowing what's up" Dr. It's when you have the decency to differentiate.

What I do care about, however, is the pathetic way of presentation.

As I have made clear above, the man debating her ASKED her if she was a 'heretic'. Asked her, "are you a heretic?" after, keyword now being AFTER, she had stated that she is not a Muslim, Jew, nor a Christian. Would it have been him "CALLING HER" a Buddhist, if he had asked "Boothiya?".
Afaaaa, lajaiteena eb enich mit3alma, o "gaarya", o "faahma" o 3amlatlena feha fettewat infetaa7 o ta7athur, wakhrat'ha athrach bas 7achi?

I am appalled, Dr Wafa + MEMRI, of your stance. You, being the translators, and you being the bilinguals, are responsible for LETTING PEOPLE MAKE UP THEIR MINDS. Not directing them. Isn't that what you are ACCUSING "us" of doing?

That is, you should include a question mark after a question. Better yet, you should include "I AM ASKING YOU IF YOU WERE A HERETIC", show it. NOT SKIP IT. Definitely NOT resort to something like "he called her a heretic". According to freedom of speech, where does 'making up an event that did not happen' fall under?

What did happen was that she CALLED HERSELF a Non-Muslim, Non-Jew, and a Non-Christian. Therefore, putting the man in a position to ask in order to continue a conversation.

It's called pragmatics.
And it's specifically called "giving the floor".

And if it was a "personal matter that he has no business in asking about", then why say you are NOT a Muslim/Christian/Jew?

Again, it's called the MAXIM OF QUANTITY in the co-operative principle.
There's another maxim too. Maxim of relation.

That's elementary. If you do NOT know this, what can you possibly "understand" and what could you have possibly "read" about that makes you certain to make such a statement as: "
أنا أقرأ أكثر مما تقرأ وأفهم أكثر مما تفهم"

Besides, "heretic" is the WRONG translation. Athiest is MUCH closer. Apostate too, but that would be a bit different. Heretic is the incorrect translation.

This translation and this presentation of the events can only mean one thing. BEGGING FOR SUPPROT from the Non-Arabic speaking world. That, or simply not knowing the basis of translation. La belaaah khosh research institute.

"Nabey il Islam" ely 6aye7 men 3ainech gaal: ra7imma Allah imre'en 3arrafa gadr nafseh.
Fihmay ya idbesha.
Igray, igray. Ayasty mn denyaach balah.

Yes, I read a few books too Dr Wafa + MEMRI. In my country, and within the 'limits' of my faith. I have learned everything that enables me to observe, think, conclude, then think again, and ONLY THEN, utter my thoughts.
Who knows, maybe if you let aside your prejudices of Muslims, you'll learn a thing or two.

Yes, I understand that the ones who have burned down embassies are so-called Muslims. Yes, I understand that you are "scientists" and only believe in science or whatever.

It's just that me, being a Muslim, would be obliged to report events as they exactly unfolded. Or else, I would be lying.

Lying, ladies and gentlemen of the secular world, is something that my faith states is a "forbidden act".

I have been to a number of the sites that speak of your interview. And the only source they have in which they can understand is your site. Whatever happened to self-confidence? Whatever happened to being held accountable for everything you say, and report?
Wain il amaana il 3elmiya? What if someone in 2 years was to write a paper on this subject and used you as a source. Do you condone fabricating sources to serve your purpose? That falls under 'freedom' too?

What does your 'freedom' have to say about this, I wonder?
According to the semantics of your definition, it would entail that you are 'free to lie because you are free to say whatever you want'. Is that it?

Is that REALLY it? No?
Then act like it.

Because it sure looks like it, Dr Wafa. It sure looks like it.


* I did not want this to be "political". But what she says about the Jews being scattered and "working" together and all that. Madry. Sharraw il arth sa7? La imbala sharooha..
La mayseer.. ? Tekfain la sharooha? 7asha mayseer, sharoha agolech.

* What she says about "not seeing one Jew" doing this or that. Hatha wenty el sooriya? Khe6fy reelich kha6wetain betshofon hal yahood shga3deen yesawon bel naas.

* Aham shay lama galat "etruko al naasa fi 3agaa'edahem" .. Khalas ya jema3a aamana bel jareer eben el maktaba elwaagi3 iben 7awaly ibin mojama3 iben el negra?

* Faisal Il Qasim, meta b yet3alam?

- - -

Sources and links:

* EDITED-OUT INTERVIEW showing ONLY some of Dr Wafa's contributions. Here.
If you are using Firefox, please copy the link to IE. (It only worked there for me). <-- see? being honest hehe

* Arabic transcript of the interview. Here from Al Jazeerah.

* Link to the translated speech I have quoted just the opening of. Here.


كدا كفاية بلاش تقريح .. كدا كفاية

Quote: On the recording, Bennish told the students that some of Bush's speech "sounds a lot like the things that Adolf Hitler used to say. We're the only ones who are right, everyone else is backwards and our job is to conquer the world and make sure that they all live just like we want them to." Unquote.

- Al Sy An In -

He was put on leave.

Not that I agree with what he is suggesting, nor is it that I disagree; I just find it interesting that they (whoever 'they' are) know when to put a stop (as temporary as it may seem) to the so-called, and ever so greatly misconceptional-ized (not a real word), 'freedom of speech' phrase.

Another fine, recent example would be the Holocaust denier (courtesy of our friends over at bbc). Again, not that I disagree with what he is saying; nor is it that I agree to what he implemented. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about the sentencing either. What I am interested, again, is that they (whoever they are) know when to put a stop to the so-called, and ever so greatly misconceptional-ized (not a real word), 'freedom of speech' phrase.

Note: 'they' in the text refers to the same 'they' whom 'some people' from our miseducated knit wits in Kuwait mislead themselves to believe that 'they' (ones in text) have -adjective- freedom of speech. Unrestricted. Un-whatever. Mo6lagah, ely ho. It is not the case. Give yourself the courtesy and respect yourself.

So get this through your heads: in the cases of basing your arguments on a notion you think is what is believed in, when in fact it is not what it is believed in, you, sir, madam, are better off to either go fuck yourself. Or fuck yourself. Figuratively.
The reason why is called scalar implicature.

Wa ma3a thalik awadd abaarik lel ekhwa wel akhawaat "mo3tanigy al math'hab al islaa7y" a.k.a ely ma 3endehom salfa wely 7annaw 7anna 3ala igraar ganoun il ma6bo3at il neo-atharri.
Lekom meni 10 esneen, itha fadkom eb shay men ely t7asbouna befeedkom feeh ma a6la3 3ali.


أجل أجل.. طيب طيب.. صحيح صحيح

This is for all of those who not only say, but actually believe, that Kuwait is "dawlat mo'asasaat". I refuse to translate the phrase, for the simple reason/fact that it cannot be translated. That is because the first thing 'they' taught us in translation was: get the idea; then translate. 'Do not translate the words'. Samewise, il rizana bel kalam ma6loubah.

And since "dawlat mo'asasat" is an 'idea of an ideal' (or 'an idea of an idea') it, therefore, cannot be translated; nor can it be used in a senseful sentence in the standard Arabic language, or the Kuwaiti dialect, when it is employed in the description of the current state in 'Kuwaitna il 7abeeba'. Ya kether ma ne7ib o 'te7eboun' 3ad hatha ely sij fal7een feh, shyokh o wezara isla7eyeen o nowaab 'yemathlon el oma' wa6aniyeen "besmelaahe mashaa` Allah', o "qars el wa6aneya o 7ob il 'arth'" o "fananeen" wel 6arab il aseel o gergee3ain o madry sheno.. "turaath" o betaa3 kulo .. ma agol ila "ya mal il thahaab".

Lil mara il malyon atrajaa men "ashegaa'ey fil jenseya" (?), wel mowa6ineen ely lajouna o athouna b kalam farigh la yatem lelwagi3 b ssillah: I ask you kindly to not iterate, think, lead, or be mislead to the 'unrealized concept' of Kuwait actually, and practically, being 'dawlat mo'asasat'.

Mayseer ya "a7ebbaty filaah" ena tangedoun 3ala Il Khanna + Il Waseelah enhom 'bas 7achi', o entaw ham 'bas 7achi'. Il ta6beeg la yekon bel tasree7 fi neyat el ta6beeg.

Il dawla wa en kaan feeha "mo'asasat", o mashya 3ala 'gawaneen o lawaa'e7', khalona 7abayeb o malah da3y gelat el adab, kel wa7ed yadre 'shesawi' fehom. Wa lana fi jam3at il Kuwait khayro methaal "mosaghar".

Fil nehayaa, ta7eya kibeera lel "islaa7y" wazeer il dawla + il 3ahd il jideed + nowaab il omma il ashaawis o faz3at'hom lel "kafa'a" o "abnaa' el mo'asasa". "Bardhu feena ne'ool" ye3eesh 'il jihaz il raghaby' Deewan Il Mo7asaba il 7abeeb bas ya 7abatha lo 'yathrub tagreerah 3erth el 7aa'e6' o balaash khasaayir warag o 7ebir. Save the planet yal rabi3 dam hamkom "el 7efath 3ala el maal el3aam".