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*B just got off the phone*
A: So you love her, yeah?
B: Yeah, man. It's great.
A: What's that? Being pussy whipped?
B: Being in love.
A: How do you know you love her? Who is she anyway?
B: I can't tell who she is, and you don't explain love. You just know it.
A: Why can't you tell me? Afraid she's been passed around before? Don't wanna be disappointed?
B: No, but what do I gain in telling you? What do you gain in me telling you?
A: Nothing, but you never gained anything in me knowing who your mom is. You love your mom don't you?
B: Sure I do.
A: And I know who your mom is. So what difference does it make if I knew a woman you loved?
B: I don't think it's the same thing. There is no way you can not know who my mother is. But there is a way to make you not know who the girl I love is.
A: "A way"? Don't you mean "a reason"?
B: What would that reason be?
A: That you don't want anyone to know who the girl you say you love is?
B: Uh-huh?
A: Because you know 85% of all the guys will think she's a bitch.
B: I don't care what people think.
A: Yeah? Then why don't you tell people who she is.
B: Because there's nothing that forces me to do so.
A: Okay. But you did say that you don't care what people thought. And clearly you think of yourself as such an asshole that you convince yourself that you love this girl, and you show it. You admit that you love her. But then you say you don't care if people thought she was a bitch if they knew her. So prove it.
B: I don't have to prove it.
A: Because you know it's wrong?
B: No.
A: Then why is it secretive?
B: Because I choose it to be.
A: You know who keep things secretive? Guilty people. Robbers, murderers, everybody who's done something 'bad', for a general term. Oh and you know what happens to guilty people when they confess?
B: What's that?
A: They get fucked. They either go to jail, or they are forced to put up with how they are frowned upon.
B: Are you saying that loving a girl is the same as murdering someone?
A: No, I'm saying you obviously feel the same guilt as someone who killed someone. And I'm saying you know that you, or her actually, will get fucked if you confess or let it be known who she is.
B: You're an idiot.
A: Am I? Think about it. You say you don't care what people think. You say you're convinced that what you're doing is right. But you fail to admit the whole thing. It's like when some guy marries a second wife. If he knows he's guilty, he doesn't make it known.
B: But I did say I am in love. So I'm admitting it.
A: Yeah? I have a meter long cock. I'm admitting it too. I'll prove it if you prove that you don't care what people think.
B: That's biologically impossible.
A: It's logically impossible for you to convince yourself you love a girl too.
B: What? Why?
A: Because you don't have any reason to think that. Not even if your subconscious wants to fuck her so bad, and not even if your consciousness tells you that that admitting that will drive her away. So you submit it for 'love'. That's what you show the world. That you love her. When you obviously don't
B: Like I said, you're an idiot.
A: Do you think she will mind if you told me who she was?
B: Sure she'll mind. She already thinks of you as an idiot.
A: She minds because she knows what she's doing is wrong. She feels guilty too.
B: So what, now you're an expert on introspection?
A: No, I just know wassup. Do you think her dad knows about you?
B: He doesn't.
A: Does her dad know she has a male lecturer at school?
B: He does.
A: So it's not just about her being 'exposed' to a male human being. It's about the way she is exposed. You think her mother will be okay with you fucking her?
B: I don't wanna fuck her.
A: Okay, you're gay, I get it. That's not the question, do you think her mother will be okay with you fucking her?
B: No.
A: So what makes it okay that you talk to her?
B: You're saying sleeping with a girl is the same as being in love with her?
A: No, I'm saying there isn't any 'degree of error'. What's wrong, is wrong. Sure, a wrong doing may be 'lighter' than another wrong doing. But doing a certain degree of an error, and not commiting the larger error as if you're making the first, lighter error into a right thing .. is just bullshit.
B: You have way too much time on your hands. What does that even mean?
A: It means that, just like saying that 'two wrongs don't make it right', doing one wrong alone does not make it right.
B: What makes it wrong? That I talk to her and love her?
A: Besides your faith? The fact that you're keeping it secretive. The fact that she knows it's wrong in keeping it not known. Not even to her father.
B: But I, well, WE, are not doing anything wrong.
A: Let me get this straight. You think of her as the girl you love, but whom you're not married to. Basically, the concept of a girlfriend in certain cultures.
B: Yes.
A: But you don't live with her, and you don't go out with her.
B: I go out with her. But living with her is wrong.
A: Now I know you think of yourself as an asshole. It's not about the 'degree of error'. What's the difference between living with someone and going out with someone?
B: You're saying they're the same thing?
A: Tell you what. Think of someone, ANYONE, whom you know, but don't want anyone to know who they are; whom you go out with; but whom you know living with is wrong; i.e. if you could find anyone who it is 'okay to go out with' but 'not okay to live with'; also, make sure that they feel the same way. I.e. that they say it's okay to be with you, but don't want anyone to know who they are. Like a person who is ashamed.
That they're okay with going out with you, for a certain period of time; but still think it's wrong to live with you. Then, and only then, will we talk.
You blame everything on emotions. Thinking that it makes you sound, or seem, or feel even, compassionate. Caring. Loving. Whatever it is. 'Cute', even. But the fact of the matter is, it makes you look like an idiot. You and the idiot who believes you love her. You know how I know that you know what you're doing is wrong?
It's because you have a way out. Something that makes you think will make it all 'okay' and 'understandable'.
That's by you saying, and by her thinking, that whatever it is you have now will 'end in marriage'.
If it's so bloody right to you, emotionally and logically, then why do you have something like marriage as 'the end' that makes it all right? Why do you have a way out?
So, B is being secretive out of respect and fear for the girl's reputation, which is contradictory. If he really respected the girl and was worried about what people would say about her, he should have taken a shortcut and done it the right way, through marriage. No guilt there, no reason to look over your shoulders worriedly.
Anonymous, at 27.4.06
but, didnt u hear?
they 'need time to know each other' .. make sure theyre 'compatible' .. which i can only imagine can mean they like the same icecream flavor, or perhaps -becoz theyre sooooo cool and 'open'- they have the same taste in starbucks' coffee .. oh wait, how abt the same taste in sushi dishes?
okay, 7aleeb kakaw KDD or 7aleeb el se3odeya?
point being: ppl like u and i are so "not in" these days
Temetwir, at 27.4.06
I wish I have the courage to tell my friend that. Heck, I remember I used to be like person B. That I wasn't doing anything wrong. I'm just talking to a person whom I think I was in love with. I stopped it. A week later I found a person that made me feel the same way. lol So it wasn't 'love'. It was shit. All in the mind. So I knew I would be an idiot if I continued this shit and stopped it. Now I hope my friend snaps out of it, too.
I so agree with person A.
Anonymous, at 27.4.06
Badliya alert :: A: It's logically impossible to for you to convince yourself you love a girl too.
Please correct it; It's causing me brain-aches.
A similar conversation occured between me & a dude a while ago... 1 hour wasted on nothing...
Love comes after marriage. Who you choose to be your life partner is a matter of fate.
MBH, at 27.4.06
r e s p e c t
the point u mentioned abt "finding some1 that made me feel the same way" was spot on
again, respect
will fix in a jiffy
abt the 'fate' thing, i agree .. but i also dont think its just an issue of 'chance' .. just so we enrich the meaning of fate
Temetwir, at 27.4.06
not sure why ur taking this as a story (again) with characters who r friends .. but anyway:
it is what it is
sugar coating the truth is overrated
Temetwir, at 27.4.06
I agree with A .. to some extent.
I mean, yeah what he's saying is totally correct, but he's not keeping in mind the emotional side that is part of each human being. Perhaps it's bad to be controlled by your emotions, and perhaps decisions take because of our emotions are so irrational, but they do exist in us. Now please, do not let A give me that 'emotions are for sissies and arses'; we know that rubbish, and sadly we all have some percentage of rubbish in all of us..
You write amazing dialogues, by the way :-D
ScarlO, at 28.4.06
thanks for the compliment
i agree in that A isnt being the most realistic he can be in affirming the existence of 'mixed emotions'
but i wouldnt be too sure to excuse B for acting upon them .. simply because, as iterated by A's school of thought: a lot of nonesense is thought to be excused in saying "but that's how i feel"
ps: i disagree with A's points on 'her being a bitch' and 'u must prove it' and all that
Temetwir, at 28.4.06
yes, that's exactly how i understood what ur saying the first time
and still, i personally feel that:
it is what it is
still not sure why ur assuming A is friends with B or if theyre "characters" .. but ur right, there are a lot of ways to 'convince people'
and talking like A isn't one of them
which only leads one to assume: do the As out there want to 'convince' the Bs? or is it just a matter of 'geltlek, now, please, die in a fire' .. ?
Temetwir, at 28.4.06
Person A is right to a certain extent but also harsh. There are better ways to convince somebody.
Person B could be me...where the lines between right and wrong are so thin and the person thinks with their heart not their mind... sigh
Sedna, at 28.4.06
"it wasnt me"
and ur right, just because u love someone doesnt mean u have to let the world know it .. however, when ur "unsure" about whether its right or wrong and u + 'ur lover' are worried by keeping it secretive, or u 'allow one thing but not the other', then u know something is up .. and no, its not just 'society'
i don't think A is being harsh .. rather, plain rude
yet still, it is how it is
and i personally am not a fan of the whole 'heart vs mind' becoz, to me at least, it sounds like ppl are just blaming emotions and shying away from dealing with the reality of things
Temetwir, at 28.4.06
not sure how many times i have to say this or insist on it,, or, like, in how many languages i have to say it:
this is not a conversation
A and B are not people
there are no events
this is not a story
seriously people if u cant understand that then, ma3a kel e7terami, ur on the wrong space
Temetwir, at 3.5.06
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