We all live in physically confined environments. Within these borders, each group (and subgroup) has a norm. This norm does not care about how you feel towards it. This norm surely does not give a fuck about what you think of others who are happy abiding to it. This norm is sick and tired of hearing you bitching and whining about 'other norms' you know of, and how you would love to see some changes in your lifetime 'for the better sake of its people'. Well guess what, you might as well just drop and die right now and save yourself the drama. Or, perhaps you could read on.
Let me reversely exemplify (made-up phrase). While I personally am outside the borders (norm) which I definitely long for and would rather be in; I do not impose anything from my 'presets' on the norm (border) in which I currently am in. I, therefore, exist in a matrix which I am not orginated from.
Why I do not try to impose change is due to a number of reasons. One is ultimate belief that neither myself alone, nor a group of those who share my background, could change the norm we exist in. Therefore, the first paragraph above in this case is applicable to me.
Second, it is because I do not need to change anything about the matrix I exist in now to feel better about myself. In other words, I do not need to reset any variables here or there in order to cope with my existence.
That is due to the fact that one's existence in any matrix is not based solely on the physical aspect. And since you are already lost, here goes nothing: existence in any matrix is only in one's head.
Having said that, any one individual who constantly struggles to cope with his existence (even within the original matrix which he/she originated from and operates according to a certain norm) will always try to change variables here or there. That individual subconsciously projects his/her weakness with the label of change. Namely, in this day and time, calling for things like westernization/'democracy'/modernity.
Reality is not a fixed notion. It does, whether we like it or not, differ from one individual to the next. All is aces up until an individual is physically placed within borders of a domain in which the prevailing notion of reality (or norm) is in complementary distribution with his own interpretation.
Any insistent trial on imposing features of one matrix on another, both:
a) results in disappointment, disapproval and confusion. As well as,
b) to be considered evidence that the imposer is lost and insecure about his own definition of reality - which ironically he insists on; therefore, the individual hangs on the hopes of finding reassurance in the forcing of change projected in certain labels derived from other matrices.
The most valuable asset to have in order to be able to cope and survive within any matrix/norm/border is faith in oneself. Ofcourse, faith in oneself can only be achieved if there is faith in a fixed truth.
Personally, I am aware of my reality. I choose to accept it first, and then enter any modifications which are derived from faith on my understanding, enabling me to physically exist in any matrix but stay in a constant reality within myself.
عيدكم مبارك
hehehe i don't want to even comment..
wala wala i feel stupid saying this bs i swear i did not understand a single thing ;P
9ayir too technical.. khafif khan nifham ;P
Baroque, at 1.11.05
As you said, faith is key to all; Those with faith of the size of peanuts, can rather sell their faith than to struggle in the tough reality and swim against its currents.
It's divine art & wisdome to creat such hard turns for those with evenmore faith to test them. The more you endure, the more you grow & feel better about yourself.
I do whine & point fingers at things like racism & idiocy that is spreading like the plague, and I do try to change the course of the river, but not to cope with myself, but to make it better for those less fortunate and with less faith.
Great comparison, dear Temetwir, comparing life to a matrix [big fan of Matrix I -- nerd alert]. Kudos to you.
MBH, at 1.11.05
"Reality is not a fixed notion. It does, whether we like it or not, differ from one individual to the next"
BINGO , it says it ALL !
Mother Courage, at 1.11.05
wuts ur major if i may ask ?
Mother Courage, at 1.11.05
charisma ma7shoma, if ur interested u could read it again as im sure the 2nd time around it will make (a bit more) sense espicially when u know its about a socio-personal matter as opposed to "madri shekharbe6 hatha"..
and matrix .. i mean, hmm .. i6aar? let's just say a frame to keep it simple :)
mbh "the more you grow, the more you feel better about yourself" .. so true, espicially (as i understand) that u mean grow with facing various types of obstacles (?) and 'gaining experience' knowing that u did good ..
moreover, the things u 'whine' about are indeed called for since u r deriving them from the 'fixed truth', as opposed to an 'ideological matrix which could or could be not faulty' (namely, from other matrices).. i strongly believe there is a difference between the 2 and thus bel3aks, i would -personally- encourage such observations..
oh and ur most welcome 7abeeb ilsha3b :)
Temetwir, at 1.11.05
MC, what about that quote? i mean, i can tell u agree with it but u dont make it explicit as to which 'way u swing' .. do share ur opinion/where u stand on the matter as a whole plz :)
and .. i studied business for a yr, did linguistics for 2 (or 3), which is also the major im continuing now doing my masters in
Temetwir, at 1.11.05
Humans have this insistant need for change.. but this is how i see it:
The problem begins when others start tresspassing on our 'comfort zone'.. some people, as a result, panic and retaliate.. they project their own insecurities on others and start trying to change them, or just push them away.
I say, limit ur expectations. if u dont expect much, u lower the odds of disappointment.
Always remember, you can't really change anyone; you can only change how you react to what happens around you. (wainek ya Covey with your circle of concern & circle of influence?!)
Kudos to all Matrices! "Can't we all just get along?"
MSB, at 1.11.05
psychiatrist, or psychotic?! It's a very thin line... i teeter-totter between the two ;)
MSB, at 1.11.05
manal hello
i believe "comfort zone" is a synonym for the "norm" in this particular case since what is being discussed is what most (appear to) abide to and are actually FINE with it
"you can only change how you react to what happens around you." i think is an excellent paraphrase of what i wish to express,, if u feel the urge to change, it is best for that change to take place within ur reality as opposed to enforcing it on others, that way u lead ur existence with confidence and do not seek reassurance from others
plz do notify me if i have misunderstood ur comment, as i am using it to back-up my post :)
Temetwir, at 2.11.05
i really dont see how i am talking about binaries - i understood binaries in the sense that they r two independent entities that work together, but can definitely be seperated - something which i strongly oppose to being accused of claiming
you say : "Your simple existence as a foriegn object presents the challenge to the 'norm'in the matrix"
to which i disagree, simply becoz as i say i am not trying to impose any change on the outside world, i have no expectations of the resetting of the matrix which i am in right now (which ofcourse is different to a high extent from the one i originated from)
which brings me to ur next point: observation - bearing in mind the fact that i dont know who Heiesenberg is - i could challenge ur claim by saying:
observation of the norm and taking into consideration the variables that ofcourse are not of the same value as my original norm does not mean there is/should/could be a necessity to change that norm .. infact, all that is done is the understanding of this particular matrix, noting down the variables which one's existence is not accustomed to - in other words, mere observation does in no way pose a challenge to any aspect of the foreign-matrix .. it is limited to the realisation that this infact IS a diff domain in which the norm IS different
the change u speak of DOES indeed happen, however it does not in any way affect the norm of the foriegn matrix, this is simply because it is WITHIN oneself - the resetting of certain grounds on which operate perfectly fine in the original domain, but do not in the foreign one - all done WITHIN the understanding of reality in this particular time/place
ofcourse, this can NOT happen unless u have an understanding of the variables that u DO need to reset, which come from observation of the foreign norm .. the foreign norm itself does not even take notice, let alone be affected by one's (reset) existence
considering reality vs truth.. i have limited the usage of truth in the phrase "FIXED truth" as to exactly block what u suggest: that truth is relative and subjective
here is where the loop is complete, there ARE different "fixed truths", which infact are the basis on which matrices are based on .. however UTTER FAITH in ur fixed truth gives u the ability to temporarily reset variables between the two REALITIES
finally, i have already challenged this: "As we have already established, mere existance poses a challenge to the 'norm' - pushing it one more step (with the act of 'observation') leads to change."
ps: i do not know what u mean by ' but I am more optimistic towards you exacting change than you may be '
chairz :)
Temetwir, at 2.11.05
well,.. Happy Eid =}
Spontaneousnessity, at 2.11.05
spont. :/
Temetwir, at 2.11.05
salted caramel,
ya hala belzain .. ayamich sa3eeda
edit: spontaneous i THOUGHT i wrote "kel 3am wenty bkhair:/"
b godrat gaadir sarat bas el :/ heh
yea, thats how much i hate u elthaher lol
Temetwir, at 2.11.05
hi temetwir: that's precisely what i meant! :)
kil 3am winto ibkhair!
MSB, at 2.11.05
msb great :)
wenty b khair, sa7a o salamah
Temetwir, at 3.11.05
Binaries are two entities that exist together and can form endless matrices. Your theory of (While I personally am outside the borders (norm) which I definitely long for and would rather be in; I do not impose anything from my 'presets' on the norm (border) in which I currently am in. I, therefore, exist in a matrix which I am not originated from) would only work if we separated the two entities, but that is not reality. These entities have to interfere to be able to exist together with a certain level of harmony. Now the degree of harmony changes according to the individual who is creating his own matrix, or let’s say his own faith. Acceptance is the key for harmonies, acceptance between the individual and his norm as well as between different norms. Acceptance would not be hard on you since you have created your own norm and you are expecting to be rejected from your norm, but how about your original norm? Would it be as easy for them to accept your new norm? Let’s say you don’t impose change, can you guarantee that they won’t impose their “normality” on you?
I agree with you that imposing change is dangerous toward the level of harmony we try to maintain. But what if you observe a dangerous imposition from your norm or other norms that is generally affecting your whole society, and is indirectly intruding the privacy of your own matrix? Would you sit crossed handed and say lakom deenakom wa liya deani?
AyyA, at 3.11.05
btw, you got a great blog.
AyyA, at 3.11.05
ayya hello
like mcarabian, u speak of binaries
i have read ur definition for what a binary is, and u say that if my 'theory' were to work, then the 2 binaries MUST be seperated or else its not 'reality'
i disagree - for both, reasons i have discussed above AND for reasons i KNOW i am incapable of translating into words from my thoughts
you also write: "you have created your own norm and you are expecting to be rejected from your norm, but how about your original norm? Would it be as easy for them to accept your new norm?"
a- i have not created my OWN norm, i have reset variables from my original matrix, to cope with the different aspects in the foreign one .. all philosophy aside and bel 3arabi : "agazzir"
b- since i did not create my own norm (again, becoz norms r derived from fixed truth and not one's understanding) i am neither to be:
i) rejected, or
ii) accepted
infact, as i have explained to mcarabian, my existence poses no threat whatsoever becoz i have accustomed myself to that norm .. i pass un-noticed
as far as "Let’s say you don’t impose change, can you guarantee that they won’t impose their 'normality' on you?" is concerned,
here is where faith in oneself (again, linked to belief in a fixed truth) kicks in
*Note: both replies r based on my limited understanding of binaries,, which quite honestly isnt much (if anything)
o tislemeen, kelech nethar :)
Temetwir, at 3.11.05
om siraj wenty 6ayba, ayaamich sa3eeda :)
Temetwir, at 4.11.05
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