


Two guys come across one another by coincidence. #1 is just leaving, while #2 is by the door waiting to be seated.

#1: ya isbay..
#2: ahlain kabtena
- salam, bosa 3al khad -
#1: yaay it6eer?
#2: khobrek, tha3faan
#1: emzaheb resoom eshtiraak?
#2: mayabeelah afa 3alaik, etshakek bel ta'heel?
#1: ma 3aash.. salim
#2: 7ayaak

Two guys seated, one of them feels a stare from another person seated at another table.

#1: *to #2* shfeek tekhiz?
#2: waini ana bas goly waini?
#1: ka 7adek ejbali, youz 3ani yakhoy
#2: la la ana nou3i chethy, khilga akhiz
#1: radarek yabeela barmajat estee3aab ..
#2: gaseb shoufni, 3araftni?
#1: ee, ma ghairek?

Two guys meet at an entrance to a place; #1 has just arrived while, evidently, #2 has been there for a few minutes in advance.

#1: shlon wath3na?
#2: naa6reen, bs shakelha betganbel el mas'ala
#1: 7a6ait esmik?
#2: ee temarkazna 3alha b tharbat 7ath en7asil mokan ye3ezik
#1: efhamni akthar mn chethy 3ad
#2: saydek

wa hakatha..


سكول از ان سشن

This is me explaining this to you like we're a bunch of six year olds. Be it stated that even six year olds already know this. So I'm NOT really saying anything new, and you're NOT learning anything extraordinary.

Democracy. The majority of the people rule. Ray il aghlabeya ohwa ely yamshi.

That is all. Gutheyya il ammr.

Somebody now explain this to me like I'm a six year old, what's difficult to understand? Tekfoun ya3ni shel sa3eb feha ely madri laish el nas mo rathya testaw3eb bel thab6 el nethaam el zeft eli thab7een 3omorkom feh.

If you have an opinion that does not coincide with the majority's, then that's just too bad. Boo-fucking-hoo.
If you have an opinion that does coincide with the majority's, then that's just how it is. Nothing about it is special. It's just what the majority wants.

Case in point, as an example and not restricted to, Kuwait University.

Shaa'at il aqdaar that the majority of students would happen to VOTE for a specific party to "rule" the union, annually. For the past, madri, 25 years now?

I may not agree. You may not agree. We can all go to hell. The majority wants otherwise.
If you really think you "should win", then you would have won already. You would AT LEAST have gotten the remaining, what is it, 45% of the student body to vote. Until then, you should shut the fuck up.

I am not a big fan of the commercialized concept of democracy. Fuck what I think, because the majority does not think what I think. I may not like it, but I respect that, mind you, not that I have a choice. "Democracy", remember?

Nothing is being 'imposed', nothing is being 'forced' on myself nor yourself. Unless...

Unless the only thing BEING imposed and forced on us all is the concept of democracy. I did not just say that. Tell me I did NOT just say that.

Sure, you are entitled to your opinion. But your opinion can never be the one ily "lazem namshi 3alaih" because, guess what, the majority already voted otherwise.

It's not complicated.


حد يفهمني عاد

  1. intekhabat KU laish makhthenha jad?
  2. rock music? rock 3ad?
  3. who organizes soba7's time?
  4. laish el handaseya yegolon ena ohma mo el wasa6?
  5. sh faydat 3G?
  6. a7es el mosalsalat el masreya 3endehom shega wa7da bas, o el kellll yesawer feha?
  7. jam3eyat el shameya .. na3am?
  8. star academy?
  9. tara nafs el athaath bel shega ely bel mosalsalat el masreya, ok?
  10. sushi?
  11. hayfa' wahbi "sexy"?
  12. the whole coffee-is-part-of-my-life thing?
  13. starbucks?
  14. "open-mindedness"?
  15. hatha/e "jame3i" or "jame3eya", nesafig ya3ni?
  16. 1/3 ely ydeshon handasa, ye7awlon 3elom edareya?
  17. 2/3 ely ydeshon 3elom, ye7awlon handasa/3elom edareya?
  18. laish el nas t7aseb 3elom edareya "gaz"?
  19. misconception regarding el me6raan?
  20. edarat qerfat el tejara wel sina3a laish ma tejtemi3?
  21. elnas testagreb lama agol eni mo shayef darb el zalag?
  22. wala 7ata aglab masra7eyat 3abdel7sain?
  23. why would someone listen to any music other than rap if theyre going through the trouble of listening to music?
  24. nesab el 6alag sh 3elagatha bel talfezyon?
  25. "i want peace in the world" .. ayshay khalas el7achi?
  26. "el q8 deerat mathaher"?
  27. "3adam il masaas bel sa7aba"? ok ay sa7aba.. o shlon y3ni 3adam el masaas?
  28. nino azgart ma63am? haak ent/y o nino
  29. nabeel il fathil shsalfeta?
  30. sheno ya3ni "keep law profile" akh 3abdile6eef lid3ay?
  31. "el 7ejab mo farth"?
  32. mn gal kel wa7da mo met7ajba galelat adab al7en? shelsalfa?
  33. "dowal el met7athra" / "buldan el demoqra6eya" il madeena el faathela?
  34. el demoqra6eya b koborha shel khabba?
  35. ma fee zelem yes'al 3an "executive club" ely mawjod fi mabna mn mabani 7amad soba7?
  36. el sifar kela b kobra .. shel wanasa feh?
  37. kel shay feh kelmat "islam" yo3tabar raj3i 3end ketheer mn ilnas?
  38. ely yegolon "e7na nabi demoqra6eya", ma ye7tarmon ray el aqlabeya bel majlis etha they oppose them? sa7 wela qala6 mo ehni el7achi.. la tabon demoqra6eya 3ayal sa7 wela la?
  39. shiseer bel denya lama jam3at el q8 tegol ena el banat 7alat'hom ye7tashmon bel lebs?
  40. o lama yegolon el shabab, bedal lehwash wel emhaya6, khal yeseeron awadem? laish kel shay lazem yeseer "shma3na ma galaw khal el banat yet7awiroon"?
  41. laish ma tegolon 7ag el banat yetraagi3oon wenadoon ely yeshtaglon bel salonat ye6ebon bel hosha, ba3dain ana 7aather mn e7saby anazelekom posters ena banat KU lazem yet7aweron.. et3adlon el lebs sa3atha?
  42. "meno y7aded sheno el 7eshma", shray ahal 6owayefkom ya3ni? nas faskha el 7aya mara wa7da?
  43. mr baker laish 7azra bel fa6ayer?
  44. wayed banat ely yefakron bel zawaj mayfakron ela b "3asabeyyat el rayal" o hal shaglat?
  45. wayed shabab ely yfakron bel zawaj mayfakron ela b "shdarani ma tekhony?" o hal shaglat?
  46. "hatha daris bara" .. asafig?
  47. kelwa7ed ma yesma3 aghani sawohr "dayyin"?
  48. kelwa7ed ma yekalem banat sawoh "dayyin"?
  49. shtabon ga3deen tegron laih ehni?
  50. kel wa7da ma talbis tananeer laih el rekba sawoha "em3ageda"?
  51. kel wa7da ma tabi tekalem sarat "malat awal ma tesla7 7ag al7en"?
  52. kelman gara lah aaya mn el qur'an out of context aftaa 3ala kaifah?
  53. laish el nas tesadeg ely yegolona el "mit'aslimeen" bel q8 as the ultimate truth?
  54. nancy 3ajram "7elwa"?


Zai6a Zambalai6a

Il mohhhhhhem 3ad agoulek, qanoun esga6 el fawa'ed ma mesha.. yat 3ala sout wa7id, wel meshkela e3yalt el shagol-al7een sita (madry khamsa) mn nowaabna dirr3 il sha3b madri wain thaalfeen *haaaak yal sager, haak yal rashid (gazerni safraat 3elaj o gheyab b 7ejat 3elaj o ta'kheer b 7ejat 'wala chatfy' 'wala eedi' 'wala rasi')* Is it just me wela basil il rashed bas hababa yetmaila7 bel jarayed kel yom feh tasweet ye7e6 sortah ely chena mo6reb 3adaneyaat, 3ady telgaha b tasjeelaat Dimeera (bo a7mad).. al3an obok e7thir ent bel awal ..

il the7ik lama el shaab el la6eef, 7abeeb il sha3b wel ommetain il 3arabeya wel islameya an MP (kanderi) came in after the announcement of votes - ena ya3ni ma kemal el3adad lajel el egraar - which sparked none other than Jockey Il Mailes (imsalam il barak) demanding a re-vote..

I'm no expert, bas shfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeni bo khal nesawit mara thanya .. akhaf bas shayet balanty o wa7ed shaa7 chees feh emkhalal sob el goal wana madri

As much as I am disappointed (ely yesma3 yegol metgaa3id al7en) that the bill didn't pass, I'm entertained by "ejtehaadaat imsalam" and his demands

7ad feekom daaris 7egoog wela fahem b lay7at el mailes yegoli if it's even possible? If it is, haaaak ya mailesna ent el thany.. ely fahamta mn wa7ed ena sarat mn gabel cham mara (i doubt eb hal shakel though, madri)

ib'a abelni

*No comment 3ala 7arakaat il khrafy
*Fuck qanoun el ma6bo3at 3adelaw feh wela ma 3adelaw
*Il 7ekoma il resheeda shakelha kan wayed ghabi wehy mestansa

arzaag.. aii wallah arzaag


"Ana Ashik"

The assumption of someone being gay worries me. True, I do have my differences with homos. And yeah, fuck the lot of you out there. But, it also has to do with the incorrect thought, as I see it, of the exclusivity of certain matters. A straightforward example would be style and clothes in general. True, I have my differences with a lot of the 'in fashions' out there - men should know exactly what I mean here. But, it also has to do with the incorrect thought, as I see it, that deals with a guy knowing about clothes and how some people would jump to the conclusion of him being gay. Sure, I would assume (incorrectly, but I doubt it) that a gay guy (a faggot to be politically correct) would take fashion in general more seriously than normal guys (yes, normal); but I do not see how that would translate into it being an exclusive zone for homos. I do understand the fact that homos have that certain level of emptiness inside, therefore I can see why they would feel the urge to fill it with something. Yes, literally and figuratively.

Another common, and irrational assumption is that any guy who talks to a number of girls is gay. I'm not sure who sets the limit of that number, perhaps it's 5 girls? 10? 20?
Not sure how that works, but anyway, what the fruit?
Sure, some girls feel easier around gay guys thinking that they're not dicks - come to think of it, maybe it's because those girls and gay guys have something in common. Yeah, that's what I mean.
But still, normal guys and rational girls can talk within certain boundaries about real stuff too. Real men and real women have a lot to say to each other, you know. Gay guys, you should be really really jealous, We got more BouNcE than all y'all combined.

Ironically, the same is to be said about guys who show 'no interest' in girls; where some girls would just leap to the conclusion that they're gay. How about: they're real men who understand that women are to be respected and not be regarded as an entity that is determined with a switch of either +interest or -interest? That, to me, sounds much more like it.

The thing is, unfortunately, most people know a lot more about the cliches of being gay; than the facts of manhood. And that is why I say that the incorrect assumption of a guy being gay worries me.

* Who's going to have the first gay idea that my posting of that profile picture is gay?


How Do I Look?

She rose. She leaned in towards her legs and picked up her bag, placing it on her lap. She collected herself and lowered the over-head mirror. She ran her hands in her hair and shook, reviving it. She met her eyes in the mirrors, and did not bare to stare for more than a second. Without looking down, she fiddled in her Prada bag and produced her little magic box. Still not looking down, she tilted slightly to the left, and then to the right to check if her hair was flawless. She applied some more make-up, freshening up her already-almost-perfect look.
She leaned in closer to the mirror, and artistically shaped her eyes, widening them. She tilted her neck upwards, her eyes moving downwards at the same constant rate until she met her lips in the mirror. She tried not to think too much while she was adding some lip gloss. Pressing her lips against each other, she leaned backwards and checked herself again in the mirror.

A knockout. By her own standards. A true knockout.

She lifted herself a bit to straighten her skirt from underneath. She pulled down on her shirt. She reached for the door handle and got out of the now-parked Ferrari. She bent down to check her heels intact, and made her way to the parked Maserati Quattroporte.

She started her car and looked to her left. She waved to the driver of the Ferrari and smiled.



It is not routine. It is not punctuality. It is not physical. It is not verbal. It is not both.

It is a duty. It is punctuality. It is physical. It is verbal. It is both.

You shouldn't do it because you have to. You shouldn't do it because you were taught so. You definitely shouldn't do it not knowing why.

You should do it because you have to. You should do it because you were taught so. You definitely need to know why.

It is mercy in its simplest, yet greatest form. A constant reminder all through one's liftetime. It tells you that it is NEVER too late. You always have a chance. It keeps you awake. Alert. It keeps you sharp. It keeps you focused. It reminds you of who and what you are. It teaches you about who and what you are.

It teaches you only by you teaching yourself.

It is a chance for you to let go, and give yourself a chance to reflect. Beauty of it is that it is constant.
It is eternal.
But it is based on time.
It is there for a purpose. Many purposes, actually, but you are just as well with one.

It is for you alone. But everybody has a say in it. It is not shared. It is yours.
It isn't yours. It is everyone's. But really, it is yours. Then again, it isn't.
But unlike most things, it grows stronger when everyone has a piece. It does not lose value when everybody does it.

It gains value.

If you are selfish, you would do it. If you are selfless, you would too.
If you are worth millions of dollars; hundreds of thousands of square kilometres; and have the best from life: you do it.
If you are financially broke, you do it too.
It strips you from whoever you are. It makes you a king. It makes you a queen. It gives you respect.

It enslaves you. It reminds you that you are a slave. It tells you that you are worth nothing.

It brings people from all around the world. It is a celebration. It is pure astrophysics. It is pure mathematics. It is genius. It is worth your life, in the sense that without it you might as well be lifeless. It is the essence.

But if you choose you are too good for it, then you are missing out on all the better things. The lasting things.

It unites. It bonds. It eases pain and sufferings. It evokes hope. It is dreaming a reality. It seperates. It breaks. It indivualizes groups.

It makes you proud. But it enslaves you. It sets you free. But it cages you. It saves you from yourself. But you do it for yourself. It makes you wonder, when there is nothing to wonder about.

It is happening. Right now. Now. Now. And now. And, yes. Now. It is still happening. Still. Still. And still. Yes, still. And now, too. It does not stop. It never will. It needs you to need it for yourself. It gives and gives everything. But it takes and takes everything too. It is genius. It is a reminder.

It is not Haj, as it is not once. It is not twice, as it is not binary. It not thrice. It is not quad.

It is. It is your chance.

Yes. You are nothing with or without it. You're not doing anyone any favors. Just yourself. But then again, you are doing the whole world a favor.

"You wanna be a winner, or you wanna go to hell?"



When he first boarded the plane to Heathrow, he thought about his family and friends; his life and its magnificent, lively routine. Always exciting, always on the edge, and a lot to do. He was already missing it. The unexpected thing was he started to have back flashes of her too. He thought that was interesting, to say the least. A bit odd, actually.

Now seated, he looked over to his left, looking down the window from 30,000 feet up.

He rushed to the room number that was given to him, looking at his watch every other second. Fuck fuck fuck, this can't wait another day or until next week. He was skipping work, as usual, but this time it was for a purpose he told himself. Yeah, mm-kay. He feared that the lecturer would be there already and would not allow him in, simply because, well, he wasn't enrolled in that class. Actually, he wasn't enrolled at any classes. Well, actually, he wasn't enrolled at the university altogether anymore.

Through the corridors, his eyes caught the magic number on the 2nd floor. Looking down at his watch, it was 10 to 2. Why the fuck was I in a hurry? Ithghil ya isbay. He never really was in a situation similar to this one, so he excused himself for feeling the thrill.

Leaning and rocking his neck, the back of his head was banging very lightly at the surface of the wall behind him. Making silly noises with his lips, inaudible to anyone but himself he waited, and waited some more. No books in hand, and no one to talk to before class, he looked like an idiot. Everyone near the door was giving him a certain look of, hmm, unrecognition? But he didn't care; his eyes were searching. He just continued bouncing his back on the wall gently, obviously appearing anxious to the trained eye.

He figured might as well go and secure a seat inside before the lecturer comes; walking towards the door, he took a glance inside the room from the square-glass. Only a couple of girls were present, oh why not. He walked in and proceeded to the last row of the classroom. Getting his wallet and keys out of his deshdasha's pocket, and placing them on the desk, his hands flew in the air as they were programmed to do the same with getting out notebooks back when he was in college. He had a silly smirk on his face for remembering all the BS he pulled off at the time. Fuck institutionalized education, I say. Looking up, one of the girls quickly turned away to her friend again. He could just barely make out her whisper 'meno hatha?'

He laid back, as one by one the seats were being filled. Being at the end of the classroom, every single student, boy or girl, walked in, stared at him, and said something to his or her friend. All the friends would shake their heads, leaning in to the whispered question; apparently saying "I don't know". The lecturer walked in. He was getting impatient and looked at his watch. Again. Two minutes past 2, what the fuck? His knees started shaking, I'm sure it's the right room number. The lecturer kept going on about the 4 Ps of marketing, he just sat there hearing without listening with his eyes fixed on the door.

Oh. My. Holy mother of all that is sweeeeet, Batman. Things were moving slower now all around him, entranced. The door opened and he could see her move, as if dancing, actually, turning ever so gracefully to shut the door quietly. Yaboy, reg3y il bab.. kasry il bab.. men bekalmich. She sneaked and made her way through the room. Poetry. In. Fucking. Motion. His eyes fixed on her face. Blinded by her face is more appropriate to tell the truth. Angelic. That's all that was going through his mind. Her face. Angelic.

She proceeded to be seated one row in front of his, approximately eight seats away to his left. Ma khaab thannek, ay dawam ay ba6eekh ya 3ami zain. He was practically staring now. He caught himself doing so, and tried to stare at the board.
Bored, and already missing her face; he started staring again. Some of the details were now sinking in: the perfect 7ejaab, nothing too flashy, no hair sticking out. The perfect, subtle make-up. What make-up? He wasn't an expert so he decided to cross that one out. She probably doesn’t have any make-up on in the first place. The clothes not tight or anything. Just like the way he liked them. Preserved yet spoken.

Looking at his watch again, it was half past 2. He could've sworn it was just 2 past 2 a moment ago. He turned to his right, and left, and then again to his right. Everyone was attentive to the board and the lecturer. Mn sejhom? It was as if only he was there, yet actually he was the only one who wasn't. He couldn't hear anything, he could just hear her silence. He knew he would like what he'd see.. but fuckkkk.. he loved what he saw. Not pretty, but beautiful; nothing sexy, rather definitely all elegance.

He locked her in his eyes, involuntarily he felt his lips pressing against each other; and then released, slowly transforming into a hint of a smile. Girls like her have always made him feel something different. Something good. And if he knew one thing, it was girls. If he knew another thing, it was that girls like her don't just show up, you have to look them up. Just like gold. Period. So focused on her face he was, that he missed her turning to face him. Hello stranger. He did not know which came first: was it his eyes greeting such purity in purity; or was it his lips smiling at such grace with grace?

Fuck the poetic shit.. It didn't really matter, it was one glorious moment that's what matters. Only thing was, she wasn't smiling. Shfeeha hathy? But he lost the attitude instantly, remembering what he was told. Come to think of it, he didn't expect her to smile. Come to think of it again, he should be grateful she even gave him the courtesy of acknowledging his stare. Sure, it was a look of meno hatha shyabe theba7ni khaz. But he didn't care. He just wanted to see her and make her take notice. Nothing more; neither would've settled for anything less though. A simple smile wouldn't have hurt perhaps. But then he thought maybe it would have.

"Headphones, sir?". He felt a touch on his right arm, it sprung him back to life. He looked away from the airplane window, and as he turned his head to face the source of the touch his eyes were still living in the classroom. He smiled, blindly, at the passenger next to him; samewise with the flight attendant offering him a headphone. He thanked the flight attendant, blindly too. He looked straight back at the window. He didn't have enough of thinking about her just yet. Ever since, he had a new found respect for classrooms.

It has been five months now since that flight; six months since he first, and last, saw her. He had this silly smile on his face again, blinded. He was going to see her again.

Once. And not again for another six months.

He didn't mind at all.


عندما "يفلس" بو ريكان

Bain il faiyna wil ukhra, ye6il 3alaina najim il estaath bo Raaikan mn khelaal samaa' Alqabas ib wa7da mn magaalata fa yesid enfoosna o yestal6ef, mn la awad tasmeyat'hom al7een 3ashan ma7ad yez3al meny, b kalemaat metnaaqma lakenha meftagra ela ay mathmoon aw tamaas ma3a il waage3..

Il shaab il la6eef bo Raaikan concludes that the assault on Kuwaiti students studying in Jordan is attributed to what 'nowaab el mana6eg el kharejeya' and what he, based on that label, nicks columnists who condemn Kuwait's loans to Jordan, 'kotaab el mana6eg el kharejeya' have to say. That is, the Jordanians implode and thus explode on the Kuwaiti students because of what those MP and columnists have to say.

Wallahi yabo Raaikan o ya guraa' bo Raaikan, ana agol lo na3kis el aaya o netsalaf mn el shaab el la6eef his concluding statement of advice to those MPs and columnists, and in turn advise him lo ena "yeltezim el ssamt" wayed ahwan 3al jimee3 ..

Ma agol ela "a3otho belah men kelmat 'ana'",, nefous, aii wallah nefous..


Pink Dreams and Black Ones

"What have I got to do to prove that I do love you, but I just can't do that?", Sarah pleaded, "Just tell me anything else and I'll do it".
"Fuck you and your charity, I'm not asking you to do it, I'm telling you to do it.." said Khalid calmly.
"You're being childish.. don't talk to me like that", she said feeling a bit uneasy, knowing where this was going to go.
"Listen, we've been together long enough for you to know that you don't get to call me childish. You also should know that you don't tell me how to talk to you. Who the fuck do you think you are?"
Trembling now, Sarah recalled the first month she got to knew Khalid. How he meant the world to her. How he would do stuff for her. If only she knew...
"Men ga3ed a7achee ana.." Khalid stormed. He also remembered how he was with Sarah. Putting on a happy face all the time, never once did he not do what she asked of him. Only difference is, he knew that this was bound to happen...
"I'm here, Khalid. I just don't know who I'm talking to anymore. You're being unreasonable". Sarah was in her bed, had the TV on mute, and her homework scattered all over the place.
"Look, this is getting way too boring. You either do as I tell you, or that's it, I can't be with you anymore. We don't connect like we used to". Khalid was in the dowaneya, had three of his friends dead-silent, and had Sarah on speaker.
"That's because you never asked this of me before. I never thought it'd get to this".

Sarah, a twenty two year old girl, never suspected two things. First, that Khalid would be a 'typical guy', and second, that anyone knew about her relationship with Khalid. If only she knew...

Khalid, a twenty three year old guy, never suspected two things. First, that Sarah would be any different from any girl, and second, that he would eventually show his true colors to her. The only difference being, Khalid knew all along that this was bound to happen...

"Shlon al7een? betsereen aademeya?"
"For the millionth time, FORGET it. I just can't"
"So you would, if you could?"
"That's what you're saying.." Khalid winked at one of the guys, who just shook his head, smiling.
"Khalid, is that all you have to tell me?"

Sarah had two brothers. She started to think of them now, and how they would feel if they knew what Khalid was asking for. She rejected that thought, and just wondered what her brothers' reaction would be if they knew that she is in a relationship.

Khalid had four sisters. It never crossed his mind that one of them would be in the shoes of Sarah, ever. He told himself that 'that shit doesn't happen in my family'.

"Yes, that is all I have to tell you."
"Okay then, I don't think this is working out. It's a shame you're putting the last two years behind you".

Khalid thought about that. For two years, he was building on his scheme. He knew Sarah was a nice girl, he suspected that he was the first one she ever talked to. But he, being the gentleman at the time, never asked. Of course, he would also tell Sarah that he did in fact talk to many before her, but that she was 'the only one who made him feel this way'.

Sarah, now seeing that this isn't going to work out, thought about the time it will take for her to get over Khalid. Her first 'love', she knew that it would be hard. If only she knew...
Khalid wasn't really thinking about anything but winning the bet with the guys. He just wanted Sarah to agree to prove to them that he can handle her. Sarah did not suspect a thing of course, she thought Khalid was in his room.

Khalid started, "to me at least, it looks like you've just been playing me. For two years I've done nothing but everything you ever wanted, and been the best you could ever wish for, and you can attest to that. Now look at you, you can't even do me a little favor."
Sarah couldn't help but think that all Khalid was saying was true. Simply because it sure was. Only difference is, she had no idea about Khalid's motivation.

If only she knew...

They talked for another thirty minutes.

Real men will never go behind the backs of other men. Know it.


Scientifically Discrediting 'Love'

Science differs from philosophy in many ways, one of which is through the need of hard evidence to support a claim. Philosophy on the other hand is.. philosophy. Theories deduced from observation or experience. "But philosophy is a science, too". Mmkay.

My theory is that love between potential partners is irrelevant prior to life in the marriage paradigm, en sa7 il ta3beer. Note that I do say potential partners, as well as prior to life as a married couple. That means, for all of you dying to tell me all about how you cannot imagine living with someone you know nothing about, that what you have to say is irrelevant too. Simply because that is NOT what I am saying.

For all I know, I could marry one of the readers right now. For all you know, you could end up marrying the person who commented on one of your posts; had a fight with his sister when you were 3 years old; or even sat next to her cousin on a plane. Point being, you could end up marrying anyone, or you could end up choosing not to marry, or you can end up fortunate enough to not marry.

Up to this point, all the above is silly nonsense, a philosophizing of something that needs not philosophy; rather, it needs concrete evidence. This is how theories are proven, falsified, or nullified. If you don't know this already, "………".


Say in an instance of either the presence, or absence of a value, V, the consequence is unaffected; we can establish that V does not account for the consequence if present.

That is to say,

1 + 1 = 2

And also, 1 + 1 + 0 = 2

The 0 here, therefore, can be V.

Put into words in regard to marriage, the mere fact that some marriages work without a prior love relationship, LR, between the potential partners; one has the right to conclude that LR is of irrelevance to the success of marriage, M.

That is to say, that the following is true no matter how you look at it.

Boy + Girl = M

However, given that we agree on: 1+1+0 = 2, just as 1+1 = 2; we have no reason to doubt the validity of:

M = Boy + Girl + LR

Notice, still, that LR = Boy + Girl is not 'free'. It is, in certain contexts, inescapably bound by, and is not limited to: Risk, Society, Reputation, amongst many others.

With that, we have refuted any instance of accusation, and falsified any assumption that, M = Boy + Girl, does not stand.

We know it to be enough, because LR can surely have a value of 0, and M will stand regardless.

It is not to be disregarded completely; but it must be noted that it includes many variables (mentioned above, e.g. reputation of both potential partners) and in the end will never, alone, evolve into M unless Boy+Girl decide to change Title.

Therefore, indeed, LR = 0


edit: was looking at mbh's space and he had something about a desktop shot, here we go.


do we like?

To make this girl-friendly as well, the 911 thingy is a Swarovski .. yeah whatever

I ordered 3 things from the bitches at Porsche, as you can see they only delivered two. The 3rd was out of stock *sigh* somethings sure are universal, aren't they .. it was just another brake-rotor but the caliper was in red, khal adezlehom email al7een a6ayerhom



من سمعتك تنشديني وأنا المقهور
فقداني لك يهون ولا انك تفقديني
يوم استاحش عليك البيت وظنيتيه مهجور
أشتري الموت لأجل أطمن قلبك وتشوفيني
عيني تجري الدمعات وقلبي أنا المكسور
لا لا.. ما يفيد مراعاة وانك تطمنيني

سمع وطاعة وعلى كلمتك أنا مجبور
دين علّي أردلك من ما عطيتيني
مناي أملي قلبك أفراح وسرور
أوّفي لحظة من سنين قضيتيها تربيني
ولا دارت الأيام والناس معاها تدور
واقف جنبك ذخر وسند بتلاقيني
يكسرني اني افرض عليك صبر أيام و شهور
يا يما والا تعذريني والا تذبحيني

تغيشم وتشدق

Ta3deel il dawa'er el intekhabeya mawthou3 il wa7ed mallah men kether ma sawoha semarda7a shanabaat el majlis. It really does insult my personal intelligence that a number of members of parliament call for postponing the 'final decision' until the next registration of the electors.

Ya3ni, what the hell are you going to do with those numbers if they just represent the 'newcomers' to the scene in the next elections? So what if there are a lot of women who might register? ALL WOMEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE, regardless of whether or not they WANT to vote. That's a totally different issue. Ana mabi ashaarik, shlon ya3ni, mento 7a6eeny bel 7isba as an eligible voter? Bacher 6ag eb raasi basawet 7ag wa7ed yazatly shawarmeta, shlon ya3ni, akhareb 7esbatkom? Man, I don't even want to listen to the excuses.

Sure, it would be very childish if they were to finalise the matter just to prove that they're serious about the whole reform or reformation or whatever il eslaa7 is in english; but that doesn't mean that you use childish reasons to postpone. Hatha ely chethab o sadag chethbeta.
You want to know what the "accurate number" is? Fine, wizarat el she'oon 3ala ma aftekir ma sarlaha ONE SINGLE YEAR since they did a 'count'. O tara kahy Dra Ma3souma, dezolha message teredlekom in 10 minutes ta36eekom other numbers if Il 7aji mo tares 3ainkom, o ghaseb 6eeb betdakhlona feha a woman. Start from there. You got the figures, you got the population. You got the surface area, you got how many MP's can represent it, whatever equation they come up with; they have all the resources needed. Nisba o tanaasub tara mo biochemical-nuclear-astronomical-mathematical-linear-equational-algebra.

Sure, those figures don't show ay da'era the elector will register in. But last time I checked, you're already restricted to where you register; I honestly do NOT know what those restrictions are but I am sure they do exist.

Eeeeeeeeeh... denya, ely bizraan gamaw yet7achoon bel seyasa o yangedoon 3ala shanabat, ha?

PS: "tashkeel lajna" is the most printed phrase in Kuwaiti press. Unstatistical fact.
Ila chan allahuma kelmat "tashadug" b tasareefha as used by 3abdile6eef Lid3ay ely ma 3enda gair hal kelma men cham esbo3 la3an khair el ma6aabi3 feeha.. ma a7e6 b themety ana el sara7a wa7ed akhaf 3ala masla7at il wa6an.

Eeh na3am..


مائة يوم ويوم

Things you learn in 101 days living in the UK.

  1. There's no place like home.
  2. A7la banat, banat il deerah.
  3. Not even 2 out of 98 British girls are attractive.
  4. Opening a bank account isn't worth the money (?).
  5. 8mb internet connection is a life-saver.
  6. You can get a degree without stepping foot in the library.
  7. Buses aren't all that.
  8. Only 1 out of 37 cars is worth noticing in the UK.
  9. You can almost say 'cheers' in response to anything.
  10. Don't ever say cheers, say 'chairz' with just a hint of the /r/
  11. Always finish with a tag question. "iz no' like amma finish the blady asay in a week, now iz i`?"
  12. Everybody sounds better than British peeps, they all have pathetic voices.
  13. But then again everybody sounds better with a british accent
  14. They take their lunch-breaks seriously here.
  15. They take sandwiches seriously, sheghel toast emgasas into triangles.
  16. They take chips even more seriously. PaKiTaKRiSPs <--
  17. You still wouldn't know why they laugh on something that's not funny, not in 101 days.
  18. British chicks will check you out on a regular basis if you're not RED and BLONDE.
  19. Mondays are the worst since it's the loudest before lectures. Probably because everyone got laid over the weekend.
  20. Over the weekend, you can tell exactly what the score of a football match is if you count the "YEAAAHH"s coming from the stadium near your apartment.
  21. You can tell how many times someone almost scored if you count the "OooooooHHHHHHHHH"s.
  22. And you can also tell how many "nice plays" there were if you count the applause.
  23. I3yal el engelaiz wayed wayed waaaayed id3al.
  24. You learn the importance of filters for running drinking water.
  25. You learn that it takes 15 minutes to organize a living room.
  26. And only 1 minute to mess it all over again.
  27. You can't learn to call a professor by his or her first name. You're programmed to say Dr first, no matter how much they insist.
  28. The Kuwaiti embassy sucks.
  29. You know that on one of the next 101 days, shakly ra7 a6eg the chinese delivery guy.
  30. There is NO SUBSTITUTE for: jeben abyath, khyar o 6oma6 imgasas weya khobz lebnani/irani.
  31. The Arab guys hate you once they know you're Kuwaiti. You refrain from resorting to violence.
  32. Your Kuwaiti casual wardrobe puts even models to shame.
  33. The British let alllll this rain go to waste. Ma yesta3rethon b parking lots.
  34. Internet shopping is fun since shipping isn't a bitch and fast.
  35. Temetwir + school work = 8mb connection + downloads, instead.
  36. Being asked out for coffee shouldn't be responded to by "Yaaaa.. I don't think so".
  37. Nor by "Yaaaaa.. am not too big on coffee"
  38. Everyone in the UK is tall. Even the kids.
  39. There are more babies in trollies, than there are mothers (?)
  40. You get the idea that babies are made, you rarely see fathers. Only mothers. But then again you see more babies than mothers (??)
  41. You get a clearer perspective as to what you want to do with your life here. Somehow. Madri.
  42. You still don't get a hang of the etiquette involved when the couple in line infront of you are kissing. But you almost always say "chairz" when they say "sorry".
  43. A moment when an English baby is slapped by his MuMMy is a moment of joy for you.
  44. You reallllly start to like the older crowd. Senior citizens are the shit!
  45. You keep quiet on an average of 22hrs a day. As opposed to the 9hrs back in Kuwait. That's a lot of not saying anything.
  46. Never answer the phone when caller ID says "Out of area" if you're not expecting family.
  47. After 101 days, you get the hang of deals and you start to appreciate the "2 for 1" offers at M&S.
  48. You becomes your best friend.
  49. Thoughts of your family keep you going.
  50. The UK is gay.

شماله الشحاطة

Feminism, woman-empowerment, or whatever it is they call it these days is utter nonsense. The whole issue about equality and what have you is merely a fabrication of someone's imagination. Whenever any woman achieves something, all women get all cheery and refer to that woman as a role model. Some men too act as if they are amazed and bewildered by what the woman has achieved, employing her as an example that women are indeed capable of achievements and doing something.

Well fuck the lot of ya. Many of us already know what a woman is capable of. Infact, come to think of it, no one really ever did say that a woman was incapable of this nor that. Here is where imagination mentioned above comes in play. Get this through your head, it's not a war. When you really think about it, it's feminism that presupposes women to be of a 'lesser' nature. It glorifies women who achieve something 'outside their homes', which in a way means that they never did expect it. It's more like Il Azrag winning one of the matches these days, tiseer khabba yomain ba3dain ma7ad yadre 3an hawa darhom.

Moreover, what kind of 'equality' is it when what is really being sought for is dominance? There's nothing wrong with ambition, on the contrary, it's something to be admired. But when it is the case that a group of women get together, decide that they are being oppressed, just because it so happens that no other woman, or a relatively smaller number of women, thought of reaching the same goal as they are seeking, then surely there is something wrong in the picture. More literally, something wrong with these women.

The exact 'something wrong' can be found in men too. Those who actually believe that they have something to prove just because 'a woman did it, so could I'. Fuck them too.

Let me just mention this, it's really sad (for me at least) to observe that a lot of women are reasoning their strife based on - not only a false notion that has no basis - but also a 'more recent' call. What's the matter, babe? You need someone else to tell you what to do? You need your 'fellow women' to support you to keep doing what it is 'women were born to do'?

Yeah, no wonder you think it's a man's world.


The Gaz Element

A few weeks ago, charisma asked me what it is exactly with boys and cars. Over the years, I was asked a lot of similar questions. No matter how much I say that it's different, I still think people just don't get it.

For starters, let's get the facts straight. Owning cars has got to be one of the most expensive 'hobbies' I can think of; ma adri shlon that translates into a fact, bas 3ady 6af. The yachts and boats 'hobby' is more expensive; but collecting watches isn't as harmful to a bank account. Just to give you a better picture. But the thing with cars is that they can give you a different perspective; they really can if you're in it for the right reasons. So can a boat I guess, but I'm not a boat guy. Okay, I'm 'poor enough to not own boats', sue me.

Which brings me to my point: differentiate. Not all boys who are into cars are into cars for the same reasons. For example, numerous times I've been asked:

- 'shely yethabe6 akthar?'
- 'shaakheth? yakhi el twin ghali bas el borsh yethal borsh, tehaga el bokstar 3alaih nafs il gaz?'

Other times, I've been told:
- 'metkhayel el tharb eli beyseer 3al farary el yideed bel7ob'
- 'mo sij el tegembel lama maraina masafi6 kasbar bel galaardo'

Also commonly used:
- 'abi akon awal wa7ed bel kuwait ye6ob 3enda el AMV8'
- 'maylaish akheth Bentley GT, hal ayam emga6a6 kela banat yesogona o sar gadeem'

From the above, one can gather that all of those guys know jackshit about rides. All they would tell you is how much hp they'd be making at the flywheel, if that. They would typically care the most about how the car looks, what gadgets are to be found in the interior, and what color combo they can get that would be exclusive in Kuwait for a year or so. These are the 'nice guys'.

That, unfortunately, is how most would think when it comes to cars. Trust me, I know. If you would like statistics, I would have to say that 48 out of 50 guys/girls who ask me about cars, ask the wrong questions.

Yaksir kha6ry ely yes'alni so'al "sa7" about cars, I'd go on and on and on and on, without really answering the question. Not because I don't know the answer, but because I feel the urge to let it all out.

Moving on, to try to give the impartial-folk-towards-cars a clue at how to differentiate between 'us' and 'them'; always, ALWAYS, ask about older models. 'They' always want the newer model, the one which - in their minds - is always the better. Well.. realistically? They think the more expensive a car is, the better it is.

What to ask about is very, very easy. There are two machines that no real car enthusiast would mind having in his garage. Those would be a Porsche 993 turbo, and a Ferrari 512. These aren't even 'old', but trust me, if you want to seperate the men from the boys right now (literally, nearing 2006 ya3ni): ask about these two cars. The thing 'they' (which most would mistake 'us' for) would tell you is 'ra7at 3alaih', or 'gadeem'. What they don't know is that there is no such thing as an 'old' sports car. Really, there isn't. They only share a name.

One of 'them' would tell you all about the new shape, the new interior, and the collection of new colors offered. Period.
One of 'us' would tell you all about the engine, the noise it makes, and how much it makes you think about physics. And by then you'd be bored to death to know what the fuck just happened that got us all excited.


بنات الناس مو لعبة

This, as usual, is going to stir unwanted drama.

First things first, I really don't care about your story. I really don't. I'm really not sorry if that offends you either. I don't want to know about your family or friends. And I don't expect you to go further than this sentence. If you're reading this sentence right now, then you just want to get offended, don't you?

People in general don't take marriage seriously. That's something I've noticed over the past 3 years, and it isn't something nice to notice. The whole thing about mixing love with marriage, with the latter being the literal tying the knot of the former, is just one of the many things that reassure my observation. The ever increasing divorce rates, I think, does not necessarily serve my purpose any good. Rather, the reasonings behind some of the divorces does. In other words, personally I don't regard the increasing divorces as something that proves people not taking marriage seriously; not at all. It's the reasons behind some of the divorces that infact do. Moreover, and this is different from the 'love' factor, there seems to be wrong reasonings for getting married, on both parts of genders.

Starting from the last point; how many of you can deny being told/having heard/having said something like "ha meta il zawaaj inshaala" to someone who had just, either, finished college/got a job/reached 25 or-whatever-age?
Get this through your heads, marriage is not an obligation. You're probably scrolling down to the comments right now to tell me "il zawaaj ness el deen", aren't you? Weren't you?
The point being, people treat marriage as if it's something necessary that 'completes' a person. I argue that one must be complete first in order to marry. And this is specifically for the guys more so than for the ladies. How I define 'complete' is none of your business, nor is it my business to know how you define it yourself.

Moving on to the whole thing about boy loves girl, I think, it doesn't get any more pathetic than that. Yeah, I'm talking to you. You're telling me that you don't have enough respect towards yourself that you feel the obligation to commit to someone just because she makes you feel some way or another? That's like me taking you to a strip club and asking you "tabeeha?" in reference to the girl giving you a lapdance. True story. Let me put it this way, the girl you've been 'in love' with for the past .. 4 years? Ten k says that I can make you feel the same towards another girl in a matter of 4 months. Another ten k says that this is a repetitive process. Double or nothing for saying that you're shaking your head right now.

When it comes to marriage, you're either ready or you're not. That is, you either can be worthy of being a husband or not. It has nothing to do with how you feel towards 'the girl of your dreams'. It has nothing to do with how rich you are. And it sure as hell doesn't have anything to do with how old you are, men welda, o sheno shahadtek.